SURFACE AREA - Line and Surface Integrals; Differential Forms and Stokes Theorem - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part V. Line and Surface Integrals; Differential Forms and Stokes' Theorem


In this section we investigate the concept of area for k-dimensional surfaces in Imagen. A k-dimensional surface patch in Imagen is a Image mapping F : QImagen, where Q is a k-dimensional interval (or rectangular parallelepiped) in Imagek, which is one-to-one on the interior of Q.

Example 1 Let Q be the rectangle [0, 2π] × [0, π] in the θφ-plane Image2, and F : QImage3 the surface patch defined by


so a, θ, φ are the spherical coordinates of the point Image. Then the image of F is the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = a2 of radius a (Fig. 5.22) . Notice that F is one-to-one on the interior of Q, but not on its boundary. The top edge of Q maps to the point (0, 0, −a), the bottom edge to (0, 0, a), and the image of each of the vertical edges is the semicircle Image


Figure 5.22

Example 2 Let Q be the square [0, 2π] × [0, 2π] in the θφ-plane Image2, and F : QImage4 the surface patch defined by


The image of F is the so-called “flat torus” Image in Image4. Note that F is one-to-one on the interior of Q (why?), but not on its boundary [for instance, the four vertices of Q all map to the point Image.

One might expect that the definition of surface area would parallel that of pathlength, so that the area of a surface would be defined as a limit of areas of appropriate inscribed polyhedral surfaces. These inscribed polyhedral surfaces for the surface patch F : QImagen could be obtained as follows (for k = 2; the process could be easily generalized to k > 2). Let Image = {σ1, . . . , σp} be a partition of the rectangle Q into small triangles (Fig. 5.23) . Then, for each i = 1, . . . , p, denote by τi that triangle in Imagen whose three vertices are the images under F of the three vertices of σi. Our inscribed polyhedral approximation is then


and its area is Image We would then define the area of the surface patch F by


provided that this limit exists in the sense that, given Image > 0, there is a δ > 0 such that



Figure 5.23

However it is a remarkable fact that the limit in (1) almost never exists if k > 1! The reason is that the triangles τi do not necessarily approximate the surface in the same manner that inscribed line segments approximate a smooth curve. For a partition of small mesh, the inscribed line segments to a curve have slopes approximately equal to those of the corresponding segments of the curve. However, in the case of a surface, the partition Image with small mesh can usually be chosen in such a way that each of the triangles τi is very nearly perpendicular to the surface. It turns out that, as a consequence, one can obtain inscribed polyhedra KImage with ImageImageImage arbitrarily small and a(KImage) arbitrarily large!

We must therefore adopt a slightly different approach to the definition of surface area. The basic idea is that the difficulties indicated in the previous paragraph can be avoided by the use of circumscribed polyhedral surfaces in place of inscribed ones. A circumscribed polyhedral surface is one consisting of triangles, each of which is tangent to the given surface at some point. Thus circumscribed triangles are automatically free of the fault (indicated above) of inscribed ones (which may be more nearly perpendicular to, than tangent to, the given surface).

Because circumscribed polyhedral surfaces are rather inconvenient to work with, we alter this latter approach somewhat, by replacing triangles with parallelepipeds, and by not requiring that they fit together so nicely as to actually form a continuous surface.

We start with a partition Image = {Q1, . . . , Qp} of the k-dimensional interval Q into small subintervals (Fig. 5.24) . It will simplify notational matters to assume that Q is a cube in Imagek, so we may suppose that each subinterval Qi is a cube with edgelength h; its volume is then v(Qi) = hk.

Assuming that we already had an adequate definition of surface area, it would certainly be true that


where F Image Qi denotes the restriction of F to the subinterval Qi. We now approximate the sum on the right, replacing a(F Image Qi) by a(dFqi(Qi)), the area of the


Figure 5.24

k-dimensional parallelepiped onto which Qi maps under the linear approximation dFqi to F, at an arbitrarily selected point Image (Fig. 5.25) . Then


where Pi = dFqi(Qi).

Now the parallelepiped Pi is spanned by the vectors


evaluated at the point Image. If Ai is the n × k matrix having these vectors as its column vectors, then


by Theorem 3.10 . But it is easily verified that



Figure 5.25

since the matrix F′ has column vectors ∂F/∂u1, . . . , ∂F/∂uk. Upon substitution of this into (2) , we obtain


Recognizing this as a Riemann sum, we finally define the (k-dimensional) surface area a(F) of the surface patch F : QImagen by


Example 3If F is the spherical coordinates mapping of Example 1 , mapping the rectangle Image onto the sphere of radius a in Image3, then a routine computation yields


so (3) gives


as expected.

Example 4If F : [a, b] → Imagen is a Image path, then


so we recover from (3) the familiar formula for pathlength.

