5 Steps to a 5 AP Computer Science A 2017 (2016)


Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High


Fundamentals of Programming


Summary: You will learn the fundamental building blocks that all programmers need to write software. The syntax, which is the technical way of writing the code, will be written in Java; however, all of the structures that you will learn in this concept will apply to any language that you come across in the future. To pass the AP Computer Science A Exam, and to be a developer, you must master all of these fundamental concepts.

Key Ideas

   Variables allow you to store information that is used by the program.

   Conditional statements allow you to branch in different directions in your program.

   Looping structures allow you to repeat instructions many times.

   The computer follows the order of operations when performing mathematical calculations.

   Software developers write comments to document their code.

   The console screen is where simple input and output are displayed.

   Good software developers can debug their code and the code of others.


Do you want to keep track of a score in a game that you want to write? Do you want your program to make choices based on whatever the user wants? Will you be doing any math to get answers for the user? Do you want an easy way to do something a million times? In this concept you will learn the fundamental building blocks that programmers use to write software to do all these things.


Syntax is not a fine you have to pay for doing something you’re not supposed to do. The syntax of a programming language describes the correct way to type the code so the program will run. An example of a syntax error is forgetting to put a semicolon after an instruction. Another example is not putting a pair of parentheses in the correct place. You have to fix all syntax errors before your program will run. If your program has any syntax errors, the compiler will respond with a compile-time error. This type of error prevents the compiler from doing its job of turning your Java code into bytecode. As soon as you have eliminated all syntax errors from your program, your program can be compiled and then run (executed) . A list of common syntax errors can be found in the Appendix.

Inline Comment

An inline comment is a way for a programmer to tell someone who is reading the code a secret message. The way to make an inline comment is to make two forward slashes, like this: //.

// This is an inline comment.

// The computer ignores everything after the two forward slashes on the same line.

// I will use inline comments as a way to give you secret messages throughout this book.

The Console Screen

The console screen is the simplest way to input and output information when running a program. The two most common instructions to display information to the screen are System.out.println() and System.out.print() .

Summary of Console Output

CASE 1:   To display some text and move the cursor onto the next line:
System.out.println ("text goes here");

CASE 2:   To display some text and NOT move the cursor onto the next line:
System.out.print ("text goes here");

CASE 3:   To only move the cursor onto the next line:


The difference between the print() and the println() statements:

Predict the Output of This Code:

Output on the Console Screen:

The Semicolon

The semicolon is a special character that signifies the end of an instruction. Every distinct line of code should end with a semicolon. It tells the compiler that an instruction ends here.

Primitive Variables

Numbers can be stored and retrieved while a program is running if they are given a home. The way that integers and decimal numbers are stored in the computer is by declaring a variable . When you declare a variable, the computer sets aside a space for it in the working memory of the computer (RAM) while the program is running. Once that space is declared, the programmer can assign a value to the variable, change the value, or retrieve the value at any time in the program. In other words, if you want to keep track of something in your program, you have to create a home for it, and declaring a variable does just that.

In Java, the kind of number that the programmer wants to store must be decided ahead of time and is called the data type . For the AP Computer Science A Exam, you are required to know two primitive data types that store numbers: the int and the double .


A variable is a simple data structure that allows the programmer to store a value in the computer. The programmer can retrieve or modify the variable at any time in the program.

The int and double Data Types

Numbers that contain decimals can be stored only in the data type called the double . Integers can be stored in either the data type called the int or the double . Remember that this book is designed for the AP Computer Science A Exam. There are several other data types in Java that can store numbers; however, they are not tested on the AP Computer Science A Exam.

When it is time for you to create a variable, you need to know its data type. It’s also a common practice to give the variable a starting value if you know what it should be. This process is called declaring a variable and initializing it .

The General Form for Declaring a Variable in Java

datatype variableName;

The General Form for Declaring a Variable and Then Initializing It

datatype variableName = value;


Declaring int and double primitive variables in Java:

The following graphic is intended to give you a visual of how primitive variables are stored in the computer’s RAM (random access memory) . The value of each variable is stored in the computer’s memory at a specific memory address . The name of the variable and its value are stored together. Whenever you declare a new primitive variable, think of this picture to imagine what is going on inside the computer. The way this process works inside of a computer is bit more complicated than this, but I hope the diagram helps you imagine how variables are stored in memory.

Naming Convention and Camel Case

The manner in which you choose a variable name should follow the rules of a naming convention . A naming convention makes it easy for programmers to recognize and recall variable names.

Obviously, you are familiar with uppercase and lowercase, but let me introduce you to camel case , the technique used to create identifiers in Java. All primitive variable names start with a lowercase letter; then for each new word in the variable name, the first letter of the new word is assigned an uppercase letter.

All variable names should be descriptive, yet concise. The name should describe exactly what the variable holds and be short enough to not become a pain to write every time you use it. Single letter variable names should be avoided, as they are not descriptive.


Mistakes when declaring int and double primitive variables in Java:

Summary of Variable Names in Java

  • Variable names should be meaningful, descriptive, and concise.
  • Variable names cannot begin with a number or symbol (the dollar sign and underscore are exceptions to this rule).
  • By naming convention, variable names use camel case.

The boolean Data Type

If you want to store a value that is not a number, but rather a true or false value, then you should choose a boolean variable. The boolean data type is stored in the computer memory in the same way as ints and doubles.


Declaring boolean variables in Java:

One-Letter Variable Names

On the free-response section of the AP Computer Science A Exam, you should name your variables in a meaningful way so the reader thinks you know what you’re doing. Declaring all your variable names with single letters that don’t explain what is stored is considered bad programming practice.

