Regular -er verbs Food and drink - Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish, Second Edition (2015)

Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish, Second Edition (2015)

Part II

7. Regular -er verbs Food and drink

Conjugation of regular -er verbs

comer to eat

beber to drink

Traducción compleja

  1. I eat the pizza. ___________________________________________________
  2. You eat the cereal with milk. ___________________________________________________
  3. She eats the bread. ___________________________________________________
  4. We eat the salad. ___________________________________________________
  5. You all eat the rice with chicken. ___________________________________________________
  6. Ben and Jerry eat the ice cream. ___________________________________________________
  7. I drink the milk. ___________________________________________________
  8. You drink the juice. ___________________________________________________
  9. She drinks the coffee with milk. ___________________________________________________
  10. You all drink the water. ___________________________________________________
  11. They drink the lemonade. ___________________________________________________
  12. I drink chocolate milk when I eat a hamburger and French fries.
  13. He doesn’t eat the cheese on the pizza. ___________________________________________________

¿Cuándo comes esto? (When do you eat this?) Mark an X in the appropriate column for each meal during which you would typically eat the foods listed below: el desayuno (breakfast), el almuerzo (lunch), la cena (dinner), or el postre (dessert). (Answers may vary.)


  1. Sometimes we eat in the cafeteria, and sometimes we eat in the classroom.
  2. I drink the water in the glass, and you eat the hamburger on the plate.
  3. There is a lot of ice cream for the children of Angelina on the plates.
  4. We eat cereal every morning for breakfast.
  5. Sometimes in the morning they eat hamburgers and pizza.
  6. I want three eggs for lunch, but I don’t want the toast.
  7. In China they eat a lot of rice, and in Mexico they eat a lot of rice with chicken.

Hechos divertidos (Fun facts)

Los animales (Animals)

♦ Los felinos (los gatos, los leones, los tigres, etc.) son carnívoros y comen otros animales.

♦ La vaca es herbívora y come solamente plantas.

♦ El omnívoro come de todo: los animales y las plantas.

♦ El cerebro del mono es una delicadeza en partes de China.

♦ Más o menos dos por ciento de las personas en los Estados Unidos son vegetarianos: Ellos no comen la carne.

♦ ¡Un murciélago (bat) come más o menos 600 mosquitos en una hora!

♦ La persona típica necesita ocho vasos de agua cada día.