Most beautiful small birds - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Broad-billed Hummingbird (Cynanthus latirostris)


  • Species name: Broad-billed Hummingbird
  • Scientific name: Cynanthus latirostris
  • Family: Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
  • Order: Apodiformes (Hummingbirds)
  • Subclass: Neornithes (Modern birds)
  • Class: Aves (Birds)


  • Size: Small hummingbird, about 8-10 cm (3.1-3.9 in) long with a wingspan of about 13 cm (5.1 in).
  • Body shape: Slender and streamlined, with iridescent feathers and a long, notched tail.
  • Plumage color:

Males (breeding season): Striking contrast of emerald green body with a shimmering blue throat (gorget), bright red bill tipped in black, and black wings and tail edged in white.

Females and non-breeding males: Dull green above, grey-white underparts, and a dark, less defined bill.

  • Beak: Long, straight, and broad at the base, red with a black tip, perfect for extracting nectar from flowers.
  • Legs: Thin and black.
  • Tail: Long, deeply notched in the center, often fanned during hovering.


  • Method of feeding: Hovers in front of flowers to extract nectar with its long bill. Also catches small insects mid-air.
  • Reproduction: Builds cup-shaped nests on branches or vines. Lays 2 white eggs with dark markings. Both parents care for the young.
  • Movement: Mostly resident in its range, with some dispersal in response to food availability.
  • Communication: High-pitched chirps and whistles. Males sing to defend territory and attract mates.


  • Habitat: Open woodlands, canyons, scrublands, and gardens with abundant flowers.
  • Diet: Primarily nectar from various flowers, but also small insects like gnats and spiders.
  • Hunting methods: Hovers at flowers, dips its bill into blossoms, and catches insects mid-air using its agile flight maneuvers.

Distribution: Found in Mexico and the southwestern United States, from southern Arizona and New Mexico to southern Mexico.


Hummingbirds are renowned for their vibrant plumage and aerial acrobatics, but the Broad-billed Hummingbird takes things to another level. This dazzling emerald wonder of the Andes mountains holds hidden secrets and captivating quirks that will leave you buzzing with admiration:

Floral Feasting Specialist: Unlike most hummingbirds that sip nectar from a variety of flowers, the Broad-billed is a specialized gourmet. Their long, curved beaks are perfectly adapted to reach the nectar of bell-shaped flowers, like the showy Chuquiraga, ensuring they get the best sip for their buck. Imagine them as feathered connoisseurs with built-in floral screwdrivers!

Gravity-Defying Acrobatics: Witnessing a Broad-billed Hummingbird in flight is like watching a miniature ballerina defying the laws of physics. They hover effortlessly, perform dazzling mid-air pirouettes, and even dive-bomb flowers without missing a beat. It's like a feathered Cirque du Soleil performer with built-in jetpacks!

Master Mimics: Don't let their size fool you; Broad-billed Hummingbirds are vocal powerhouses. They can flawlessly mimic the calls of other birds, insects, and even mammals, creating a sonic jungle mashup that's both impressive and sometimes hilarious. Imagine a feathered DJ with built-in sound effects!

Nest Architects with Flair: Their nests are anything but ordinary. Crafted from moss, lichen, and spider silk, they resemble tiny, ornamented hanging baskets, often adorned with feathers and flowers. It's like a feathered interior designer with a penchant for floral accents!

Unexpected Hummingbird Wars: While hummingbirds are often seen as delicate creatures, Broad-billed males engage in fierce aerial battles to defend their territory. They dive-bomb rivals, chase them through the air, and even unleash high-pitched screeches as sonic weaponry. Think of them as feathered fighter pilots with built-in sonic cannons!

Symbiotic Symphony: Broad-billed Hummingbirds play a crucial role in the delicate balance of the Andean ecosystem. By pollinating bell-shaped flowers, they ensure the survival of these unique plants, creating a beautiful dance of life between feathered jewels and floral feasts.

Mountain Marvels: Broad-billed Hummingbirds thrive in the harsh conditions of the Andes mountains. Their thick feathers, efficient metabolism, and powerful wings allow them to soar through thin air and brave frigid temperatures. They're the feathered Sherpas of the hummingbird world!