Example 5We now consider 2-dimensional surfaces in Imagen. Let φ : QImagen be a 2-dimensional surface patch, where Q is a rectangle in the uv-plane. Then



Equation (3) therefore yields




If we apply Corollary 3.8 to Eq. (3) , we obtain


where the notation [i] signifies (as usual) summation over all increasing k-tuples i = (i1, . . . , ik), and Fi′ is the k × k matrix whose rth row is the irth row of the derivative matrix F′ = (∂Fi/∂uj). With the Jacobian determinant notation


Eq. (5) becomes


We may alternatively explain the [i] notation with the statement that the summation is over all k × k submatrices of the n × k derivative matrix F′.

In the case k = 2, n = 3 of a 2-dimensional surface patch F in Image3, given by


(6) reduces to


Example 6We consider the graph in Imagen of a Image function f : QImage, where Q is an interval in Imagen−1. This graph is the image in Imagen of the surface patch F : QImagen defined by


The derivative matrix of F is


We want to apply (6) to compute a(F). First note that


If i < n, then


is the determinant of the (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix Ai which is obtained from F′ upon deletion of its ith row. The elements of the ith column of Ai are all zero, except for the last one, which is ∂f/∂xi. Since the cofactor of ∂f/∂xi in Ai is the (n − 2) × (n − 2) identity matrix, expansion by minors along the ith column of Ai gives


for i < n. Substitution of (8) and (9) into (6) gives


In the case n = 3, where we are considering a graph z = f(x, y) in Image3 over Image and F(x, y) = (x, y, f(x, y)), formula (10) reduces to


This, together with (4) and (7) above, are the formulas for surface area in Image3 that are often seen in introductory texts.

Example 7 We now apply formula (10) to calculate the (n − 1)-dimensional area of the sphere Image of radius r, centered at the origin in Imagen. The upper hemisphere of Image is the graph in Imagen of the function


defined for Image f is continuous on Image and Image on int Image where




and therefore


Hence we are motivated by (10) to define aImage by


This is an improper integral, but we proceed with impunity to compute it. In order to “legalize” our calculation, one would have to replace integrals over Image with integrals over Image, and then take limits as Image → 0.

If Image is defined by T(u) = ru, then Image and det T′ = rn−1, so the change of variables theorem gives


Thus the area of an (n − 1)-dimensional sphere is proportional to the (n − 1)th power of its radius (as one would expect).

Henceforth we write


for the area of the unit (n − 1)-sphere Image . By an application of Fubini's theorem, we obtain (see Fig. 5.26)



Figure 5.26

With the substitution xn−1 = cos θ we finally obtain




Since Ik Ik−1 = π/2k by Exercise IV.5.17 , it follows that


if Image In Exercise 4.10 this recursion relation is used to show that


for all Image

In the previous example we defined a(Sn−1) in terms of a particular parametrization of the upper hemisphere of Sn−1. There is a valid objection to this procedure—the area of a manifold in Imagen should be defined in an intrinsic manner which is independent of any particular parametrization of it (or of part of it). We now proceed to give such a definition.

First we need to discuss k-cells in Imagen. The set Image is called a (smooth) k-cell if it is the image of the unit cube Image under a one-to-one Image mapping φ : UImagen which is defined on a neighborhood U of Ik, with the derivative matrix φ′(u) having maximal rank k for each Image (Fig. 5.27) . The mapping


Figure 5.27

φ (restricted to Ik) is then called a parametrization of A. The following theorem shows that the area of a k-cell Image is well defined. That is, if φ and Image are two parametrizations of the k-cell A, then a(φ) = a(Image), so their common value may be denoted by a(A).

Theorem 4.1 If φ and Image are two parametrizations of the k-cell Image, then


PROOF Since φ′(u) has rank k, the differential u maps Image k one-to-one onto the tangent k-plane to A at φ(u), and the same is true of dImageu. If


is defined by T = Image−1 Image φ, it follows that T is a Image one-to-one mapping with det T′(u) ≠ 0 for all Image so, by the inverse function theorem, T is Image-invertible.

Since φ = T Image Image, the chain rule gives




Consequently the change of variables theorem gives


as desired. Image

If M is a compact smooth k-manifold in Imagen, then M is the union of a finite number of nonoverlapping k-cells. That is, there exist k-cells A1, . . . , Ar in Imagen such that Image and int Image if i ≠ j. Such a collection {A1, . . . , Ar} is called a paving of M. The proof that every compact smooth manifold in Imagen is payable (that is, has a paving) is very difficult, and will not be included here. However, if we assume this fact, we can define the (k-dimensional) area a(M) of M by


Of course it must be verified that a(M) is thereby well defined. That is, if {B1, . . . , Bs} is a second paving of M, then


The proof is outlined in Exercise 4.13 .