Keywords in Java

keyword is a reserved word in Java. They are words that the compiler looks for when translating the Java code into bytecode. Examples of keywords are int , double , public , and boolean . Keywords can never be used as the names of variables, as it confuses the compiler and therefore causes a syntax error. A full list of Java keywords appears in the Appendix.


The mistake of using a keyword as a variable name:

Mathematical Operations

Order of Operations

Java handles all mathematical calculations using the order of operations that you learned in math class (your teacher may have called it PEMDAS or GEMA). The order of operations does exactly that: it tells you the order to evaluate any expression that may contain parentheses, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and so on. The computer will figure out the answers in exactly the same way that you learned in math class.


The modulus (or mod ) operator appears often on the AP Computer Science A Exam. While it is not deliberately taught in most math classes, it is something that you are familiar with.

The mod operator uses the percent symbol, % , and produces the remainder after doing a division. Back in grade school, you may have been taught that the answer to 14 divided by 3 was 4 R 2, where the R stood for remainder . If this is how you were taught, then mod will be simple for you. The result of 14 % 3 is 2 because there are 2 left over after dividing 14 by 3.

Using Modulo to Find Even or Odd Numbers

The mod operator is great for determining if a number is even or odd. If someNumber % 2 = 0, then someNumber is even. Or, if someNumber % 2 = 1, then someNumber is odd.

Furthermore, the mod operator can be used to find a multiple of any number. For example, if someNumber % 13 = 0, then someNumber is a multiple of 13.

Division with Integers

When you divide an int by an int in Java, the result is an int. This is referred to as integer division . The decimal portion of the answer is ignored. The technical way to say it is that the result is truncated , which means that the decimal portion of the answer is dropped.


The examples show how division works with int and double values in Java. If either number is a double, you get a double result.


Any attempt to divide by zero or perform someNumber % 0 will produce a run-time error called an ArithmeticException . The program crashes when it tries to do this math operation.


Getting an ArithmeticException error by doing incorrect math:


Dividing by zero or performing a mod by zero will produce an error called an ArithmeticException .

Modifying Number Variables

The Assignment Operator

The equal sign, =, is called an assignment operator because you use it when you want to assign a value to a variable. It acts differently from the equal sign in mathematics since the equal sign in math shows that the two sides have the same value. The assignment operator gives the left side the value of whatever is on the right side. The right side of the equal sign is computed first and then the answer is assigned to the variable on the left side.

Assignment statements use the equal sign , =, and are processed from RIGHT to LEFT. The RIGHT side is computed first; then the answer is stored in the variable on the LEFT.


I’m pretty sure that if you were writing some kind of game, you would want to keep track of a score. You may also want a timer. In order to do this, you will need to know how to count and accumulate. When giving a variable a value, the right side of the assignment statement is computed first, and the result is given to the variable on the left side of the statement (even if it is the same variable!). The left side of the assignment statement is replaced by the right side. So, to modify a number variable, you must change it and then store it back on itself.


How to accumulate in Java using the assignment operator:

Short-Cut Operators

Java provides another way to modify the value of a variable called a short-cut operator . There is a short-cut operator for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulo. It’s called a short-cut operator because you only have to write the variable name one time rather than twice like in the previous explanation.


How to modify a variable using short-cut operators:

Incrementing and Decrementing a Variable

To increment a variable means to add to the value stored in the variable. This is how we can count up in Java. There are three common ways to write code to add one to a variable. You may see any of these techniques for incrementing by one on the AP Computer Science A Exam.

To decrement a variable means to subtract from its value. This is how we can count down in Java. There are three common ways to subtract one from a variable in Java.

Casting a Variable

On the AP Computer Science A Exam, you will be tested on the correct way to cast variables. Casting is a way to tell a variable to temporarily become a different data type for the sake of performing some action, such as division. The next example demonstrates why casting is important using division with integers. Observe how the cast uses parentheses.

The Most Common Type of Cast

The most common types of casts are from an int to a double or a double to an int.

Example 1

Here is the correct way to cast an int to a double: Make the variable pretend that it is a double before doing the division.

Example 2

Here is the wrong way to cast an int to a double. This example does not produce the result we want, because we are casting the result of the division between the integers. Remember that 2 divided by 5 is 0 (using integer division).

Manually Rounding a double

On the AP Computer Science A Exam, you will have to know how to round a double to its nearest whole number. This requires a cast from a double to an int.

Example 1

Manually rounding a positive decimal number to the nearest integer:

Example 2

Manually rounding a negative decimal number to the nearest integer:

Relational Operators

Double Equals Versus Single Equals

Java compares numbers the same way that we do in math class, using relational operators (like greater than or less than). A condition is a comparison of two values using a relational operator. To decide if two numbers are equal in Java, we compare them using the double equals , = =. This is different from the single equals , =, which is called an assignment operator and is used for assigning values to a variable.

The not Operator: !

To compare if two numbers are not equal in Java, we use the not operator . It uses the exclamation point, ! , and represents the opposite of something. It is also referred to as a negation operator.

Table of Relational Operators

The following table shows the symbols for comparing numbers using relational operators.


Demonstrating relational operators within conditional statements:

The ! as a Toggle Switch

The not operator, !, can be used in a clever way to reverse the value of a boolean.


Using the not operator to toggle player turns for a two-player game:

Logical Operations

Compound Conditionals: Using AND and OR

AND and OR are logical operators . In Java, the AND operator is typed using two ampersands (&&) while the OR operator uses two vertical bars ( || ). These two logical operators are used to form compound conditional statements .

The Truth Table

truth table describes how AND and OR work.

Example 1

Suppose you are writing a game that allows the user to play as long as their score is less than the winning score and they still have time left on the clock. You would want to allow them to play the game as long as both of these two conditions are true.

Example 2

Computing the results of compound conditionals:

Fun Fact : The boolean variable is named in honor of George Boole who founded the field of algebraic logic. His work is at the heart of all computing .

