General Vector Spaces - Algebra - University Mathematics Handbook

University Mathematics Handbook (2015)

X. Algebra

Chapter 8. General Vector Spaces

8.1  Definition and Examples

a.  Vector space over field is a nonempty set of vectors, where two operations are defined:

1.  Addition: for every two vectors , vector .

2.  Scalar multiplication: for every and , vector . These operations follow the following axioms:

For every and every there holds:



3. In , there exists a unique zero vector holding .

4. In , there exists a unique term , called the opposite vector of , which holds .

5. when is the identity element of field .




b.  Examples of vector spaces:

1. is a real vector space.

2. is a complex vector space.

3. Set of all matrices with elements of field .

4. , set of all polynomials with coefficients of field .

5. , set of all polynomials with a degree smaller than , including zero polynomial, the coefficients of which are of .

6. If is the set of all functions , when for every two functions and hold , and for every there holds , then is a real vector space when zero vector is a function which is identically zero.

8.2  Sub-spaces

a.  Non-empty subset of is a subspace if, and only if, it is closed under addition and under scalar multiplication.

b.  If and are subspaces of vector space , then is a subspace.

c.  Union of subspaces is not necessarily a subspace.

Example: and are subspaces in . is not closed under addition. For example: , , but .

d. Let be vectors in a vector space over and be scalars in . Vector is called a linear combination of vectors .

e. Let be a non empty subset of vector space . Set of all linear combinations of is a span of , and .

f. If is a nonempty subset, then:

1. is a subspace in containing .

2. If is a subspace of containing , then .

8.3  Basis and Dimensions of a Vector Space

a.  Vectors are linearly dependent in if there exist scalars, , , not all equal to zero, such that . Otherwise, they are linearly independent.

b.  Subset of vector space is linearly independent if it has no finite set of linearly dependent vectors. Otherwise, is linearly dependent.

c.  Definition 1: A set of vectors in vector space is a basis if:

1.  It is linearly independent.

2.   is a span of .

Definition 2: A set of vectors is a basis in if every vector of can be uniquely presented as a linear combination of the vectors of .

Definitions 1 and 2 are equivalent.

d.  If vectors span and set of vectors are linearly independent in , then .

e.  If some basis of vector space has a finite number of vectors, then any other basis of has the same number of vectors.

f.  Vector space has finite dimension if its basis consists of vectors and .

The dimension of null space is .

g.  Every set of vectors linearly independent in is either a basis or can be expanded to a basis.

h.  Every set of n+1 vectors in an n-dimensional vector space are lineary dependent.

8.4  Sum and Direct Sum of Sub-spaces

a. Sum of subsets and of a vector space is the set of all vectors when , .

b. The sum of subspaces is a subspace.

c. If and are finite-dimensional subspaces of vector space , then is finite-dimensional and

d. Vector space is a direct sum of subspaces and if every vector can be uniquely represented by , when , . It is denoted .

e. Vector space is a direct sum of subspaces and if and only if and .

f. Let be subspaces of , a basis of and a basis of . If:

1. , then is a basis of .

2. and are linearly independent, and is a basis of , then .

g. If , then .

h. Vector space is a direct sum of subspaces if every vector can be uniquely represented as when , it is denoted .

i. Subspace is called complement of subspace in if .

j. Every subspace of vector space has a complement in .

k. A subspace of a vector space has a more than one complement in .

8.5  Coordinate Vector

a.  Let be a basis in vector space over field . Every vector can be represented as . This representation is unique. The coefficient vector

is called coordinate vector of in basis .

b.  If and is a basis in , then , , .

8.6  Coordinates of Vector in Various Bases

a.  Let and be two bases in vector space . Every vector has a unique representation in basis .

The transpose matrix of system

is called a transformation matrix from basis e to basis f.

b.  If P is the matrix of transformation from basis to basis . then, for every vector there holds , when and are coordinate vectors of , in bases and respectively.

c.  The transformation matrix from basis to basis is invertible, and .