Example 8 We now employ the above definition, of the area of a smooth manifold in Imagen, to give a second computation of ωn = a(Sn−1). Let {A1, . . . , Ak} be a paving of Sn−1. Let φ : In−1Ai be a parametrization of Ai. Then, given Image > 0, define φ : In−1 × [Image, 1] → Imagen by


Denote by Bi the image of φ (see Fig. 5.28) . Then


by the change of variables theorem. Now Imagedet φ′(u, r) is the volume of the n-dimensional parallelepiped P which is spanned by the vectors


[evaluated at (u, r)]. But


is a unit vector which is orthogonal to each of the vectors



Figure 5.28

since the vectors r ∂φ/∂u1, . . . , r ∂φ/∂un−1 are tangent to Sn−1. If Q is the (n − 1)-dimensional parallelepiped which is spanned by these n − 1 vectors, it follows that v(P) = a(Q). Consequently we have


Substituting this into (11) , and applying Fubini's theorem, we obtain


Summing from i = 1 to i = k, we then obtain


Finally taking the limit as Image → 0, we obtain




Consulting Exercise IV.6.3 for the value of v(Bn), this gives the value for a(Sn−1) listed at the end of Example 7 .


4.1Consider the cylinder Image in Image3. Regarding it as the image of a surface patch defined on the rectangle [0, 2π] × [0, h] in the θz-plane, apply formula (3) or (4) to show that its area is 2πah.

4.2Calculate the area of the cone Image noting that it is the image of a surface patch defined on the rectangle [0, 1] × [0, 2π] in the -plane.

4.3Let T be the torus obtained by rotating the circle z2 + (y − a)2 = b2 about the z-axis. Then T is the image of the square Image in the φθ-plane under the mapping F : Image2Image3 defined by


Calculate its area (answer = 4π2ab).

4.4Show that the area of the “flat torus” Image of Example 2 , is (2π)2. Generalize this computation to show that the area, of the “n-dimensional torus” Image

4.5Consider the generalized torus Image Use spherical coordinates in each factor to define a surface patch whose image is S2 × S2. Then compute its area.

4.6Let C be a curve in the yz-plane described by y = α(t), z = β(t) for Image The surface swept out by revolving C around the z-axis is the image of the surface patch φ : [0, 2φ] × [a, b] → Image3 defined by


Show that a(φ) equals the length of C times the distance traveled by its centroid, that is,


4.7Let γ(s) = (α(s), β(s)) be a unit-speed curve in the xy-plane, so (α′)2 + (β′)2 = 1. The “tube surface” with radius r and center-line γ is the image of φ : [0, L] × [0, 2π] → Image3, where φ is given by


Show that a(φ) = 2πrL.

4.8This exercise gives an n-dimensional generalization of “Pappus' theorem for surface area” (Exercise 4.6) . Let φ : QImagen−1 be a k-dimensional surface patch in Imagen−1, such that Image for all Image. The (k + 1)-dimensional surface patch


obtained by “revolving φ about the coordinate hyperplane Imagen−2,” is defined by


for Image. Write down the matrix Image and conclude from inspection of it that




Deduce from this that


where Imagen−1 is the (n − 1)th coordinate of the centroid of φ, defined by


4.9Let T : Image nImagen be the linear mapping defined by T(x) = bx. If φ : QImagen is a k-dimensional surface patch in Imagen, prove that a(T Image φ) = bka(φ).

4.10Starting with ω2 = 2π and ω3 = 4π, use the recursion formula


of Example 7 , to establish, by separate inductions on m, the formulas




for ωn = a(Sn−1). Consulting Exercise IV.6.2, deduce that


for all Image

4.11Use the n-dimensional spherical coordinates of Exercise IV.5.19 to define an (n − 1)dimensional surface patch whose image is Sn−1. Then show that its area is given by the formula of the previous exercise.

4.12This exercise is a generalization of Example 8 . Let M be a smooth compact (n − 1)-manifold in Imagen, and φ : M × [a, b] → Imagen a one-to-one Image mapping. Write Mt = φ(M × {t}). Suppose that, for each Image the curve γx(t) = φ(x, t) is a unit-speed curve which is orthogonal to each of the manifolds Mt. If A = φ(M × [a, b]), prove that


4.13Let M be a smooth k-manifold in Imagen, and suppose {A1, . . . , Ar} and {B1, . . . , Bs} are two collections of nonoverlapping k-cells such that


Then prove that


Hint: Let φi and Imagej be parametrizations of Ai and Bj, respectively. Define






Show by the method of proof of Theorem 4.1 , using Exercises IV.5.3 and IV.5.4 , that corresponding terms in the right-hand sums are equal.