Short-Circuit Evaluation

Java uses short-circuit evaluation to speed up the evaluation of compound conditionals. As soon as the result of the final evaluation is known, then the result is returned and the remaining evaluations are not even performed.

Find the result of: (1 < 3 || (a >= c - b % a + (b + a / 7) - (a % b +c)))

In a split second , you can determine that the result is true because 1 is less than 3 . End of story. The rest is never even evaluated. Short-circuit evaluation is useful when the second half of a compound conditional might cause an error. This is tested on the AP Computer Science A Exam.


Demonstrate how short-circuit evaluation can prevent a division by zero error.

If the count is equal to zero, the second half of the compound conditional is never evaluated, thereby avoiding a division by zero error.

DeMorgan’s Law

On the AP Computer Science A Exam, you must be able to evaluate complex compound conditionals. DeMorgan’s Law can help you decipher ones that fit certain criteria.

An easy way to remember how to apply DeMorgan’s Law is to think of the distributive property from algebra, but with a twist. Distribute the ! to both of the conditionals and also change the logical operator to its opposite. Note the use of the parentheses and remember that the law can be applied both forward and backward.


Computing the results of complex logical expressions using DeMorgan’s Law:

Explanation for result1 : Demorgan’s Law says that you should distribute the negation operator. Therefore, the negation of b == 3 is b != 3 and the negation of a < 1 is a >= 1:

Explanation for result2 : The negation of a != 2 is a == 2 and the negation of b <= 4 is b > 4:

The Negation of a Relational Operator

The negation of greater than (>) is less than or equal to (<=) and vice versa.

The negation of less than (<) is greater than or equal to (>=) and vice versa.

The negation of equal to (==) is not equal to (!=) and vice versa.

Conditional Statements

If you want your program to branch out into different directions based on the input from the user or the value of a variable, then you will want to have a conditional statement in your program.

The if Statement

The if statement is a conditional statement. In its simplest form, it allows the program to execute a specific set of instructions if some certain condition is met. If the condition is not met, then the program skips over those instructions.

The if-else Statement

The if-else statement allows the program to execute a specific set of instructions if some certain condition is met and a different set of instructions if the condition is not met. I will sometimes refer to the code that is executed when the condition is true as the if clause and the code that follows the else as the else clause .

The syntax for if and if-else statements can be tricky. Pay attention to the use of the curly braces.

Example 1

The if statement for one or more lines of code:

Example 2

The if-else statement for one or more lines of code for each result:

Example 3

The if-else statement using a compound conditional:

Example 4

Nested if-else statements for one or more lines of code (watch the curly braces!):

Example 5

When you want to execute only one line of code when something is true, you don’t actually need the curly braces. Java will execute the first line of code after the if statement if the result is true. This is not recommended but it is likely that you will see this on the AP Computer Science A Exam.

Example 6

The same goes for an if-else statement. If you want to execute only one line of code for each value of the condition, then no curly braces are required.

Can You Spot the Error in This Program?

Answer: Never put a semicolon on the same line as the condition. It ends the if-statement right there. In general, never put a semicolon before a curly brace .

The Dangling else

If you don’t use curly braces properly within if-else statements, you may get a dangling else . A dangling else attaches itself to the nearest if statement and not necessarily to the one that you may have intended. Use curly braces to avoid a dangling else and control which instructions you want executed. The dangling else does not cause a compile-time error, but rather it causes a logic error . The program doesn’t execute in the way that you expected.


The second else statement attaches itself to the nearest preceding if statement:

Scope of a Variable

The word scope refers to the code that knows that a variable exists. Local variables, like the ones we have been declaring, are only known within the block of code in which they are defined. This can be confusing for beginning programmers. Another way to say it is: a variable that is declared inside a pair of curly braces is only known inside that set of curly braces.

Curly Braces and Blocks of Code

Curly braces come in pairs and the code they surround is called a block of code .

Looping Statements

The for Loop

Suppose your very strict music teacher catches you chewing gum in class and tells you to write out “I will not chew gum while playing the flute” 100 times. You decide to use your computer to do the work for you. How can you write a program to repeat something as many times as you want? The answer is a for loop .

General Form for Creating a for Loop

The for loop uses a loop control variable to repeat its instructions. This loop control variable is typically an int and is allowed to have a one-letter name like i, j, k, and so on. This breaks the rule of having meaningful variable names. Yes, the loop control variable is a rebel.

Explanation 1: The for loop for those who like to read paragraphs . . .

When a for loop starts, its loop control variable is declared and initialized. Then, a comparison is made using the loop control variable. If the result of the comparison is true, the instructions that are to be repeated are executed one time. The loop control variable is then modified in some way (usually incremented or decremented, but not always). Next, the loop control variable is compared again using the same comparison as before. If the result of this comparison is true, the loop performs another iteration . The loop control variable is again modified (in the same way that it was before), and this process continues until the comparison of the loop control variable is false. When this happens, the loop ends and we exit (or terminate) the loop . The total number of times that the loop repeats the instructions is called the number of iterations.

Explanation 2: The for loop for those who like a list of steps . . .

Step 1: Declare and initialize the loop control variable.

Step 2: Compare the loop control variable in some way.

Step 3: If the result of the comparison is true, then execute the instructions one time.
If the result of the comparison is false, then skip to Step 6.

Step 4: Modify the loop control variable in some way (usually increment or decrement, but not always).

Step 5: Go to Step 2.

Step 6: Exit the loop and move on to the next line of code in the program.

Explanation 3: The for loop for those who like pictures . . .

The Loop Control Variable

The most common approach when using a for loop is to declare the loop control variable in the for loop. If this is the case, then the loop control variable is only known inside the for loop. Any attempt to use the loop control variable in an instruction after the loop will get a compile-time error (cannot be resolved to a variable).

