Subject pronouns - PRONOUNS - Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions - Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions, Premium 3rd Edition (2016)


Chapter 1. Subject pronouns


Pronouns replace nouns that are understood either because of previous use or from context. In English, there are seven subject pronouns (also called personal pronouns): “I,” “you,” “he,” “she,” “it,” “we,” and “they.” In Spanish, there are twelve. The difference is due to two pronouns that take gender (nosotros and vosotros) and four pronouns in Spanish for the single English pronoun “you.”


Note that the pronouns for Spanish “you” differ from those for English “you” in some significant ways:

1. The pronouns usted and ustedes are often abbreviated in text. Ud. or Vd. is used for usted; Uds. or Vds. is used for ustedes.

2. The informal plural vosotros form is used primarily in Peninsular Spanish (Spain), while throughout Latin America, ustedes is used in both formal and informal situations.

The subject pronoun replaces the noun that names the subject (the actor) in a sentence, and the conjugated verb must agree in number with that subject. The Spanish regular verb endings are given below. Use this chart of verb endings together with the preceding chart of subject pronouns to help you do the first exercise.



Complete each of the following clauses with the correct subject pronoun. All of the verbs used below are regular -ar, -er, or -ir verbs.

1. _____________ hablo

2. _____________ comemos

3. _____________ viven

4. _____________ canta

5. _____________ abrís

6. _____________ vendemos

7. _____________ escribe

8. _____________ describen

9. _____________ practicáis

10. _____________ estudias

11. _____________ ama

12. _____________ sufro

13. _____________ bebes

14. _____________ tomáis

15. _____________ lee

16. _____________ creo

17. _____________ llegas

18. _____________ comprendemos

19. _____________ trabajan

20. _____________ miras

The use of subject pronouns in Spanish—when and how they are used—differs from English usage, even when the referent is clearly the same.

1. It is often not necessary to state or write the subject pronoun in Spanish, because the conjugated form of the verb indicates the subject (for example, the verb ending -o signifies the subject pronoun yo). In English, however, we must include the subject pronoun with the verb. In Spanish, it is only necessary to include the subject pronoun for one of the following reasons.

a. Clarity. Including the subject pronoun in the third person allows you to differentiate between él and ella or ellos/ellas and ustedes.


However, once the third-person subject has been established, there is no need to use additional subject pronouns (though it is not incorrect to use them).


b. Emphasis. To emphasize the difference between two subjects, even though they are both understood, include the subject pronoun.


2. There is no Spanish word for the subject pronoun “it.” When “it” (or its plural “they”) is the subject of a sentence or phrase, “it” (or “they”) is understood.



Complete each phrase with either the correct subject pronoun or the correct verb ending, according to the information given. Each of the verbs below is a frequently used irregular verb.

1. _____________ tengo

2. _____________ tienes

3. él quier_______

4. nosotros est_______

5. vosotros sal_______

6. _____________ quieren

7. yo pued_________

8. ella vien_________

9. _______________ somos

10. tú sal_______

11. usted jueg________

12. ______________ pongo

13. ustedes pon_________

14. ellos dic________

15. _____________ estáis

16. _____________ oyes

17. ellas pued________

18. nosotros ve________

19. ______________ oímos

20. ______________ veis


Complete each sentence with the appropriate subject pronoun, as indicated by the sentence’s context or verb form.

1. Mi nombre es Miguel. _____________ vivo en Minneapolis.

2. Carmen es médica y _____________ trabaja en una clínica en el centro de la ciudad.

3. _____________ tocamos el piano.

4. Luisa y Carlota son autores. _____________ escriben libros sobre la historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

5. Eres muy interesante. ¿Dónde trabajas _____________?

6. Tú y tu hermanito son preciosos. ¿Dónde asistís _____________ a la escuela?

7. Hola, Señor Presidente. ¿Cómo está _____________?

8. LaBron James y Kevin Durant son atletas famosos. _____________ juegan al baloncesto.