THE ISOPERIMETRIC PROBLEM - The Calculus of Variations - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part VI. The Calculus of Variations


In this section we treat the so-called isoperimetric problem that was mentioned in the introduction to this chapter. Given functions f, g : Image3Image, we wish to maximize or minimize the function


subject to the endpoint conditions ψ(a) = α, ψ(b) = β and the constraint


If, as in Section 3, we denote by M the hyperplane in Image consisting of all those Image functions ψ : [a, b] → Image such that ψ(a) = α and Image(b) = β, then our problem is to locate the local extrema of the function F on the set Image.

The similarity between this problem and the constrained maximum–minimum problems of Section II.5 should be obvious—the only difference is that here the functions F and G are defined on the infinite-dimensional normed vector space Image, rather than on a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. So our method of attack will be to appropriately generalize the method of Lagrange multipliers so that it will apply in this context.

First let us recall Theorem II.5.5 in the following form. Let F, G : ImagenImage be Image functions such that G(0) = 0 and ∇G(0) ≠ 0. If F has a local maximum or local minimum at 0 subject to the constraint G(x) = 0, then there exists a number λ such that


Since the differentials dF0, dG0 : ImagenImage are given by


Eq. (3) can be rewritten


where Λ : ImageImage is the linear function defined by Λ(t) = λt.

Equation (4) presents the Lagrange multiplier method in a form which is suitable for generalization to normed vector spaces (where differentials are available, but gradient vectors are not). For the proof we will need the following elementary algebraic lemma.

Lemma 4.1 Let α and β be real-valued linear functions on the vector space E such that


Then there exists a linear function Λ : ImageImage such that α = Λ Image β. That is, the following diagram of linear functions “commutes.”


PROOF Given Image, pick Image such that β(x) = t, and define


In order to show that Λ is well defined, we must see that, if y is another element of E with β(y) = t, then α(x) = α(y). But if β(x) = β(y) = t, then ImageImage so α(x − y) = 0, which immediately implies that α(x) = α(y).

If β(x) = s and β(y) = t, then


so Λ is linear.


The following theorem states the Lagrange multiplier method in the desired generality.

Theorem 4.2 Let F and G be real-valued Image functions on the complete normed vector space E, with G(0) = 0 and dG0 ≠ 0 (so Im dG0 = Image). If F : EImage has a local extremum at 0 subject to the constraint G(x) = 0, then there exists a linear function λ : ImageImage such that


Of course the statement, that “F has a local extremum at 0 subject to G(x) = 0,” means that the restriction FImageG−1(0) has a local extremum at Image.

PROOF This will follow from Lemma 4.1, with α = dF0 and β = dG0, if we can prove that Ker dF0 contains Ker dG0. In order to do this, let us first assume the fact (to be established afterward) that, given Image, there exists a differentiable path γ : (−Image, Image) → E whose image lies in G−1(0), such that γ(0) = 0 and γ′(0) = v (see Fig. 6.6).

Then the composition h = F Image γ : (−Image, Image) → Image has a local extremum at 0, so h′(0) = 0. The chain rule therefore gives


as desired.

We will use the implicit function theorem to verify the existence of the differentiable path γ used above. If X = Ker dG0 then, since dG0 : EImage is continuous, X is a closed subspace of E, and is therefore complete (by Exercise 1.5). Choose Image such that dG0(w) = 1, and denote by Y the closed subspace of E consisting of all scalar multiples of w; then Y is a “copy” of Image.

It is clear that Image. Also, if Image and Image, then


so Image. Therefore


with Image and Image. Thus E is the algebraic direct sum of the subspaces X and Y. Moreover, it is true (although we omit the proof) that the norm on E is equivalent to the product norm on X × Y, so we may write E = X × Y.

In order to apply the implicit function theorem, we need to know that



Figure 6.6

is an isomorphism. Since YImage, we must merely show that dy G0 ≠ 0. But, given Image, we have


by Exercise 2.6, so the assumption that dy G0 = 0 would imply that dG0 = 0, contrary to hypothesis.

Consequently the implicit function theorem provides a Image function φ : X → Y whose graph y = φ(x) in X × Y = E coincides with G−1(0), inside some neighborhood of 0. If H(x) = G(x, φ(x)), then H(x) = 0 for x near 0, so


for all Image. It therefore follows that 0 = 0, because dy G0 is an isomorphism.

Finally, given Image, define γ : ImageE by γ(t) = (tu, φ(tu)). Then γ(0) = 0 and Image for t sufficiently small, and


as desired.


We are now prepared to deal with the isoperimetric problem. Let f and g be real-valued Image functions on Image3, and define the real-valued functions F and G on Image by




where Image. Assume that φ is a Image element of Image at which F has a local extremum on Image, where M is the usual hyperplane in Image that is determined by the endpoint conditions Image(a) = α and Image(b) = β.

We have seen (in Section 3) that M is the translate (by any fixed element of M) of the subspace Image of Image consisting of these elements Image such that Image(a) = Image(b) = 0. Let Image be the translation defined by


and note that T(0) = φ, while


is the identity mapping.

