Nuclear Chemistry - 5 STEPS TO A 5: 500 AP Chemistry Questions to Know by Test Day! (2012)

5 STEPS TO A 5: 500 AP Chemistry Questions to Know by Test Day! (2012)

Chapter 11. Nuclear Chemistry (Questions 388–408)


388. The reaction above represents the bombardment of uranium with a neutron. Which of the following nuclides is represented by X?

(A) 14137Rb

(B) 9537Rb

(C) 9437Rb

(D) 9337Rb

(E) 9237Rb


389. The reaction above shows the synthesis of element X. Which of the following nuclides is represented by X?

(A) 3115P

(B) 3015P

(C) 2815P

(D) 2813Al

(E) 3113Al


390. The alpha decay represented above produces 178O and a proton. Which of the following nuclides is represented by X?

(A) 187N

(B) 147N

(C) 137N

(D) 189F

(E) 149F

Questions 391–395 refer to the following types of radioactive decay.


(D) gamma radiation (γ)


391. Has no mass

392. Least penetrative

393. Most penetrative

394. Carries the greatest positive charge

395. Increases the atomic number without changing the mass number

Questions 396 and 397 refer to the following graph of binding energy per nucleon.


396. According to the graph, which of the following atoms has the most stable nucleus?

(A) H

(B) He

(C) Fe

(D) Au

(E) U

397. All of the following are true statements regarding the binding energy of a nuclide except:

(A) The nucleus with the highest binding energy means it is the nucleus with the most attractive forces.

(B) Energy per nucleon compares nuclides on a common basis.

(C) The binding energy is a function of attractive versus repulsive forces in the nucleus.

(D) The magnitude of the attractive forces within the nucleus is greater than the magnitude of like-charge repulsion in the nucleus.

(E) The total system has less potential energy than the sum of its parts.

398. The difference between the mass of an atom and the sum of the masses of its protons, neutrons, and electrons is called:

(A) Nuclear decay

(B) Nuclear-binding energy

(C) Mass defect

(D) Mass-energy equivalence

(E) Transmutation

399. Which of the following correctly describes what happens to the mass that is lost when a nucleus is formed?

(A) It is emitted from the nucleus as an α (alpha) particle.

(B) It is emitted from the nucleus in the form of a β (beta) particle.

(C) It is emitted as a neutrino.

(D) It is emitted as energy.

(E) What happens to the lost mass is not currently understood.

400. True statements regarding the alkali and naturally occurring lanthanide metals include:

I. The chemical reactivity of the alkali metals is due to their low first ionization energies.

II. Radioactive nuclei can only become more stable by forming compounds.

III. The alkali and lanthanide metals increase their chemical stability by forming compounds.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) III only

(D) I and II only

(E) I and III only

401. Coulomb’s law states that like charges repel. Which of the following most accurately explains how the protons in the nucleus can form a stable nucleus?

(A) The positive charges attract each other when they are within a very short distance of each other.

(B) There are negative charges in the nucleus that neutralize the positive charges.

(C) The neutrons cancel out the charges of the protons.

(D) The repulsive force is very small because protons are spaced far from other protons.

(E) The neutrons form a tight cage around the protons that keep them from leaving the nucleus.

402. The average density of an atomic nucleus is on the order of magnitude closest to which of the following? (The density of osmium, Os, the heaviest known element, is 23 g cm−3. The mass of an average Zn nucleus is approximately 1 × 10−22 g and the radius of a nucleus of that mass is approximately 5 × 10−13 cm.)

(A) 10−14 g cm−3

(B) 103 g cm−3

(C) 1014 g cm−3

(D) 1028 g cm−3

(E) 1063 g cm−3

403. In 325 days, a 30-gram sample of 95Zr decayed until approximately 1 gram of 95Zr remained in the sample. The half-life of 95Zr is closest to:

(A) 11 days

(B) 29 days

(C) 65 days

(D) 81 days

(E) 162 days

404. If 93.75 percent of a sample of pure radioisotope X decays in 24 days, what is the half-life of X?

(A) 4 days

(B) 6 days

(C) 12 days

(D) 18 days

(E) 24 days

405. If 12.5 percent of a sample of pure radioisotope Z remains after 30 days, what is the half-life of Z?

(A) 2.4 days

(B) 8 days

(C) 10 days

(D) 12.5 days

(E) 30 days

406. The half-life of radioisotope J is 2 years. If the initial amount of J present is 60 grams, approximately how much is expected to remain after 12 years?

(A) 30 grams

(B) 12 grams

(C) 5 grams

(D) 2 grams

(E) 1 gram

407. Which of the following particles is emitted by an atom of 40K when it decays into an atom of 40Ar?

(A) Electron (β)

(B) Positron (β+)


(D) Gamma photon )


408. Which of the following graphs of the concentration of radioisotope (RI) remaining versus time is consistent with radioactive decay kinetics?




