Two-verb constructions Adverbs of time - Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish, Second Edition (2015)

Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish, Second Edition (2015)

Part VI

27. Two-verb constructions Adverbs of time

Two-verb constructions

NOTA BUENA You have already learned to conjugate the verbs poder, querer, and tener (que). The remaining verbs listed above are regular.

¿Verdadero o falso?

  1. ______ En la clase de español, yo aprendo a hablar francés.
  2. ______ Debo beber agua cada día.
  3. ______ Espero tener trabajo (work) muy interesante un día.
  4. ______ Cuando quiero recibir una “A” en una clase, necesito estudiar mucho.
  5. ______ Puedo caminar encima del agua.
  6. ______ Tengo que correr un maratón cada dos semanas.
  7. ______ Trato de ser una persona honesta.
  8. ______ Para (In order to) vender un carro, una persona tiene que tener un carro.
  9. ______ Muchas personas quieren beber gasolina.
  10. ______ En un concierto, el pianista trata de tocar bien el piano.

Traducción simple

  1. I should eat. _________________________________________
  2. I need to drink the water. _________________________________________
  3. You should study more. _________________________________________
  4. She hopes to read the book tomorrow. _________________________________________
  5. Kanye West shouldn’t speak in public (en público).
  6. We try to dance every day. _________________________________________
  7. We learn how to play the piano. _________________________________________
  8. You all hope to buy a new shirt. _________________________________________
  9. They [m.] don’t need to read the magazine.
  10. They[m.] try to hide the money in the basement.

¿A, B o C?

Un párrafo para traducir (A paragraph to translate)

I am very busy! Every day I have to do a lot. In the morning I have to make my bed. I have to eat a good breakfast. And I have to go to school. When I am in school, I need to read and I should to study a lot. In the gymnasium I can run, and one time each week I learn how to play something new with my friends. I don’t want to play volleyball every day because I like to play basketball more. Every day I try to do something new. In the afternoon I have to study and I have to do homework (the assignment).