Rules for Exponents - Master High-Frequency Concepts and Skills for Algebra Proficiency—FAST - Easy Algebra Step-by-Step

Easy Algebra Step-by-Step: Master High-Frequency Concepts and Skills for Algebra Proficiency—FAST! (2012)

Chapter 7. Rules for Exponents

In Chapter 4, you learned about the various types of exponents that you might encounter in algebra. In this chapter, you learn about the rules for exponents—which you will find useful when you simplify algebraic expressions. The following rules hold for all real numbers x and y and all rational numbers m, n, and p, provided that all indicated powers are real and no denominator is 0.

Product Rule

Image Product Rule for Exponential Expressions with the Same Base

xm xn = xm+n

This rule tells you that when you multiply exponential expressions that have the same base, you add the exponents and keep the same base.

If the bases are not the same, don’t use the product rule for exponential expressions with the same base.

Problem Simplify.

a. x2 x3

b. x2 y5

c. x2 x7 y3 y5


a. x2 x3

Image Step 1. Check for exponential expressions that have the same base.

x2 x3

x2 and x3 have the same base, namely, x.

Step 2. Simplify x2 x3. Keep the base x and add the exponents 2 and 3.

x2 x3 = x2+3 = x5

x2x3x2.3 = x6 When multiplying, add the exponents of the same base, don’t multiply them.

b. x2y5

Image Step 1. Check for exponential expressions that have the same base.


x2 and y5 do not have the same base, so the product cannot be simplified.

x2y5 ≠ (xy)7. This is a common error that you should avoid.

c. x2x7y3y5

Image Step 1. Check for exponential expressions that have the same base.


x2 and x7 have the same base, namely, x, and y3 and y5 have the same base, namely, y.

Step 2. Simplify x2x7 and y3y5 For each, keep the base and add the exponents.

x2x7y3y5 = x2+7y3+5 = x9y8

Quotient Rule

Image Quotient Rule for Exponential Expressions with the Same Base


This rule tells you that when you divide exponential expressions that have the same base, you subtract the denominator exponent from the numerator exponent and keep the same base.

If the bases are not the same, don’t use the quotient rule for exponential expressions with the same base.

Problem Simplify.

a. Image

b. Image

c. Image

d. Image


a. Image

Image Step 1. Check for exponential expressions that have the same base.


x5 and x3 have the same base, namely, x.

Step 2. Simplify Image. Keep the base x and subtract the exponents 5 and 3.


Image. When dividing, subtract the exponents of the same base, don’t divide them.

b. Image

Image Step 1. Check for exponential expressions that have the same base.


y5 and x2 do not have the same base, so the quotient cannot be simplified.

Image. This is a common error that you should avoid.

C. Image

Image Step 1. Check for exponential expressions that have the same base.


x7 and x2 have the same base, namely, x, and y5 and y3 have the same base, namely, y.

Step 2. Simplify Image and Image For each, keep the base and subtract the exponents.


d. Image

Image Step 1. Check for exponential expressions that have the same base.


x3 and x10 have the same base, namely, x.

Step 2. Simplify Image Keep the base x and subtract the exponents 3 and 10.


Step 3. Express x–7 as an equivalent exponential expression with a positive exponent.


When you simplify expressions, make sure your final answer does not contain negative exponents.

Rules for Powers

Image Rule for a Power to a Power

(xm)p = xmp

This rule tells you that when you raise an exponential expression to a power, keep the base and multiply exponents.

Problem Simplify.

a. (x2)3

b. (y3)5


a. (x2)3

Image Step 1. Keep the same base x and multiply the exponents 2 and 3.

(x2)3 = x2.3 = x6

(x2)3x5. For a power to a power, multiply exponents, don’t add.

b. (y3)5

Image Step 1. Keep the same base y and multiply the exponents 3 and 5.

(y3)5 = y3.5 = 1515

Image Rule for the Power of a Product

(xy)p = ypyp

This rule tells you that a product raised to a power is the product of each factor raised to the power.

Confusing the rule (xy)p = xpyp with the rule xmxn = xm+n is a common error. Notice that the rule (xy)p = xpyp has the same exponent and different bases, while the rule xmxn = xm+n has the same base and different exponents.

Problem Simplify.

a. (xy)6

b. (4x)3

c. (x3y2z)4


a. (xy)6

Image Step 1. Raise each factor to the power of 6.

(xy)6 = x6x6

b. (4x)3

Image Step 1. Raise each factor to the power of 3.

(4x)3 = 43x3 = 64x3

c. (x3y2z4)

Image Step 1. Raise each factor to the power of 4.

(x3y2z4 = (x)3)4(y)2)4(z)4 = x12y8z4

Image Rule for the Power of a Quotient


This rule tells you that a quotient raised to a power is the quotient of each factor raised to the power.

Problem Simplify.

a. Image

b. Image


a. Image

Image Step 1. Raise each factor to the power of 4.


b. Image

Image Step 1. Raise each factor to the power of 3.


Rules for Exponents Summary

You must be very careful when simplifying using rules for exponents. For your convenience, here is a summary of the rules.

Image Rules for Exponents

1. Product Rule for Exponential Expressions with the Same Base

xmxn = xm+n

2. Quotient Rule for Exponential Expressions with the Same Base


3. Rule for a Power to a Power

(xm)p = xmp

4. Rule for the Power of a Product

(xy)p = xpyp

5. Rule for the Power of a Quotient


Notice there is no rule for the power of a sum [e.g., (x + y)2] or for the power of a difference [e.g., (xy)2]. Therefore, an algebraic sum or difference raised to a power cannot be simplified using only rules for exponents.

Problem Simplify using only rules for exponents.

a. (xy)2

b. (x + y)2

c. (x – y)2

d. (x + y)2(x + y)3

e. Image


a. (xy)2

Image Step 1. This is a power of a product, so square each factor.

xy2 = x2y2

b. (x + y)2

Image Step 1. This is a power of a sum. It cannot be simplified using only rules for exponents.

(x + y)2 is the answer.

(x + y)2x2+y2!(x + y)2 = (x + y)(x + y) = x2 + 2xy + y2 (which you will learn in Chapter 9). This is the most common error that beginning algebra students make.

c. (x – y)2

(x – y)2x2-y2!

Image Step 1. This is a power of a difference. It cannot be simplified using only rules for exponents.

(x – y)2 is the answer.

d. (x + y)2(x + y)3

Image Step 1. This is a product of expressions with the same base, namely, (x + y). Keep the base and add the exponents.

(x + y)2(x + y)3 = (x + y)2+3 = (x + y)5

When a quantity enclosed in a grouping symbol acts as a base, you can use the rules for exponents to simplify as long as you continue to treat the quantity as a base.

Step 2. (x + y)5 is a power of a sum. It cannot be simplified using only rules for exponents.

(x + y)5 is the answer.

e. Image

Image Step 1. This is a quotient of expressions with the same base, namely, (x – y). Keep the base and subtract the exponents.


Step 2. (x – y)3 is a power of a difference. It cannot be simplified using only rules for exponents.

(x – y)3 is the answer.

Image Exercise 7

Simplify using only rules for exponents.

1. x4x9

2. x3x4y6y5

3. Image

4. Image

5. Image

6. (x2)5

7. (xy)5

8. (– 5x)5

9. (2x5yz3)4

10. Image

11. Image

12. (2x + 1)2

13. (3x – 5)3

14. (x + 3)(x + 3)2

15. Image