Talking about the present - Giving and seeking factual informatio - Functions - A Practical Guide - Modern Italian Grammar

Modern Italian Grammar: A Practical Guide, Third Edition (2013)

Part B. Functions

I. Giving and seeking factual informatio

12. Talking about the present

12.1 Introduction

Situations, actions and events are expressed by the use of verbs (see Chapter 2). Here we look at how to describe situations, actions and events taking place at the present time (i.e. in the same period of time when you are speaking or writing). The verb tense most commonly used for this is the present indicative (see 2.2.3), as shown in our examples. The examples here are mainly in the affirmative; interrogative and negative statements are covered more fully in Chapters 15 and 16 respectively.

12.2 Describing present situations, actions and events

The present tense is used to describe a fact or situation, action or event that is in effect or taking place at the present time, although not necessarily at the exact moment when you speak or write. Here are some examples:

12.2.1 Facts, situations or descriptions

L'Avv. Bianchi lavora alla FIAT.

Mr Bianchi the lawyer works at FIAT.

Questo film dura due ore.

This film lasts two hours.

Molti italiani amano il calcio.

Many Italians love football.

Mi piace molto passeggiare.

I like walking a lot.

Mia madre è malata. Ha una malattia cardiaca.

My mother is ill. She has a heart disease.

Le autostrade sono invase da turisti stranieri che vengono in vacanza in Italia.

The motorways are invaded by foreign tourists who come on holiday to Italy.

Il turismo in Calabria è poco sviluppato.

Tourism in Calabria is not very developed.

Il tempo è brutto.

The weather is bad.

I gemelli non sono identici.

The twins are not identical.

12.2.2 Actions or events

Single actions and events

Perché non telefoni all'Ufficio Vendite?

Why don't you phone the Sales Department?

Oggi cucina Walter.

Today Walter is cooking.

In Italian, the present tense of the verb is used to describe actions or events which are happening at the time of speaking or writing (‘The Boat Show is taking place this week’, ‘Isabella is teaching this morning’), and those that may not be happening right now, but are a regular occurrence (‘The Boat Show takes place every year’, ‘Isabella teaches every Tuesday’).

Isabella insegna stamattina.

Isabella is teaching this morning.

Isabella insegna ogni martedi.

Isabella teaches every Tuesday.

Il Salone Nautico si svolge questa settimana a Geneva.

The Boat Show is taking place this week in Genova.

Il Salone Nautico si svolge ogni anno ad aprile.

The Boat Show takes place every year in April.

L'infermiera non viene oggi.

The nurse isn't coming today.

L'infermiera non viene il giovedì.

The nurse doesn't come on Thursdays.

Regular actions or events

Often, in fact, the only feature that distinguishes habitual actions or events from single ones is the use of adverbs or phrases of frequency (see 6.3.1) which convey the notion of habit or regular occurrence, such as:

di solito







every (see also 3.9.2, 36.5.2)

tutti i, tutte 1e

every (see also 3.9.3, 36.5.3)

Ogni mese, andiamo a trovare i parenti in campagna.

Every month, we go to see our relatives in the country.

Ogni giovedì mattina, c'è il mercato a Postiglione.

Every Thursday morning there's the market at Postiglione.

Tutte le settimane facciamo la spesa al Centra Commerciale ‘Globus’.

Every week we do the shopping at the ‘Globus’ shopping centre.

Normalmente mio marito torna a casa prima di me.

Normally my husband comes home before me.

With days of the week, use of the article il, la also conveys the idea of a regular weekly action:

Il venerdì mangiamo il pesce.

Every Friday we eat fish.

La domenica mia madre va a messa.

On Sundays my mother goes to Mass.

For other phrases of frequency and repetition, see 36.5.

12.3 Expressing ongoing actions

If you need to express something more immediate, or an action that is still going on at the present time and is not yet completed, you can use the progressive form of the present tense. The progressive present, similar to the English ‘to be doing something’, is formed by using the present tense of the verb stare together with the gerund (see 2.2.24) of the verb expressing the action (lavorando, leggendo, partendo):

I ragazzi stanno leggendo.