However, it is possible to declare a loop control variable prior to the for loop code. If this is the case, then the loop control variable is known before the loop, during the loop, and after the loop.

Example 1

A simple example of a for loop:

Example 2

The loop control variable is often used inside the loop as shown here:

Example 3

In this example, an error occurs when an attempt is made to print the loop control variable after the loop has finished. The variable was declared inside the loop and is not known after the loop exits:

Example 4

In this example, the loop control variable is declared in a separate instruction before the loop. This allows the variable to be known before, during, and after the loop:

Fun Fact : In an early programming language called Fortran, the letters i, j, and k were reserved for storing integers. To this day programmers still use these letters for integer variables even though they can be used to store other data types .

The Nested for Loop

A for loop that is inside of another for loop is called a nested for loop . The outer loop control variable (OLCV) is used to control the outside loop. The inner loop control variable (ILCV) is used to control the inside loop. There is no limit to the number of times you can nest a series of for loops.

General Form for a Nested for Loop

Execution Count Within a Nested for Loop

When a nested for loop is executed, the inner loop is performed in its entirety for every iteration of the outer loop . That means that the number of times that the instructions inside the inner loop are performed is equal to the product of the number of times the outer loop is performed and the number of times the inner loop is performed.


To demonstrate execution count for a nested for loop: The outer loop repeats a total of three times (once for i = 0, then for i = 1, and then for i = 2). The inner loop repeats four times (once for j = 1, then for j = 2, then for j = 3, and then for j = 4). The inner loop repeats (starts over) for every iteration of the outer loop. Therefore, the System.out.println statement executes a total of 12 times:

Execution Count for a Nested for Loop

To find the total number of times that the code inside the inner for loop is executed, multiply the number of iterations of the outer loop by the number of iterations of the inner loop.

The while Loop

Consider the software that is used to check out customers at a store. The clerk drags each item over the scanner until there aren’t any more items to be scanned. Viewing this through the eyes of a programmer , I can suggest that a while loop is used to determine the final cost of all the items. The process repeats until there aren’t any more items. Now, in contrast, if the clerk asked you how many items you had in your cart before he started scanning, then I would suggest that a for loop is being used to determine the final cost of all the items.

General Form for a while Loop

Recommended form: Repeat instructions (using curly braces):

Legal (but not recommended) form: Repeat an instruction (without using curly braces):

The while loop repeats instructions just like the for loop, but it does it differently. Instead of having a loop control variable that is a number like the for loop, the while loop can use any kind of data type to control when it is to perform another iteration of the loop. I like to use the phrase as long as as a replacement for the word while when reading a while loop. In other words: As long as the condition is true, I will continue to repeat the instructions .

Explanation 1: The while loop for those who like to read paragraphs . . .

Declare and initialize some variable of any data type before the loop begins. Then compare this variable at the start of the loop. If the result of the comparison is true, the instructions inside the loop get executed one time. Then, modify the variable in some way. Next, compare the variable again in the same way as before. If the result is true, the instructions get executed one more time. This process continues until the result of the comparison is false. At this point, the loop ends and we exit the loop. You must make certain that the variable that is being compared is changed inside of the loop. If you forget to modify this variable, you may end up with a loop that never ends!

Explanation 2: The while loop for those who like a list of steps . . .

Step 1: Declare and initialize some variable of any data type.

Step 2: Compare this variable in some way.

Step 3: If the result of the comparison is true, then execute the instructions one time.
If the result of the comparison is false, then skip to Step 6.

Step 4: Modify the variable that is to be compared.

Step 5: Go to Step 2.

Step 6: Exit the loop and move on to the next line of code in the program.

Example 1

A simple example of a while loop:

Example 2

Use a while loop to require a user to enter the secret passcode for a vault that contains a million dollars. Do not allow the user to exit the loop until they get it right. If they get it right the first time, do not enter the loop (do not execute any of the instructions inside the loop).

A Flag in Programming

flag in programming is a virtual way to signal that something has happened. Think of it as, “I’m waving a flag” to tell you that something important just occurred. Normally, boolean variables are chosen for flags. They are originally set to false, then when something exciting happens, they are set to true.

Example 3

Use a while loop to continue playing a game as long as the game is not over:

Strength of the while Loop

A strength of the while loop is that you don’t have to know how many times you will execute the instructions before you begin looping. You just have to know when you want it to end.

The Infinite Loop

If you make a mistake in a looping statement such that the loop never ends, the result is an infinite loop .

Example 1

Accidentally getting an infinite loop when using a for loop:

Example 2

Accidentally getting an infinite loop when using a while loop:

Boundary Testing

A very common error when using a for loop or a while loop is called a boundary error . It means that you accidently went one number past or one number short of the right amount. The loop didn’t perform the precise number of iterations . This concept is tested many times on the AP Computer Science A Exam. The only real way to prevent it is to hand-trace your code very carefully to make sure that your loop is executing the correct number of times.

Goldilocks and the Three Looping Structures

Always test that your for loops, nested for loops and while loops are executing the correct number of times—not too many, but not too few. Just the right number of times. Hint: If you use:

then the loop will execute maximum number of times.

Bases Other Than Decimal

Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal

As humans, we are familiar with base 10, or decimal notation . However, computers don’t use base 10, they use base 2 , base 8 , or base 16 . The AP Computer Science A Exam requires that you understand how to convert between these different number base systems and also understand the underpinnings of place value systems other than decimal.

Each of these number systems uses place value and is controlled by its base. Think back to when you were in grade school learning about really big numbers. The number 2375 in decimal means two thousands, three hundreds, seven tens, and five ones. This is because each of the digits resides in a place that represents a power of 10. This system is called place value , because, yes, you guessed it, each place has a value.

