VOLUME AND THE n-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRAL - Multiple Integrals - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part IV. Multiple Integrals


In Section 1 we used the properties of area (without verification) to study the integral of a function of one variable. This was done mainly for purposes of review and motivation. We now start anew, with definitions of volume for subsets of Imagen, and of the integral for functions on Imagen.

These definitions are the obvious generalizations to higher dimensions of those given in Section 1. Recall that a closed interval in Imagen is a set I = I1 × I2 × · · · × In, where Image. Thus a closed interval I in Imagen is simply a Cartesian product of “ordinary” closed intervals. The volume of I is, by definition, v(I) = (b1a1)(b2a2) · · · (bnan). Now let A be a bounded subset of Imagen. Then we say that A is a contented set with volume v(A) if and only if, given ε > 0, there exist

(a)nonoverlapping closed intervals Image such that Image, and

(b)closed intervals J1, . . . , Jq such that


We have seen (Example 1 of Section 1) that not all sets are contented. Consequently we need an effective means of detecting those that are. This will be given in terms of the boundary of a set. Recall that the boundary ∂A of the set Image is the set of all those points of Imagen that are limit points of both A and ImagenA.

The contented set A is called negligible if and only if v(A) = 0. Referring to the definition of volume, we see that A is negligible if and only if, given ε > 0, there exist intervals J1, . . . , Jq such that Image and Image. It follows immediately that the union of a finite number of negligible sets is negligible, as is any subset of a negligible set.

Theorem 2.1The bounded set A is contented if and only if its boundary is negligible.

PROOFLet R be a closed interval containing A. By a partition of R we shall mean a finite collection of nonoverlapping closed intervals whose union is R.

First suppose that A is contented. Given ε > 0, choose closed intervals I1, . . . , Ip and J1, . . . , Jq as in conditions (a) and (b) of the definition of v(A). Let Image be a partition of R such that each Ii and each Jj is a union of closed intervals of Image. Let R1, . . . , Rk be those intervals of Image which are contained in Image, and Rk+1, . . . , Rk+l the additional intervals of Image which are contained in Image. Then




Now suppose that ∂A is negligible. Note first that, in order to prove that A is contented, it suffices to show that, given ε > 0, there exist intervals J1, . . . , Jq containing A and nonoverlapping intervals I1, . . . , Ip contained in A such that


for then Image (the greatest lower and least upper bounds for all such collections of intervals) satisfies the definition of volume for A.

To show this, let R1, . . . , Rk be intervals covering ∂A with Image, and let Image be a partition of R such that each Ri is a union of elements of Image. If I1, . . . , Ip are the intervals of Image which are contained in A, and J1, . . . , Jqare the intervals of Image which are contained in Image, then Image, and Image. Since the intervals I1, . . . , Ip are included among the intervals J1, . . . , Jq, it follows that


as desired.


Corollary The intersection, union, or difference of two contented sets is contented.

This follows immediately from the theorem, the fact that a subset of a negligible set is negligible, and the fact that Image, and (A − B) are all subsets of Image.

The utility of Theorem 2.1 lies in the fact that negligible sets are often easily recognizable as such. For instance, we will show in Corollary 2.3 that, if f: AImage is a continuous function on the contented set Image, then the graph of f is a negligible subset of Imagen.

ExampleLet Bn be the unit ball in Imagen, with ∂Bn = Sn−1, the unit (n − 1)-sphere. Assume by induction that Bn−1 is a contented subset of Image. Then Sn−1 is the union of the graphs of the continuous functions




Hence Sn−1 is negligible by the above remark, so Bn is contented by Theorem 2.1.

We turn now to the definition of the integral. Given a nonnegative function f : ImagenImage, we consider the ordinate set


In order to ensure that the set Of is bounded, we must require that f be bounded and have bounded support. We say that f : ImagenImage is bounded if there exists Image such that Image for all Image, and has bounded supportif there exists a closed interval Image such that f(x) = 0 if Image (Fig. 4.9). We will define the integral only for bounded functions on Imagen that have bounded support; it will turn out that this restriction entails no loss of generality.


Figure 4.9

Given f: RnR, we define the positive and negative parts f+ and f of f by


Then f = f+f (see Fig. 4.10). That is, f+(x) = f(x) if f(x) > 0, and f(x) = −f(x) if f(x) < 0, and each is 0 otherwise.

Suppose now that f: ImagenImage is bounded and has bounded support. We then say that f is (Riemann) integrable (and write Image) if and only if the ordinate sets Image and Image are both contented, in which case we define


Thus ∫ f is, by definition, the volume of the region in Imagen+1 above Imagen and below the graph of f, minus the volume of the region below Imagen and above the graph of f (just as before, in the 1-dimensional case).

Although f: ImagenImage has bounded support, we may think of ∫f as the “integral of f over Imagen.” In order to define the integral of f over the set Image, thinking of the volume of the set in Imagen+1 which lies “under the graph of f and over the set A, we introduce the characteristic function φA of A, defined by



Figure 4.10

We then define


provided that the product A is integrable; otherwise ∫A f is not defined, and f is not integrable on A (see Fig. 4.11).


Figure 4.11

The basic properties of the integral are the following four “axioms” (which of course must be established as theorems).

Axiom I The set Image of integrable functions is a vector space.

Axiom II The mapping ∫ : ImageImage is linear.

Axiom III If Image everywhere, then Image.

