Ser and Estar and the Present Tense - Ser and Estar; Present, Preterit, and Imperfect Tenses; Progressive Tenses; Present Subjunctive; Commands - Master Accelerated Grammar to Take Your Spanish to the Next Level - Advanced Spanish Step-by-Step

Advanced Spanish Step-by-Step: Master Accelerated Grammar to Take Your Spanish to the Next Level (2012)

Part I. Ser and Estar; Present, Preterit, and Imperfect Tenses; Progressive Tenses; Present Subjunctive; Commands

Chapter 1. Ser and Estar and the Present Tense

Estar (to be)

Spanish has two verbs that are equivalent to English to be. Begin with the conjugation of estar in the present tense.


There is no subject pronoun it in Spanish. Él and ella refer to people and sometimes to animals, but not to things.

Practice the conjugation of the verb aloud. Notice that él, ella, Ud. (the third-person singular) have the same form of the verb. Notice also that ellos, ellas, Uds. (the third-person plural) have the same form of the verb.

Estar is used to express four basic concepts: location, health, changing mood or condition, and personal opinion in terms of taste or appearance.

Location (where someone or something is physically located)


image Remember

The verb, which carries the action of the phrase, is the essential element of the Spanish sentence or question because of the amount of information it carries.



Changing mood or condition


Personal opinion in terms of taste or appearance

(English equivalents: taste/tastes with food and look/looks with appearance)


image Remember

Often, the pronouns yo, nosotros, and are omitted. This is possible because the verb form estamos carries the meaning we are; estoy can only mean I am. The same is true of tú estás, which means you are whether is omitted or not.

image Key Vocabulary

These words will help enhance your ability to communicate. As you learn them, remember to practice them aloud.

Interrogative Words


Adverbs of Location


Adverbs of Direction


Prepositions of Location





NOTE Guapo describes people only; bonito, hermoso, and lindo are used to describe both people and things.

image Exercise 1.1

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of estar. Indicate whether the sentence expresses health, location, or changing mood.

EXAMPLES Nosotros estamos en la clase. (location)

La profesora está aquí. (location)

1. El teléfono y el libro ____________en la mesa. (____________)

2. La mujer ____________bien; el hombre ____________enfermo. (____, ____________)

3. ¿Cómo ____________Uds.? (____________)

4. ¿Dónde ____________ellos? (____________)

5. ¿Dónde ____________el baño, por favor? (____________)

6. El niño ____________enojado y la niña ____________triste. (____, ____________)

7. Los muchachos ____________alegres. (____________)

8. Yo ____________contento. (____________)

9. ¿Quién ____________aquí? (____________)

10. ¿Por qué ____________el perro en la piscina? (____________)

image Exercise 1.2

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1. The river is near my house.


2. Australia is far from Canada.


3. The white flower is on top of the table.


4. The children are right next to their parents.


5. The school is between the church and the bank.


6. Julia’s house is behind the post office.


7. Paula is here with her brothers.


8. Your shoes are underneath my chair.


9. Our problem is under control.


10. Helen’s relatives are in Spain. Their suitcases are in the United States.


Ser (to be)

Ser is also equivalent to English to be. In English, there is only a single verb that means to be. We say, for example:

The dog is here.

The dog is brown.

The verb is the same in both cases. But in Spanish, there is a difference, and you have to choose which verb to use.

Following is the conjugation of ser in the present tense.


Ser is used to express seven basic concepts: description, profession, point of origin, identification, material, possession or ownership, and where an event takes place.





Spanish does not translate a/an when stating an unmodified profession.


• Point of origin (where someone or something is from)


image Remember

In common English usage, we often end a sentence with a preposition, for example, Where are you from? This never occurs in Spanish; the preposition can never end a sentence. The preposition, in this case de, is placed in front of the interrogative word, which in this case is dónde.

Identification (relationship, nationality, or religion)


Material (what something is made of)


Possession or ownership



image De + el (of + the) = del. There are only two contractions in the Spanish language; del is one of them. When de is followed by the masculine article el, meaning the, the words contract to del, meaning of the.

image A Word About Possessives

You can see that these translations are not exact. There is no apostrophe in Spanish, so when you think of Peter’s car, for example, the Spanish structure is el carro de Pedro. Make sure you understand this concept, and use whichever English translation is clearest to you.

Where an event takes place


An equivalent English translation for is in the examples above is take/ takes place:

The party takes place at Joe’s house.
The concert takes place at the club.
The protest takes place in the capital

Ser is also used to tell time and in impersonal expressions.

Telling time

Spanish uses the third-person singular or plural of ser for telling time. La refers to la hora.


In impersonal expressions


image Exercise 1.3

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of ser. Indicate whether the sentence expresses description, profession, point of origin, identification, material, possession, or an impersonal expression.

EXAMPLE Es la una. (telling time)

1. El hombre ____________director. Él ____________de Chile. (____________, ____________)

2. Ellos ____________doctores. Ella ____________profesora. (____________, ____________)

3. ¿De dónde ____________los turistas? (____________)

4. Los hermanos de Pablo ____________simpáticos. (____________)

5. El hotel viejo ____________excelente. (____________)

6. Nosotros ____________amigos de Raúl. (____________)

7. Los guantes ____________de cuero. (____________)

8. La mujer y el hombre ____________de Ecuador. (____________)

9. Yo ____________de Puerto Rico. ¿De dónde ____________Ud.? (____________, ____________)

10. El apartamento ____________de los estudiantes jóvenes. (____________)

11. ¿ ____________tú una estudiante maravillosa? (____________)

12. Los pantalones ____________verdes y rojos. (____________)

13. El café ____________de Colombia. (____________)

14. ¿Quién ____________el presidente de los Estados Unidos? (____________)

15. ____________preciso comer bien. (____________)

image Exercise 1.4

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of ser.

