Quizzes - An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules, Real-World Examples, and Reproducible Quizzes - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation: An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules, Real-World Examples, and Reproducible Quizzes, 11th Edition (2014)

Chapter 6. Quizzes

Grammar Pretest

Correct the grammar error in each sentence. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


Shoshana felt badly about failing the Geometry test.


Shoshana felt bad about failing the geometry test.

1. How quick he runs.

2. Neither one of them are ready yet.

3. The desk and the chair sits in the corner.

4. Each of us were scheduled to take the test.

5. The coach, not the players, have been ill.

6. There is only four days until Christmas.

7. She is one of the women who works hard.

8. That was Yusuf and me whom you saw.

9. This phone call is for Bill and I.

10. Terrell is the smartest of the two.

11. It was I whom called.

12. It is us clerks who work hard.

13. He took the plate off of the table.

14. I am doing fine. How about yourself?

15. They mailed the copies to him and I.

16. Neither of the candidates have spoken.

17. How will you be effected financially if downsizing means you will lose your job?

18. Joan walks slow so her children can keep up with her.

19. Jake is the oldest of the two brothers.

20. May did good on the test she took yesterday.

21. He and she were real close friends.

22. Whomever drove in the carpool lane without any passengers will be fined.

23. Please allow Jenna or myself to assist you.

24. It's a company who doesn't judge others by their nationalities and accents.

25. They fought over their father's estate because they felt angrily about the way he had treated them.

26. You look well in that running outfit.

27. Don't feel badly about forgetting my birthday.

28. We saw two puppies at the pound and took home the cutest one.

29. Speak clearer please.

30. Where is that book at?

31. Pollen effects my sinuses and makes me sneeze.

32. I want to lay down for a nap, but the phone keeps ringing.

33. That SUV, that landed on its hood after the accident, was traveling at eighty miles per hour.

34. Yesterday, Barry lay my jacket on the hood of the car.

35. We need to discuss this farther.

36. My daughter became a honorary member of the city council for the day.

37. The group is on their best behavior.

38. Your the only one for me.

39. That redwood tree has become taller then the oak tree next door.

40. The time for action has long since past.

41. Its a long way from here to Tierra del Fuego.

42. Mother, can I go to the movies with Ashton this afternoon?

43. I could of danced all night.

44. Srdjian immigrated from his native Bosnia about five years ago.

45. Did you see the beautiful broach Genevieve was wearing today?

46. The teacher tried to illicit a discussion about the novel.

47. La Donna talks fondly about the four years that she has went to the university.

48. The answer is plane and simple.

49. Let me sit this book down on the table before I answer your question.

50. The legislature finally authorized the funds to polish the gold on the dome of the capital building.

Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects Quiz 1

Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Correct the capitalization of nouns if needed. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


He arrived at heathrow airport on time.


He arrived at Heathrow Airport on time.

1. The overturned truck blocked both lanes.

2. He appears to be deep in thought.

3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a New York city landmark.

4. She will fly part of the way and then drive fifty kilometers to get there.

5. Honesty is the best policy.

6. Get over here quickly!

7. From the bottom of the cave, the stalagmites rose ten feet high.

8. Through the mist, the Bridge appeared.

9. I will just be watching the boston marathon, but my wife will be running in it.

10. Behind the door is a coat rack.

11. Joe has been helping out with the chores.

12. He should have been more gracious.

Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects Quiz 2

Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Correct the capitalization of nouns if needed. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


She scratched her silver ring against the edge of the pool.


She scratched her silver ring against the edge of the pool.

1. He depends on her in times of need.

2. Watch your step.

3. The Insurance Agent gave her sound advice.

4. On the table was her purse.

5. In the newspaper, an interesting article appeared.

6. Look before you leap.

7. Across the road lived her boyfriend.

8. We are forced to inhale and exhale this smog-filled air.

9. In the gutter, I found a shiny new dime.

10. Around every cloud is a silver lining.

11. How long have you been living in new Delhi?

12. They must have given up eventually.

Subject and Verb Agreement Quiz 1

Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. If the subjects and verbs do not agree, change the verbs to match the subjects. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


Willard and his sister is going for a long hike.


Willard and his sister are going for a long hike.

1. That pack of lies are not going to cause me to change my mind.

2. My favorite team's colors are orange and black.

3. Here's two more factors to consider.

4. Neither the rain nor the darkness are going to stop me.

5. My staff believes in providing high-quality service.

6. This is one of the things that bothers me about grammar.

7. Mary Lou asked that he take out the trash.

8. Either the bikes or the lawn mower go in that space.

9. Oh my, there's not enough desserts for everyone.

10. The bag of toys is going to a needy family.

11. Neither my brother nor my sister-in-law are taking Mom to the doctor.

12. The conductor, as well as the musicians, are taking the stage.

13. A majority of the community support lower speed limits.

14. My whole family are vacationing in Baja California this winter.

15. Did he say sixty dollars are the cost of going to the ball game?

16. The distance alone, besides the costs involved, are too great to consider moving.

17. Law and order is the principle he based his campaign on.

18. There's lots of food left.

19. There's lots of people here.

20. If it was up to me, we would leave earlier in the morning.

21. One in three stressed Americans cope by shopping.

22. Four years are considered the normal amount of time to earn a bachelor's degree.

Subject and Verb Agreement Quiz 2

Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. If the subjects and verbs do not agree, change the verbs to match the subjects. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


The box of books were opened yesterday.


The box of books was opened yesterday.

1. Al and Eli go to the beach to surf with their friends.

2. There's three strawberries left.

3. The group of children from that school has never seen the ocean.

4. If our staff members keep picking at each other, we will not meet our goals.

5. A lot of things she said was the truth.

6. My problem, which is minor in comparison with others, exist because I dropped out of high school.

7. Most of my savings is invested in real estate.

8. She's one of those professionals who really pays attention.

9. Some of my goals has yet to be met.

10. All of my goals are being met and surpassed.

11. None of this is your business.

12. Nervousness, not to mention lack of sleep, contribute to poor performance.

13. One-third of the city are experiencing a blackout tonight.

14. One-third of the people are suffering.

15. The next thing I heard were two shots.

16. Ladies and gentlemen, here's Wisin and Yandel.

17. Neither Darren nor Ida are capable of such a crime.

18. Eighty miles on one charge are the maximum range for my electric car.

19. I wish it were summer and time for vacation.

20. Her attitude is one of the things that's different.

Pronouns Quiz 1

Circle the correct word(s) in each sentence. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. It is he/him who will be responsible for making all of the arrangements.

