Most beautiful small birds - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula)


  • Species name: Baltimore Oriole
  • Scientific name: Icterus galbula
  • Family: Icteridae (Blackbirds)
  • Order: Passeriformes (Songbirds)
  • Subclass: Neornithes (Modern birds)
  • Class: Aves (Birds)


  • Size: Medium-sized songbird, about 15-20 cm (6-8 in) long with a wingspan of 23-30 cm (9-12 in).
  • Body shape: Sturdy and stocky, with a thick neck, long legs, and a pointed bill.
  • Plumage color:

Males (breeding season): Striking contrast of fiery orange underparts and black head, back, and wings. White wing bars.

Females and young males: Less vibrant, with duller orange or yellow underparts and olive-streaked head and back.

  • Beak: Long, pointed, and conical, well-suited for eating fruit and insects.
  • Legs: Long and strong, dark gray in color.
  • Tail: Long and deeply forked, often fanned open during flight and displays.


  • Feeding: Omnivorous, eating a variety of fruit, insects, and seeds. Gleans food from foliage, hangs upside down to reach berries, and catches insects in mid-air.
  • Reproduction: Builds intricate, woven nests hanging from branches of tall trees. Lays 4-5 eggs with dark markings. Both parents care for the young.
  • Movement: Migratory, breeding in eastern North America from southern Canada to northern Florida and wintering in Central and South America.
  • Communication: Loud, whistled song, often mimicking other birds. Males sing throughout the day to defend territory and attract mates.


  • Habitat: Deciduous forests, parks, open woodlands, and orchards.
  • Diet: Fruits, berries, insects, caterpillars, seeds, and nectar.
  • Hunting methods: Gleans food from foliage, hangs upside down to reach berries, catches insects in mid-air, and occasionally forages on the ground.

Distribution: Breeds in eastern North America from southern Canada to northern Florida and west to Minnesota. Winters in Central and South America, from Colombia to northern Argentina.

Baltimore Oriole

The Baltimore Oriole, with its blazing orange plumage and flute-like song, is a vibrant splash of color in any treetop. But beneath its beauty lies a scientific songbird filled with fascinating facts and curious quirks. Get ready to be captivated by these oriole oddities:

Nest-Building Architects: Orioles are master weavers, crafting intricate hanging nests from long strips of plant fibers, bark, and even string. These woven wonders can hang up to 30 feet off the ground, suspended from sturdy branches, offering safe havens for their chicks. Think of them as feathered macrame artists!

Orange You Glad I'm Here?: The male Baltimore Oriole's fiery orange plumage isn't just a fashion statement; it serves a purpose. The bright color signals dominance to rivals and attracts potential mates, showcasing his health and genetic fitness. It's like wearing a neon "superbird" sign!

Melodious Mimicry: Orioles are not just talented singers; they are also gifted vocal mimics. They can incorporate the calls of other birds, frogs, and even car alarms into their songs, creating a musical mashup that's both impressive and sometimes hilarious. Imagine a bird singing opera mixed with a car honking symphony!

Fruit Flinging Feast: While insects are their main course, Orioles have a sweet tooth for fruit. They'll happily sling cherries and berries with their beaks, launching them against branches to break them open, revealing the juicy goodness within. Talk about feathered food fighters!

Unexpected Winter Warriors: Unlike most orioles that migrate south for the winter, some Baltimore Orioles choose to bravely face the cold. They rely on a diet of berries and suet, proving their resilience and adaptability to harsh conditions. They're the feathered vikings of the oriole world!

Avian Acrobats: Orioles are skilled flyers, flitting through trees with agile grace. They can even hang upside down from branches, sipping nectar from flowers like living pendulums. Their nimble movements make them the parkour champions of the avian kingdom!

Community Spirit: While fiercely territorial during breeding season, Orioles sometimes form loose flocks outside of nesting periods. They share foraging grounds, preen each other's feathers, and even engage in playful chases, hinting at a hidden social side amongst these fiery fashionistas.

Symbiotic Symphony: Orioles play a vital role in pollination, flitting from flower to flower and inadvertently transferring pollen. This mutually beneficial relationship showcases the interconnectedness of nature, with these feathered songbirds acting as living cupids for the plant world.