Notice that we ran out of digits in hexadecimal and started to use the first six letters of the English alphabet. This is the secret code of the hexadecimal. Just note that A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, and F = 15.

Fun Fact : The word bit comes from the words binary digit. A bit is represented by either a 1 or a 0, which represents on or off. The symbol for the power button is actually a combination of a 1 and a 0 .

Decimal Numbers (Base 10)

This graphic explains what a number in base 10 means. Now, let’s apply this same idea to convert numbers from binary, octal, and hexadecimal to base 10.

Example 1

Converting a binary (base 2) number to decimal:

Example 2

Converting an octal (base 8) number to decimal:

Example 3

Converting a hexadecimal (base 16) number to decimal (recall: A = 10 and F = 15):

Question: Why do computer scientists confuse Halloween with Christmas?

Answer: Because 31 OCT = 25 DEC

Commenting Your Code

Inline Comments

I’ve been using inline comments throughout this concept and will continue to use them in the rest of the book. They begin with two forward slashes, //. All text that comes after the slashes (on the same line) is ignored by the compiler.

Multiple-Line Comments

When your comment takes longer than one line, you will want to use a multiple-line comment. These comments begin with /* and end with */. The compiler ignores everything in between these two special character sequences.

Javadoc Comments

You will see Javadoc comments (also called documentation comments ) on the AP Computer Science A Exam, especially in the FRQ section. These comments begin with /** and end with */. The compiler ignores everything in between the two character sequences.

Types of Errors

Compile-Time Errors

When you don’t use the correct syntax in Java, the compiler yells at you. Well, it doesn’t actually yell at you, it just won’t compile your program and gives you a compile-time error . A list of the most common compile-time errors is located in the Appendix.

A brief list of compile-time errors:

  • Forgetting a semicolon at the end of an instruction
  • Forgetting to put a data type for a variable
  • Using a keyword as a variable name
  • Forgetting to initialize a variable
  • Forgetting a curly brace (a curly brace doesn’t have a partner)

Run-Time Exceptions

If your program crashes while it is running, then you have a run-time error . The compiler will display the error and it may have the word exception in it. A

These are the run-time errors that you are required to understand on the AP Computer Science A Exam:

  • ArithmeticException (explained in this Concept)
  • NullPointerException (explained in Concept 3: The String Class)
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException (explained in Concept 5: Data Structures)
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (explained in Concept 5: Data Structures)
  • IllegalArgumentException (explained in Concept 7: Classes and Objects)

Logic Errors

When your program compiles and runs without crashing, but it doesn’t do what you expected it to do, then you have a logic error . A logic error is the most challenging type of error to fix because you have to figure out where the problem is in your program. Is your math correct? Are your if-statements comparing correctly? Does your loop actually do what it’s supposed to do? Are any statements out of order or are you missing something? Logic errors require you to read your code very carefully to determine the source of the error. My advice is to help other people fix their errors so you can ask for help from them when you need it.

Logic Errors on the AP Computer Science A Exam

You will have to analyze code in the multiple-choice section of the exam and find hidden logic errors.


The process of removing the errors in your program (compile-time, run-time, and logic) is called debugging your program. On the AP Computer Science A Exam, you will be asked to find errors in code.

Fun Fact : Grace Murray Hopper documented the first actual computer bug on September 9, 1947. It was a moth that got caught in Relay #70 in Panel F of the Harvard Mark II computer .

System.out.println as a Debugging Device

A common way to debug a computer program is to peek inside the computer while it is running and display the current values of variables on the console screen. We aren’t actually opening up the computer. We are just displaying the current values of the important variables. By printing the values of the variables at precise moments, you can determine what is going on during the running of the program and hopefully figure out the error.


Figure out what this loop is doing by writing an output statement to the console screen. Printing the values of a, b, and i can help you figure out what the program is doing.

 Rapid Review


  • Variables store data and must be declared with a data type.
  • The int, double, and boolean types are called primitive data types.
  • Variables may be initialized with a value or be assigned one later in the program.
  • Variable names may begin with a letter, dollar sign, or underscore. They cannot begin with a number.
  • Camel case is used for all variable names starting with a lowercase letter.
  • Choose meaningful names for variables.
  • A keyword is a word that has special meaning to the compiler such aswhile or public .
  • Keywords cannot be used as variable names.
  • The int data type is used to store integer data.
  • The double data type is used to store decimal data.
  • To cast a variable means to temporarily change its data type.
  • The most common type of cast is to cast an int to a double.
  • The boolean data type is used to store either a true or false value.

Math and Logic

  • The arithmetic operators are +, –, *, /, and %.
  • The modulo operator, %, returns the remainder of a division between two integers.
  • Java evaluates all mathematical expressions using the order of operations.
  • The precedence order for all mathematical calculations is parentheses first, then *, / and % equally from the left to right, then + and – equally from left to right.
  • Java uses integer division when dividing an int by an int. The result is a truncated int.
  • “Truncating” means dropping (not rounding) the decimal portion of a number.
  • The equal sign, =, is called the assignment operator.
  • To accumulate means to add (or subtract) a value from a variable.
  • Short-cuts for performing mathematical operations are +=, -=, *=, /=, and %=.
  • The relational operators in Java are >, >=, <, <, = =, and !=.
  • “To increment” means to add one to the value of a number variable.
  • “To decrement” means to subtract one from the value of a number variable.
  • A condition is an expression that evaluates to either true or false.
  • The logical operator AND is coded using two ampersands, &&.
  • The && is true only when both conditions are true.
  • The logical operator OR is coded using two vertical bars, ||.
  • The || is true when either condition or both are true.
  • Software developers use logical operators to write compound conditionals.
  • The NOT operator (negation operator) is coded using the exclamation point, !.
  • The ! can be used to flip-flop a boolean.
  • DeMorgan’s Law states: !(A && B) = !A || !B and also !(A || B) = !A && !B.
  • When evaluating conditionals, the computer uses short-circuit evaluation.