2. It is I who is/am wrong.

3. I hope my boss gives that assignment to Laura and I/me.

4. She was one of those cruise passengers who is/are always complaining.

5. Each of the players get/gets to make a speech before the parade.

6. Julia is a faster runner than I/me.

7. The sweater that we found at the church is yours/your's.

8. The dog hurt its/it's paw while running through the empty field.

9. George and I/myself finished staining the deck.

10. Everyone wrote their/his or her own autobiography in the class.

11. She/her and Carlos are the baby's godparents.

12. The honors committee nominated he/him and Ming.

13. Everyone working on this together have/has come to a different conclusion/different conclusions.

14. You more than anyone else knows/know what the risks are.

15. Her/She and I/me are in charge of the sales presentation tomorrow.

16. Neither of the girls are/is planning a wedding in the near future.

17. It is we/us who will get the blame if things do not go well.

18. Its/It's obvious that the best team will prevail.

19. Nora is one of the candidates who is/are worthy of my vote.

20. Nora, of all the candidates who is/are running, is the best.

Pronouns Quiz 2

Fix any errors in the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Meagan said she looked forward to seeing he and I at the airport.

2. Him and me have been good friends since second grade.

3. Yes, this is her speaking.

4. My friend, unlike myself, is very artistic.

5. Please talk to Daniela or myself next time you have a concern.

6. As I've said before, ask either Boris or she, not me.

7. None of the doctors have been able to figure out what is wrong with she or I.

8. She is as stubborn as him, but that's no surprise given they are sister and brother.

9. I weigh more than him.

10. Who's hat is this?

11. It is us who deserves credit for this company's third-quarter profits.

12. Its a shame that some of the profits have been wasted on excessive executive compensation packages.

13. If you have any questions, please call either Randy or myself.

14. Me and my friend will stop by on our way to the bakery.

15. You can help him or me but probably not both of us.

16. It is me who is to blame.

17. My boss and me will pick up where the others left off.

18. When the horse kicked it's legs, the rider landed in the lake.

19. You're friend told her's to tell my friend that their's a party tonight.

20. The argument he gave had it's merits.

Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever Quiz 1

Choose the correct word (who, whom, whoever, or whomever) to complete each sentence. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. _____ brought the mail in today?

2. He is the doctor _____ took Jimmy's tonsils out.

3. _____ did you go to the movie with?

4. There will be a prize awarded to _____ finishes first.

5. Fatima was the cashier _____ won the lottery.

6. It does not matter to me _____ drives tomorrow.

7. I will be happy to help _____ needs extra assistance.

8. Sheila will have her hair styled by ______ her friend Rhonda recommends.

9. I will ride with _____ is planning to stop at the store.

10. _____ wrote the story did an excellent job.

11. Next week they will decide _____ will be on the varsity team.

12. Please thank _____ brought in our mail while we were gone.

13. Andre is the person _____ we think is the most qualified.

14. We will hire _____ you trust to do the work.

15. _____ used the grill last forgot to clean it.

16. _____ are you mailing that letter to?

17. I will drive _____ Orlando decides to invite to the game.

18. _____ do you trust to fix your computer?

19. _____ can eat 25 hot wings will win a T-shirt.

20. The wedding florist _____ we wanted to hire is unavailable.

Who, Whom, Whoever, Whomever Quiz 2

Choose the correct word (who, whom, whoever, or whomever) to complete each sentence. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. _____ is your closest friend?

2. _____ do you bank with?

3. _____ do you think will win the award?

4. Clare knows _____ the winner is already.

5. Omar will talk about his girlfriend with _____ asks him.

6. Kimiko donates her time to _____ she feels needs it most.

7. Quinton will work on the project with _____ you suggest.

8. _____ was that in the clown costume?

9. Kathy was not sure _____ she was voting for.

10. _____ wins the lottery will become a millionaire.

11. He is the man _____ Mr. O'Brian hired.

12. She is the woman _____ I believe was hired last year.

13. _____ were you speaking about just now?

14. _____ do you think will do the work best?

15. I will vote for _____ you think is best.

16. I will vote for _____ you suggest.

17. _____ shall I ask about this matter?

18. Give the information to _____ requests it.

19. Give the information to _____ they prefer.

20. _____ do you suppose runs this show?

Who, Whom, That, Which Quiz 1

Correct who, whom, that, or which in the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Tina is looking for a pet who is small and easy to care for.

2. Andre was the boy who we hired to shovel our snow.

3. The package which was left on the porch was our book order.

4. The mechanic that fixed my car did a great job.

5. I hope we can find a restaurant that we can all agree on.

6. The red vase, that she sold for $20, was worth $200.

7. Mike is having a difficult time finding a tutor who we can afford.

8. That is the mascara that caused my allergic reaction.

9. Was he the only student in the class who applied for the scholarship?

10. My favorite store, which is closing Friday, is having a big sale.

Who, Whom, That, Which Quiz 2

Correct who, whom, that, or which in the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Ahmed is the skydiver that broke his back last week.

2. That that doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

3. I love hearing the owls who sit in the trees and hoot at dusk.

4. The domino theory, that stated that when one country fell to communism, others in the area would be likely to fall, was used as an argument to continue the Vietnam War.

5. The game which intrigues Gretchen the most is dominoes.

6. Gandhi was a role model who millions admired.

7. The tomatoes which grow in her garden are unlike those you buy in a store.

8. The tomatoes from her garden, which grew larger than those in the grocery store, were sweet and ripe.

9. The baker who we hired should win an award.

Adjectives and Adverbs Quiz 1

Decide whether the sentences are written correctly. If not, change them. Place a check mark in front of the sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Allison runs very clumsy.

