English Grammar, Third edition (2011)
1. Referring to people and things: nouns, pronouns, and determiners
Introduction to the noun phrase
1.1 At its simplest, language is used to talk about people and things. People do this by using words in a variety of ways, for example to make statements, to ask questions, and to give orders. The words chosen are arranged into groups, either around a noun or around a verb. They are called noun phrases and verb phrases.
Noun phrases tell us which people or things are being talked about. Verb phrases tell us what is being said about them, for example what they are doing.
Chapters 1 and 2 of this grammar deal with noun phrases. For information about verb phrases, see Chapter 3.
1.2 A noun phrase can be the subject or object of a verb, it can follow a linking verb, or it can be the object of a preposition.
Babies cry when they are hungry.
I couldn’t feel anger against him.
They were teachers.
Let us work together in peace.
common nouns and proper nouns
1.3 You use a noun phrase to talk about someone or something by naming them. You do this by using a general name, called a noun or common noun, or by using a specific name, called a proper noun.
Proper nouns are mainly used for people, places, and events.
Mary likes strawberries.
I went to Drexel University and then I went to Pittsburgh to work for a psychiatrist.
We flew to Geneva with British Airways.
See paragraphs 1.52 to 1.58 for more information about proper nouns.
determiners with common nouns
1.4 If you use a common noun, you are saying that the person or thing you are talking about can be put in a set with others that are similar in some way.
If you just want to say that the person or thing is in that set, you use an indefinite determiner with the common noun.
I met a girl who was a student there.
Have you got any comment to make about that?
There are some diseases that are clearly inherited.
If you want to show which member of a set you are talking about, you use a definite determiner with a common noun.
I put my arm round her shoulders.
…the destruction of their city.
She came in to see me this morning.
See paragraphs 1.162 to 1.251 for more information about determiners, and paragraphs 1.13 to 1.92 for more information about nouns.
personal and demonstrative pronouns
1.5 You may decide not to name the person or thing and to use a pronoun rather than a proper noun or common noun.
You usually do this because the person or thing has already been named, so you refer to them by using a personal pronoun or a demonstrative pronoun.
Max will believe us, won’t he?
‘Could I speak to Sue, please?’–‘I’m sorry, she doesn’t work here now.’
Some people have servants to cook for them.
This led to widespread criticism.
See paragraphs 1.95 to 1.106 for more information about personal pronouns, and paragraphs 1.124 to 1.127 for more information about demonstrative pronouns.
indefinite pronouns
1.6 You may decide not to name the person or thing at all, for example because you do not want to, you think it is not important, you do not know, or you want to be vague or mysterious while telling a story. In such cases you use an indefinite pronoun, which does not refer to any particular person or thing.
I had to say something.
In this country nobody trusts anyone.
A moment later, his heart seemed to stop as he sensed the sudden movement of someone behind him.
See paragraphs 1.128 to 1.141 for more information about indefinite pronouns.
adding extra information
1.7 If you want to give more information about the person or thing you are talking about, rather than just giving their general or specific name, you can use a modifier such as an adjective, or you can add extra information in the form of a phrase or a clause, for example.
1.8 Most adjectives are used as modifiers. Nouns are also often used as modifiers.
…a big city.
…blue ink.
He opened the car door.
…the oil industry.
See paragraphs 2.2 to 2.168 for more information about adjectives, and paragraphs 2.169 to 2.174 for more information about noun modifiers.
adding information after the noun
1.9 You can add a prepositional phrase, a relative clause, an adverb of place or time, or a to-infinitive after the noun.
…a girl in a dark grey dress.
…the man who employed me.
…the room upstairs.
…the desire to kill.
Adjectives and participles are also sometimes used after the noun, usually in combination with other words.
…the Minister responsible for national security.
…the three cards lying on the table.
See paragraphs 2.272 to 2.302 for more details about information that is added after the noun.
1.10 In particular, prepositional phrases beginning with of are very common, because they can express many different kinds of relationship between the two noun phrases.
…strong feelings of jealousy.
…a picture of a house.
…the rebuilding of the old hospital.
…the daughter of the village cobbler.
…problems of varying complexity.
…the arrival of the police.
For more information about the use of of in the noun phrase see paragraphs 2.277 to 2.283.
linking noun phrases and linking words within them
1.11 If you want to refer separately to more than one person or thing, or you want to describe them in more than one way, you link noun phrases using the conjunctions and, or, or but. Sometimes you use a comma instead of and, or just put one word next to another.
…a table and chair.
…his obligations with regard to Amanda, Robert and Matthew.
…some fruit or cheese afterwards.
…her long black skirt.
See paragraphs 8.171 to 8.201 for more information about the use of conjunctions to link noun phrases and words within noun phrases.
numbers and quantity expressions
1.12 If you want to say how many things you are talking about, or how much of something there is, you use numbers and quantity expressions.
Last year I worked seven days a week fourteen hours a day.
She drinks lots of coffee.
Numbers are dealt with in paragraphs 2.208 to 2.239, and quantity expressions are dealt with in 2.175 to 2.193.
Identifying people and things: nouns
1.13 A noun is used to identify a person or thing. In this chapter six main types of noun are described. They are classified according to whether they have a plural form, whether they need a determiner in front of them, and whether they occur with a singular verb or a plural verb when they are the subject of the verb.
The six types are:
classificaton |
example |
comments |
paragraph |
countable nouns |
a bird birds |
have plural |
1.15 to 1.22 |
uncountable nouns |
happiness |
no plural usually no determiner |
1.23 to 1.33 |
singular nouns |
the moon |
no plural |
1.34 to 1.40 |
plural nouns |
clothes |
no singular |
1.41 to 1.46 |
collective nouns |
the public |
either singular or plural verb |
1.47 to 1.51 |
proper nouns |
Mary London |
start with capital letter |
1.52 to 1.58 |
Many nouns have a number of different meanings, and so can be, for example, a countable noun for one meaning, an uncountable noun for another, and a singular noun for another.