1. Helena ____________de Colombia.

2. El hermano de ella ____________católico.

3. Ellos ____________profesores excelentes.

4. Los carros ____________grises.

5. Nosotros ____________estudiantes.

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of estar.

6. San Francisco ____________en California.

7. ¿Cómo está Ud.? Yo ____________bien.

8. El profesor ____________enfermo.

9. Nosotros ____________en la clase.

10. ¿ ____________tú triste?

11. Los perros ____________en el carro.

image Exercise 1.5

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of either ser or estar.

1. Yo ____________español.

2. Ellos ____________aquí.

3. José y Juan ____________enfermos.

4. Tú ____________abogado.

5. La lección no ____________fácil.

6. Los estudiantes ____________en la ciudad.

7. ¿Cómo ____________Uds.? Nosotros ____________bien, gracias.

8. Hoy ____________miércoles. ¿Dónde ____________los doctores?

9. El profesor ____________contento.

10. Los espejos en el baño ____________grandes.

11. La mesa, las sillas blancas y la lámpara ____________en la casa, pero la casa ____________pequeña.

12. La amiga de Sara ____________enferma y Sara ____________triste.

13. ¿De dónde ____________el vino blanco?

14. Los muchachos y las muchachas ____________en el tren. Ellos ____________contentos porque ____________amigos.

15. ¿Quién ____________en el parque?

16. ¿Dónde ____________la sobrina de Fernando?

17. ¿Qué hora ____?

18. ____________las cuatro y media.

19. La presentación ____________a las siete de la noche.

20. ¿De qué color ____________la falda?

image Exercise 1.6

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

1. The dentists are in their offices.


2. Everyone is sick. Even the doctors are sick.


3. The soup is hot. The meal is delicious.


4. It is necessary to study.


5. Is it possible to learn everything?


Common Expressions with estar


In general, estar is used with the adjectives frío, caliente, sucio, and limpio.


Common Expressions with ser


Ser and estar and Description

You have learned that ser is used for basic description, as in the following examples:

The dog is white.

The floor is gray.

We are intelligent.

However, there are specific situations with description in which estar is used. Following are examples of typical uses of ser for description, contrasted with related specific uses of estar.


When talking about food in general, use ser.


When giving an opinion about food, use estar.



When stating an inherent characteristic, use ser.


When giving an opinion about appearance, use estar.



When an adjective applies to something that exists without exception, use ser.


When the description is outside the known or cultural norm, use estar.


image Exercise 1.7

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of ser or estar, according to the meaning of the sentence.

1. El niño ____________de mal genio hoy. Su mamá no sabe que hacer.

2. ____________o no ____; es la cuestión.

3. La reunión ____________en el segundo piso.

4. Las flores que los estudiantes me regalan ____________en el salón.

5. ¿Dónde ____________yo?

6. ¿Cómo sabes quien ____________(tú)?

7. ¿Qué hora ____? ____________las dos.

8. ¿Cuál ____________la fecha de hoy?

9. ____________las once de la noche. Ya ____________tarde.

10. ____________demasiado temprano para levantarse.

11. Hoy ____________lunes, el cinco de mayo.

12. El estudiante trabaja mucho para ____________doctor.

13. La muchacha llora sin ____________triste.

14. El agua ____________fría.

15. Esta comida de tu madre ____________sabrosa.

16. Con los problemas que él tiene, no me explico como este hombre ____________tan contento.

17. Tu rival ____________más listo que tú en esta ocasión.

18. La comida que sirven aquí ____________caliente.

19. Luis y su familia ____________muy alegres de haberse ganado la lotería.

20. Este cuarto ____________la habitación más bonita de la casa.

21. ¿Quién ____________en peligro en una ciudad grande?

22. No hay cupo en el tren y yo tengo que ____________de pie.

23. La mujer ____________muy enferma; ____________entre la vida y la muerte.

24. La profesora tiene una opinión pero sus estudiantes no ____________de acuerdo con ella.

25. Siempre escucho las noticias. Yo ____________todo oídos.

26. El agua ____________necesaria para la vida.

27. La clase ____________para terminar y todo el mundo ____________para salir.

28. El cielo ____________gris.

29. Nosotros ____________sin un paraguas.

30. Esta lección ____________difícil.

image Reading Comprehension

Machu Picchu
Ancient Mountain

Machu Picchu es uno de los sitios más impresionantes del mundo. La ciudad antigua de los incas, construida en 1450 de piedras enormes y jardines maravillosos, está en Perú a 120 kilómetros de Cuzco, un pueblo colonial.

Es el año 1979. Estoy en Cuzco con un grupo turístico. Al principio, somos un buen grupo. Pero con en el calor insoportable del verano, el grupo cambia y somos todos contra uno y uno contra todos. En este sitio tan espiritual, en la cumbre de las montañas de los incas, bajo una vista majestuosa de las montañas, donde uno está cerca de los dioses de los incas y lejos de la civilización conocida, somos enemigos mortales.

El bus de regreso está lleno de pasajeros. Son las cuatro de la tarde y estamos de vuelta. Estoy sola ahora y según el refrán “es mejor estar sola que mal acompañada”.










After you have read the selection, answer the following questions in Spanish.

1. ¿Es el/la protagonista mujer u hombre? ¿Cómo sabe Ud.?


2. ¿Cómo es Machu Picchu?


3. ¿Es una buena experiencia para el grupo?


4. ¿Cuál estación es? ¿Cómo es el clima?
