Complex Numbers - Algebra - University Mathematics Handbook

University Mathematics Handbook (2015)

X. Algebra

Chapter 1. Complex Numbers

1.1  Definition: Algebraic Operations in Complex Numbers

a.  An ordered pair of real numbers is called a complex number.

b.  , when , is the algebraic form of a complex number.

is called the real part of , and is denoted .

is called the imaginary part of , and is denoted .

c.   is a conjugate to the number

d.  Let and be two complex numbers:

1.  Equality: if and only if and

2.  Addition:

3.  Multiplication:

4.  Powers of : , ,

5.  Division:


1.2  Geometric Description, Modulus and Argument

a.  Any complex number can be described as point in plane or a vector beginning in the origin and ending at point .

Plane is called complex plane, when -axis is Real Axis and -axis is Imaginary Axis.

b.  In the complex plane, is described by a vector symmetrical to about -axis.

c.  The length of vector s called the modulus or absolute value of complex number and is denoted .

d.  Angle between the vector corresponding to complex number and the positive direction of the real axis is called the argument of and is denoted as . It is measured counterclockwise, in radians.

Notice: For every complex number, the modulus is specified definitely, but an argument has countless values different from each other by an integer product of .

e.  is the polar form of a complex number. To have its polar form, we should just take an argument value of , or, alternately, , since an addition of for does not change the values of and .

f.  The relation between the algebraic form and the polar form of a complex number is:

g.  Properties of absolute value (modulus)

h.  Properties of the argument

1.3  Powers and Roots of

a.  De Moivre’s Formula: For every natural ,

b.  The -th root of a complex number is a complex number holding . It is denoted .

c.  For every complex number , there exist just different complex numbers for which , expressed by the formula