Programming Statements

  • The if and the if-else are called conditional statements since the flow of the program changes based upon the evaluation of a condition.
  • Curly braces come in pairs and the code they contain is called a block of code.
  • Curly braces need to be used when more than one instruction is to be executed for if, if-else, for, and while statements.
  • The scope of a variable refers to the code that knows that the variable exists.
  • Variables declared within a conditional are only known within that conditional.
  • The for loop is used to repeat one or more instructions a specific number of times.
  • The for loop is a good choice when you know exactly how many times you want to repeat a set of instructions.
  • The for loop uses a numeric loop control variable that is compared and also modified during the execution of the loop. When the comparison that includes this variable evaluates to false, the loop exits.
  • Variables declared within a for loop are only known within that for loop.
  • A nested for loop is a for loop inside of a for loop.
  • The number of iterations of a nested for loop is the product of the number of iterations for each loop.
  • The while loop does not require a numeric loop control variable.
  • The while statement must contain a conditional that compares a variable that is modified inside the loop.
  • Choose a while loop when you don’t know how many times you need to repeat a set of instructions but know that you want to stop when some condition is met.
  • An infinite loop is a loop that never ends.
  • Forgetting to modify the loop control variable or having a condition that will never be satisfied are typical ways to cause infinite loops.
  • Variables declared within a while loop are only known within the while loop.
  • A boundary error occurs when you don’t execute a loop the correct number of times.


  • The System.out.println() statement displays information to the console and moves the cursor to the next line.
  • The System.out.print() statement displays information to the console and does not move the cursor to the next line.
  • Computer scientists use bases other than decimal such as binary, octal, and hexadecimal.
  • Programs are documented using comments. There are three different types of comments: inline, multiple line, and Javadoc.
  • There are three main types of errors: compile-time, run-time, and logic.
  • Compile-time errors are caused by syntax errors.
  • Exceptionis another name for error .
  • There are many types of run-time exceptions and they are based on the type of error.
  • Logic errors are difficult to fix because you have to read the code very carefully to find out what is going wrong.
  • Debugging is the process of removing errors from a program.
  • Printing variables to the console screen can help you debug your program.

 Review Questions

Basic Level

   1 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 2

(D) 4

(E) 5

   2 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 4

(B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 13

(E) 31

   3 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 0

(B) 2.5

(C) 6

(D) 12.5

(E) 60

   4 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 0

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 9

(E) 14

   5 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 5

(B) 7

(C) 9

(D) 13

(E) 20

   6 .    Consider the following code segment.

Under which of the conditions below will this code segment print value = 1 ?

(A) initValue = 8;

(B) initValue = 12;

(C) initValue = 20;

(D) Never. value = 0 will always be printed.

(E) Never. Code will not compile.

   7 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A)   -1  0  2  5

(B)   -1  0  3  7

(C)   -1  1  4  8

(D)    0  2  5  9

(E)    0  1  3  7

   8 .    Which of the following code segments will print exactly eight " $" symbols?


(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and II only

(D) I and III only

(E) I, II, and III

   9 .    Assume that a , b and c have been declared and initialized with int values. The expression

is equivalent to which of the following?

(A) a > b && b <= c

(B) a <= b || b > c

(C) a <= b && b > c

(D) a < b || b >= c

(E) a < b && b >= c

Advanced Level

10 .    Assume that x , y and z have been declared as follows:

Which of the following expressions evaluates to true?

(A) x && y && z

(B) x && y || z && y

(C) !(x && y) || z

(D) !(x || y) && z

(E) x && y || !z

11 .    Consider the following code segment.

How many "*" symbols are printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 5

(B) 10

(C) 45

(D) 55

(E) 100

12 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 3

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 7

(E) Nothing will be printed. Infinite loop.

13 .    Which of the following three code segments will produce the same output?

(A) I and II only

(B) II and III only

(C) I and III only

(D) I, II, and III

(E) All three outputs are different.

14 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 0.0

(B) -4.0

(C) 5

(D) The program will end successfully, but nothing will be printed.

(E) Nothing will be printed. Run-time error: ArithmeticException .

15 .    Consider the following code segment.

What is printed as a result of executing the code segment?

(A) 0   3   2   1   0   0   3

(B) 0   0   3   2   2   1

(C) 0   3   2   1   0   0

(D) 0   0   3   2   2   1   0

(E) Many numbers will be printed. Infinite loop.

16 .    Convert 93 from base 10 to base 16.

(A) A9

(B) 93

(C) 5D

(D) 139

(E) 147

17 .    Convert AF from base 16 to base 10.

(A) 115

(B) 175

(C) 250

(D) 400

(E) 1015

18 .    Which of these number representations is equivalent to 108 base 10?

  1. 1101100 base 2
  2. 154 base 8

III. 6C base 16

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and II only

(D) I and III only

(E) I, II, and III

 Answers and Explanations

Bullets mark each step in the process of arriving at the correct solution.

   1 .    The answer is D.

  • The value of var begins at 12.
  • The operation var % 7 finds the remainder after var is divided by 7. Since 12 / 7 is 1 remainder 5, the value of var is now 5.
  • var-- means subtract one from var, so the value of var is now 4, and that’s what is printed.

   2 .    The answer is B.

