PATHLENGTH AND LINE INTEGRALS - Line and Surface Integrals; Differential Forms and Stokes Theorem - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part V. Line and Surface Integrals; Differential Forms and Stokes' Theorem

This chapter is an exposition of the machinery that is necessary for the statement, proof, and application of Stokes’ theorem. Stokes’ theorem is a multidimensional generalization of the fundamental theorem of (single-variable) calculus, and may accurately be called the “fundamental theorem of multi-variable calculus.” Among its numerous applications are the classical theorems of vector analysis (see Section 7) .

We will be concerned with the integration of appropriate kinds of functions over surfaces (or manifolds) in Imagen. It turns out that the sort of “object,” which can be integrated over a smooth k-manifold in Imagen, is what is called a differential k-form (defined in Section 5) . It happens that to every differential k-form α, there corresponds a differential (k + 1)-form , the differential of α, and Stokes' theorem is the formula


where V is a compact (k + 1)-dimensional manifold with nonempty boundary ∂V (a k-manifold). In the course of our discussion we will make clear the way in which this is a proper generalization of the fundamental theorem of calculus in the form


We start in Section 1 with the simplest case—integrals over curves in space, traditionally called “line integrals.” Section 2 is a leisurely treatment of the 2-dimensional special case of Stokes’ theorem, known as Green’s theorem; this will serve to prepare the student for the proof of the general Stokes' theorem in Section 6.

Section 3 includes the multilinear algebra that is needed for the subsequent discussions of surface area (Section 4) and differential forms (Section 5) . The student may prefer (at least in the first reading) to omit the proofs in Section 3 —only the definitions and statements of the theorems of this section are needed in the sequel.


In this section we generalize the familiar single-variable integral (on a closed interval in Image) so as to obtain a type of integral that is associated with paths in Imagen. By a Image path in Imagen is meant a continuously differentiable function γ: [a, b] → Imagen. The Image path γ : [a, b] → Imagen is said to be smooth if γ′(t) ≠ 0 for all Image. The significance of the condition γ′(t) ≠ 0—that the direction of a Image path cannot change abruptly if its velocity vector never vanishes—is indicated by the following example.

Example 1 Consider the Image path γ = (γ1, γ2): ImageImage2 defined by


The image of γ is the graph y = ImagexImage (Fig. 5.1) . The only “corner” occurs at the origin, which is the image of the single point t = 0 at which γ′(t) = 0.


Figure 5.1

We discuss first the concept of length for paths. It is natural to approach the definition of the length s(γ) of the path γ : [a, b] → Imagen by means of polygonal approximations to γ. Choose a partition Image of [a, b],


and recall that the mesh Image ImageImage is the maximum length titi−1 of a subinterval of Image. Then Image defines a polygonal approximation to γ, namely the polygonal arc from γ(a) to γ(b) having successive vertices γ(t0), γ(t1), . . . , γ(tk) (Fig. 5.2) , and we regard the length


of this polygonal arc as an approximation to s(γ).


Figure 5.2

This motivates us to define the length s(γ) of the path γ : [a, b] → Imagen by


provided that this limit exists, in the sense that, given Image > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that


It turns out that the limit in (1) may not exist if γ is only assumed to be continuous, but that it does exist if γ is a Image path, and moreover that there is then a pleasant means of computing it.

Theorem 1.1 If γ : [a, b] → Imagen is a Image path, then s(γ) exists, and


REMARK If we think of a moving particle in Imagen, whose position vector at time t is γ(t), then Imageγ′(t)Image is its speed. Thus (2) simply asserts that the distance traveled by the particle is equal to the time integral of its speed—a result whose 1-dimensional case is probably familiar from elementary calculus.

PROOF It suffices to show that, given Image > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that


for every partition


of mesh less than δ. Recall that


where γ1, . . . , γn are the component functions of γ.

An application of the mean value theorem to the function γr on the ith subinterval [ti−1, ti] yields a point Image such that


Consequently Eq. (3) becomes


If the points ti1, ti2, . . . , tin just happened to all be the same point ImageImage, then (4) would take the form


which is a Riemann sum for Image. This is the real reason for the validity of formula (2) ; the remainder of the proof consists in showing that the difference between the sum (4) and an actual Riemann sum is “negligible.”

For this purpose we introduce the auxiliary function F : I = [a, b]nImage defined by


Notice that F(t, t, . . . , t) = Imageγ′(t)Image, and that F is continuous, and therefore uniformly continuous, on the n-dimensional interval I, since γ is a Image path. Consequently there exists a δ1 > 0 such that


if each ImagexryrImage < δ1.

We now want to compare the approximation


with the Riemann sum


Since the points ti1, ti2, . . . , tin all lie in the interval [ti−1, ti], whose length Image, it follows from (5) that


if ImageImageImage < δ1.

On the other hand, there exists (by Theorem IV.3.4) a δ2 > 0 such that


if ImageImageImage < δ2.

If, finally, δ = min(δ1, δ2), then ImageImageImage < δ implies that


as desired.


Example 2 Writing γ(t) = (x1(t), . . . , xn(t)), and using Leibniz notation, formula (2) becomes


Given a Image function f : [a, b] → Image, the graph of f is the image of the Image path γ : [a, b] → Image2 defined by γ(x) = (x, f(x)). Substituting x1 = t = x and x2 = y in the above formula with n = 2, we obtain the familiar formula


for the length of the graph of a function.

Having defined pathlength and established its existence for Image paths, the following question presents itself. Suppose that α : [a, b] → Imagen and β : [c, d] → Imagen are two Image paths that are “geometrically equivalent” in the sense that they have the same initial point α(a) = β(c), the same terminal point α(b) = β(d), and trace through the same intermediate points in the same order. Do α and β then have the same length, s(α) = s(β)?

Before providing the expected affirmative answer to this question, we must make precise the notion of equivalence of paths. We say that the path α : [a, b] → Imagen is equivalent to the path β : [c, d] → Imagen if and only if there exists a Image function


such that φ([a, b]) = [c, d], α = β Image φ, and φ′(t) > 0 for all Image (see Fig. 5.3) . The student should show that this relation is symmetric (if α is equivalent to β, then β is equivalent to α) and transitive (if α is equivalent to β, and βis equivalent to γ, then α is equivalent to γ), and is therefore an equivalence relation (Exercise 1.1) . He should also show that, if the Image paths α and β are equivalent, then α is smooth if and only if β is smooth (Exercise 1.2) .

The fact that s(α) = s(β) if α and β are equivalent is seen by taking f(x) ≡ 1 in the following theorem.


Figure 5.3

Theorem 1.2 Suppose that α : [a, b] → Imagen and β : [c, d] → Imagen are equivalent Image paths, and that f is a continuous real-valued function whose domain of definition in Imagen contains the common image of α and β. Then


PROOF If φ : [a, b] → [c, d] is a Image function such that α = β Image φ and φ′(t) > 0 for all Image, then



To provide a physical interpretation of integrals such as those of the previous theorem, let us think of a wire which coincides with the image of the Image path γ : [a, b] → Imagen, and whose density at the point γ(t) is f(γ(t)). Given a partition Image = {a = t0 < t1 < · · · < tk = b} of [a, b], the sum


may be regarded as an approximation to the mass of the wire. By an argument essentially identical to that of the proof of Theorem 1.1 , it can be proved that


Consequently this integral is taken as the definition of the mass of the wire.

If γ is a smooth path, the integral (6) can be interpreted as an integral with respect to pathlength. For this we need an equivalent unit-speed path, that is an equivalent smooth path Image such that ImageImage′(t)Image ≡ 1.

Proposition 1.3 Every smooth path γ : [a, b] → Imagen is equivalent to a smooth unit-speed path.

PROOF Write L = s(γ) for the length of γ, and define σ : [a, b] → [0, L] by


so σ(t) is simply the length of the path γ : [a, t] → Imagen (Fig. 5.4) . Then from the fundamental theorem of calculus we see that σ is a Image function with


Therefore the inverse function τ : [0, L] → [a, b] exists, with



Figure 5.4

If Image : [0, L] → Imagen is the equivalent smooth path defined by Image = γ Image τ, the chain rule gives


since σ′(t) = Imageγ′(t)Image.


With the notation of this proposition and its proof, we have


since ImageImage′(σ(t))Image = 1 and σ′(t) > 0. Substituting s = σ(t), we then obtain


This result also follows immediately from (Theorem 1.2. ) Since Image(s) simply denotes that point whose “distance along the path” from the initial point γ(a) is s, Eq. (7) provides the promised integral with respect to pathlength.

