Most beautiful small birds - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Daurian Redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)


  • Species name: Daurian Redstart, Asian Redstart
  • Scientific name: Phoenicurus auroreus
  • Family: Turdidae (Thrushes)
  • Order: Passeriformes (Songbirds)
  • Subclass: Neornithes (Modern birds)
  • Class: Aves (Birds)


  • Size: Small songbird, about 14-15 cm (5.5-5.9 in) long with a wingspan of 22-24 cm (8.7-9.4 in).
  • Body shape: Slender and streamlined, with a long, slightly upturned tail, a long neck, and a small head.
  • Plumage color:

Males (breeding season): Striking contrast of slate-gray upperparts with a bright orange-red "fan" on the tail and rump, black face mask, and a white patch on the wing.

Females and non-breeding males: Brownish-gray upperparts, paler underparts, and a smaller, less flashy orange tail patch.

Black, slender beak.

Dark brown legs.

  • Tail: Long and deeply forked, often held upright during territorial displays.


  • Method of feeding: Primarily insectivorous, catching insects in flight and gleaning them from foliage.
  • Reproduction: Builds cup-shaped nests in trees or crevices. Lays 4-6 pale turquoise eggs with reddish markings. Both parents care for the young.
  • Movement: Migratory, breeding in temperate regions of Asia and wintering in Southeast Asia and India.
  • Communication: Loud and musical song with whistles, trills, and chatters. Males sing to defend territory and attract mates.


  • Habitat: Open woodlands, forests, edges, parks, and gardens with trees and bushes.
  • Diet: Primarily insects, but also spiders and other invertebrates.
  • Hunting methods: Catches insects in flight with acrobatic maneuvers, often hovering or perching in wait for prey. Also gleans insects from foliage and branches.

Distribution: Found across eastern Russia, Mongolia, China, Japan, and Korea. Winters in Southeast Asia and India.

Daurain Redstart

The Daurian Redstart — a fiery flash of feathers gracing the landscapes of East Asia. This bird isn't just a visual stunner; it's a feathered acrobat, a tireless traveler, and a master of unexpected adaptations. Prepare to be captivated by this dazzling dynamo of the avian world:

Sky-High Acrobatics: The Daurian Redstart isn't content with simple hopping or fluttering. It performs breathtaking aerial displays, flitting through branches with lightning speed, hovering mid-air to snatch insects, and even diving at incredible speeds to catch unsuspecting prey. Imagine them as feathered skydivers with built-in jetpacks!

Long-Distance Champions: Forget marathons; Daurian Redstarts are ultramarathoners of the avian world. Their migration journey spans continents, from breeding grounds in Siberia to wintering havens in Southeast Asia, clocking in at over 5,000 kilometers. Talk about feathered globe-trotters with built-in GPS systems!

Unexpected Winter Warriors: Unlike many songbirds that flock south for warmth, some Daurian Redstarts choose to tough out the winter in freezing mountain regions. Their thick feathers and efficient metabolism allow them to survive in temperatures as low as -40°C. Think of them as feathered polar bears with built-in winter jackets!

Dual Personality Delights: The Daurian Redstart's plumage changes dramatically depending on the season. Males sport a vibrant red breast and black bib during breeding season, transforming into a more subdued brown and white outfit during the winter. It's like a feathered fashion show with built-in costume changes!

Musical Mimicry Masters: The Daurian Redstart's song isn't just a simple chirp; it's a complex medley of whistles, warbles, and even imitations of other birds. They can mimic calls of their neighbors, creating a vibrant avian orchestra amidst the trees. Imagine them as feathered DJs with built-in remix capabilities!

Symbiotic Symphony: Daurian Redstarts play a vital role in the ecosystem. By controlling insect populations, they help maintain the health of forests and grasslands. These feathered pest controllers contribute to a balanced natural symphony.

Cultural Charmers: For centuries, the Daurian Redstart has held a special place in East Asian cultures. It appears in poetry, paintings, and even folklore, often symbolizing hope, resilience, and the fleeting beauty of life. It's a testament to the enduring fascination we have with these captivating feathered jewels.

Unexpected Food Feats: Daurian Redstarts aren't picky eaters. They utilize their long, curved beaks to reach hidden insects in crevices and even extract larvae from beneath tree bark. It's like watching feathered forest surgeons with built-in tweezers!