THE SIMPLEST VARIATIONAL PROBLEM - The Calculus of Variations - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part VI. The Calculus of Variations


We are now prepared to discuss the first problem mentioned in the introduction to this chapter. Given f : Image3Image, we seek to minimize (or maximize) the function Image defined by


amongst those functions Image such that ψ(a) = α and ψ(b) = β (where α and β are given real numbers).

Let M denote the subset of Image consisting of those functions ψ that satisfy the endpoint conditions ψ(a) = α and ψ(b) = β. Then we are interested in the local extrema of F on the subset M. If F is differentiable at Image, and FImageM has a local extremum at φ, then Theorem 2.3 implies that


We will say that the function Image is an extremal for F on M if it satisfies the necessary condition (2). We will not consider here the difficult matter of finding sufficient conditions under which an extremal actually yields a local extremum.

In order that we be able to ascertain whether a given function Image is or is not an extremal for F on M, that is, whether or not dFφImage TMφ = 0, we must (under appropriate conditions on f) explicitly compute the differential dFφ of F at φ, and we must determine just what the tangent set TMφ of M at φ is.

The latter problem is quite easy. First pick a fixed element Image. Then, given any Image, the difference φ − φ0 is an element of the subspace


of Image, consisting of those Image functions on [a, b] that are zero at both end-points. Conversely, if Image, then clearly Image. Thus M is a hyperplane in Image, namely the translate by φ0 of the subspace Image. But the tangent set of a hyperplane is, at every point, simply the subspace of which it is a translate (see Exercise 2.7). Therefore


for every Image.

The following theorem gives the computation of dFφ.

Theorem 3.1 Let Image be defined by (1), with f : Image3Image being a Image function. Then F is differentiable with


for all Image.

In the use of partial derivative notation on the right-hand side of (4), we are thinking of Image.

PROOF If F is differentiable at Image, then dFφ(h) should be the linear (in h) part of F(φ + h) − F(φ). To investigate this difference, we write down the second degree Taylor expansion of f at the point Image.




for some point ξ(t) of the line segment in Image3 from (φ(t), φ′(t), t) to (φ(t) + h(t), φ′(t) + h′(t), t). If B is a large ball in Image3 that contains in its interior the image of the continuous path Image, and M is the maximum of the absolute values of the second order partial derivatives of f at points of B, then it follows easily that


for all Image, if ImagehImage0 is sufficiently small.

From (5) we obtain






In order to prove that F is differentiable at φ with dFφ = L as desired, it suffices to note that Image is a continuous linear function (by Example 4 of Section 2), and then to show that,


But it follows immediately from (6) that


and this implies (7).


With regard to condition (2), we are interested in the value of dFφ(h) when Image.

Corollary 3.2 Assume, in addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 3.1, that φ is a Image function and that Image. Then


PROOF If φ is a Image function, then ∂f/∂y(φ(t), φ′(t), t) is a Image function of Image. A simple integration by parts therefore gives


because h(a) = h(b) = 0. Thus formula (8) follows from formula (4) in this case.


This corollary shows that the Image function Image is an extremal for F on M if and only if


for every Image function h on [a, b] such that h(a) = h(b) = 0. The following lemma verifies the natural guess that (9) can hold for all such h only if the function within the brackets in (9) vanishes identically on [a, b].

Lemma 3.3 If φ : [a, b] → Image is a continuous function such that


for every Image, then φ is identically zero on [a, b].

PROOF Suppose, to the contrary, that φ(t0) ≠ 0 for some Image. Then, by continuity, φ is nonzero on some interval containing t0, say, φ(t) > 0 for Image. If h is defined on [a, b] by


then Image, and


because the integrand is positive except at the endpoints t1 and t2 (Fig. 6.3). This contradiction proves that φ ≡ 0 on [a, b].


The fundamental necessity condition for extremals, the Euler–Lagrange equation, follows immediately from Corollary 3.2 and Lemma 3.3.


Figure 6.3

Theorem 3.4 Let Image be defined by (1), with f : Image3Image being a Image function. Then the Image function Image is an extremal for F on Image : ψ(a) = α) and ψ(b) = β} if and only if


for all Image.

Equation (10) is the Euler–Lagrange equation for the extremal φ. Note that it is actually a second order (ordinary) differential equation for φ, since the chain rule gives


where the partial derivatives of f are evaluated at Image.