It also serves to motivate the common abbreviation


Historically this notation resulted from the expression


for the length of the “infinitesimal” piece of path corresponding to the “infinitesimal” time interval [t, t + dt]. Later in this section we will provide the expression ds = Imageγ′(t)Image dt with an actual mathematical meaning (in contrast to its “mythical” meaning here).

Now let γ : [a, b] → Imagen be a smooth path, and think of γ(t) as the position vector of a particle moving in Imagen under the influence of the continuous force field F : ImagenImagen [so F(γ(t)) is the force acting on the particle at time t]. We inquire as to the work W done by the force field in moving the particle along the path from γ(a) to γ(b). Let Image be the usual partition of [a, b]. If F were a constant force field, then the work done by F in moving the particle along the straight line segment from γ(ti−1) to γ(ti) would by definition be F · (γ(ti) − γ(ti−1)) (in the constant case, work is simply the product of force and distance). We therefore regard the sum


as an approximation to W. By an argument similar to the proof of Theorem 1.1 , it can be proved that


so we define the work done by the force field F in moving a particle along the path γ by


Rewriting (9) in terms of the unit tangent vector


at γ(t) (Fig. 5.5) , we obtain




in the notation of (8) . Thus the work done by the force field is the integral with respect to pathlength of its “tangential component” F · T.


Figure 5.5

In terms of components, (9) becomes




in Leibniz notation. A classical abbreviation for this last formula is


This type of integral, called a line integral (or curvilinear integral), can of course be defined without reference to the above discussion of work, and indeed line integrals have a much wider range of applications than this. Given a Image path γ : [a, b] → Imagen and n continuous functions f1, . . . , fn whose domains of definition in Imagen all contain the image of γ, the line integralγ f1 dx1 + · · · + fn dxn is defined by


Formally, we simply substitute xi = γi(t), dxi = γi′(t) dt into the left-hand side of (11) , and then integrate from a to b.

We now provide an interpretation of (11) whose viewpoint is basic to subsequent sections. By a (linear) differential form on the set Image is meant a mapping ω which associates with each point Image a linear function ω(x) : ImagenImage. Thus


where Image(Imagen, Image) is the vector space of all linear (real-valued) functions on Imagen. We will frequently find it convenient to write


Recall that every linear function L : ImagenImage is of the form


where λi : ImagenImage is the ith projection function defined by


If we use the customary notation λi = dxi, then (12) becomes


If L = ω(x) depends upon the point Image, then so do the coefficients a1, . . . , an; this gives the following result.

Proposition 1.4 If ω is a differential form on Image, then there exist unique real-valued functions a1, . . . , an on U such that


for each Image.

Thus we may regard a differential form as simply an “expression of the form” (13) , remembering that, for each Image, this expression denotes the linear function whose value at Image is


The differential form ω is said to be continuous (or differentiable, or Image ) provided that its coefficient functions a1, . . . , an are continuous (or differentiable, or Image).

Now let ω be a continuous differential form on Image, and γ : [a, b] → U a Image path. We define the integral of ω over the path γ by


In other words, if ω = a1 dx1 + · · · + an dxn, then


Note the agreement between this and formula (11) ; a line integral is simply the integral of the differential form appearing as its “integrand.”

Example 3 Let ω be the differential form defined on Image2 minus the origin by


If γ1 : [0, 1] → Image2 − {0} is defined by γ1(t) = (cos πt, sin πt), then the image of γ1 is the upper half of the unit circle, and


If γ2 : [0, 1] → Image2 − {0} is defined by γ2(t) = (cos πt, − sin πt), then the image of γ2 is the lower half of the unit circle (Fig. 5.6) , and



Figure 5.6

In a moment we will see the significance of the fact that Image .

Recall that, if f is a differentiable real-valued function on the open set Image, then its differential dfx at Image is the linear function on Imagen defined by


Consequently we see that the differential of a differentiable function is a differential form




Example 4 Let U denote Image2 minus the nonnegative x-axis; that is, Image unless Image and y = 0. Let θ : UImage be the polar angle function defined in the obvious way (Fig. 5.7) . In particular,


if x ≠ 0, so





Figure 5.7

on U; the differential of θ agrees on its domain of definition U with the differential form ω of Example 3. Although


is defined on Image2 − {0}, it is clear that the angle function cannot be extended continuously to Image2 − {0}. As a consequence of the next theorem, we will see that ω is not the differential of any differentiable function that is defined on all of Image2 − {0}.

