EXAMPLES OF LIMITS - MORE EXAMPLES ON LIMITS AND CONTINUITY - What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, 2nd Edition (1996)

What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, 2nd Edition (1996)



1. General Remarks

In many cases the convergence of a sequence an can be proved by an argument of the following sort. We find two other sequences, bn and cn, whose terms have a simpler structure than those of the original sequence, and such that



for every n. Then if we can show that the sequences bn and cn both converge to the same limit α, it follows that an also converges to the limit α. We shall leave the formal proof of the statement to the reader.

It is clear that applications of this procedure will involve the use of inequalities. It is therefore appropriate to recall a few elementary rules which govern arithmetical operations with inequalities.

1. If a > b, then a + c > b + c (any number may be added to both sides of an inequality).

2. If a > b and the number c is positive, then ac > bc (an inequality may be multiplied by any positive number).

3. If a < b, then – b < – a (the sense of an inequality is reversed if both sides are multiplied by –1). Thus 2 < 3 but –3 < –2.

4. If a and b have the same sign, and if a < b, then 1/a > 1/b.

5. | a + b | ≤ | a | + | b |.

2. The Limit of qn

If q is a number greater than 1, the sequence qn will increase beyond any bound, as does the sequence 2, 22, 23, · · · for q = 2. The sequence “tends to infinity” (see p. 294). The proof in the general case is based on the important inequality (proved on p. 15)


(1 + h)n ≥ 1 + nh > nh,

where h is any positive number. We set q = 1 + h, where h > 0; then


If k is any positive number, no matter how large, then for all n > k/h it follows that

qn > nh> k;

hence qn → ∞.

If q = 1, then the members of the sequence qn are all equal to 1, and 1 is therefore the limit of the sequence. If q is negative, then qn will alternate between positive and negative values, and will have no limit if q ≤ –1.

Exercise: Give a rigorous proof of the last statement.

On page 64 we showed that if –1 < q < 1, then qn → 0. We may give another and very simple proof of this fact. First we consider the case where 0 < q < 1. Then the numbers q, q2, q3 · · · form a monotone decreasing sequence bounded below by 0. Hence, according to page 295, the sequence must approach a limit: qna. Multiplying both sides of this relation by q we obtain qn+1aq.

Now qn+1 must have the same limit as qn, since the name, n or n + 1, of the increasing exponent, does not matter. Hence aq = a, or a(q – 1) = 0. Since 1 – q ≠ 0, this implies that a = 0.

If q = 0, the statement qn → 0 is trivial. If –1 < q < 0, then 0 < | q | < 1; hence | qn | = | q |n → 0 by the preceding argument From this it follows that always qn → 0 for | q | < 1. This complete the proof.

Exercises: Prove that for n → ∞:

1) (x2/1 + x2)n → 0;

2) (x/1 + x2)n → 0;

3) (x3/4 + x2)n tends to infinity for x > 2, to 0 for | x | < 2.

3. The Limit of image

The sequence image, i.e. the sequence image, has the limit 1 for any fixed positive number p:



(By the symbol image we mean, as always, the positive nth root. For negative numbers p there are no real nth roots when n is even.)

To prove the relation (3), we first suppose that p > 1; then image will also be greater than 1. Thus we may set


where hn is a positive quantity depending on n. The inequality (2) then shows that

p = (1 + hn)n > nhn.

On dividing by n we see that

0 < hn < p/n.

Since the sequences bn = 0 and cn = p/n both have the limit 0, it follows by the argument of Article 1 that hn also has the limit 0 as n increases, and our assertion is proved for p > 1. Here we have a typical instance where a limiting relation, in this case hn → 0, is recognized by enclosing hnbetween two bounds whose limits are more easily obtained.

Incidentally, we have derived an estimate for the difference hn between image and 1; this difference must always be less than p/n.

If 0 < p < 1, then image, and we may set


where hn is again a positive number depending on n. It follows that


so that


From this we conclude that hn tends to 0 as n increases. Hence, since image, it follows that image.

The equalizing effect of nth root extraction, which tends to push every positive number towards 1 as n increases, is even strong enough to do this in some cases if the radicand does not remain constant. We shall prove that the sequence image tends to 1, i.e. that


as n increases. By a little device this can again be shown to follow from the inequality (2). Instead of the nth root of n, we take the nth root of image. If we set image, where kn is a positive number depending on n, then the inequality yields image, so that




The right side of this inequality tends to 1 as n increases, so that image must also tend to 1.

4. Discontinuous Functions as Limits of Continuous Functions

We may consider limits of sequences an when an is not a fixed number but depends on a variable x: an = fn(x). If this sequence converges as n → ∞, then the limit is again a function of x,

f(x) = lim fn(x).

Such representations of functions f(x) as limits of others are often useful in reducing “higher” functions f(x) to elementary functions fn(x).

This is true in particular of the representation of discontinuous functions by explicit formulas. For example, let us consider the sequence image for every n, so that fn(x) → 1/2. For | x | > 1 we have x2n → 0, and hence fn(x) → 1, while for | x | > 1 we have x2n → ∞, and hence fn(x) → 0. Summarizing:


Here the discontinuous function f(x) is represented as the limit of a sequence of continuous rational functions.

Another interesting example of a similar character is given by the sequence


For x = 0 all the values fn(x) are zero, and therefore f(0) = lim fn(0) = 0. For x ≠ 0 the expression 1/(1 + x2) = q is positive and less than 1; our results on geometrical series guarantee the convergence of fn(x) for n → ∞. The limit, i.e. the sum of the infinite geometrical series, is image, which is equal to 1 + x2. Thus we see that fn(x) tends to the function f(x) = 1 + x2 for x ≠ 0, and to f(x) = 0 for x = 0. This function has a removable discontinuity at x = 0.

*5. Limits by Iteration

Often the terms of a sequence are such that an+1 is obtained from an by the same procedure as an from an–1; the same process, indefinitely repeated, produces the whole sequence from a given initial term. In such cases we speak of a process of “iteration.”

For example, the sequence


has such a law of formation; each term after the first is formed by taking the square root of 1 plus its predecessor. Thus the formula


defines the whole sequence. Let us find its limit. Obviously an is greater than 1 for n > 1. Furthermore an is a monotone increasing sequence, for


Hence whenever an > an–1 it will follow that an+1 > an. But we know that image, from which we conclude by mathematical induction that an + 1 > an for all n, i.e. that the sequence is monotone increasing. Moreover it is bounded; for by the previous results we have


By the principle of monotone sequences we conclude that for n → ∞ an → a, where a is some number between 1 and 2. We easily see that a is the positive root of the quadratic equation x2 = 1 + x. For as n → ∞ the equation image becomes a2 = 1 + a. Solving this equation, we find that the positive root is image. Thus we may solve this quadratic equation by an iteration process which gives the value of the root with any degree of approximation if we continue long enough.

We can solve many other algebraic equations by iteration in a similar way. For example, we may write the cubic equation x3 − 3x + 1 = 0 in the form


We now choose any value for a1, say a1 = 0, and define


obtaining the sequence a2 = 1/3 =.3333..., a3, = 9/26 =.3461..., a4 = 676/1947 =.3472..., etc. It may be shown that the sequence an obtained in this way converges to a limit a =.3473 … which is a solution of the given cubic equation. Iteration processes such as this are highly important both in pure mathematics, where they yield “existence proofs,” and in applied mathematics, where they provide approximation methods for the solution of many types of problems.

Exercises on limits. For n → ∞:
