Most beautiful small birds - Sykalo Eugen 2024

Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)


  • Species name: Blue Tit
  • Scientific name: Cyanistes caeruleus
  • Family: Paridae (Tits and Chickadees)
  • Order: Passeriformes (Songbirds)
  • Subclass: Neornithes (Modern birds)
  • Class: Aves (Birds)


  • Size: Small songbird, about 11-12 cm (4.3-4.7 in) long with a wingspan of 18-20 cm (7.1-7.9 in).
  • Body shape: Plump and compact, with a large head, short neck, and a short, stout bill.
  • Plumage color:

Males and females: Bright blue crown, black eye stripe, white cheeks, and yellow underparts. Greenish-blue back and wings, blue tail with white outer feathers.

  • Beak: Short, stout, and triangular, black in color, ideal for handling seeds and insects.
  • Legs: Short and grayish-blue.
  • Tail: Short and square-tipped.


  • Method of feeding: Acrobatic foragers, gleaning insects from leaves and branches, and hanging upside down to reach food. Also visit feeders for seeds and nuts.
  • Reproduction: Builds nests in tree cavities or nest boxes. Lays 5-12 eggs with red markings. Both parents care for the young.
  • Movement: Resident in most of its range, but some populations may move locally in response to food availability.
  • Communication: Variety of calls, including a high-pitched "zee-zee-zee" and a chattering song. Males sing to defend territory and attract mates.


  • Habitat: Woodlands, forests, parks, and gardens with trees and shrubs.
  • Diet: Primarily insects and spiders, but also seeds, nuts, and berries.
  • Hunting methods: Gleans insects from foliage, probes bark for hidden prey, and visits feeders.

Distribution: Found across Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia, from the British Isles and Scandinavia to the Middle East and Central Asia.

Blue Tit

Don't underestimate the little Blue Tit - this common European songbird packs a mighty punch when it comes to fascinating facts and hidden quirks. Dive into the world of this azure dynamo and prepare to be surprised:

Memory Master: Forget elephants; the Blue Tit has a brainpower-to-body-size ratio that rivals primates. They can remember thousands of food locations, even months later, ensuring they never go hungry during the harsh winter months. Think of them as feathered mnemonists with built-in GPS!

Acrobatic Aerialists: Blue Tits are not just cute; they're incredibly agile. They flit through branches with lightning-fast precision, hang upside down to reach hidden insects, and even perform mid-air somersaults while snatching prey. Imagine them as feathered parkour artists in miniature!

Insect Interceptor: Their small size doesn't hinder their hunting skills. Blue Tits are expert insectivores, utilizing their sharp beaks and acrobatic talents to catch unsuspecting bugs mid-flight. They're the feathered flytraps of the forest, always on the lookout for their next crunchy snack.

Winter Warriors: Unlike many songbirds that migrate south, Blue Tits brave the cold. They have evolved special adaptations, like increased feather insulation and efficient metabolism, allowing them to thrive in temperatures far below freezing. They're the feathered Vikings of the backyard!

Cooperative Colony Builders: During breeding season, Blue Tits sometimes engage in cooperative breeding. Helpers, often older offspring, assist the breeding pair in raising chicks, providing extra food and protection. It's a feathered commune with built-in childcare!

Unexpected Tool Users: Recent research suggests Blue Tits might be smarter than we thought. They have been observed using leaves and twigs as tools to pry open acorns and access insects hidden in crevices. Talk about feathered handymen with built-in pocket tools!

Social Singers: The Blue Tit's song isn't just a pretty tune; it's a complex communication system. Different calls convey warnings, territory claims, and even mating intentions. They're the feathered gossip mongers of the forest, always spreading the latest news through their musical updates!

Symbiotic Symphony: Blue Tits play a vital role in the ecosystem. By controlling insect populations, they help maintain the health of trees and plants. This beautiful dance of life showcases how feathered dynamos contribute to the vibrant tapestry of nature.