  • The first time we evaluate the while condition, value = 31, which is >= 10, so the loop executes.
  • In the loop, we subtract count from value which becomes 30,
  • and then we add 3 to count, which becomes 4.
  • Then we go back to the top of the while loop and re-evaluate the condition. 30 >= 10, so we execute the loop again.
  • This time we subtract 4 from value, since count is now 4. value = 26
  • and count = 7.
  • Back up to the top, 26 >= 10, so on we go.
  • value = 27 – 7 = 19 and count = 10.
  • Since 10 >=10, we will execute the loop one more time.
  • value = 19 – 10 = 9 and count = 13.
  • This time when we evaluate the condition, it is no longer true, so we exit the loop and print value, which equals 9.

   3 .    The answer is A.

  • count * multiplier = 12.5
  • When we cast 12.5 to an int by putting (int) in front of it, wetruncate (or cut off) the decimals, so the value we assign to answer is 12.
  • 12 * 5 = 60. 60 % 10 = 0 because 60 / 10 has no remainder.
  • So we print 0.

   4 .    The answer is C.

  • Since 9 > 5, we execute the statements after the if and skip the statements after the else.
  • 9 + 5 = 14. 14 % 5 = 4 (since 15 / 5 = 2 remainder 4), so we print 4.

   5 .    The answer is D.

  • When we first enter the for loop count = 5 and i = 3.
  • The first time through the loop, we execute count += i, which makes count = 8, and we increment i by 2, which makes i = 5.
  • i < 7, so we execute the loop again; count = 8 + 5 = 13, and i = i + 2 = 7.
  • This time the condition i < 7 fails and we exit the loop. 13 is printed.

   6 .    The answer is B.

  • This is a confusing one. We count on indenting to be correct and we use it to evaluate code, but in this case it is deceiving us. Remember that indenting is for humans; Java doesn’t care how we indent our code.
  • An else clause always binds to theclosest available if. That means the else belongs to if (value > 15) not to if (value > 10). The code should be formatted like this:
  • This makes it clearer that value = 1 will be printed if the first condition is true (so value has to be greater than 10) and the second condition is false (so value has to be less than or equal to 15). The only value in the answers that fits those criteria is 12, so initValue =12 is the correct answer.

   7 .    The answer is A.

  • The first time through the loop, incr = 1 and i = 0. 0 – 1 = -1 which is printed; then incr is increased to 2. The increment portion of this for loop is a little unusual. Instead of i++ or i = i + 2, it’s i = i + incr, so, since incr = 2 and i = 0, i becomes 2.
  • 2 < 10 so we continue. 2 – 2 = 0, which is printed, incr = 3 and i = 2 + 3 = 5.
  • 5 < 10 so we continue. 5 – 3 = 2, which is printed, incr = 4 and i = 5 + 4 = 9.
  • 9 < 10 so we continue. 9 – 4 = 5, which is printed, incr = 5 and i = 9 + 5 = 14.
  • This time we fail the condition, so our loop ends having printed -1 0 2 5

   8 .    The answer is E.

  • The first option is the classic way to write a for loop. If you always start at i = 0 and go until i < n, you know the loop will execute n times without having to think about it (using i++ of course). So this first example prints eight "$".
  • The second example is the exact same loop as the first example, except written as a while loop instead of a for loop. You can see the i = 0, the i < 8, and the i++. So this example also prints eight "$".
  • The third example shows why we always stick to the convention used in the first example. Here we have to reason it out: i will equal 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 before finally failing at 31. That’s eight different values, which means eight times through the loop. So this example also prints eight "$".

   9 .    The answer is C.

  • We start out by using DeMorgan’s Law (notice that || becomes && when we distribute the !).
  • !> is the same as < (don’t forget the =), and !< is the same as >, so

10 .    The answer is C.

  • Rewrite the expressions, filling in true or false for x, y, and z. Remember order of operations. && has precedence over ||.
  • true && false && true
  • true && false = false, and since false && anything is false, this one is false.
  • true && false || true && false
  • Order of operations is && before || so this simplifies to false || false = false.
  • !(true && false) || true
  • We don’t need to think about the first half because as soon as we see || true, we know this one is true. We’ve found our answer, but let’s keep going so we can explain them all.
  • !(true || false) && true
  • true || false is true, !true is false. false && anything is false, so this one is false.
  • true && false || !true
  • true and false is false, !true is false, so this is false || false, which is false.

11 .    The answer is D.

  • The outer loop is going to execute 10 times: j = 0 through j = 9.
  • The inner loop is trickier. The number of times it executes depends on j.
  • The first time through, j = 0, so k = 10, 9, 8 . . . 1 (10 times).
  • The second time through, j = 1, so k = 10, 9, 8 . . . 2 (9 times).
  • The third time through, j = 2, so k = 10, 9, 8 . . . 3 (8 times).
  • There’s a clear pattern here, so we don’t need to write them all out. We do have to be careful that we stop at the right time though.
  • The last time through the loop, j = 9, so k = 10 (1 time).
  • Adding it all together: 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 55

12 .    The answer is A.

  • b1 and b2 are both true. The OR ( || ) in the while condition requires that at least one of them be true, so we enter the loop for the first time.
  • 7 > 4 so we execute b2 = ! b2. That’s a tricky little statement that is used to flip the value of a boolean. Since b2 is true, !b2 is false, and we assign that value back into b2, which becomes false.
  • We skip the else clause and subtract one from x.
  • At the bottom of the loop: b1 = true, b2 = false, x = 6.
  • The while condition now evaluates to (true || false), which is still true, so we execute the loop.
  • 6 > 4 so we flip b2 again. b2 is now true.
  • Skip the else clause, subtract one from x.
  • At the bottom of the loop: b1 = true, b2 = true, x = 5.
  • The while condition now evaluates to (true || true), which is true, so we execute the loop.
  • 5 > 4 so we flip b2 again. b2 is now false.
  • Skip the else clause, subtract one from x.
  • At the bottom of the loop: b1 = true, b2 = false, x = 4.
  • The while condition now evaluates to (true || false), which is still true, so we execute the loop.
  • This time the if condition is false, so we execute the else clause, which flips the condition of b1 instead of b2. b1 is now false.
  • Subtract one from x.
  • At the bottom of the loop: b1 = false, b2 = false, x = 3.
  • Now when we go to evaluate the while condition, we have (false || false). Do not execute the loop. Print the value of x, which is 3.

