WARM-UP TESTS - How to Build an Impressive Vocabulary - More Word Smart

More Word Smart: How to Build an Impressive Vocabulary (2012)

Chapter 2. WARM-UP TESTS

For those readers who would like to take stock of their word power before digging into this book, we have provided a battery of tests. These tests are fun and will help you learn a lot about these words. The answers appear in Chapter 12.


As we said earlier, we were surprised while researching this book just how many words we were mispronouncing, even though we knew the correct definitions. The following sampling of words from this book will test how you measure up. This is a tough test. If you get more than 10 correct, call us—you can help us write Even More Word Smart!


Before looking at column a or column b, pronounce each of the following words. Then select the letter that comes closer to your pronunciation. Check your answers here.

1. accede

a. ak SEED

b. a SEED

2. antipodes

a. an TIP uh deez

b. AN tee pohds

3. apposite

a. AP uh zut

b. uh PAH zit

4. arsenal

a. AHRS nul

b. AHR suh nul

5. balk

a. bawk

b. bawlk

6. concomitant

a. kun KAHM uh tunt

b. kahn kuh MI tunt

7. contretemps

a. KAHN truh tahn

b. KAHN tur temps

8. homage

a. AHM ij

b. HAHM ij

9. pastoral

a. PAS tur ul

b. pa STAWR ul

10. phantasm

a. FAN taz um

b. fan TAZ um

11. psyche

a. SYE kee

b. syke

12. remuneration

a. ri myoo nuh RAY shun

b. ree noom ur AY shun

13. schism

a. SIZ um

b. SKIZ um

14. sovereign

a. SAHV run

b. SAH vuh run

15. vagaries

a. vuh GAR eez

b. VAY guh reez


It’s easy to look at a word and assume that you know what it means because it looks a lot like a word that you already know. The following simple-looking words were all taken from this book. Warning: None of these words is as simple as it looks; some have deceptive secondary meanings.

Warm-Up Test #2a: DEFINITIONS

For each of the following words, match the word on the left with its definition on the right. Check your answers here.

1. eclipse

a. unintelligent

2. vacuous

b. surpass

3. disconcert

c. unusual

4. singular

d. direct

5. channel

e. ignorant

6. benighted

f. hint

7. intimate

g. expressionless

8. inviolate

h. disturb greatly

9. temporize

i. stall

10. impassive

j. free from injury

Warm-Up Test #2b: DEFINITIONS

For each of the following words, match the word on the left with its definition on the right. Check your answers here.

1. posture

a. worthy of admiration

2. conversant

b. act artificially

3. parallel

c. harmful action

4. estimable

d. similar

5. disservice

e. make uneasy

6. privation

f. alienate

7. captivate

g. poverty

8. cleave

h. familiar

9. disquiet

i. cling

10. disaffect

j. fascinate

Warm-Up Test #2c: DEFINITIONS

For each of the following words, match the word on the left with its definition on the right. Check your answers here.

1. fuel

a. give

2. quizzical

b. highly significant

3. curb

c. teasing

4. insuperable

d. unable to be overcome

5. afford

e. plead

6. entreat

f. stimulate

7. conviction

g. unbearable

8. pregnant

h. strong belief

9. intrigue

i. restrain

10. insufferable

j. secret scheme

Warm-Up Test #2d: DEFINITIONS

For each of the following words, match the word on the left with its definition on the right. Check your answers here.

1. appraise

a. combined action

2. resignation

b. estimate the value of

3. engaging

c. sudden attack

4. tortuous

d. impartial

5. concert

e. means by which something is conveyed

6. impregnable

f. preachy

7. sally

g. charming

8. dispassionate

h. winding

9. medium

i. submission

10. sententious

j. unconquerable


Another cause of vocabulary difficulties is confusing a difficult word with a simple word that looks a lot like it. Try your hand at the following game.


For each of the following words on the left, follow the parenthetical directions to create the word defined on the right. Check your answers here.

Take this word

and do this

to form a word meaning this

1. errant

(change one letter)

very bad

2. adverse

(delete one letter)


3. cachet

(delete one letter)

hiding place

4. cannon

(delete one letter)

rule or law

5. canvas

(add one letter)

seek votes or opinions

6. career

(change one letter)

to swerve

7. rational

(add one letter)


8. confident

(change one letter)

trusted person

9. corporal

(add one letter)

material, tangible

10. demure

(delete one letter)


11. disassemble

(delete two letters)


12. systematic

(delete two letters)

throughout a system

13. important

(change two letters)

urge annoyingly

14. climactic

(delete one letter)

having to do with the climate

15. epic

(delete one letter, add two)



The prefix “ana” means to break up. The root “gram” means letter. An anagram is a word or phrase formed from the broken-up letters of another word or phrase. The new word must use all the letters of the word or phrase to be a true anagram. The words eat and bleat, for example, can be formed from the letters of the word table, but only bleat uses all the letters.

To improve your vocabulary, you need to become conscious of words and letters in your daily reading. The following words can be broken down and rearranged to form words found in this volume.

This last test is just for fun. Good luck!

Warm-Up Test #4: ANAGRAMS

For each of the words or phrases on the left, rearrange the letters to form a word defined on the right. Check your answers here.

1. askew


2. dome

method of doing something

3. a paint

surface discoloration caused by age

4. lever

enjoy thoroughly

5. a note

make amends

6. raid

very dry

7. a view

give up or put aside

8. touts

plump or stocky

9. a main

crazed excitement

10. a tint


11. a mark

good or bad emanations from a person

12. tints

duty or job

13. diva


14. ride


15. told

stupid person

16. beat

support someone in wrongdoing

17. atoll


18. a cadre

arched passageway

19. lamb

something that heals

20. corns


21. lotus


22. a hotel


23. tap


24. jaunt

small ruling group

25. tapes

sudden outpouring

26. fire


27. lakes

quench or satisfy