Examination - Nuclear Physics - Homework Helpers: Physics

Homework Helpers: Physics

10 Nuclear Physics

Chapter 10 Examination

Part I—Matching

Match the following terms to the definitions that follow.

a. proton

b. neutron

c. electron

d. hadron

e. nucleon

f. quarks

g. atomic number

h. photon

i. positron

j. beta-minus particle

k. nuclear fission

l. nuclear fusion

_____1. A particle (a proton or neutron) found in the nucleus of an atom.

_____2. A positively charged particle commonly found in the nucleus of an atom.

_____3. This is the antiparticle of the electron, with a mass of zero and a charge of +1.

_____4. The process in which a heavy nucleus splits into two or more parts.

_____5. The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

_____6. A particle (an electron) emitted from the nucleus of an atom during beta decay.

_____7. A particle made up of quarks.

_____8. The process in which two or more smaller nuclei combine to make a larger one.

_____9. A tiny packet of energy that makes up light.

____10. Fundamental particles that are constituents of protons and neutrons.

Part II—Calculations

Perform each of the following calculations.

11. Calculate the energy of photon with a frequency of 2.10 × 10–7 Hz.

12. How much energy does a photon with a wavelength of 4.12 × 10–8 m contain?

13. Calculate the momentum of a photon with a wavelength of 2.76 × 10–6 m.

14. Calculate the wavelength of an electron with a velocity of 3.15 × 107 m/s.

15. Calculate the binding energy of an isotope with a mass defect of 0.005291 u.