Learn Italian: A Guide To Learning The Basics of A New Language (2015)
Chapter 12. Asking for Directions
Whether you’re exploring Italy on a pleasure trip or on your way to a business meeting at a hotel in an unfamiliar city, you need to know how to ask for directions and comprehend the instructions you are given.
The first you have to do when looking for a place is ask for assistance. You can approach someone and use any of these phrases to say that you need help or some information:
Mi servono delle informazioni, si prega di. |
I need information, please. |
Mi scusi, dov’è ______ ? |
Excuse me, where is ________? |
Come si arriva a _____ ? |
How do I get to ______ ? |
potresti aiutarmi? |
Can you help me? |
Dove sono? |
Where am I? |
Where is the subway? |
Dov’è la metropolitan? |
Dove sono i tassì? |
Where are the taxis? |
Dov’è l’autobus? |
Where is the bus? |
Dov’è l’uscita? |
Where is the exit? |
E' qui vicino? |
Is it near here? |
Mi potrebbe portare a ________? |
Could you take me to ______? |
In receving directions, you might hear these phrases or terms:
Va sempre diritto |
Just go straight. |
giri a destroy |
turn right |
giri a sinistra |
turn left |
a sinistra |
on the left |
a destra |
on the right |
Si va indietro |
Go back |
accanto a |
next to |
verso |
towards |
Prenda ____ /Prendi_____ |
Take ________ |
Attraversa _____ /Attraversi _____ |
Cross ________ |
Segua ____ /Segui _____ |
Follow _______ |
Vada _____ /Vai ______ |
Go _______ |
una cartina |
map |
davanti a |
in front of |
di qua |
over here |
di fianco a |
adjacent to |
all'angolo |
at the corner of |
piazza |
square |
viale |
avenue |
città |
city, town |
strada |
street, road |
entrata |
entrance |
nord |
north |
sud |
south |
ovest |
west |
est |
east |
l'autostrada |
motorway |
semaforo |
traffic lights |
la rotatoria |
roundabout |
cieco, senza uscita |
dead end |
l'angolo |
corner |
di fronte |
opposite |
vicino a |
close to, near |
dietro |
behind |
prima |
before |
dopo |
after |
verso il basso |
down |
verso in giù |
downwards |
verso l'alto |
up |
verso in su |
upwards |
E' molto vicino. |
It is very near. |
E' piuttosto lontano. |
It is quite far. |
stazione |
station |
aeroporto |
airport |
indirizzo |
address |
in macchina |
by car |
a piedi |
by foot |
Places you might want to visit:
Il centro commercial |
the shopping center |
L'agenzia di viaggio |
the travel agency |
Il centro città |
the town center |
Il ristorante |
the restaurant |
La stazione di polizia |
the police station |
Il parco |
the park |
Il monument |
the monument |
Il centro storico |
the historic center |
I bagni pubblici |
the public restrooms |
L'ospedale |
the hospital |
Il municipio |
the town hall |
La periferia |
the suburb |
Il bar |
the bar |