The Journal of Special Education Leadership - Early Childhood Education - Pedagogy

Early Childhood Education

The Journal of Special Education Leadership


The Journal of Special Education Leadership provides both practicing administrators and researchers of special education administration and policy with relevant tools and sources of research on recent advances in administrative theory, policy, and practice. The Journal of Special Education Leadership is a refereed journal that directly supports the main objectives of The Council for Administrators of Special Education, a division of the Council for Exceptional Children, to foster research, learning, teaching, and practice in the field of special education administration and to encourage the extension of special education administration knowledge to other areas of leadership and policy. Articles for the Journal should enhance knowledge and contribute to a body of research about the process of managing special education service delivery systems, as well as reflect on techniques, trends, and issues that are significant. Preference is given to articles that have a broad appeal, wide applicability, and immediate usefulness to administrators, other practitioners, and researchers.

Mary Boscardin