Reciprocal pronouns - PRONOUNS - Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions - Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions, Premium 3rd Edition (2016)


Chapter 13. Reciprocal pronouns


The term reciprocity indicates that an action is reciprocal, or occurring between or among all the interested parties in an equal manner. If I see you, but you don’t see me, there is no reciprocity. However, when we see each other, the action is reciprocal.

Since reciprocity occurs only when two or more persons are involved, the reciprocal pronouns exist only in the plural forms. Thus, the phrases “each other” and “one another” are frequently used in sentences involving reciprocal pronouns. The pronouns used to express reciprocity are identical to the plural reflexive pronouns.


NOTE All rules of syntax that apply to reflexive pronouns also apply to reciprocal pronouns.

People often stumble over when to use “each other” and “one another” in English. Because of the reciprocal pronoun se, this is not an issue in Spanish. The distinction is simple: Use “each other” when referring to precisely two people. Use “one another” when referring to more than two people. Learn and employ this distinction now so that you come across as the intelligent person you are.



Complete each sentence with the correct reciprocal pronoun. (Hint: The conjugated verb provides a clue.) Then translate the sentence into English.

1. _________ conocemos muy bien.


2. Ellos _________ quieren mucho.


3. _________ veis por la ventana.


4. ¿_________ conocen ustedes?


5. _________ besan cada mañana.


6. Cada día _________ decimos “te quiero.”


7. Cuando ellos están enojados, no _________ hablan.


8. ¿_________ visitáis con frecuencia?


9. Ellos_________ pelean (fight) mucho porque _________ odian.


10. _________ hablamos por teléfono tres veces cada semana.


11. Ellos quieren conocer_________ mejor.


12. No podemos ver_________ tan a menudo como queremos.




1. We write long letters to each other every week.


2. When do you [pl., informal] see each other?


3. Why do they yell at (gritar) each other so much?


4. The lovebirds (los tórtolos) sing to each other in the treetop (la copa del árbol).


5. We buy one another gifts every December.


6. The five friends run into one another at the gym (el gimnasio) every Friday afternoon.


7. We can’t speak to each other because my cell phone doesn’t work (funcionar).


8. You [pl., formal] shouldn’t tell each other everything. He can’t keep (guardar) a secret.


9. You [pl., informal] can look at each other now.


10. My neighbors yell at one another every Saturday night.





I’m going to my high school reunion in two weeks. I’m very excited, because Henry is going to attend. I know this because Laura, my best friend, is the secretary of the class. She and I talk to each other every week, and she tells me everything. These reunions are tricky. We want to see one another, but at the same time we don’t want to see one another. Or, maybe, we want to see one another in the past, which doesn’t exist anymore. It’s especially hard for romantic couples. Some former couples see each other after many years, and it is wonderful. But there are other ex-couples who see each other, and it’s a horrible experience.








