Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns - Essential French Grammar

Essential French Grammar (2012)

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Demonstrative Adjectives

In French “this” and “that” are expressed by the following words: ce, cet, and cette. “These” and “those” are expressed by the word ces.

Study the following examples:

ce crayon

cet hotel

this (or that) pencil

this (or that) hotel

cette école

ces crayons

this (or that) school

these (or those) pencils

ces hôtels

ces écoles

these (or those) hotels

these (or those) schools

Observations on the demonstrative adjectives:

1. Ce is the normal word for “this” and “that” to be used before masculine singular nouns.

2. Cet is used before masculine nouns which begin with a vowel or a silent h.

3. Cette is used before all feminine singular nouns.

4. Ces is used before all plural nouns.

Emphatic Forms of the Demonstrative Adjectives

If you wish to emphasize or make a contrast between this or that, these or those, add -ci (for this and these) or -là (for that and those) to the end of the noun.

ce crayon-ci

ce crayon-là

this pencil

that pencil

ces écoles-ci

ces écoles-là

these schools


Demonstrative Pronouns

The demonstrative pronoun celui (the one, this one, that one) changes to agree in gender and number with the noun for which it stands. Its forms are:


How to Use the Demonstrative Pronouns

These words are not used by themselves, but are always followed by (1) a prepositional phrase; (2) a relative clause; or (3) the particle -ci or -là, used for emphasis or contrast.

1. Ce livre et celui de ma mère sont verts. This book and the one of my mother are green.

2. Notre voiture est celle qui est dans le garage. Our car is the one which is in the garage.

3. Voulez-vous ce chapeau-ci? Non, je préfère celui-là. Do you want this hat? No, I prefer that one.

Neuter Demonstrative Pronouns

The neuter demonstrative pronouns ceci and cela translate this and that respectively. Cela is frequently contracted into ça.

Study the usage of these words in the following examples. Note that ceci, cela, and ça usually refer to an idea or indefinite concept.

Ceci n’est pas trop difficile.
This is not too difficult.

Cela ne me plait pas.
I do not like that.

Qu‘est-ce que c’est que ça?
What’s that?

Ça suffit.
That is enough.

C‘est ça.
That’s it; that’s right.