Literary articles - Mark Twain 2024

Huckleberry Finn Moral Development & Changes

Aqsa Rizvi

In the book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain the main character Huck has the continuing problem whether to do what society says he should do or what his own conscience says he should do. The novel is about how society tends to corrupt true morality, freedom, and justice, which exist in nature, and how the individual must follow his or her own conscience. Huck has to make many moral choices; these moral choices help the author shape and develop Huck throughout the novel. One example of this is when Huck has to decide whether to turn Jim in to the slave hunters or not. Huckleberry is a rough, truly uncivilized boy. He rebels against the restraints of civilization-artificial, middle-class society and its delusions, represented by cramped clothing and religion. Huck's complete sincerity, which leads to his dislike for hypocritical civilization, is his defining quality. Widow Douglas and Miss Watson, meanwhile, are the representatives of the society Huck rejects.

Twain develops Huck's character by the choices Huck makes as the novel progresses. Huck Finn goes through many moral developments. In the beginning of the book, Huck is careless, he plays jokes and tricks on people. When Huck's adventures grow to involve more people and new moral questions never before raised, it is clear that he has started to change. By the time the book is almost over, we can see a radical change in Huck's opinions, thoughts, and his views of "right and wrong". Sometimes, serious events can affect a person's moral opinions and values. This is clearly shown in Huck as his adventures progress further into seriousness. Hucks opinion about religion shows his lack of concern for serious things. Huck’s attacks on prayer and his concepts of heaven in chapters i-iii introduce the motif.

When he was told about heaven and hell (he refers "good" and "bad" place respectively), he thinks about going to the "bad" place because he finds dull singing and praying to god, while the bad place appeals to him as he hears that his friend Tom Sawyer is going to the bad place. He is not serious in praying and instead of praying for help in finding faith, he prays for a fishing line and he is upset when he finds that there is fishing line but there are no fishing hooks. Mark Twain expresses Huck's wildness and confused morals. His careless and wild ways are expressed with his superstitions as well. This is shown with his throwing salt over his shoulder and his other superstitions such as burning the spider, about the snakeskin, and talking about the dead. Huck never tells the truth. One of his bloated lies is about being a girl and he keeps bloating and bloating to cover up his old lies.

As the novel progresses his seriousness develops. By the middle of the book, we can see Huck’s improvement. He now realizes that Jim is more human than he was supposed to believe. He continuous lying and playing jokes, but now he feels some guilt whenever he does this. For instance when he tricks Jim into believing he was dreaming about the fog. When Jim says:

…When I got all wore out wid work, en wid de callin’ for you, en went to sleep, my heart wuz mos’ broke bekase you wuz los’, en I didn’t k’yer no mo’ what become er me en de raf’. En when I wake up en fine you back agin’, all safe en soun’, de tears come en I could a got down on my knees en kiss’ yo’ foot I’s so thankful. En all you wuz thinkin ’bout wuz how you could make a fool uv ole Jim wid lie. Dat truck dah is trash; en trash is what people is dat puts dirt on de head er dey fren's en makes 'em feel ashamed. Jim’s words make Huck feel bad enough to apologize and he finally realizes that Jim has feelings too. Most Huck’s growth and visible friendship to Jim is seen through this apology.

“It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a black person; but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterward, neither .”

This is extremely important because it shows the closing gap between the two despite their wide class range. Before that, Huck had lied to save Jim from being caught by saying that Jim was white and had a disease so that people wouldn't look for Jim and probably catch him.

Huck’s conscience is awaken when he is helping Jim escape. At this time his conscience pulls Huck equally hard the other way. Another example of Huck’ moral seen in the Grangerford’s family, which admits him when he comes to the house after their raft was splintered by a steamboat. He becomes their guest and stays with them for some time. His seriousness grows after he sees Buck Grangerford death because Buck had been somewhat of a friend to him. The senseless killing between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons made him question civilized ways that perpetuated a feud where basically good people foolishly follow old customs rather than changing tradition.

Later, when he encounters the "King" and the "Duke", and even later when he finds out that the King and the Duke are frauds, he does not tell Jim, but for a good reason. He doesn’t want Jim to feel ignorant. This shows an improvement in Huck. He still keeps the truth away, but he does it for the good of others now. By the late part of the book, Huck shows more seriousness to religion and actually thinks of how religion and his morals are contradicting. He stops to think of which should overrule. Religion, as he understands it, tells him stealing is wrong, and combined with what he was taught, it makes helping a slave escape appear as stealing. On the other hand, Huck sees Jim as a human and wants to help him. Jim is his friend, and Huck now holds staying with his friend as one of his values. So after thinking seriously about it and even writing a note to Miss Watson, he eventually decides that his values overrule religion (by then ripping up the note), even though religion is still a force that should be thought about. In his eyes, he is going to go to hell and suffer eternally because of helping Jim escape and not returning him back to his "owner". This later shows that Huck is an "all the way" kind of person (meaning if he does something wrong and is going to have to suffer consequences for it, he might as well enjoy doing it). When he figures out that the "King" has sold Jim, he goes out to find Jim. Huck’s compassion emerges when he sees the duke and king tarred and feathered, and what we subsequently hear are Huck’s true feelings without the constrictive disguise that he has donned in order to affect the rescue of Jim. We can see that Huck is caring over his friends now and that he sticks by his morals as much as he can, and Huck's morals have changed a lot since the beginning. He does not seem to enjoy lying to people anymore if it hurts others.

So the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an excellent example of how people can change over time and events. This is shown in the above reasons. Huck generally feels that "humans are good and trustworthy, but you always have to watch out for people that always want to make a benefit at others loss.” He is shocked by the fact that people have a tendency to do incredibly kind things (like when he helps Jim) and the fact that people can do terrible things to hurt others emotionally (as shown by the King and the Duke's heartless ways to get money, which even include disrespect to the dead). Huck talks to his conscience in many of the previous statements. He talks with his conscience to find what choice is better, turn in Jim or help Jim. As a general whole, the human race is generally good and kind, but there are always some exceptions.