Travelling Around (Directions, Transport, Having Fun) - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning The Basics of the French Language In No Time - Learn French In 7 Days

Learn French In 7 Days!: The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning The Basics of the French Language In No Time (2015)

Chapter 5. Travelling Around (Directions, Transport, Having Fun)

What you're about to learn:

· How to ask for directions

· How to find transportation

· How to enjoy the city entertainments

· How to face an emergency

Locating yourself

Where am I? “Où suis-je?”

Whenever travelling to a new place, you need to be able to locate yourself or ask for the way.

The following location words will be helpful:

“à droite” = on the right

“à gauche” = on the left

“tout droit” = straight

“derrière” = behind

“devant” = in front

“aller” = to go

“avancer” = to go forward

“reculer” = to go backward

“tourner” = to turn

“entrer” = to enter

“sortir” = to exit

“la ruelle” = small street

“l'impasse” = one-way street

“la grande rue, la rue principale” = main street

“le croisement” = intersection

“le centre-ville” = downtown

“la périphérie” = suburbs

Some useful buildings and places to know in a city:

“l'hôtel de ville”, “la mairie” = city hall, town hall

“le poste de police” = police station

“la poste” = post office

“la gare” = train station

“l'église” = church

“la place” = square

“le parc” = park

“les jardins publics” = public gardens

“le musée” = museum

“une école” = school

“un lycée” = highschool

“une université” = university

Asking questions and expressions to get help finding your way:

“Où suis-je?”

Where am I?

“Pouvez-vous me montrer sur le plan?”

Can you show me on the map?

“Allez tout droit et tournez à gauche.”

Go straight and then turn to the left.

“Je suis perdu. Pouvez-vous m'aider, s'il vous plaît?”

I am lost. Can you help me, please?

“Où allez-vous?”

Where do you go?

“Je veux aller à la poste.”

I want to go to the post office.

“Pouvez-vous m'indiquer la mairie, s'il vous plaît?”

Can you tell me where the city hall is?

“Je cherche le centre commercial.”

I am looking for the shopping mall.

“C'est dans quelle rue?”

In which street is it?

“C'est au numéro trois de la rue du Général de Gaulle.”

It is located at the number three on Général de Gaulle street.


Upon your arrival in a French city, you usually have several transportation options. You can use private transportation such a taxi or renting a car, or public transportation, such as the bus, the train, the subway.

We will give you a minimum of vocabulary and expressions to be able to use either one of this transportation means.


“prendre le taxi” = hiring a taxi

“le chauffeur de taxi” = taxi driver

“ouvrir le coffre” = to open the trunk

“ouvrir la porte” = to open the door

“la valise” = suitcase

“le sac à dos = backpack

“mettre le compteur” = to start the meter

“aller à” = to go

“s'arrêter” = to stop

“le tarif” = rate

“Où sont les taxis, s'il vous plaît?”

Where are the taxis, please?

“Pouvez-vous m'appeler un taxi, s'il vous plaît?”

Can you call a taxi for me, please?

“Pouvez-vous mettre ma valise dans le coffre, s'il vous plaît?”

Can you put my suitcase in the trunk, please?

“Où allez-vous?”

Where do you go?

“Je vais à l'hôtel Mercure, trois rue de la Résistance.”

I am going to Mercure Hotel, number 3 on Résistance street.

“Combien je vous dois?”

How much do I owe you?

“Arrêtez-vous, c'est ici!”

Stop, it's here!


“prendre le train” = to take the train

“aller à la gare” = to go to the train station

“le guichet” = ticket window

“le quai” = platform

“acheter/prendre un billet” = to buy a ticket

“un aller-simple” = one-way trip

“un aller-retour” = round trip

“les horaires de train” = train timetable

“voyager en première/deuxième classe” = to travel first/second class

“une place réservée” = reserved seat

“le numéro de place” = seat number

“la place côté couloir/fenêtre” = the seat next to the aisle/window

“la consigne à bagages” = baggage lockers

“le bureau des objets trouvés” = lost-and-found

“la salle d'attente” = waiting room

“changer de train” = to change trains

“avoir une correspondance” = to have a connecting train

“le contrôleur” = inspector

“monter dans le train” = to get in the train

“descendre du train” = to get off the train

“Où pouvons-nous acheter les tickets?”