REMARKS The hypothesis in Theorem 3.4 that the extremal φ is a Image function (rather than merely Image) is actually unnecessary. First, if φ is an extremal which is only assumed to be Image then, by a more careful analysis, it can still be proved that ∂f/∂y(φ(t), φ′(t), t) is a differentiable function (of t) satisfying the Euler–Lagrange equation. Second, if φ is a Image extremal such that


for all Image, then it can be proved that φ is, in fact, a Image function. We will not include these refinements because Theorem 3.4 as stated, with the additional hypothesis that φ is Image, will suffice for our purposes.

We illustrate the applications of the Euler–Lagrange equation with two standard first examples.

Example 1 We consider a special case of the problem of finding the path of minimal length joining the points (a, α) and (b, β) in the tx-plane. Suppose in particular that φ : [a, b] → Image is a Image function with φ(a) = α and φ(b) = βwhose graph has minimal length, in comparison with the graphs of all other such functions. Then φ is an extremal (subject to the endpoint conditions) of the function


whose integrand function is


Since ∂f/∂x = 0 and ∂f/∂y = y/(1 + y2)1/2, the Euler–Lagrange equation for φ is therefore


which upon computation reduces to


Therefore φ″ = 0 on [a, b], so φ is a linear function on [a, b], and its graph is (as expected) the straight line segment from (a, α) to (b, β).

Example 2 We want to minimize the area of a surface of revolution. Suppose in particular that φ : [a, b] → Image is a Image function with φ(a) = α and φ(b) = β, such that the surface obtained by revolving the curve x = φ(t) about the t-axis has minimal area, in comparison with all other surfaces of revolution obtained in this way (subject to the endpoint conditions). Then φ is an extremal of the function


whose integrand function is




Upon substituting x = φ(t), y = φ′(t) into the Euler–Lagrange equation, and simplifying, we obtain


It follows that


(differentiate the latter equation), or


The general solution of this first order equation is


where d is a second constant. Thus the curve x = φ(t) is a catenary (Fig. 6.4) passing through the given points (a, α) and (b, β).


Figure 6.4

It can be shown that, if b − a is sufficiently large compared to α and β, then no catenary of the form (11) passes through the given points (a, α) and (b, β), so in this case there will not exist a smooth extremal.

This serves to emphasize the fact that the Euler–Lagrange equation merely provides a necessary condition that a given function φ maximize or minimize the given integral functional F. It may happen either that there exist no extremals (solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equation that satisfy the endpoint conditions), or that a given extremal does not maximize or minimize F (just as a critical point of a function on Imagen need not provide a maximum or minimum).

All of our discussion thus far can be generalized from the real-valued to the vector-valued case, that is obtained by replacing the space Image of real-valued functions with the space Image of Image paths in Imagen. The proofs are all essentially the same, aside from the substitution of vector notation for scalar notation, so we shall merely outline the results.

Given a Image function f : Imagen × Imagen × ImageImage, we are interested in the extrema of the function Image defined by


amongst those Image paths ψ : [a, b] → Imagen such that ψ(a) = α and ψ(b) = β, where α and β are given points in Imagen.

Denoting by M the subset of Image consisting of those paths that satisfy the endpoint conditions, the path Image is an extremal for F on M if and only if


We find, just as before, that M is a hyperplane. For each Image,


With the notation Image, let us write


so ∂f/∂x and ∂f/∂y are vectors. If φ is a Image path in Imagen and Image, then we find (by generalizing the proofs of Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2) that


Compare this with Eq. (8); here the dot denotes the Euclidean inner product in Imagen.

By an n-dimensional version of (Lemma 3.3), it follows from (13) that the Image path Image is an extremal for F on M if and only if


This is the Euler–Lagrange equation in vector form. Taking components, we obtain the scalar Euler–Lagrange equations


Example 3 Suppose that φ : [a, b] → Imagen is a minimal-length Image path with endpoints α = φ(a) and β = φ(b). Then φ is an extremal for the function Image defined by


whose integrand function is


Since ∂f/∂xi = 0 and ∂f/∂yi = yi/(y12 + · · · + yn2)1/2, the Euler-Lagrange equation for φ give


Therefore the unit tangent vector φ′(t)/Imageφ′(t)Image is constant, so it follows that the image of φ is the straight line segment from α to β.


