List of Verbs - Master Accelerated Grammar to Take Your Spanish to the Next Level - Advanced Spanish Step-by-Step

Advanced Spanish Step-by-Step: Master Accelerated Grammar to Take Your Spanish to the Next Level (2012)

Appendix. List of Verbs


abordar to board

abrazar to embrace

abrir to open

absolver to absolve

acabar de (hacer algo) to have just (done something)

acabarse to use up

acercarse to approach, to near

aclarar to clarify

acompañar to accompany

aconsejar to advise

acordarse to remember

acostarse to go to bed

acostumbrar to be accustomed

actuar to act

acusar to accuse

adivinar to guess

admitir to admit

advertir to warn

agotar to exhaust, to use up

agradar to be pleasing

agradecer to thank

aguantar to tolerate

ahorrar to save (money)

alcanzar to reach, to overtake

almorzar to have lunch

alquilar to rent

alzar to lift

amar to love

amenazar to threaten

añadir to add

andar to stroll, to walk

animarse to cheer up

añorar to yearn, to miss

anular to annul

anunciar to announce

apagar to turn off

aparecer to appear

apartarse to separate

apostar to bet

apoyar to support

apreciar to appreciate

aprender to learn

apresurarse to hurry

apretar to squeeze, to tighten

aprobar to pass (a test)

arrancar to pull out, to root out

arreglar to arrange, to fix

arreglarse to get dressed up, to get ready

arriesgar to risk

asegurar to assure

asistir (a) to attend, to be present at

asustarse to become scared

atender to attend to, to serve

aterrizar to land

atraer to attract

atravesar to cross

atreverse (a) to dare to

averiguar to check out, to find out

ayudar to help


bailar to dance

bajar to descend

bajarse de to get off (a bus)

barrer to sweep

basar to base

beber to drink

bendecir to bless

besar to kiss

borrar to erase

bostezar to yawn

botar to throw away

brillar to shine

brindar to drink a toast

broncear to tan

bucear to dive, to snorkel

buscar to look for


caber to fit (one thing inside another)

caer to fall

caerse to fall down

calentar to warm

callarse to be quiet

calmarse to calm down

cambiar to change

cambiar de idea to change one’s mind

cantar to sing

captar to grasp the meaning of (a word)

capturar to capture

cargar to load

casarse to get married

castigar to punish

celebrar to celebrate

cenar to dine

cepillarse to brush (one’s teeth)

cerrar to close

charlar to chat

cobrar to charge (money)

cocinar to cook

coger to catch, to grab

colgar to hang up (a picture)

colocar to put, to place

combinar to combine

comenzar to begin

comer to eat

comparar to compare

compartir to share

competir to compete

componer to compose

comprar to buy

comunicar to communicate

conceder to concede

condenar to condemn

conducir to drive

confesar to confess

confirmar to confirm

conocer to know, to be acquainted

conseguir to obtain

construir to build

contar to count, to tell a story

contar con to rely on

contener to contain

contestar to answer

continuar to continue

contradecir to contradict

contribuir to contribute

convertir to convert

copiar to copy

corregir to correct

correr to run

corromper to corrupt

coser to sew

costar to cost

crear to create

crecer to grow

creer to believe

cruzar to cross

cubrir to cover

cuidar to take care of

cuidarse to take of oneself

cumplir to complete, to comply


dar to give

dar una vuelta to take a walk

darse cuenta (de) to realize

decepcionar to disappoint

decidir to decide

decir to say, to tell

defenderse to defend oneself

dejar to allow, to leave (something behind)

dejar de (hacer algo) to stop (doing something)

demorarse to delay

depender (de) to depend (on)

desaparecer to disappear

desayunarse to have breakfast

descansar to rest

describir to describe

descubrir to discover

desear to desire

desesperarse to despair

deshacer to undo

desistir to desist

despedirse (de) to take one’s leave (of)

despertarse to wake up

destruir to destroy

detener to detain

detenerse to stop

devolver to return (an object)

dibujar to draw

dirigir to direct

disculparse to apologize, to excuse oneself

diseñar to design

disfrutar to enjoy

disolver to dissolve

distinguir to distinguish

distraer to distract

divertirse to have a good time

dividir to divide

divorciarse to divorce

doblar to turn

doler to hurt

dormir to sleep

dormirse to fall asleep

ducharse to take a shower

dudar to doubt

durar to last


echar to give off, to throw (multiple meanings)

elegir to elect

emborracharse to get drunk

empezar to begin

empujar to push

enamorarse to fall in love

encantar to enchant

encontrar to find

encontrarse (con) to meet

enfadarse to get angry

enfermarse to become sick

engañarse to deceive oneself

engordarse to get fat

enojarse to get angry

ensayar to rehearse

enseñar to teach

entender to understand

enterarse to become informed

entrar (en) to enter

entregar to deliver, to hand in

envejecer to grow old

enviar to send

envolver to wrap

equivocarse to make a mistake

escalar to climb, to scale

escapar to escape

escoger to choose

esconderse to hide oneself

escribir to write

escuchar to listen to

espantar to scare, to frighten

esperar to wait for, to hope

esquiar to ski

establecer to establish

estacionar to park

estar to be

estornudar to sneeze

exagerar to exaggerate

examinar to examine

excavar to excavate, to dig

exigir to demand

explicar to explain

explicarse to explain oneself

explorar to explore

expresarse to express oneself

extrañar to miss (a person or place)


