MANIFOLDS IN R<sup>n</sup> - Successive Approximations and Implicit Functions - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part III. Successive Approximations and Implicit Functions

Chapter 4. MANIFOLDS IN Rn

We continue here the discussion of manifolds that was begun in Section II.5. Recall that a k-dimensional manifold in Imagen is a set M that looks locally like the graph of a mapping from Imagek to Imagen−k. That is, every point of M lies in an open subset V of Imagen such that Image is a k-dimensional patch. Recall that this means there exists a permutation Image of x1, . . . , xn, and a differentiable mapping h : UImagen−k defined on an open set Image, such that


see Fig. 3.9. We will call P a Image or smooth patch if the mapping h is Image. The manifold M will be called Image or smooth if it is a union of smooth patches.


Figure 3.9

There are essentially three ways that a k-manifold in Imagen can appear (locally):

(a)as the graph of a mapping ImagekImagen−k,

(b)as the zero set of a mapping ImagenImagen−k,

(c)as the image of a mapping ImagekImagen.

The definition of a manifold is based on (a), which is actually a special case of both (b) and (c), since the graph of f: ImagekImagen−k is the same as the zero set of G(x, y) = f(x) − y, and is also the image of F : ImagekImagen, where F(x) = (x, f(x)). We want to give conditions under which (b) and (c) are, in fact, equivalent to (a).

Recall that our study of the Lagrange multiplier method in Section II.5 was based on the appearance of manifolds in guise (b). The following result was stated (without proof) in Theorem II.5.7.

Theorem 4.1 Let G : ImagenImagem be a Image mapping, where k = n − m > 0. If M is the set of all those points Image for which the derivative matrix G′(x) has rank m, then M is a smooth k-manifold.

PROOF We need to show that each point p of M lies in a smooth k-dimensional patch on M. By Theorem I.5.4, the fact, that the rank of the m × n matrix G′(p) is m, implies that some m of its column vectors are linearly independent. The column vectors of the matrix G′ are simply the partial derivative vectors ∂G/∂x1, . . . , ∂G/∂xn, and let us suppose we have rearranged the coordinates in Imagen so that it is the last m of these partial derivative vectors that are linearly independent. If we write


where Image, then it follows that the partial derivative matrix D2G(p) is nonsingular.

Consequently the implicit mapping theorem applies to provide us with a neighborhood V of p = (a, b) in Imagen, a neighborhood U of a in Imagek, and a Image mapping f : UImagem such that y = f(x) solves the equation G(x, y) = 0 in V. Clearly the graph of f is the desired smooth k-dimensional patch.


Thus conditions (a) and (b) are equivalent, subject to the rank hypothesis in Theorem 4.1.

When we study integration on manifolds in Chapter V, condition (c) will be the most important of the three. If M is a k-manifold in Imagen, and U is an open subset of Imagek, then a one-to-one mapping φ : U → M can be regarded as a parametrization of the subset φ(U) of M. For example, the student is probably familiar with the spherical coordinates parametrization Image of the unit sphere Image, defined by


The theorem below asserts that, if the subset M of Imagen can be suitably parametrized by means of mappings from open subsets of Imagek to M, then M is a smooth k-manifold.

Let φ : UImagen be a Image mapping defined on an open subset U of Image. Then we call φ regular if the derivative matrix φ′(u) has maximal rank k, for each uU. According to the following theorem, a subset M of Imagen is a smooth k-manifold if it is locally the image of a regular Image mapping defined on an open subset of Imagek.

Theorem 4.2 Let M be a subset of Imagen. Suppose that, given pM, there exists an open set Image and a regular Image mapping φ : UImagen such that Image, with φ(U′) being an open subset of M for each open set Image. Then M is a smooth k-manifold.

The statement that φ(U′) is an open subset of M means that there exists an open set W′ in Imagen such that Image. The hypothesis that φ(U′) is open in M, for every open subset U′ of U, and not just for U itself, is necessary if the conclusion that M is a k-manifold is to follow. That this is true may be seen by considering a figure six in the plane—although it is not a 1-manifold (why?); there obviously exists a one-to-one regular mapping φ : (0, 1) → Image2 that traces out the figure six.

PROOF Given pM and φ : U → M as in the statement of the theorem, we want to show that p has a neighborhood (in Imagen) whose intersection with M is a smooth k-dimensional patch. If φ(a) = p, then the n × k matrix φ′(a) has rank k. After relabeling coordinates in Imagen if necessary, we may assume that the k × k submatrix consisting of the first k rows of φ′(a) is nonsingular.

Write p = (b, c) with Image and Image, and let π : ImagenImagek denote the projection onto the first k coordinates,


If f : UImagek is defined by


then f(a) = b, and the derivative matrix f′(a) is nonsingular, being simply the k × k submatrix of φ′(a) referred to above.

