CCEA GCSE Biology - Denmour Boyd, James Napier 2017
How to get the most from this book
Welcome to the CCEA GCSE Biology Student Book.
This book covers all of the Foundation and Higher-tier content for the 2017 CCEA GCSE Biology specification.
The following features have been included to help you get the most from this book.
Specification points
Check that you are covering all the required content for your course, with specification references and a brief overview of each chapter.
These highlight important facts, common misconceptions and signpost you towards other relevant chapters. They also offer useful ideas for remembering difficult topics.
Test yourself
These short questions, found throughout each chapter, allow you to check your understanding as you progress through a topic.
Show you can
Complete the Show you can tasks to prove that you are confident in your understanding of each topic.
These practical tasks contain full instructions on apparatus, method and results analysis and will help develop your practical skills.
CCEA’s prescribed practicals are clearly highlighted.
Examples of questions and calculations that feature full workings and sample answers.
Answers for all questions in this book can be found online at:
Practice questions
You will find Practice questions at the end of every chapter. These follow the style of the different types of questions you might see in your examination and have marks allocated to each question part.
Level coding
If you are taking GCSE Double Award Foundation-tier you need to study only the material with no bars.
If you are taking GCSE Double Award Higher-tier you need to study the material with no bars, plus; the material with the purple H bar.
If you are taking GCSE Biology Foundation-tier you need to study the material with no bars, plus: the material with the green F bar.
If you are taking GCSE Biology Higher-tier you need to study all material in the book, including the material marked with the green H bar.