Where can we buy the tickets?

“Avez-vous les horaires du train pour Paris?”

Do you have the timetable of the train to Paris?

“Je voudrais un aller-retour pour Marseille, s'il vous plaît.”

I would like a round trip ticket to go to Marseille, please.

“Combien coûte le billet?”

How much is the ticket?

“Je dois changer de train à Aix-en-Provence.”

I have to change trains in Aix-en-Provence.

“De quel quai part le train?”

From which platform does the train leave?

“Pouvez-vous m'aider à mettre ma valise dans le train, s'il vous plaît?”

Could you help me put my suitcase in the train, please?

“Où est le wagon restaurant?”

Where is the food car?


“prendre le bus” = to take the bus

“la ligne de bus” = bus line

“l'arrêt de bus” = bus stop

“le chauffeur de bus” = bus driver

“acheter un billet de bus” = to buy a bus ticket

“composter le billet” = to validate the ticket

“monter dans le bus” = to get in the bus

“descendre du bus” = to get off the bus

“demander l'arrêt du bus” = to ask for the bus to stop

“Excusez-moi, c'est le bus en direction du centre-ville?”

Excuse-me, is it the bus going downtown?

“Je dois prendre la ligne de bus numéro 15.”

I have to take the bus line number 15.

“C'est à combien d'arrêts d'ici?”

How many stops is it from here?

“Le bus passe à quelle heure?”

What time will the bus arrive?


“prendre le métro” = to take the subway

“la station de métro” = subway station

“acheter un ticket de métro” = to buy a subway ticket

“le plan du métro” = subway map

“la ligne de métro” = subway line

“monter dans le métro” = to get in the subway

“descendre du métro” = to get off the subway

“Quelle est la ligne directe pour aller à Montmartre?”

What is the direct line to go to Montmartre?

“Où se trouve l'entrée/la sortie du métro?”

Where is the subway entrance/exit?

“Je voudrais acheter un ticket de métro, s'il vous plaît.”

I would like to buy a subway ticket, please.

“Vous devez descendre à l'arrêt Champs-Elysées.”

You have to get off at Champs-Elysées.


“la voiture de location” = rental car

“louer une voiture” = to rent a car

“rendre la voiture” = to return the car

“conduire une voiture” = to drive a car

“l'agence de location de voitures” = rental car company

“faire le plein” = to fill up the tank

“le carburant” = fuel

“le sans-plomb” = unleaded fuel

“le diesel” = diesel fuel

“les clés de la voiture” = car keys

“le permis de conduire” = driving licence

“l'assurance de la voiture” = car insurance

“Nous voulons louer une voiture, s'il vous plaît.”

We would like to rent a car, please.

“Combien ça coûte pour dix jours de location?”

How much is the rate for ten days rental ?

“Nous n'avons pas besoin d'assurance. Nous avons une assurance tous risques avec notre carte de crédit.”

We don't need insurance. We have full insurance with our credit card.

“Dans quel pays voulez-vous conduire?”

In what country do you want to drive?

“Il faut mettre du sans-plomb.”

You have to use unleaded.

“Voici le numéro pour le dépannage en cas d'accident.”

Here is the phone number for towing in case of an accident.

Fun in town

When visiting a new place, it is fun to try out local entertainment. Here are some words and expressions that will help you enjoy every bit of the journey!

First you can start by visiting a few museums (“le musée”) to get a grasp of local culture. Especially if you are travelling to Paris, you should not miss its amazing museums : le Musée du Louvre, le Château de Versailles, le Musée d'Orsay, etc.