Now consider the real-valued functions F Image T and G Image T on Image. The fact that F has a local extremum on Image at φ implies that F Image T has a local extremum at 0 subject to the condition G Image T(Image) = 0.

Let us assume that φ is not an extremal for G on M, that is, that


so d(G Image T)0 ≠ 0. Then Theorem 4.2 applies to give a linear function Λ : ImageImage such that


Since dT0 is the identity mapping on C01[a, b], the chain rule gives


on Image. Writing Λ(t) = λt and applying the computation of Corollary 3.2 for the differentials dFφ and dGφ, we conclude that


for all Image.

If h : Image3Image is defined by


it follows that


for all Image. An application of Lemma 3.3 finally completes the proof of the following theorem.

Theorem 4.3 Let F and G be the real-valued functions on Image defined by (6) and (7), where f and g are Image functions on Image3. Let Image be a Image function which is not an extremal for G. If F has a local extremum at φ subject to the conditions


then there exists a real number λ such that φ satisfies the Euler–Lagrange equation for the function h = f − λg, that is,


for all Image.

The following application of this theorem is the one which gave such constraint problems in the calculus of variations their customary name—isoperimetric problems.

Example Suppose φ : [a, b] → Image is that nonnegative function (if any) with φ(a) = φ(b) = 0 whose graph x = φ(t) has length L, such that the area under its graph is maximal. We want to prove that the graph x = φ(t) must be an arc of


Figure 6.7

a circle (Fig. 6.7). If f(x, y, t) = x and Image, then φ maximizes the integral


subject to the conditions


Since Image, the Euler-Lagrange equation (8) is




This last equation just says that the curvature of the curve t → (t, φ(t)) is the constant 1/λ. Its image must therefore be part of a circle.

The above discussion of the isoperimetric problem generalizes in a straightforward manner to the case in which there is more than one constraint. Given Image functions f, g1, . . . , gk: Image3Image, we wish to minimize or maximize the function


subject to the endpoint conditions Image(a) = α, Image(b) = β and the constraints


Our problem then is to locate the local extrema of F on Image, where M is the usual hyperplane in Image and


The result, analogous to Theorem 4.3, is as follows.

Let Image be a Image function which is not an extremal for any linear combination of the functions G1, . . . , Gk. If F has a local extremum at φ subject to the conditions


then there exist numbers λ1, . . . , λk such that φ satisfies the Euler–Lagrange equation for the function


Inclusion of the complete details of the proof would be repetitious, so we simply outline the necessary alterations in the proof of Theorem 4.3.

First Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 4.2 are slightly generalized as follows. In Lemma 4.1 we take β to be a linear mapping from E to Imagek with Im β = Imagek, and in Theorem 4.2 we take G to be a Image mapping from E to Imagek such that G(0) = 0 and Im dG0 = Imagek. The only other change is that, in the conclusion of each, Λ becomes a real-valued linear function on Imagek. The proofs remain essentially the same.

We then apply the generalized Theorem 4.2 to the mappings Image and Image, defined by (9) and (10), in the same way that the original (Theorem 4.2) was applied (in the proof of Theorem 4.3) to the functions defined by (6) and (7). The only additional observation needed is that, if φ is not an extremal for any linear combination of the component functions G1, . . . , Gk, then it follows easily that dGφ maps TMφ onto Imagek. We then conclude as before that


for some linear function Λ : ImagekImage. Writing Image, we conclude that


for all Image. An application of Lemma 3.3 then implies that φ satisfies the Euler–Lagrange equation for Image.


4.1Consulting the discussion at the end of Section 3, generalize the isoperimetric problem to the vector-valued case as follows: Let f, g : Imagen × Imagen × ImageImage be given functions, and suppose φ : [a, b] → Imagen is an extremal for


subject to the conditions Image(a) = α, Image(b) = β and


Then show under appropriate conditions that, for some number λ, the path φ satisfies the Euler–Lagrange equations


for the function h = f − λg.

4.2Let φ : [a, b] → Image2 be a closed curve in the plane, φ(a) = φ(b), and write φ(t) = (x(t), y(t)). Apply the result of the previous problem to show that, if φ maximizes the area integral


subject to


then the image of φ is a circle.

4.3With the notation and terminology of the previous problem, establish the following reciprocity relationship. The closed path φ is an extremal for the area integral, subject to the arclength integral being constant, if and only if φ is an extremal for the arclength integral subject to the area integral being constant. Conclude that, if φ has minimal length amongst curves enclosing a given area, then the image of φ is a circle.

4.4Formulate (along the lines of Exercise 3.9) a necessary condition that φ : [a, b] → Image minimize


subject to


This is the isoperimetric problem with second derivatives.

4.5Suppose that Image describes (in polar coordinates) a closed curve of length L that encloses maximal area. Show that it is a circle by maximizing


subject to the condition


4.6A uniform flexible cable of fixed length hangs between two fixed points. If it hangs in such a way as to minimize the height of its center of gravity, show that its shape is that of a catenary (see Example 2 of Section 3). Hint: Note that Exercise 3.2 applies.

4.7If a hanging flexible cable of fixed length supports a horizontally uniform load, show that its shape is that of a parabola.