2. Her boyfriend said she looked good in her new dress.

3. I feel just as badly about this as you do.

4. I did good today on my final exam.

5. C.J. slept sound after running the marathon.

6. Despite her honest efforts, my grandmother's driving is worst than ever.

7. To dance good, you have to practice a lot.

8. Of your three dogs, which is cuter?

9. School policy says that children should stay home from school if they do not feel well.

10. Your house looks similarly to the Johnsons' house.

11. Eat daintier please.

12. Do you like soccer or basketball best?

13. You should speak more careful around my daughter.

14. He still hears good for someone who's played in a rock band for twenty years.

15. His hearing is good for someone who's played in a rock band for twenty years.

16. Our homemade fried rice was real tasty.

17. I think my left eye is my sharpest eye.

18. Dana did not get into her favorite college because her essay was written bad.

19. He looked pensive sitting cross-legged under the willow tree.

20. These days, children don't know how to treat each other nice.

Adjectives and Adverbs Quiz 2

Decide whether the sentences are written correctly. If not, change them. Place a check mark in front of the sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Come quick or we will miss our bus.

2. He swings the bat as good as anyone in major-league baseball.

3. I have never been less surer of anything in my life.

4. Ella was the best of the two sisters at gymnastics.

5. You did that somersault so good.

6. Rochelle felt badly about forgetting Devlin's birthday.

7. This is the worst oil spill I have ever seen.

8. The jasmine has bloomed and smells very sweet.

9. She looked suspiciously to the man wearing the trench coat.

10. She looked suspiciously at the man wearing the trench coat.

11. To find her, we need to follow those set of tracks.

12. Who is the faster runner: Usain, Johan, or Justin?

13. Do you feel happily about your performance on the math quiz?

14. The new model of this chain saw operates much quieter than the old model.

15. She felt good about getting her puppy from the SPCA.

16. You'd better be able to prove that, of all the candidates, you're more qualified.

17. Which is the worst, a toothache or a headache?

18. She reacted swift, which made him feel badly about insulting her.

19. The herbs in the salad tasted bitter.

20. Sharon fought bitterly against her ex-husband for custody of their daughter.

Prepositions Quiz 1

Correct the following sentences by adding, removing, or changing the prepositions. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. We could of been there by now if we hadn't gotten lost.

2. Where did you buy that beautiful necklace at?

3. Charles talks like his brother does.

4. He drove his car in the garage.

5. Did you take an envelope off of my desk?

6. Where did Nadia's little dog go to?

7. Like the ranger said, this is an area with a lot of poison ivy.

8. Stacey's copy of the book was different than mine.

9. Jacques acted like he never met your aunt.

10. The tour guide led our group into the library.

Prepositions Quiz 2

Correct the following sentences by adding, removing, or changing the prepositions. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Where did you get this from?

2. I could of danced all night.

3. This problem is no different than many others I've dealt with.

4. The lioness ate like she hadn't eaten food in a week.

5. Take your plate off of the table.

6. Cut the pie up into six slices.

7. I don't know what you are talking about.

8. You could of told me about the mistake earlier.

9. I don't know where he is at, or I would tell you.

10. I'm going to turn this lost wallet into the police.

Affect vs. Effect Quiz 1

Circle the correct word in each sentence. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Mark told Taneisha that cigarettes would negatively affect/effect her health.

2. The service trip to Central America had a life-altering affect/effect on Rosemary.

3. To affect/effect better treatment of food-packaging laborers, Aaron started a workers union.

4. The convict showed little affect/effect throughout her trial.

5. When the school's new rules take affect/effect, students will no longer be allowed to leave campus during lunch.

6. Do you think our campaign will be affective/effective?

7. Bobby's friends tend to affect/effect his rash decision making.

8. Working overtime at the office negatively affected/effected Keeton's personal life.

9. It is unfortunate that fossil fuels have such a drastic affect/effect on the environment.

10. One must be a powerful speaker to affect/effect social change.

11. Jojo found that meditation had therapeutic affects/effects.

12. The choices we make now will affect/effect society for generations to come.

13. Professor Nguyen's harsh grading had the unintended affect/effect of discouraging interest in the course.

14. The bike safety law currently in affect/effect should be improved.

15. The emergence of social networking websites affected/effected her productivity.

16. Do you think that winning the lottery has affected/effected Jujhaar's personality?

Affect vs. Effect Quiz 2

Circle the correct word in each sentence. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. The affect/effect of the antibiotic on her infection was surprising.

2. I did not know that antibiotics could affect/effect people so quickly.

3. Plastic surgery had an affect/effect not only on her appearance but also on her self-esteem.

4. If the chemotherapy has no affect/effect, should she get surgery for the tumor?

5. When will we know if the chemotherapy has taken affect/effect?

6. Losing her hair from chemotherapy did not affect/effect her as much as her friends had expected.

7. To have the most affect/effect, you should know both your strengths and your weaknesses.

8. The movie Winged Migration had two affects/effects on him: he became an environmental advocate and a bird lover.

9. The net affect/effect of blowing the whistle on her boss was that she was eventually given his position.

10. What was the affect/effect of his promotion?

11. His decision affected/effected everyone here.

12. We had to affect/effect a reduction in costs.

13. The critics greatly affected/effected his thinking.

14. How were you able to affect/effect such radical changes?

15. That book had a major affect/effect on his philosophy.

Lay vs. Lie Quiz 1

Make corrections to the words in bold where needed. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Grandma is not feeling well and went to lay down.

2. The mail has laid on the table unopened for two days now.

3. The cat will probably be lying in the sun after she eats her lunch.

4. The chickens layed enough eggs for us to make three large omelets.

5. Bobby has been lying his clothes on the bed instead of folding them.

6. The girls layed in the tent and pretended they were camping out.

7. Omar laid on the air mattress and floated on the water for hours.

8. He forgot where he had layed his keys.

9. Lay out all the clothes that you want to pack.

10. You should have lain out all the clothes that you wanted to pack.

Lay vs. Lie Quiz 2

Make corrections to the words in bold where needed. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. I am dizzy and need to lay down.

2. When I got dizzy yesterday, I laid down.

3. My brother lays carpet for a living.

4. That rug has lain there for decades.

5. We need to lie this baby down for a nap.

6. We will know we have lain this issue to rest when we no longer fight about it.

7. The lions are laying in wait for their prey.

8. The lions have laid in wait for their prey.

9. I laid the blanket over her as she slept.

10. I will lie my head on my pillow.

Advice vs. Advise Quiz 1

Circle the correct word. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. My doctor adviced/advised me to go to the gym more often.