“visiter un musée” = to visit a museum

“acheter un billet d'entrée” = to buy an entrance ticket

“ la carte de réduction” = discount card

“le guide” = guidebook

“photos (au flash) interdites” = no (flash) photography

“défense d'entrée” = no admittance

“Combien coûte le billet d'entrée du musée?”

How much is the museum entrance ticket?

“Le billet plein tarif/demi tarif coûte dix euros.”

The full price/half price ticket costs 10 Euros.

“Quand est la prochaine visite guidée?”

When is the next guided tour?

“La visite guidée commence dans dix minutes.”

The guided tour starts in ten minutes.

French theater (“le théâtre”) is famous around the world and you can find shows at every price for every taste. We advise you to make reservations if you want to attend one of the national theaters. In small local theaters you can get last minute tickets at the door. Formal outfit is usually expected when going to a theater or to the opera in big cities.

“la pièce de théâtre” = the theater show

“la comédie” = comédie

“le drame” = drama

“l'entracte” = intermission

“une place à l'orchestre” = orchestra seat

“le balcon” = balcony

“complet” = sold out

“le lever de rideau” = the curtain goes up

You might want to try the movies (“le cinéma”) to test how much your French has improved. However don't expect to find too many English movies showing in their original version. International movies showing in French are very often French versions.

“aller au cinéma” = to go to the movies

“regarder un film” = to watch a movie

“la version originale” (VO) = original version

“la version française” (VF) = French version

“les sous-titres” = subtitles

“le film d'aventure” = adventure movie

“la comédie romantique” = romance

“le dessin animé” = cartoon

“le film d'horreur” = horror movie

“le film policier” = suspense movie

After a day embracing French culture, you might want to get wild at the nightclub (“la boîte”) and enjoy lively night life with French fellows! Don't forget to dress up, the French are pretty fancy especially in Paris and big cities.

“aller en boîte” = to go to the nightclub

“aller danser” = to go dancing

“faire la queue à l'entrée” = to queue at the door

“l'entrée avec une consommation gratuite” = the ticket with one free drink

“gratuit pour les filles le jeudi soir” = free entrance for girls every Thursday

Last but not least, when in Rome shop like the Romans! Shopping (“faire les magasins”) has indeed its own importance in French cultural life. You will definitely enjoy local markets, little stores, fancy boutiques or big shopping malls.

“le magasin” = store

“acheter” = to buy

“vendre” = to sell

“payer” = to pay

“faire les magasins” = to shop

“le centre commercial” = shopping mall

“la librairie” = bookstore

“la bijouterie” = jewelry store

“la boutique de vêtements” = clothing store

“le marché” = market

“les horaires d'ouverture/de fermeture” = opening/closing hours

“passer à la caisse” = to go to the cash register

“les soldes” = sales

“la vendeuse/le vendeur” = saleslady/salesman

“la cabine d'essayage” = fitting room

“la taille” = size

“la pointure” = shoe size

“Combien ça coûte?”

How much it it?

“A quelle heure le magasin ouvre?”

At what time does the store open?

“Je peux essayer cette robe?”

Can I try on this dress?

“Vous prenez la carte de crédit?”

Do you take credit card?

“Avez-vous de la monnaie, s'il vous plaît?”

Do you have change, please?

“Pouvez-vous m'aider? Je cherche un livre sur le vin.”

Can you help me? I'm looking for a book about wine.

Facing emergencies

Whether you get involved into an accident or you witness one and want to help out, you need the minimum of French vocabulary to get through it.

Below are several lists of French words and expressions which apply to different types of circumstances. We will try to cover every scenario possible to help you getting ready to face anything in French!

“L'accident” (accident)

“perdre connaissance” = to be unconscious

“tomber” = to fall

“respirer/ne pas respirer” = breathing/no breathing

“être blessé, avoir mal” = to be hurt

“souffrir” = to suffer

“saigner” = to bleed

“faire une crise cardiaque” = to have a heart attack

“Les secours” (emergency services)

“l'hôpital” = hospital

“le médecin” = doctor

“les urgences” = emergency room

“la police” = police

“les pompiers” = firefighters

“appeler une ambulance” = to call for an ambulance

“le numéro des urgences” = emergency phone number

“Demander de l'aide” (asking for help)

“A l'aide!”, “Au secours!”


