Direct object pronouns More professions - Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish, Second Edition (2015)

Practice Makes Perfect: Basic Spanish, Second Edition (2015)


36. Direct object pronouns More professions

Direct object pronouns

NOTA BUENA The direct object is a person or thing and is the direct recipient of the verb’s action.

Traducción Translate the following sentences; each direct object pronoun is singular.

  1. I have the book. _____________________________

I have it. ___________________

  1. I have a house. _____________________________

I have it. ___________________

  1. You read the book. _____________________________

You read it. ___________________

  1. You read the magazine. _____________________________

You read it. _____________________________

  1. He eats the bread. _____________________________

He eats it. ___________________

  1. He eats the pizza. _____________________________

He eats it. ___________________

  1. She toasts the bread. _____________________________

She toasts it. ___________________

  1. She buys the shirt. _____________________________

She buys it. ___________________

  1. We buy the dress. _____________________________

We buy it. ___________________

¿Verdadero o falso?

  1. ______ Cuando tengo sed y recibo agua, la bebo.
  2. ______ Beethoven tiene un piano y lo toca.
  3. ______ Tengo un ratón y lo como.
  4. ______ Mi mejor amigo/amiga tiene una televisión en la casa y la mira.
  5. ______ Muchas personas tienen la leche en el refrigerador y la beben.
  6. ______ Después de leer los libros de la biblioteca no los devuelvo nunca.

Traducción Translate the following sentences; each direct object pronoun is plural.

¿Qué profesión? (What profession?) Write the name of the profession after each description or name.

  1. Un médico que trabaja solamente con los animales: __________________
  2. La mujer (woman) que sirve la comida en un restaurante: __________________
  3. Mr. McFeely (el amigo de Mr. Rogers): __________________
  4. El hombre que prepara la comida en un restaurante: __________________
  5. El hombre que recibe instrucciones de médico, cuenta las drogas y las dispensa: __________________
  6. Frank Lloyd Wright: __________________

Traducción compleja The gender to be used for each profession is made clear by context.

  1. The accountant sees the money, and she counts it.
  2. The mailman has the letters and delivers(entregar) them to our house.
  3. The butcher has the meat, and she cuts(cortar) it.
  4. The librarian has the books, and he reads them.