2. I always ask my brother for advice/advise because he knows me best.

3. My advice/advise is to talk to Georgia face-to-face, rather than by e-mail.

4. The traffic reporters advice/advise commuters to take the back roads because of the accident on the freeway.

5. If you are interested in becoming a marine biologist, I would advice/advise you to talk to Hank.

6. Even though Scott always gives Eden bad advice/advise, she still follows it.

7. Although Bhaven is not very opinionated, he gives astute advice/advise.

8. Teachers advice/advise parents to emphasize reading at home.

9. When giving advice/advise to a friend, I try to put myself in her shoes.

10. The ride operator advices/advises passengers to keep their limbs inside the roller coaster.

Advice vs. Advise Quiz 2

Circle the correct word. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Adele is always happy to offer advice/advise if you ask her for it.

2. The lawyer adviced/advised him to plead guilty.

3. If you want to go on the senior trip, I would strongly advice/advise you to start saving your money.

4. Our new members are impressed with the level of advice/advise they received from the leadership group.

5. Sara always takes my advice/advise to heart.

6. I'd like to ask an engineer to advice/advise us on the design.

7. We adviced/advised the city council that the deadline was tentative and might need to be extended.

8. Lakeisha knows she can always go to her best friend for advice/advise.

9. Don't give advice/advise that you're not willing to follow yourself.

10. Randall has a bad habit of offering unsolicited advice/advise.

Their vs. There vs. They're Quiz 1

Circle the correct word. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. The Garcias are having a costume party at their/there/they're house tonight.

2. I heard that the best beaches are in Southern California, but I would rather not drive all the way down their/there/they're.

3. While their/there/they're in town, we want to show LaDasha and Raquel the beach at sunset.

4. Their/There/They're are many ways to cut a cake.

5. Celia allows her children to watch television once they have finished their/there/they're homework.

6. Paul and Summer are in search of a tank for their/there/they're baby turtles.

7. On Thursday, their/there/they're going to take a paragliding lesson.

8. After a long day of work, their/there/they're brains were fried.

9. Even though their/there/they're is not enough space in my room for that tree, my dad refuses to move it.

10. To our surprise, Nick and Taylor just announced that their/there/they're getting married!

Their vs. There vs. They're Quiz 2

Circle the correct word. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. According to an old legend, their/there/they're is treasure buried on that island.

2. Juan and Pancho just called to let us know their/there/they're coming for dinner.

3. Their/There/They're is a mouse in my closet!

4. I can't wait to see the looks on their/there/they're faces when I tell them the truth.

5. I wonder if their/there/they're planning to go shopping with us.

6. The children went upstairs to play after clearing their/there/they're plates at dinner.

7. It's their/there/they're decision, so I'll just stay out of it.

8. I don't know what their/there/they're doing to cause all that noise, but it's giving me a headache!

9. The kids haven't called yet; I'm concerned about their/there/they're being out so late at night.

10. I believe Wynona left her glasses over their/there/they're.

More Confusing Words and Homonyms Quiz 1

Correct all usage errors as listed in Chapter Five. Beware: there may be more than one error per quiz question.

1. It was not just a great day; it was an historic occasion, and I was feeling alright.

2. It takes awhile to adopt to this hot weather when you're from Anchorage.

3. You don't need fancy stationary to thank someone—that's besides the point.

4. I can not be calm on roller coasters. I ride them with baited breath.

5. I have no flare for geography: I thought Buffalo was the capitol of New York, but it's Albany.

6. Where good friends are concerned, my chief criteria has always been loyalty.

7. I prophesized that if she kept acting that way, she'd get her just desserts.

8. You have to be more discrete or you'll literally drive your husband up the wall.

9. I've never waivered in my enjoyment of Shakespeare's plays, i.e., Romeo and Juliet.

10. Let's take the next boat off of this island. We'll be in eminent danger if we wait around.

11. I explained my principle reasons for quitting to a couple guys from work.

More Confusing Words and Homonyms Quiz 2

Correct all usage errors as listed in Chapter Five. Beware: there may be more than one error per quiz question.

1. Just wait 'til you see one of the most unique buildings in the Midwest.

2. I always buy Acme products because it's a company who really cares about the consumer.

3. I was amazed by the enormity of his hands, which held me in a vice-like grip.

4. It's not everyday that I get to spend several hours on my favorite past time.

5. He's one of the premiere actors of our generation, irregardless of his messy personal life.

6. It won't phase me in the least if you just sit your drink on the chair next to you.

7. He never graduated high school because he always flaunted the school rules.

8. He wore a gold metal when he lead the parade yesterday.

9. I think it was a fashion misnomer to wear such a miniscule ring with such a big bracelet.

10. Even here in earthquake country, that tremblor was a frightening phenomena.

11. I don't have to show up until 10 a.m. in the morning.

Effective Writing Quiz 1

Rewrite these sentences to make them more effective. Your sentences may be different from the answers given in the book. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. While I am in town. Let's visit Golden Gate Park.

2. Walking aimlessly down the street, a bus almost clipped me.

3. Good employees are prompt, courteous, and they help you when you need it.

4. Several items of evidence were overlooked by police who were investigating the scene of the crime.

5. It is expected that you will report for work by no later than nine o'clock.

6. There is just one more thing that I want to say before I finish up.

7. The patient is not unresponsive.

8. Raised in Italy, my grandfather's broken English created problems early on.

9. Students will benefit themselves by listening, taking notes, and they should always pay attention.

10. The cars were worn down by the taxi drivers.

11. After tossing and turning, the alarm came on much too early.

12. I have always believed in being thrifty, loyal, and I do high-quality work.

13. One thing I could say without hesitation is that he is not unreliable.

Effective Writing Quiz 2

Rewrite these sentences to make them more effective. Your sentences may be different from the answers given in the book. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. We will utilize the attorneys we have employed to engender the dissolution of our marriage.

2. The boy was hit in the face by the pie as it left the girl's hand.

3. It was not likely that no one would want to claim ownership of the new sports car.

4. We washed the dishes, swept the floor, and the tables were dusted.

5. While singing in the shower, the bar of soap slipped from her hands.

6. Maria encountered a stranger clad in her parka and blue jeans.

7. The weather had adverse impacts on our boat, resulting in the necessity of rescuing us from the water.

8. On a hike with my wife, a bear climbed a tree.

9. Looking back, the dog was following us.

10. Jordan did not believe that Serena had embarrassed him unintentionally.

11. Martin could not juggle watching Timmy, making breakfast, and he had a report to write.

12. Like others we questioned, his name was not announced.

13. I was wearing the sweater that Amy knitted at the concert.

14. Lying on a stretcher, they carried him out.

Grammar Mastery Test

Correct the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Some of the desserts was left by the end of the birthday party.

2. It was myself and maybe two other people.

3. Dr. Cresta is one of those professors who does whatever it takes to get his point across.

4. Your brilliant excuses almost makes up for your tardiness.

5. Neither Jackson nor Jenna is playing hooky.

6. Neither Jackson nor his family are going camping this weekend.

7. Either of us is capable of winning.

8. All of the class is willing to take part in the prank.

9. One-third of the eligible population tend not to vote in national elections.

10. Not even one-third of the voters tends to cast their ballots in national elections.

11. Here's the paper clips you requested.

12. She is one of those doctors who make house calls.

13. Her and him are always fighting.

14. When Toni and him come over, we always have a great time.

15. It is we who must decide whether to tax ourselves or cut spending.

16. Between you and I, this class is a joke.

17. Whom do you think you are to give me advice about dating?

18. Who makes up these English rules anyway?

19. Whom do you think should win?

20. Who are you voting for?

21. She is one of the only teachers who does what it takes to help her students learn joyfully.

22. Whomever has the keys gets to be in the driver's seat.

23. We are willing to work with whoever you recommend.

24. The thoughts that Ted presented at the meeting were worthwhile.

25. The thoughts that Ted presented, that were about shifting national priorities, were well received.

26. When you do a job so good, you can expect a raise.

27. I, as most people, try to be considerate of others.

28. Harry smells good. What is the aftershave he is wearing?

29. Lisa did so well on the test that she was allowed to accelerate to the next level.

30. Our puppy is the least hungriest of the litter.

31. He's a man whom I think defines greatness.

32. Karen should of known that her cheap umbrella would break in the storm.

33. Sometimes the effects of our generosity may seem minimal, but our good intentions do make a difference.

34. Ben thought he had lain my jacket on that bench.

35. Our company policy will not allow me to except a gift worth more than $50.

36. They thought we were late, but my wife and I were all ready at the restaurant.

37. Irregardless of who was there first, we were all very hungry and ready to eat.

38. We could hardly believe the Giants could loose the game by that many runs.

39. Isn't it amazing how long that mime can remain completely stationery?

40. The department's principal concern is the safety of all employees.

41. How did they manage to serve cold ice cream in the middle of the vast dessert?

42. The boss complemented Ari on his excellent presentation.

43. The judge did not believe any of there stories.

44. Ilana said she wanted to become a FBI agent when she grew up.

45. It's not good when your always late like this.

46. To be a good billiards player, you've got to think farther ahead than just the next shot.

47. I think I'll go lay down awhile.

48. The golf course at the resort is lovely, but I prefer it's swimming pool.

49. Sam and myself paid the cab fare, and Alejandro paid for dinner.

50. Marta completed five less problems than I did in the same amount of time.

Punctuation, Capitalization, and Writing Numbers Pretest

Correct any errors in punctuation, capitalization, and writing numbers. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Go West three blocks and turn right.

2. He insisted it was based on the peoples' right to know.

3. “How,” I asked “Can you always be so forgetful”?

4. I want you to meet my best friend Bill when he gets here.

5. Although we have a competent staff; bottlenecks do occur.

6. I did not receive the order; therefore, I will not pay my bill.

7. We offer a variety of drinks, for instance beer and wine.

8. Is that book your's?

9. We have much to do, for example, the carpets need vacuuming.

10. Estimates for the work have been forwarded, and a breakdown of costs has been included.

11. Because of his embezzling the company went bankrupt.

12. A proposal that makes harassment of whales illegal, has just passed.

13. He is the President of our corporation.

14. Paolo hurried to the depot to meet his aunt, and two cousins.

15. Finish your job, it is imperative that you do.

16. Sofia and Aidan's house was recently painted.

17. “Stop it!” I said, “Don't ever do that again.”

18. He was born in Ames, Iowa and still lives there.

19. “Would you like to accompany me,” he asked?

20. I have always had a mental block against Math.

21. He is a strong healthy man.

22. To apply for this job you must have previous experience.

23. Marge, the woman with blond hair will be our speaker this evening.

24. He thought quickly, and then answered the question in complete detail.

25. He asked if he could be excused?

26. It is hailing; not raining.

27. We will grant you immunity, if you decide to cooperate with us.

28. You signed the contract, consequently you must provide us with the raw materials.

29. I would like; however, to read the fine print first.

30. You are required to bring the following: Sleeping bag, food, and a sewing kit.

31. The three company's computers were stolen.

32. The womens' department is upstairs and to your left.

33. It hurt it's paw.

34. One of the lawyer's left her briefcase.

35. That's the Texas' way of doing things.

36. July 5, 1990 was the day I was born.

37. I need to locate four states on the map; Arkansas, Ohio, Illinois, and Utah.

38. The e-mail read, “Hi Camille. I haven't heard from you in two weeks.”

39. The veterinarian said, “Unless its bleeding and doesn't stop, don't worry about it.”

40. Not wanting to discuss this with her mother anymore, Wendy declared, “This is her karma not mine.”

41. You must study hard, to get good grades at a major university.

42. ¼ of the police force voted for a pay raise.

43. Thirty one people were injured.

44. I owe you $15.00, not $16.

Commas and Periods Quiz 1

Correct any comma or period errors. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Ophelia is picking up the food and I am making the centerpieces.

2. “Yes,” Ting said “I did see the baby panda at the zoo today.”