Consequently the inverse mapping theorem applies to give neighborhoods U′ of a and V′ of b such that f : U′ → V′ is one-to-one, and the inverse g : V′ → U′ is Image. Now define h : V′ → Imagen−k by


Since the graph of h is P = φ(U′), and there exists (by hypothesis) an open set W′ in Imagen with Image, we see that p lies in a smooth k-dimensional patch on M, as desired.


REMARK Note that, in the above notation, the mapping


is a Image local inverse to φ. That is, Φ is a Image mapping on the open subset W′ of Imagen, and Φ(x) = φ−1(x) for Image. This fact will be used in the proof of Theorem 4.3 below.

If M is a smooth k-manifold, and φ : U → M satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 4.2, then the mapping φ is called a coordinate patch for M provided that it is one-to-one. That is, a coordinate patch for M is a one-to-one regular Image mapping φ : UImagen defined on an open subset of Imagek, such that φ(U′) is an open subset of M, for each open subset U′ of U.

Note that the “local graph” patches, on which we based the definition of a manifold, yield coordinate patches as follows. If M is a smooth k-manifold in Imagen, and W is an open set such that Image is the graph of the Image mapping Image, then the mapping φ : UImagen defined by φ(u) = (u, f(u)) is a coordinate patch for M. We leave it as exercise for the reader to verify this fact. At any rate, every smooth manifold M possesses an abundance of coordinate patches. In particular, every point of M lies in the image of some coordinate patch, so there exists a collection Image of coordinate patches for M such that


Uα being the domain of definition of φα. Such a collection of coordinate patches is called an atlas for M.

The most important fact about coordinate patches is that they overlap differentiably, in the sense of the following theorem (see Fig. 3.10).


Figure 3.10

Theorem 4.3 Let M be a smooth k-manifold in Imagen, and let φ1 : U1M and φ2 : U2M be two coordinate patches with Image non-empty. Then the mapping


is continuously differentiable.

PROOF Given Image, the remark following the proof of Theorem 4.2 provides a Image local inverse Φ to φ1, defined on a neighborhood of p in Imagen. Then Image agrees, in a neighborhood of the point Image, with the composition Φ Image φ2 of two Image mappings.


Now let Image be an atlas for the smooth k-manifold Image, and write


if Image is nonempty. Then Tij is a Image mapping by the above theorem, and has the Image inverse Tji. It follows from the chain rule that


so det Tij(x) ≠ 0 wherever Tij is defined.

The smooth k-manifold M is called orientable if there exists an atlas {φi} for M such that each of the “change of coordinates” mappings Tij defined above has positive Jacobian determinant,


wherever it is defined. The pair (M, {φi}) is then called an oriented k-manifold.

Not every manifold can be oriented. The classical example of a nonorientable manifold is the Möbius strip, a model of which can be made by gluing together the ends of a strip of paper after given it a half twist. We will see the importance of orientability when we study integration on manifolds in Chapter V.


4.1Let φ : UImagen and ψ : VImagen be two coordinate patches for the smooth k-manifold M. Say that φ and ψ overlap positively (respectively negatively) if det(φ−1 Image ψ)′ is positive (respectively negative) wherever defined. Now define ρ : ImagekImagek by


If φ and ψ overlap negatively, and Image = ψ Image ρ : ρ−1(V) → Imagen, prove that the coordinate neighborhoods φ and Image overlap positively.

4.2Show that the unit sphere Sn−1 has an atlas consisting of just two coordinate patches. Conclude from the preceding exercise that Sn−1 is orientable.

4.3Let M be a smooth k-manifold in Imagen. Given pM, show that there exists an open subset W of Imagen with pW, and a one-to-one Image mapping f: WImagen, such that Image is an open subset of Image.

4.4Let M be a smooth k-manifold in Imagen, and N a smooth (k − 1)-manifold with Image. If φ : U → M is a coordinate patch such that Image is nonempty, show that Image is a smooth (k − 1)-manifold in Imagek. Conclude from the preceding exercise that, given pN, there exists a coordinate patch ψ : V → M with Image, such that Image is an open subset of Image.

4.5If U is an open subset of Image, and φ : UImage3 is a Image mapping, show that φ is regular if and only if ∂φ/∂u × ∂φ/∂v0 at each point of U. Conclude that φ is regular if and only if, at each point of U, at least one of the three Jacobian determinants


is nonzero.

4.6The 2-manifold M in Image3 is called two-sided if there exists a continuous mapping n : MImage3 such that, for each xM, the vector n(x) is perpendicular to the tangent plane Tx to M at x. Show that M is two-sided if it is orientable. Hint: If φ : UImage3 is a coordinate patch for M, then ∂φ/∂u(u) × ∂φ/∂v(u) is perpendicular to Tφ(u). If φ : UImage3 and ψ : VImage3 are two coordinate patches for M that overlap positively, and uU and vV are points such that Image, show that the vectors


are positive multiples of each other.