Axiom IV If the set A is contented, then


Axiom III follows immediately from the definition of the integral. Axiom IV is almost as easy. For if I1, . . . , Iq and J1, . . . , Jp are intervals in Imagen such that






So it follows that


Axioms I and II, which assert that, if Image and Image, then Image and ∫(af + bg) = af + bg, will be verified in the following section.

In lieu of giving necessary and sufficient conditions for integrability, we next define a large class of integrable functions which includes most functions of frequent occurrence in practice.

The function f is called admissible if and only if

(a) f is bounded,

(b) f has bounded support, and

(c) f is continuous except on a negligible set.

Condition (c) means simply that, if D is the set of all those points at which f is not continuous, then D is negligible. It is easily verified that the set Image of all admissible functions on Imagen is a vector space (Exercise 2.1).

Theorem 2.2Every admissible function is integrable.

PROOF Let f be an admissible function on Imagen, and R an interval outside of which f vanishes. Since f+ and f are admissible (Exercise 2.2), and Image is a vector space, we may assume that f is nonnegative.

Choose M such that Image for all x, and let D denote the negligible set of points at which f is not continuous.

Given ε > 0, let Q1, . . . , Qk be a collection of closed intervals in Imagen such that


By expanding the Qi's slightly if necessary, we may assume that Image.

Then f is continuous on the set Image. Since Q is closed and bounded, it follows from Theorem 8.9 of Chapter I that f is uniformly continuous on Q, so there exists δ > 0 such that


if Image and Imagex − yImage < δ.

Now let Image be a partition of R such that each Qi is a union of intervals of Image, and each interval of Image has diameter <δ. If R1, . . . , Rq are the intervals of Image that are contained in Q, and



Figure 4.12

then biai < ε/2v(R) for i = 1, . . . , q. Finally let, as in Fig. 4.12,


Let Image. Since Of = Of* − R, and the interval R is contented, it suffices to see that Of* is contented (Fig. 4.13). But I1, . . . , Iq is a collection of


Figure 4.13

nonoverlapping intervals contained in Of*, and J1, . . . , Jq+k is a collection of intervals containing Of*, while


Hence it follows that Of* is contented as desired.


We can now establish the previous assertion about graphs of continuous functions.

Corollary 2.3 If f : AImage is continuous, and Image is contented, then the graph Gf of f is a negligible set in Imagen+1.

PROOF If we extend f to Imagen by f(x) = 0 for Image, then f is admissible because its discontinuities lie in ∂A, which is negligible because A is contented. Hence Of is contented by the Theorem, so ∂Of is negligible. But Gf is a subset of ∂Of.


It follows easily from see Corollary 2.3 that, if f : AImage is a nonnegative continuous function on a contented set Image, then the ordinate set of f is a contented subset of Imagen+1 (Exercise 2.7). This is the analogue for volume of Property E in Section 1.

The following proposition shows that ∫A f is defined if f : ImagenImage is admissible and Image is contented. This fact serves to justify our concentration of attention (in the study of integration) on the class of admissible functions—every function that we will have “practical” need to integrate will, in fact, be an admissible function on a contented set.

Proposition 2.4 If f is admissible and A is contented, then A is admissible (and, therefore, is integrable by Theorem 2.2).

PROOFIf D is the negligible set of points at which f is not continuous, then A is continuous at every point not in the negligible set Image (see Exercise 2.3).


Proposition 2.5 If f and g are admissible functions on Imagen with Image everywhere, and A is a contented set, then


PROOFImage everywhere, so Axiom III gives Image. Then Axiom II gives


It follows easily from see Proposition 2.5 that, if A and B are contented sets in Imagen, with Image, then Image (Exercise 2.4). This is the analog for volume of Property A of Section 1.

Proposition 2.6 If the admissible function f satisfies Image for all Image, and A is contented, then


In particular, ∫Af = 0 if A is negligible.

PROOFSince Image, this follows immediately from Proposition 2.5 and Axioms II and IV.


Proposition 2.7 If A and B are contented sets with Image negligible, and f is admissible, then


PROOFFirst consider the special case Image. Then Image, so


If Image is negligible, then Image by Proposition 2.6. Then, applying the special case, we obtain


It follows easily from see Proposition 2.7 that, if A and B are contented sets with Image negligible, then Image is contented, and Image (Exercise 2.5). This is the analog for volume of Property B of Section 1.

Theorem 2.8Let A be contented, and suppose the admissible functions f and g agree except on the negligible set D. Then


PROOFLet h = f − g, so h = 0 except on D. We need to show that ∫A h = 0. But


by Proposition 2.6, because Image is negligible.


This theorem indicates why sets with volume zero are called “negligible”—insofar as integration is concerned, they do not matter.


2.1If f and g are admissible functions on Imagen and Image, show that f + g and cf are admissible.

2.2Show that the positive and negative parts of an admissible function are admissible.

2.3If D is the set of discontinuities of f : ImagenImage, show that the set of discontinuities of A is contained in Image.

2.4If A and B are contented sets with Image, apply Proposition 2.5 with f = φA = φBφA, g = φB to show that


2.5Let A and B be contented sets with Image negligible. Apply Proposition 2.7 with Image to show that Image is contented with


2.6If f and g are integrable functions with Image for all x, prove that Image without using Axioms I and II. Hint: Image and Image and Image.

2.7If A is a contented subset of Imagen and f : AImage is continuous and nonnegative, apply Corollary 2.3 to show that Of is contented. Hint: Note that the boundary of Of is the union of Image, the graph of f, and the ordinate set of the restriction f : ∂AImage. Conclude that ∂Of is negligible, and apply Theorem 2.1.