3. Her mother is planning a trip to Portland, Maine in the fall this year.

4. Patrick's name was on the guest list, wasn't it?

5. Yes, Mother I did remember to place the bakery order.

6. Jackson's white cat was born in June, 2013, at his farm.

7. Jackson's white cat was born on June 28 2013 at his farm.

8. You may only bring the bare essentials to the exam, i.e. a watch, a pencil or a pen, paper, and a calculator.

9. Pencils, pens, paper, calculators, etc., will be provided.

10. I would be hesitant however, to take the trip alone.

11. He hosted a cowboy-themed party in the big, red barn.

12. It looks like A.J. Jefferson, Jr. will be our next congressman.

13. If you are interested in working for our company send us your résumé.

14. My oldest cousin who lives in Detroit used to be a policeman.

15. Jonathan Green M.D. will be the keynote speaker at the conference.

16. The keynote speaker at the conference will be Jonathan Green, M.D..

17. Well do you think we'll see the sun today?

18. Frank visited the travel agent, but still did not book his trip.

19. I want to go now not later.

20. I really enjoyed the show, the acting was superb.

Commas and Periods Quiz 2

Correct any comma or period errors. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. I took Angie the one with the freckles to the movie last night.

2. Jeremy, and I, have had our share of arguments.

3. You are I am sure, telling the truth.

4. She left Albany, New York on January 18 of that year.

5. I need sugar, butter, and eggs, from the grocery store.

6. Dairy products, e.g. milk, butter, eggs, etc. are no longer foods I can eat.

7. Please Sasha, come home as soon as you can.

8. Although you may be right I cannot take your word for it.

9. If you decide to cooperate with us we will grant you immunity.

10. I am typing a letter and she is talking on the phone.

11. She finished her work, and then took a long lunch.

12. Mae said “Why don't you come up and see me sometime?”

13. You said that I could go, didn't you?

14. To apply for this job you must have a Social Security card.

15. He seems to be such a lonely quiet man doesn't he?

16. She wore a bright red dress.

17. She has a good healthy attitude about her work.

18. On June 7, 2012 Hector earned his computer science degree.

19. I like anchovies on my pizza my wife hates them.

20. Although my wife hates anchovies. I like them on my pizza.

Semicolons and Colons Quiz 1

Correct any punctuation errors. Some sentences may require removing punctuation. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


These are some of the pool rules; do not run, report unsafe behavior to the lifeguard, and have fun.


These are some of the pool rules: do not run, report unsafe behavior to the lifeguard, and have fun.

1. Denise prefers to eat chicken or fish: I'm a vegetarian.

2. The centerpieces had her favorite flowers; roses, carnations, and daisies.

3. They were missing a few things on their camping trip, namely; they forgot sunscreen, towels, and firewood.

4. Please give me some time, I do not want to be rushed.

5. While visiting the beach, we saw: pelicans, stingrays, and iguanas.

6. I would like to leave early in the morning, therefore: I am going to bed soon.

7. On our last trip we stayed in Nashville, Tennessee, Atlanta, Georgia, and Orlando, Florida.

8. The girls on the team will have quite a few expenses; uniforms; shoes; equipment; and camp fees.

9. Estella landed her dream summer job: She'll be an intern in a senator's office.

10. Roberto can't decide among three careers: dentist; veterinarian; or physical therapist.

11. When Jane leaves, which will be in a few minutes, we can plan her party, but we still better do it quietly.

12. The players have only one goal, they want to win the Stanley Cup.

13. I need to buy: shampoo, toothpaste, soap, and contact lens solution.

14. Give her a break, she just started working here two days ago!

15. The delegates came from our offices in Region 1, Boston, Region 2, New York, Region 6, Houston, and Region 10, Seattle.

16. Her new supervisor gave her a list of rules to be followed at the office; no making personal phone calls, surfing the Internet, or reading magazines.

17. Jobs were assigned to the shelter volunteers; clean the litter boxes, sweep the floors, feed the cats, and give them water.

18. Max and Sue have been to the Caribbean many times, however; they have not visited St. Lucia.

19. At the camp the children were divided into two groups; those who know how to swim; and those who do not.

20. Ashley was late for the rehearsal: she is usually late.

Semicolons and Colons Quiz 2

Correct any punctuation errors. Some sentences may require removing punctuation. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


We told Annika that we would take three courses next fall; French, American literature, and advanced algebra.


We told Annika that we would take three courses next fall: French, American literature, and advanced algebra.

1. You asked for forgiveness, he granted it to you.

2. We ask therefore, that you keep this matter confidential.

3. The order was requested six weeks ago, therefore I expected the shipment to have arrived by now.

4. The American flag has three colors, namely, red, white, and blue.

5. Clothes are often made from synthetic material; for instance, rayon.

6. If you believe in magic, magical things will happen, but if you don't believe in magic, you'll discover nothing magical.

7. The orchestra, excluding the violin section was not up to par.

8. I have been to San Francisco, California, Reno, Nevada, and Seattle, Washington.

9. I need a few items at the store; clothespins, a bottle opener, and napkins.

10. I answered the phone, no one seemed to be on the other end of the line.

11. I wanted a cup of coffee, not a glass of milk.

12. We have set this restriction, do your homework before watching television.

13. If you can possibly arrange it, please visit us but if you cannot, let us know.

14. I gave her a lot of money while we were married therefore I do not wish to pay her a dime in alimony.

15. We have a variety of desserts, for instance apple pie, chocolate mousse, and flan.

16. I needed three cards to win the hand, namely the ten of hearts, jack of diamonds, and king of hearts.

17. I needed three cards to win the hand; the ten of hearts, jack of diamonds, and king of hearts.

18. I would, therefore like to have an explanation for the missing cash.

19. Nature lovers will appreciate seeing: whales, sea lions, and pelicans.

20. He has friends from Iowa and Nebraska and Illinois is his home state.

Question Marks and Quotation Marks Quiz 1

Correct the punctuation errors in the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


Well, I really don't knowshe said.


Well, I really don't know,she said.

1. “Have you already completed our survey,” the cashier asked?

2. Yan inquired, “Is it supposed to snow tomorrow”?

3. I wonder why Allen left so early this morning?

4. “Are we really planning to drive straight through without stopping,” he asked in amazement?

5. I hope you don't mind my asking she said, “but do you realize how tired everyone is going to be by the time we get there”?

6. Shia asked, with disbelief “Are you sure you want to be the one to tell her?”

7. Betty is the one who found out first, isn't she.

8. “Victor asked me what I did yesterday?” she said.

