Second-Order Linear PDE in Two Variables - Partial Differential Equations (PDE) - University Mathematics Handbook

University Mathematics Handbook (2015)

XIV. Partial Differential Equations (PDE)

Chapter 4. Second-Order Linear PDE in Two Variables

4.1  Basic Concepts

a.  The equation


when are given functions and is the unknown function, is the second-order PDE.

b.  For every two functions and from class C2, and for every two constants there holds

c.  A linear combination of n functions for which exist , holds

d.  The Superposition Principle:

1.  If are solutions of the equation , then every linear combination of is also a solution of that equation.

2.  Let be an infinite sequence of solutions of . If the series :

I.  Uniformly converges to function .

II.  Twice differentiable and the derivative of the sum is equal to the sum of derivatives, (see VI.4.4), then also is a solution of and

4.2  Classification

a.  The expression is called the principal part of (*)

b.  The equations


are characteristic equations, the solutions of which, and are characteristic curves.

c.  If on , then (*) is said to be a hyperbolic equation on .

d.  If on , then (*) is said to be a parabolic equation on .

e.  If on , then (*) is said to be an elliptic equation on .

4.3  Reducing PDE into a Canonical Form

a.  Change of Variables

Let be continuous functions, with continuous first-order partial derivatives and the Jacobian in domain .

Changing variables, we denote:

Using the Chain rule, we get

b.  If , the characteristic equations (**) have two sets of characteristic curves , .

By change of variables , , and substitution in (*), we get , a canonical form of a hyperbolic equation.

c.  If in , then equation (*) has one characteristic curve, . We choose new variables and such that the Jacobian will be nonzero in every point of . Substituting in (*), we get , a canonical form of a parabolic equation.

d.  If in , then the characteristic equations have two complex solutions. If is a solution of (**), we choose new variables , . Substituting in (*), we get , a canonical form of an elliptic equation.