Recall the fundamental theorem of calculus in the form


Now f′(t) dt is simply the differential at t of f : ImageImage; dt : ImageImage is the identity mapping. If γ : [a, b] → [a, b] is also the identity, then


and f(b) − f(a) = f(γ(b)) − f(γ(a)), so the fundamental theorem of calculus takes the form


The following theorem generalizes this formula; it is the “fundamental theorem of calculus for paths in Imagen.”

Theorem 1.5 If f is a real-valued Image function on the open set Image, and γ : [a, b] → U is a Image path, then


PROOF Define g : [a, b] → Image by g = f Image γ. Then g′(t) = Imagef(γ(t)) · γ′(t) by the chain rule, so




It is an immediate corollary to this theorem that, if the differential form ω on U is the differential of some Image function on the open set U, then the integral ∫γ ω is independent of the path γ, to the extent that it depends only on the initial and terminal points of γ.

Corollary 1.6 If ω = df, where f is a Image function on U, and α and β are two Image paths in U with the same initial and terminal points, then


We now see that the result Image of Example 3 , where γ1 and γ2 were two different paths in Image2 − {0} from (1, 0) to (−1, 0), implies that the differential form


is not the differential of any Image function on Image2 − {0}. Despite this fact, it is customarily denoted by , because its integral over a path γ measures the polar angle between the endpoints of γ.

Recall that, if F : UImagen is a force field on Image and γ : [a, b] → Imagen is a Image path in U, then the work done by the field F in transporting a particle along the path γ is defined by


where ω = F1 dx1 + · · · + Fn dxn. Suppose now that the force field F is conservative (see Exercise II.1.3) , that is, there exists a Image function g : UImage such that F = Imageg. Since this means that ω = dg, Corollary 1.6 implies that Wdepends only on the initial and terminal points of γ, and in particular that


This is the statement that the work done by a conservative force field, in moving a particle from one point to another, is equal to the “difference in potential” of the two points.

We close this section with a discussion of the arclength form ds of an oriented curve in Imagen. This will provide an explication of the notation of formulas (8) and (10) .

The set C in Imagen is called a curve if and only if it is the image of a smooth path γ which is one-to-one. Any one-to-one smooth path which is equivalent to γ is then called a parametrization of C.

If Image , then


is a unit tangent vector to C at x (Fig. 5.8) , and it is easily verified that T(x) is independent of the chosen parametrization γ of C (Exercise 1.3) . Such a continuous mapping T : CImagen, such that T(x) is a unit tangent vector to C at x, is called an orientation for C. An oriented curve is then a pair (C, T), where T is an orientation for C. However we will ordinarily abbreviate (C, −T) to C, and write − C for (C, −T), the same geometric curve with the opposite orientation.


Figure 5.8

Given an oriented curve C in Imagen, its arclength form ds is defined for Image by


Thus dsx(v) is simply the component of v in the direction of the unit tangent vector T(x). It is clear that dsx(v) is a linear function of Image, so ds is a differential form on C.

The following theorem expresses in terms of ds the earlier integrals of this section [compare with formulas (8) and (10) ].

Theorem 1.7 Let γ be a parametrization of the oriented curve (C, T), and let ds be the arclength form of C. If f : ImagenImage and F : ImagenImagen are continuous mappings, then


(so in particular s(γ) = ∫γ ds), and


PROOF We verify (a), and leave the proof of (b) as an exercise. By routine application of the definitions, we obtain




Finally notice that, if the differential form ω = F1 dx1 + · · · + Fn dxn is defined on the oriented smooth curve (C, T) with parametrization γ, then


by Theorem 1.7(b) . Thus every integral of a differential form, over a parametrization of an oriented smooth curve, is an “arclength integral.”


1.1Show that the relation of equivalence of paths in Imagen is symmetric and transitive.

1.2If α and β are equivalent paths in Imagen, and α is smooth, show that β is also smooth.