“Au feu!”


“Pouvez-vous appeler un médecin/les urgences?”

Can you call a doctor/911?

“Pouvez-vous m'aider?”

Can you help me?

“Cette femme est blessée.”

This woman is hurt.

“Il a perdu connaissance et il ne respire plus.”

He fainted and doesn't breathe.

“Il saigne beaucoup, il faut l'emmener à l'hôpital.”

He's bleeding a lot, we have to take him to hospital.

“Ne bougez-pas!”

Don't move!

“Où avez-vous mal?”

Where does it hurt?

“J'ai mal à la jambe/au bras.”

My leg/arm hurts.

“A l'hôpital” (at the hospital)

“faire une analyse de sang” = to do a blood test

“faire une radio” = to take an X-ray

“une fracture” = fracture

“une coupure” = cut

“une brûlure” = burn

“poser un plâtre” = to get a cast

“faire un pansement” = to bandage a wound

“recoudre une plaie” = to get stitches

“être cardiaque” = to have a heart condition

“être diabétique” = to be diabetic

“avoir de l'hypertension” = to have high blood pressure

“être allergique à un médicament” = to be allergic to a medicine

“prendre un traitement” = to take a medication

“A la pharmacie” (at the drugstore)

“être enrhumé” = to have a cold

“avoir mal à la gorge” = to have a sore throat

“le mal de tête” = headache

“avoir la diarrhée” = to have diarrhea

“être constipé” = to be constipated

“une allergie” = allergy

“le médicament” = medicine

“De quoi souffrez-vous?”

What are you suffering from?

“J'ai mal à la gorge et je suis enrhumé.”

I have a sore throat and a cold.

“Avez-vous un médicament contre les migraines?”

Do you have a medication against migraines?

“Test your French!”

Let's review what you've learnt in that chapter with a few exercises.

Mark the correct answers:

“Où allez-vous?”

□ J'ai mal au pied.

□ Elle veut essayer une robe.

□ Nous allons à la poste.

“A quelle heure le magasin ouvre?”

□ Je cherche un livre sur le vin.

□ Le magasin ouvre à dix heures le matin.

□ Anne a acheté du fromage au magasin d'alimentation.

“Tu as déjà acheté ton billet de train?”

□ Non, je n'ai pas encore acheté mon billet de train.

□ Elle prend le train pour Marseille samedi prochain.

□ Je voudrais deux billets pour Paris, s'il vous plaît.

Fill the gaps:

Excusez-moi, vous prenez la ... de crédit?

Pouvez-vous me … la gare sur le plan, s'il vous plaît?

Je veux ... au cinéma avec mon frère.

L'homme a perdu ... et il ne respire plus.

Je voudrais un ... contre le mal de gorge.

Translate the sentence:

L'hôtel de ville est à droite de la place.

Go straight and then turn to the right.

Je cherche le quai du train pour Lille.

Au cinéma, il y des films en version française.

My arm hurts and I can not breathe!

Elle est blessée, appelez une ambulance!


□ Nous allons à la poste.

□ Le magasin ouvre à dix heures le matin.

□ Non, je n'ai pas encore acheté mon billet de train.

Excusez-moi, vous prenez la carte de crédit?

Pouvez-vous me montrer la gare sur le plan, s'il vous plaît?

Je veux aller au cinéma avec mon frère.

L'homme a perdu connaissance et il ne respire plus.

Je voudrais un médicament contre le mal de gorge.

The city hall is on the right of the square.

Allez tout droit et tournez à droite.

I am looking for the platform of the train to Lille.

At the movie theater there are movies in French version.

J'ai mal au bras et je ne peux pas respirer!

She is hurt, call an ambulance!