3.1Suppose that a particle of mass m moves in the force field F: Image3Image3, where F(x) = − ∇ V(x) with V: Image3Image a given potential energy function. According to Hamilton's principle, the path φ : [a, b] → Image3 of the particle is an extremal of the integral of the difference of the kinetic and potential energies of the particle,


Show that the Euler-Lagrange equations (15) for this problem reduce to Newton's law of motion


3.2If f(x, y, t) is actually independent of t, so ∂f/∂t = 0, and φ: [a, b] → Image satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation


show that y ∂f/∂y − f is constant, that is,


for all Image.

3.3(The brachistochrone) Suppose a particle of mass m slides down a frictionless wire connecting two fixed points in a vertical plane (Fig. 6.5). We wish to determine the shape y = φ(x) of the wire if the time of descent is minimal. Let us take the origin as the initial point, with the y-axis pointing downward. The velocity v of the particle is determined by the energy equation Image, whence Image. The time T of descent from (0, 0) to (x1, y1) is therefore given by



Figure 6.5

Show that the curve of minimal descent time is the cycloid


generated by the motion of a fixed point on the circumference of a circle of radius a which rolls along the x-axis [the constant a being determined by the condition that it pass through the point (x1, y1)]. Hint: Noting that


is independent of x, apply the result of the previous exercise,


Make the substitution y = 2a sin2 θ/2 in order to integrate this equation.

Geodesics. In the following five problems we discuss geodesics (shortest paths) on a surface S in Image3. Suppose that S is parametrized by Image, and that the curve γ : [a, b] → S is the composition γ = T Image c, where Image. Then, by Exercise V.1.8, the length of γ is




In order for γ to be a minimal-length path on S from γ(a) to γ(b), it must therefore be an extremal for the integral s(γ). We say that γ is a geodesic on S if it is an extremal (with endpoints fixed) for the integral


which is somewhat easier to work with.

3.4(a)Suppose that f(x1, x2, y1, y2, t) is independent of t, so ∂f/∂t = 0. If φ(t) = (x1(t), x2(t)) is an extremal for


prove that


is constant for Image. Hint: Show that


(b)If f(u, v, u′, v′) = E(u, v)(u′)2 + 2F(u, v)u′v′ + G(u, v)(v′)2, show that


(c)Conclude from (a) and (b) that a geodesic φ on the surface S is a constant-speed curve, Imageφ′(t)Image = constant.

3.5Deduce from the previous problem [part (c)] that, if γ: [a, b] → S is a geodesic on the surface S, then γ is an extremal for the pathlength integral s(γ). Hint: Compare the Euler-Lagrange equations for the two integrals.

3.6Let S be the vertical cylinder x2 + y2 = r2 in Image3, and parametrize S by Image, where T(θ, z) = (r cos θ, r sin θ, z). If γ(t) = T(θ(t), z(t)) is a geodesic on S, show that the Euler-Lagrange equations for the integral (*) reduce to


so θ(t) = at + b, z(t) = ct + d. The case a = 0 gives a vertical straight line, the case c = 0 gives a horizontal circle, while the case a ≠ 0, c ≠ 0 gives a helix on S (see Exercise II.1.12).

3.7Generalize the preceding problem to the case of a “generalized cylinder” which consists of all vertical straight lines through the smooth curve Image.

3.8Show that the geodesics on a sphere S are the great circles on S.

3.9Denote by Image the vector space of twice continuously differentiable functions on [a, b], and by Image the subspace consisting of those functions Image such that ψ(a) = ψ′(a) = ψ(b) = ψ′(b) = 0.

(a)Show that


defines a norm on Image.

(b)Given a Image function f: Image4Image, define Image by


Then prove, by the method of proof of Theorem 3.1, that F is differentiable with


where the partial derivatives of f are evaluated at (φ(t), φ′(t), φ″(t), t).

(c)Show, by integration by parts as in the proof of Corollary 3.2, that


if Image.

(d)Conclude that φ satisfies the second order Euler-Lagrange equation


if φ is an extremal for F, subject to given endpoint conditions on φ and φ′ (assuming that φ is of class Image—note that the above equation is a fourth order ordinary differential equation in φ).