1.3Show that any two equivalent parametrizations of the smooth curve Image induce the same orientation of Image.

1.4If α and β are equivalent Image paths in Imagen, and ω is a continuous differential form, show that ∫α ω = ∫β ω.

1.5If α : [0,1] → Imagen is a Image path and ω is a continuous differential form, define β(t) = α(1 − t) for Image. Then show that ∫αω = − ∫βω.

1.6If α : [a, b] → Imagen and β : [c, d] → Imagen are smooth one-to-one paths with the same image, and α(a) = β(c), α(b) = β(d), show that α and β are equivalent.

1.7Show that the circumference of the ellipse x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1 is


where Image denotes the standard “elliptic integral of the second kind.”

1.8(a)Given Image mappings Image define γ = T Image c. Show that


and conclude that the length of γ is




(b)Let Image be the spherical coordinates mapping given by


Let γ : [a, b] → Image3 be a path on the unit sphere described by giving φ and θ as functions of t, that is, c(t) = (φ(t), θ(t)). Deduce from (a) that


1.9(a)Given Image mappings Image, define γ = F Image c. Show that


and conclude that the length of γ is


where gij = (∂F/∂ui) • (∂F/∂uj).

(b)Let Image be the cylindrical coordinates mapping given by


Let Image be a path described by giving r, θ, z as functions of t, that is,


Deduce from (a) that


1.10If F : ImagenImagen is a Image force field and γ : [a, b] → Imagen a Image path, use the fact that F(γ(t)) = ′(t) to show that the work W done by this force field in moving a particle of mass m along the path γ from γ(a) to γ(b) is


where v(t) = Imageγ′(t)Image. Thus the work done by the field equals the increase in the kinetic energy of the particle.

1.11For each Image, let F(x, y) be a unit vector pointed toward the origin from (x, y). Calculate the work done by the force field F in moving a particle from (2a, 0) to (0, 0) along the top half of the circle (x − a)2 + y2 = a2.

1.12Let = (−y dx + x dy)/(x2 + y2). Thinking of polar angles, explain why it seems “obvious” that ∫γ = 2π, where γ(t) = (a cos t, b sin t), Image. Accepting this fact, deduce from it that


1.13Let = (−y dx + x dy)/(x2 + y2) on Image20.

(a)If γ : [0, 1] → Image20 is defined by γ(t) = (cos 2kπt, sin 2kπt), where k is an integer, show that ∫γ = 2.

(b)If γ : [0, 1] → Image 2 is a closed path (that is, γ(0) = γ(1)) whose image lies in the open first quadrant, conclude from Theorem 1.5 that ∫γ = 0.

1.14Let the differential form ω be defined on the open set Image, and suppose there exist continuous functions, f, g : ImageImage such that ω(x, y) = f(x) dx + g(y) dy if Image. Apply Theorem 1.5 to show that ∫γ ω = 0 if γ is a closed Image path in U.

1.15Prove Theorem 1.7(b) . 8

1.16Let F : UImagen be a continuous vector field on Image such that Image. If Image is a curve in U, and γ a parametrization of Image, show that


1.17If γ is a parametrization of the oriented curve Image with arclength form ds, show that dsγ(t)(γ′(t)) = Imageγ′(t)Image, so


1.18Let γ(t) = (cos t, sin t) for Image be the standard parametrization of the unit circle in Image2. If


on Image20, calculate ∫γ ω. Then explain carefully why your answer implies that there is no function f : Image20Image with df = ω.

1.19Let ω = y dx + x dy + 2z dz on Image3. Write down by inspection a differentiable function f : Image3Image such that df = ω. If γ: [a, b] → Image3 is a Image path from (1, 0, 1) to (0, 1, −1), what is the value of ∫γ ω?

1.20Let γ be a smooth parametrization of the curve Image in Image2, with unit tangent T and unit normal N defined by




Given a vector field F = (F1, F2) on Image2, let ω = −F2 dx + F1 dy, and then show that


1.21Let Image be an oriented curve in Imagen, with unit tangent vector T = (t1, . . . , tn).

(a)Show that the definition [Eq. (16)] of the arclength form ds of C is equivalent to


(b)If the vector v is tangent to C, show that


(c)If F = (F1, . . . , Fn) is a vector field, show that the 1-forms


agree on vectors that are tangent to C.