Conclusion - Урок 2 - Psychoanalytical criticism - Theory and critical approaches - children’s literature

Children’s literature

Part I. Theory and critical approaches


9. Psychoanalytical criticism


Hamida Bosmajian




The revisions and transformations by which psychoanalytical theories and criticisms continue to construct themselves have retained so far the concept of the unconscious and its powerful influence on the ego’s development and struggle in the world. Children’s literature, whose language signifies the substitutions and displacements necessitated in that struggle, intimates and makes acceptable the dream of desire. It is a great irony of our psychoanalytic age that the psychological self-help narratives for young readers abandon consideration of the powers of the id in favour of the social adjustment of the young ego and that they do so, usually, in the language of low mimetic accessibility where the mode of romance and poetry is gone. That phenomenon is itself worthy of psychoanalytical interpretations of authors, texts and readers.



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Tatar, M. (1992) Off with Their Heads! Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

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Zipes, J. (1979) Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

- (1990) ‘Negating History and Male Fantasies through Psychoanalytic Criticism’, Children’s Literature 18: 141-3.


Further reading

Bloch, D. (1978) ‘So the Witch Won’t Eat Me’ Fantasy and the Child’s Fear of Infanticide, New York: Grove Press.

Jung, C. G. (1964) Man and His Symbols, New York: Doubleday.

Tucker, N. (1981) The Child and the Book: A Psychological and Literary Exploration, New York: Cambridge University Press.