Two-Component Liquid Surfaces - Some Special Topics: Surfaces of Liquids and Solutions - Liquid-State Physical Chemistry: Fundamentals, Modeling, and Applications (2013)

Liquid-State Physical Chemistry: Fundamentals, Modeling, and Applications (2013)

15. Some Special Topics: Surfaces of Liquids and Solutions

15.4. Two-Component Liquid Surfaces

For solutions, the preferential adsorption of one of the components at the surface becomes important. For a single-component liquid we described the thermodynamics of the surface first exactly, and thereafter simplified the expression by neglecting the effects resulting from the interphase thickness. This can also be achieved for a two-component solution, but the resulting equations are cumbersome [2], and therefore we neglect this contribution from the start. Rather, we limit ourselves to surfaces – that is, liquid–vapor interfaces. The adsorption behavior is described by the Gibbs adsorption expression Eq. (15.12), and in the indicated approximation reads

(15.58) c15-math-0058

Substituting the expression for dμ1 reading

(15.59) c15-math-0059

and the corresponding expression for dμ2, we have

(15.60) c15-math-0060

Employing the Gibbs–Duhem equation at constant T and P, reading

(15.61) c15-math-0061

where 1 − x = x1 and x = x2, the result is

(15.62) c15-math-0062

From this expression it is easy to calculate the temperature derivative

(15.63) c15-math-0063

From the chemical potential and Helmholtz energy expressions reading, respectively,

(15.64) c15-math-0064

(15.65) c15-math-0065

we obtain

(15.66) c15-math-0066

From Eq. (15.60) or (15.62) we can calculate similarly the composition deriva­tive as

(15.67) c15-math-0067

(15.68) c15-math-0068

respectively. Since, for an ideal mixture, c15-math-5075, Eq. (15.68) reduces to

(15.69) c15-math-0069

For solutes with a measurable vapor pressure, we can also replace lna2 with lnP2. The theory discussed applies to all types of solutes. Nevertheless, it is useful to distinguish between various types of solutes, and we do so in Section 15.6.