The boys are reading.

Il signer Rossi sta partendo.

Mr Rossi is just leaving.

Stiamo lavorando.

We are working.

Note that stare and the gerund cannot be used to translate the English ‘to be doing’ construction when it refers to the future, even if it's the very near future. For this you use the regular present indicative or the future:

Il Dott. Cuomo arriva fra mezz'ora.

Dr Cuomo is arriving in half an hour.

Dove andrete domani?

Where are you going tomorrow?

12.4 Words and phrases indicating present time

The present time is also indicated by using adverbs or phrases specifying time (see 6.3.1). For more complex time contexts, see 30.4 and Chapter 36. Here are some examples:

ora, adesso


È tardi. Ora andiamo a casa.
It's late. Let's go home now.

Scusami, adesso non voglio parlare.
Excuse me, I don't wish to talk now.

Ho cambiato ufficio. Adesso lavoro al terzo piano.
I changed my office. I'm working on the third floor now.

subito, immediatamente

right now, immediately

Vieni subito qua!
Come here right now!

Attenda un attimo, per favore. Le passo immediatamente il direttore.
Hold on a second, please. I'll put you through to the manager immediately.



Oggi mi sento felice!
I feel happy today!

Oggi è sabato.
Today is Saturday.



È ancora presto per partire.
It's still early to be leaving.

Ho ancora fame!
I am still hungry!



Quest'anno le vendite vanno bene.
This year the sales are going well.

Questa settimana lavoro fino a tardi.
This week I'm working till late.

Questo pomeriggio fa freddo.
It's cold this afternoon.

Note the shortened forms stamattina ‘this morning’, stanotte ‘this/last night’, stasera ‘this evening’:

Stasera Monica è nervosa.
Tonight Monica is edgy.

Stanotte non sono riuscita a dormire.
I couldn't sleep last night.

12.5 Dialogo

In this dialogue the different forms of the present are highlighted.

Incontro di lavoro

Mario Adinolfi è impiegato alla Camera di Commercio di Bari, ma in questi giorni sta lavorando a Roma per organizzare la partecipazione di alcune industrie romane alla Fiera del Levante di Bari. La Ditta Cosmetici 2000 Spa vuole presentare alla Fiera un nuovo prodotto per la cura dei capelli e il Sig. Luca Violli, direttore delle vendite, incontra il Sig. Adinolfi per chiedere informazioni sui servizi della Fiera. Ecco un brano della loro conversazione:


Quanto costa l'affitto di un ufficio per il periodo della Fiera?


Quest'anno abbiamo uffici attrezzati con servizi di segreteria, che costano €2.500 per 5 giorni.


Quando posso visitare gli uffici?


Gli uffici si possono visitare dopo il 10 settembre. Ora stiamo ancora completando i lavori, ma Lei può fare una prenotazione adesso. Deve solo riempire questo modulo.


Va bene. Chi deve firmare il modulo?


Può firmare Lei, o un altro responsabile della ditta, come preferisce.

A business meeting

Mario Adinolfi is an employee at the Chamber of Commerce in Bari, but at present he is working in Rome making arrangements for several Roman companies in the ‘Fiera del Levante’ Trade Fair in Bari. The company ‘Cosmetics 2000’ Ltd wants to present its new hair care product and Mr Luca Violli, Director of Sales, meets Mr Adolfi to ask for information on the services offered by the Fair. Here is a snatch of their conversation.


How much does it cost to rent an office for the duration of the Fair?


This year we have ready-equipped offices with secretarial services, which cost 2,500 euros for 5 days.


When can I visit the offices?


After the 10th of September. We are just finishing the work, but you can book now You only need to fill in this form.


All right. Who needs to sign the form?


You can sign it, or else some other representative of the company, as you prefer.