13 .    The answer is C.

  • Option I
  • As we enter the loop for the first time, i = 1 and that’s what gets printed. Then we multiply by 2, i = 2.
  • We print 2, multiply by 2, i = 4.
  • We print 4, multiply by 2, i = 8.
  • We print 8, multiply by 2, i = 16, which fails the loop condition so we exit the loop.
  • Final output: 1 2 4 8
  • Option II
  • We can see by examining the for loop that we will execute the loop 4 times: i = 4, 3, 2, 1.
  • Each time through the loop we will print (4 – i ) * 2 + 1.
  • (4 – 4) * 2 + 1 = 1
  • (4 – 3) * 2 + 1 = 3
  • (4 – 2) * 2 + 1 = 5
  • (4 – 1) * 2 + 1 = 7
  • Final output: 1 3 5 7
  • Option III
  • We can see by examining the for loop that we will execute the loop 4 times: i = 0, 1, 2, 3.
  • Each time through the loop we will print (int)Math.pow(2, i). (Math.pow returns a double, so we cast to an int before printing.)
  • 20 = 1
  • 21 = 2
  • 22 = 4
  • 23 = 8
  • Final output: 1 2 4 8
  • Options I and III have the same output.

14 .    The answer is A.

  • The first time through the loop: count = 6.0 and num = 0.
  • Looking at the if condition: 6.0 != 0, but 0 / 6 is 0  false, so we skip the if clause and go back to the start of the loop.
  • Back to the top of the loop: count is still 6.0, but num = 1.
  • Looking at the if condition: 6.0 ! = 0 && 1 / 6.0 > 0  true, so we execute the if clause and count = 6.0 – 1 = 5.0.
  • Back to the top of the loop: count = 5.0 and num = 2.
  • Looking at the if condition: 5.0 ! = 0 && 1 / 5.0 > 0  true so we execute the if clause and count = 5.0 – 2 = 3.0.
  • Back to the top of the loop: count = 3.0 and num = 3.
  • Looking at the if condition: 3.0 ! = 0 && 3 / 3.0 > 0  true so we execute the if clause and count = 3.0 – 3 = 0.0.
  • Back to the top of the loop: count = 0.0 and num = 4.
  • Looking at the if condition: Here’s where it gets interesting. If we execute 4 / 0.0, we are going to crash our program with an ArithmeticExceptionError, but that’s not going to happen. The first part of the condition, count != 0 is false, and Java knows that false AND anything is false, so it doesn’t even bother to execute the second part of the condition. That is called short-circuiting, and it is often used for exactly this purpose. The condition is false, the if clause doesn’t get executed.
  • Back to the top of the loop: count = 0.0 and num = 5 so our loop is complete and we print the value of count, which is 0.0.

15 .    The answer is A.

  • The only thing we can do is to trace the code carefully line by line until we have the answer.
  • n = 0. Print 0 % 4 which is 0
  • 0 % 5 = 0 so we execute the else, now n = 3.
  • Print 3 % 4, which is 3
  • 3 % 5 = 3 so we execute the else, now n = 6.
  • Print 6 % 4, which is 2
  • 6 % 5 = 1 so we execute the else, now n = 9.
  • Print 9 % 4, which is 1
  • 9 % 5 = 1 so we execute the else, now n = 12.
  • Print 12 % 4, which is 0
  • 12 % 5 = 2 so finally we execute the if, now n = 16.
  • Print 16 % 4, which is 0
  • 16 % 5 = 1 so we execute the else, now n = 19.
  • Print 19 % 4, which is 3
  • 19 % 5 is 4 so we execute the else, now n = 22 which completes the loop.
  • We have printed: 0 3 2 1 0 0 3

16 .    The answer is C.

  • To convert from decimal to hexadecimal (base 16), we need to remember the place values for base 16. A base 16 number has the 1’s place on the right (like every base), preceded by the 16’s place (and then, if needed, the 162 or 256 place, and so on).
  • Our number is less than 256, so we start with the 16’s place. How many times does 16 go into 97? 16 * 5 = 80. So we put a 5 in the 16’s place.
  • 93 – 80 = 13, so we have 13 left. We need to put 13 in the 1’s place. That’s D in hex. So our answer is 5D.
  • Double-check by converting back: (16 * 5) + (13 * 1) = 97.

17 .    The answer is B.

  • Remember that the place values for a two-digit number written in base 16 are: the 16’s place followed by the 1’s place. Also remember that A in base 16 has the decimal value 10, and F has the decimal value 15.
  • (16 * 10) + (15 *1) = 175

18 .    The answer is E.

  • We can do this by converting the base 10 number to bases 2, 8, and 16, or we can convert each of the given numbers back to base 10. Do whichever way is more comfortable for you. Most people prefer goingto base 10, so let’s do it that way.
  1. Line up the digits with the base 2 place values:

Add up the place values that have a 1 under them:

64 + 32 + 8 + 4 = 108

This one works!

  1. Line up the digits with the base 8 place values:

Since they aren’t all 1’s this time, we have to multiply:

(1 * 64) + (5 * 8) + (4 * 1) = 64 + 40 + 4 = 108

This one works!

III.  Line up the digits with the base 16 place values:

First we need to figure out what that C means. A = 10, B = 11, so C = 12.

Multiply (6 * 16) + (12 * 1) = 108

This one works!

  • All three results are equivalent to 108 base 10.

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