felicitar to congratulate

festejar to feast, to celebrate

fijarse to notice

fingir to pretend

firmar to sign

fracasar to fail

fregar to wash up (plates), to scrub, to scour

freír to fry

fumar to smoke

fundar to found


ganar to win

gastar to spend money

gemir to groan

girar to turn, to rotate

gobernar to govern

gozar to enjoy

grabar to record, to tape

graduarse to graduate

gritar to yell

gustar to be pleasing


hacer to do, to make

hallar to find

hervir to boil

hinchar to swell

hincharse to swell up

hornear to bake

huir to flee


ignorar not to know, not to pay attention

imaginar to imagine

imaginarse to imagine

impedir to impede

implorar to implore

importar to be important to

inscribirse to enroll, to register

insistir to insist

inspirar to inspire

intentar to intend

interrumpir to interrupt

introducir to insert

investigar to investigate

ir to go

irse to go away


jubilarse to retire

jugar to play (a game)

juntar to unite, to join

jurar to swear


ladrar to bark

lastimarse to hurt oneself

lavarse to wash oneself

leer to read

lesionarse to injure oneself

levantarse to get up

liberar to liberate

limpiar to clean

llamar to call

llamarse to call oneself, to be called

llegar to arrive

llenar to fill

llevar to carry, to wear

llevarse (bien) to get along (well)

llorar to cry

llover to rain

lloviznar to drizzle

lograr to attain

luchar to struggle, to fight

lucir to light up


madrugar to get up early

maltratar to mistreat

mandar to order, to send

manejar to drive

mantener to maintain

maquillarse to put on makeup

marcar to dial, to mark

marchar to march

mascar to chew

masticar to chew

matar to kill

medir to measure

mejorarse to get better

mencionar to mention

mentir to lie

merecer to deserve

meter to put inside

meterse to meddle, to interfere

mezclar to mix

mirar to look at, to watch

mojarse to get wet

molestar to annoy, to bother

morder to bite

morir to die

morirse to die

mostrar to show

mover to move

moverse to move oneself

mudarse to move (from one place to another)

murmurar to mumble


nacer to be born

nadar to swim

necesitar to need

negar to deny

nevar to snow

notar to note


obedecer to obey

observar to observe

ocurrir to occur

ocurrirse to get an idea, to occur to

ofrecer to offer

oír to hear

oler to smell

olvidar to forget

olvidarse to forget

operar to operate

opinar to opine, to have an opinion

oponer to oppose

optar to opt

ordenar to order

oscurecer to grow dark


pagar to pay

parar to stop

pararse to stand up

parecer to seem

parquear to park

partir to leave

pasar to pass, to spend (time)

pasear to take a walk, to stroll

patinar to skate

pedir to request

pegar to hit

peinarse to brush (one’s hair)

pelear to fight

pensar to think

pensar de to think of, to opine

pensar en to think about

perder to lose

perderse to become lost, to lose

perdonar to pardon

permitir to permit

pertenecer to belong to

picar to sting

pintar to paint

pisar to step on, to tread on

planchar to iron

poder to be able, can

poner to put

ponerse to put on (clothes), to become (emotion)

ponerse a to begin

portarse to behave

poseer to possess

preferir to prefer

preguntar to ask a question

preguntarse to wonder

prender to turn on

preocuparse (por) to worry (about)

preparar to prepare

presentar to introduce, to present

prestar to lend

prevenir to prevent

probar to taste, to test

probarse to try on

producir to produce

prohibir to prohibit, to forbid

prometer to promise

proponer to propose

proteger to protect

publicar to publish

pudrir to rot

pulir to polish


quedarse to stay, to remain

quejarse to complain

quemar to burn

quemarse to burn oneself

querer to want

quitarse to take off (clothes)


realizar to fulfill

rebajar to lower, to reduce

recibir to receive

recoger to pick up

reconocer to recognize

recordar to remember

recuperarse to recuperate

reducir to reduce

referir to refer

regalar to give a gift

regresar to return

reírse to laugh

relatar to relate a story

renunciar to renounce

repetir to repeat

reportar to report

rescatar to save, to rescue

resolver to resolve

respirar to breathe

responder to respond

resultar to result

retener to retain

retirarse to retire

reunirse to meet

rezar to pray

robar to rob

rogar to beg

romper to break


saber to know, to know how

sacar to take out

salir to leave, to exit, to go out

salirle (bien) to come out (well)

saltar to jump

saludar to greet

salvar to save (a life)

satisfacer to satisfy

secar to dry

seguir to follow, to continue

sembrar to sow

sentarse to sit down

sentir to regret

sentirse to feel (an emotion)

separarse to separate

servir to serve

significar to mean, to signify

sollozar to sob

soltar to loosen, to let go

sonar to sound

soñar (con) to dream (about)

sonreír to smile

sorprender to surprise

sospechar to suspect

subir to go up, to ascend

subrayar to underline

suceder to happen, to occur

sufrir to suffer

sugerir to suggest

suplicar to beg

suponer to suppose

suspirar to sigh


tapar to cover up, to plug up

temblar to tremble

temer to fear

tener to have

tentar to tempt

terminar to finish

tirar to throw

tocar to touch, to play (an instrument)

tocarle a alguien to be someone’s turn

tomar to take

torcer to twist

trabajar to work

traducir to translate

traer to bring

tragar to swallow

tranquilizarse to calm down

tratar to treat

tratar de (hacer algo) to try to (do something)

tratarse (de) to be about

triunfar to triumph

tronar to thunder

trotar to trot


usar to use


vacilar to hesitate

vagar to wander

valer to be worth

velar to watch over, to stay awake

vencer to conquer, to vanquish

vender to sell

venir to come

ver to see

vestirse to get dressed

viajar to travel

vigilar to watch over, to guard

visitar to visit

vivir to live

volar to fly

volver to return

votar to vote


yacer to lie down


zigzaguear to zigzag

zumbar to buzz