Vectors - Numbers and Operations - REVIEW OF MAJOR TOPICS - Barron's SAT Subject Test Math Level 2

Barron's SAT Subject Test Math Level 2, 10th Edition (2012)


Chapter 3. Numbers and Operations

3.5 Vectors

A vector in a plane is defined to be an ordered pair of real numbers. A vector in space is defined as an ordered triple of real numbers. On a coordinate system, a vector is usually represented by an arrow whose initial point is the origin and whose terminal point is at the ordered pair (or triple) that named the vector. Vector quantities always have a magnitude or norm (the length of the arrow) and direction (the angle the arrow makes with the positive x-axis). Vectors are often used to represent motion or force.

All properties of two-dimensional vectors can be extended to three-dimensional vectors. We will express the properties in terms of two-dimensional vectors for convenience. If vector ca151 is designated by (v1, v2) and vector ca152 is designated by (u1, u2), vector ca153 is designated by (u1 + v1, u2 + v2) and called the resultant of ca152 and ca151. Vector – ca151 has the same magnitude as ca151 but has a direction opposite that of ca151.

On the plane, every vector ca151 can be expressed in terms of any other two unit (magnitude 1) vectors parallel to the x - and y-axes. If vector ca154 = (1,0) and vector ca155 = (0,1), any vector ca151 = ai + bj, where a and b are real numbers. A unit vector parallel to ca151 can be determined by dividing ca151 by its norm, denoted by ca156 and equal to ca157

It is possible to determine algebraically whether two vectors are perpendicular by defining the dot product or inner product of two vectors, ca151(v1, v2) and ca152(u1, u2).


Notice that the dot product of two vectors is a real number , not a vector. Two vectors, ca151 and ca152, are perpendicular if and only if ca159


1. Let vector ca151= (2, 3) and vector ca152= (6, –4).

(A) What is the resultant of ca152 andca151?

(B) What is the norm of ca152?

(C) Express ca151 in terms of ca154 and ca155.

(D) Are ca152 and ca151 perpendicular?


(A) The resultant, ca184 equals (6 + 2, –4 + 3) = (8, –1).

(B) The norm of ca185

(C) ca186 To verify this, use the definitions of ca187 and ca188 = 2(1,0) + 3(0,1) = (2, 0) + (0, 3) = (2, 3) = ca187

(D) id633 = 6 · 2 + (– 4) · 3 = 12 – 12 = 0. Therefore, ca152 and ca151 are perpendicular because the dot product is equal to zero.

2. If ca152= (–1, 4) and the resultant of ca152 and ca151 is (4,5), find .ca151

Let ca190 The resultant ca191 = (–1,4) + (v1, v2) = (4,5). Therefore, (–1 + v1, 4 + v2) = (4,5), which implies that –1 + v1 = 4 and 4 + v2 = 5. Thus, v1 = 5 and ca196


1. Suppose ca160 Find the magnitude of ca161

 (A) 2

 (B) 3

 (C) 4

 (D) 5

 (E) 6

2. If ca162 and ca163 the resultant vector of ca164 equals

 (A) ca165

 (B) ca166

 (C) ca167

 (D) ca168

 (E) ca169

3. A unit vector perpendicular to vector ca170 is

 (A) (4,3)

 (B) ca172

 (C) ca173

 (D) ca174

 (E) ca175

Answers and Explanations

1. (D) Add the components to get ca176 The magnitude is ca177

2. (D) ca178 and ca179 so ca180

3. (D) All answer choices except A are unit vectors. Backsolve to find that the only one having a zero dot product with (3, –4) is ca181.