9. She said, “T.J. shouted, “We are not staying at that hotel.”

10. Carmella wanted to know if you need a ride to the mall.

Question Marks and Quotation Marks Quiz 2

Correct the punctuation errors in the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.


He asked,Did Danika really say that?


He asked,Did Danika really say that?

1. He wanted to know when you will be here?

2. “Well, she said, “you certainly didn't waste any time.”

3. “Is it almost over,” he asked?

4. “I've had it up to here!”, she screamed.

5. The song asks, “Would you like to swing on a star”?

6. Carmen said, “She vowed, “I'll never leave you.”

7. “May I have a rain check on that lunch”? I asked.

8. Do you believe the saying, “It is better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and get it?”

9. Bernard said, Waldo asked, “Who took my pencil sharpener?”

10. “May I see your ID card,” the clerk asked?

Parentheses and Brackets Quiz 1

Correct the punctuation errors in the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. After standing in line for 30 minutes [or possibly longer], she was able to buy the tickets.

2. My cousin wrote, “I herd (sic) a rumor that Jack and Jennifer are getting engaged.”

3. I would like to confirm my membership (The dues check is enclosed.)

4. Our first meeting will be held at First Central Bank's community room [Main Street branch].

5. We all decided to go out for pizza after the meeting (except for Dan).

6. I overheard her say, “Our favorite cousin (she meant Dale) will be accompanying us on our trip.”

7. Yasir was able to find the book he wanted for a really good price (twenty-five dollars.)

8. Luigi moved to this country shortly after he was born (about 1925).

9. When his family came to the United States, they settled in Washington [state].

10. The first line of his letter said, “My freinds [sic], I never thought we would all be together again like this.”

Parentheses and Brackets Quiz 2

Correct the punctuation errors in the following sentences. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. She requested (actually she pleaded, that her name be withheld.

2. Joe called today (He's been sick.) and said he felt better.

3. I can have lunch with you tomorrow (Friday.)

4. I hope you are feeling better (I am sick today.)

5. In the movie Vanessa exclaims, “Whatever shall I do if he (the sheriff) comes looking for you tomorrow?”

6. I read in the Mill Valley police log: “Officers were called to disburse (sic) attendees at a noisy party.”

7. Daniel wanted to know why Mindy felt that way (he really didn't understand it.).

8. Mariella told us that when her grandfather was a child, he used to work at a hamburger stand for almost nothing [sixty-five cents an hour].

9. I need to run to the store right away (it's going to close in 20 minutes.)

10. “do not go to sleep angry at each other,” the author states on page 56.

Apostrophes Quiz 1

Correct any apostrophe errors. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. The movie had it's desired effect.

2. Both of my brother-in-law's live near Durango.

3. Those girl's vitality and humor are infectious.

4. Womens' Wear Daily has been called the industry's voice of authority.

5. Those actress's costumes look beautiful on them.

6. Bill and Al had a boat. I was there when Bill's and Al's boat sank.

7. She always let me stay up past the other childrens' bedtime.

8. In some peoples' opinion, Faulkner is too difficult.

9. I really felt that I got my monies worth.

10. Would that companies health plan give you peace of mind?

Apostrophes Quiz 2

Correct any apostrophe errors. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Those old factory's roof's have all caved in.

2. The two little bird's feather's were ruffled.

3. If it isn't her's, then who's is it?

4. Joe Wilson said, “I may be biased, but the Wilson's holiday meals are the best.”

5. Watch out for the scissor's sharp blades.

6. Weve been invited to her two sisters-in-law party.

7. Does'nt it seem strange that I didn't see that friend of your's anywhere?

8. The five injured sailor's relatives are waiting outside.

9. Not all baby's mothers agree on what constitutes good nutrition.

10. Mr. Simms said none of his fellow Simm's opinions would sway him.

Hyphens Between Words Quiz 1

Add, remove, or fix hyphens as necessary. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. The storm blew down a seventy foot tall tree last night.

2. The tree that blew down last night was seventy feet tall.

3. My sister is moving from her home next to the heavily-congested highway.

4. The summer camp was designed for 16 year old to 18 year old gymnasts.

5. The summer camp was designed for gymnasts 16 years old to 18 years old.

6. The summer camp was designed for gymnasts 16-18 years old.

7. Clashes came one-year after the prime minister took office.

8. It's a two hour meeting, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

9. If we split the bill evenly, we each owe thirty four dollars.

10. We offer around the clock coverage.

11. Those low-interest rates are tempting.

12. He certainly is a slovenly-appearing young man.

Hyphens Between Words Quiz 2

Add, remove, or fix hyphens as necessary. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. She jumped from a two story building.

2. You must let-down your guard.

3. You certainly have a go get it nature.

4. The badly-injured fireman was taken to a hospital.

5. Look left-and-right before you cross the street.

6. The left handed pitcher threw fastballs at almost 100 miles per hour.

7. Do you remember anything you read in the fourth grade?

8. This is seventh grade reading material.

9. Beware of high pressure telemarketers.

10. That two year old is adorable.

11. That two-year old child is adorable.

12. That child is two years old.

Hyphens with Prefixes and Suffixes Quiz 1

Add or remove hyphens as necessary. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Construction of the transAlaska oil pipeline had to address issues caused by perma-frost.

2. Our town's exmayor has surprised everyone by deciding to run for reelection.

3. The safety official deemphasized human error as a factor in the accident.

4. Oh no, I've spilled coffee all over myself and will have to redress for dinner.

5. Jacob had to sue the manufacturer to obtain full redress for his injuries.

6. According to Aunt Agnes, half of young people today are semiilliterate.

7. Our farming coop includes a rooster and a coop for five chickens.

8. I suppose hiking twelve miles a day for four days is do-able, but I'd rather not.

9. It is a true-ism that creating a Cubiststyle painting is easier said than done.

10. Would you have guessed that exSenator Salazar would become Governorelect Salazar?

Hyphens with Prefixes and Suffixes Quiz 2

Insert hyphens or close up the space where appropriate. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. non Jewish

2. pre existing

3. re establish

4. self satisfied

5. ex Marine

6. anti inflammatory

7. anti war

8. error free

9. self styled

10. absentee ism

Capitalization Quiz 1

Correct the following sentences where capitalization errors appear. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. Don't you love looking at the sky when venus appears next to the Moon?

2. Leslie said that a highlight of her trip to the Nation's Capital was touring the white house.

3. My Grandmother lives on Fillmore street.

4. I will be excited to listen to our Chief Executive Officer, Nancy Williamson, speak today in the auditorium.

5. The new immigration bill has the support of most of our State's Congressional delegation, including senator Mayhew.

6. I plead not guilty, your honor.

7. Have you ever visited New England in the Fall?

8. I told uncle Walter to turn North when he reached Broadway, but he got lost because he's not from Madison county.

9. Uncle Walter said, “please use left or right, not North, South, East, or West.”

10. Adriana is dreading Spring Quarter because she has to take Organic Chemistry and Physics 105.

11. Adriana needs to bring the following to her final exam: Two pencils, scratch paper, a calculator, and a light snack.

12. That was amazing how Coach Ernie Sasaki led The Bulldogs to their first winning season.

Capitalization Quiz 2

Correct the following sentences where capitalization errors appear. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. She said, “bees are not the only insects that sting.”

2. “You must understand,” he pleaded, “That I need more time to pay you.”

3. Mark Paxton, the Vice President of the company, embezzled over one million dollars.

4. The President of the United States wields much power.

5. I live in the northeastern part of the state, where the climate is colder.

6. The West, especially California, is famous for its cutting-edge technology.

7. Have you read All The King's Men?

8. I enjoy Summer more than any other season.

9. Employees of the Company were laid off with little hope of returning to work.

10. The supreme court unanimously struck down the proposed Constitutional Amendment today.

11. We saw Director George Lucas walking down the street.

12. We all stood for the National Anthem before watching The New York Mets play The Chicago Cubs.

Writing Numbers Quiz 1

Correct, simplify, or improve consistency regarding how numbers are expressed in the following sentences. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. During the first hours after the plane crash, authorities reported thirty six people missing.

2. 36 people were reported missing during the first hours after the plane crash.

3. The new stadium will hold 43520 fans.

4. Bobby grew .67 inches in three months.

5. Next week's lottery jackpot is expected to reach between four million and 5 million dollars.

6. Next week's lottery jackpot is expected to reach between $4 million dollars and $5 million dollars.

7. The next meeting of the holiday party planning committee will be held on the 31st of October at 12 Noon.

8. The plane won't arrive until 12 p.m.

9. Some people now refer to the Forties and Fifties as “mid-century.”

10. Some people now refer to the ‘40s and ‘50s as “mid-century.”

Writing Numbers Quiz 2

Correct, simplify, or improve consistency regarding how numbers are expressed in the following sentences. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. 1/5 of the inventory was ruined in the fire.

2. A two thirds majority is needed to pass the measure.

3. The tree grew only .5 inches because of the drought.

4. Her earnings rose from $500 to $5,000.00 in one year because of her marketing efforts.

5. I paid her all but the last $0.75 today.

6. We all agreed. $2,500 is a lot of money.

7. 47 people were hired last month.

8. Including tax, my new car cost thirty two thousand, six hundred seventy two dollars, fifty seven cents.

9. I will be twenty- one years old on December 9.

10. We have only received point five four inches of rain this year.

Punctuation, Capitalization, and Writing Numbers Mastery Test

Correct any errors in punctuation, capitalization, or writing numbers. Place a check mark in front of sentences that are correct. Answers are in Chapter Seven.

1. I am asking if you would like to roller blade together tomorrow?

2. Yes Jean, you were right about that answer.

3. He said that the book was “In my office if you want to read it”, so I took him up on it.

4. Wherever we go people recognize us.

5. Isabel enjoys the museum although she cannot afford the entrance fee.

6. His new book is titled Food is my Favorite Thing.

7. You are my friend, however, I cannot afford to lend you any more money.

8. Paul Simon sang, “I am a rock, I am an island.”

9. I asked Ella, “Did he want his ring back”?

10. John F. Kennedy, Jr. became a magazine publisher and a pilot before his tragic death.

11. Your house resembles the Johnson's house.

12. The elections will be held on the first Tuesday of November 2008.

13. The elections, will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008, and the polls will be kept open until 8:00 p.m.

14. Carl worried about the hurricane but tried to stay calm and help his family.

15. I favor green and yellow and purple is her first choice.

16. I need to locate four states on the map: namely, Minnesota, Michigan, California, and Nevada.

17. This is the point that Einstein made; You cannot fix a problem with the problem.

18. Our Philosophy teacher thinks Einstein meant that we cannot stop war by waging war.

19. Whenever Cheryl is in town she visits her sister.

20. A well reasoned argument was presented for negotiating a peaceful resolution.

21. The argument for negotiating a peaceful resolution was well reasoned.

22. A liberally sprinkled dose of humor was very much appreciated.

23. Our liberal minded clergyman managed to unite the entire congregation.

24. Our clergyman, who united the entire congregation, was liberal-minded.

25. Jan asked, “What did Joe mean when he said, ‘I will see you later?’ ”

26. I asked the Wilson's over for dinner.

27. When I noticed that our dog cut it's paw, I called the veterinarian right away.

28. “Your right to be concerned,” said the vet. “I would like to take a look at your dog.”

29. Even though its thirty miles to the town where that vet's office is, I wanted to take the drive.

30. The friendly looking vet examined our dog's paw and suggested that we have it bandaged.

31. We had pet insurance but still owed $40 dollars in co-payment fees.

32. Our dog was a semi-invalid until she chewed off the bandage.

33. I guess she did what any self respecting dog would do by grooming herself.

34. The dog has fully re-covered, although I will never be the same.

35. Girls in his family wore hand me down dresses.

36. Wendy thought she knew everything about her mother but found out two years ago that her mother had been married before.

37. When Wendy asked about this marriage, her mother Ilse was hesitant to discuss any details.

38. She will go to her grave with some secrets said Wendy.

39. “Do you understand her need for privacy,” Wendy asked her husband?

40. The wealthy became wealthier during the 1990s.

41. The alarm clock went off at 4:00 o'clock.

42. Many people dread the 15 of April in the United States because taxes are due.

43. The check was written for $13348.15.

44. The check was written for three-hundred forty-eight dollars and fifteen cents.