Most beautiful small birds - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Common Blackbird (Turdus merula)


  • Species name: Common Blackbird, Eurasian Blackbird
  • Scientific name: Turdus merula
  • Family: Turdidae (Thrushes)
  • Order: Passeriformes (Songbirds)
  • Subclass: Neornithes (Modern birds)
  • Class: Aves (Birds)


  • Size: Medium-sized songbird, about 24-25 cm (9.4-9.8 in) long with a wingspan of 34-38 cm (13-15 in).
  • Body shape: Plump and compact, with a large head, short neck, and a long, straight bill.
  • Plumage color:

Males: Strikingly black overall, with a bright orange-yellow beak and yellow eye-ring.

Females: Brownish-black with pale streaks on underside, brown beak, and white eye-ring.

  • Beak: Long, straight, and pointed, orange-yellow in males, brown in females, strong enough for crushing worms and berries.
  • Legs: Dark brown.
  • Tail: Long and square-tipped.


  • Method of feeding: Omnivorous, gleaning insects from the ground and foliage, catching worms and snails, and eating fruits and berries.
  • Reproduction: Builds cup-shaped nests in shrubs and trees. Lays 3-5 pale blue eggs with speckled markings. Both parents care for the young.
  • Movement: Resident in most of its range, with some winter migration in northern areas.
  • Communication: Rich and varied song with melodic whistles, fluting calls, and mimicry of other birds. Males sing to defend territory and attract mates.


  • Habitat: Woodlands, forests, parks, gardens, and farmland with trees and hedges.
  • Diet: Insects, worms, snails, fruits, berries, and seeds.
  • Hunting methods: Forages on the ground and in low vegetation, probing soil for worms, gleaning insects and berries from foliage, and sometimes catching insects in mid-air.

Distribution: Found across Europe, western Asia, and North Africa. Introduced to Australia and New Zealand.

Common Blackbird

Don't underestimate the seemingly familiar Common Blackbird, a ubiquitous sight in European and Asian gardens and countryside. Beneath its sleek black plumage and golden beak lies a treasure trove of intriguing facts and hidden quirks that will leave you charmed by this feathered songster:

Melody Maestro: The Blackbird's song isn't just a pleasant tune; it's a remarkable musical tapestry. They can mimic other birds, whistle human melodies, and even incorporate unexpected sounds like car alarms or squeaking gates into their repertoire. Imagine them as feathered DJs with built-in remix capabilities!

Unexpected Color Variation: Did you know? Not all Blackbirds are created equal! While males are adorned in sleek black plumage, females can vary from a dusky brown to a speckled gray, sporting a more subtle beauty. Think of it as a feathered gender-specific fashion show!

Feathered Architects: Blackbirds may not build elaborate palaces, but their nests are no less impressive. They craft cozy homes using twigs, leaves, and moss, often lining them with feathers and soft materials for their chicks. It's like feathered interior designers with built-in natural decorating skills!

Berry Bandits: Blackbirds are opportunistic omnivores. While they enjoy insects and worms, they have a particular fondness for fruit, especially berries. Their sharp beaks allow them to feast on cherries, blackberries, and even apples, sometimes causing mild consternation for farmers and gardeners. Think of them as feathered fruit pirates with built-in berry blenders!

Winter Warriors: Unlike many songbirds that migrate south, Blackbirds are resilient year-round residents. They have evolved efficient foraging skills and thick, insulating feathers that allow them to thrive even in harsh winter conditions. Talk about feathered Vikings with built-in snowsuits!

Unexpected Tool Users: Recent research suggests Blackbirds might be smarter than we thought. They have been observed using sticks and twigs as tools to pry open stubborn berries and even manipulate objects to reach hidden treats. Talk about feathered MacGyvers with built-in pocket toolkits!

Symbiotic Symphony: Blackbirds play a vital role in the ecosystem. By dispersing seeds through their droppings, they help plants spread and take root, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of nature. These feathered gardeners even help control insect populations, maintaining a healthy balance in their habitats.

Cultural Charmers: Blackbirds have held a special place in human cultures for centuries. They appear in folklore, literature, and even music, often symbolizing wisdom, protection, and even rebellion. It's a testament to the enduring fascination we have with these captivating feathered enigmas.