There are a few other groups of nouns with special features. These are dealt with in paragraphs 1.59 to 1.92.
capital letters
1.14 Most nouns do not begin with a capital letter, unless they are used to start a sentence. However, the following types of noun are always spelled with a capital letter:
proper nouns or names
…my sister Elizabeth.
I love reading Shakespeare.
I’ll be in the office on Monday.
I think he’s gone to London.
For more information on proper nouns, see paragraphs 1.52 to 1.58. Proper nouns that are time expressions are dealt with in Chapter 4, and those that are place names in Chapter 6.
nouns that identify people of a particular nationality, or languages
Can you think of some typical problems experienced by Germans learning English?
nouns that are the name of a particular product
He drives a Porsche.
Put a bit of Sellotape across it.
Things that can be counted: countable nouns
1.15 Many nouns have two forms, the singular form, which is used to refer to one person or thing, and the plural form, which is used to refer to more than one person or thing.
These nouns refer to people or things that can be counted. You can put numbers in front of them.
…three brothers.
…ten minutes.
These nouns make up the largest group of nouns in English. They are called countable nouns.
noun–verb agreement
1.16 When you use the singular form of a countable noun as the subject of a verb, you use a singular verb. When you use the plural form of a countable noun as the subject, you use a plural verb.
A dog likes to eat far more meat than a human being.
Bigger dogs cost more.
use of determiners
1.17 Countable nouns have a determiner in front of them when they are used in the singular.
He got into the car and started the motor.
They left the house to go for a walk after lunch.
When you use the plural form of a countable noun to talk about something in general, you do not use a determiner.
They all live in big houses.
Most classrooms have computers.
However, if you are specifying a particular instance of something, you need to use a determiner.
The houses in our street are all identical. Our computers can give you all the relevant details.
list of countable nouns
1.18 Here is a list of some common countable nouns:
Note that many of these nouns have some meanings in which they are uncountable nouns, but they are countable nouns in their commonest meanings.
singular and plural forms
1.19 For most countable nouns the plural form has -s at the end, which distinguishes it from the singular form.
…bed… beds.
…car… cars.
Some countable nouns have other differences between the singular and plural forms.
…lady… ladies.
For full information about the plural forms of countable nouns, see the Reference Section.
same form for singular and plural
1.20 Some countable nouns have the same form for both singular and plural.
…a sheep.
…nine sheep.
Many of these nouns refer to animals or fish; others are more varied in meaning:
singular form with plural meaning
1.21 The names of many animals and birds have two forms, one singular and one plural. However, when you are referring to them in the context of hunting or when you are saying that there are large numbers of them, it is quite common to use the form without -s, even though you are referring to several animals or birds.
We went up north to hunt deer.
Note that the plural form of the verb is used when several animals or birds are the subject of the sentence, even if you use the form without -s.
Zebra are a more difficult prey.
Similarly, when you are referring to a large number of trees or plants growing together, you can use the singular form of their name. When you are referring to a small number or to individual trees or plants, you usually use the form with -s.
…the rows of willow and cypress which lined the creek.
…the poplars and willows along the Peshawar Road.
1.22 Although some names of animals, birds, trees, and plants are commonly used in the singular form with plural meaning, in fact all such names can be used in this way.
Things not usually counted: uncountable nouns
1.23 Some nouns refer to general things such as qualities, substances, processes, and topics rather than to individual items or events. These nouns have only one form, are not used with numbers, and are not usually used with the determiners the, a, or an.
…a boy or girl with intelligence.
Make sure everyone has enough food and drink.
…new techniques in industry and agriculture.
I talked with people about religion, death, marriage, money, and happiness.
These nouns are called uncountable nouns.
noun–verb agreement
1.24 When you use an uncountable noun as the subject of a verb, you use a singular form of the verb.
Love makes you do strange things.
They believed that poverty was a threat to world peace.
Electricity is potentially dangerous.
list of uncountable nouns
1.25 Here is a list of some common uncountable nouns:
1.26 There are some words that are uncountable nouns in English, but that refer to things that are considered countable in other languages.
Here is a list of the most common uncountable nouns of this type:
quantifying: some rice, a bowl of rice
1.27 Although uncountable nouns refer to things that cannot be counted and are not used with numbers, you often want to talk about an amount of something that is expressed by an uncountable noun.
Sometimes, you can do this by putting an indefinite determiner such as all, enough, little, or some in front of the noun.
Do you have enough money?
There’s some chocolate cake over there.
For more information on indefinite determiners that can be used with uncountable nouns, see paragraph 1.225.
You can also put a quantity expression in front of the noun. For example, when you refer to water you can say drops of water, a cup of water, four gallons of water, and so on.
The use of quantity expressions with uncountable nouns is explained in paragraphs 2.194 to 2.207.
mass nouns
1.28 When you are sure that your reader or hearer will understand that a quantity of something is being referred to, you do not need to use a quantity expression.
For example, in a restaurant you can ask for three cups of coffee, but you can also ask for three coffees because the person you are talking to will know that you mean three cups of coffee. In this way, the uncountable noun coffee has become countable.
Nouns used in this way are called mass nouns.
1.29 Mass nouns are often used to refer to quantities of a particular kind of food or drink.
We spent two hours talking over coffee and biscuits in her study.
We stopped for a coffee at a small café.
1.30 Similarly, some uncountable nouns can be mass nouns when they refer to types of something. For example, cheese is usually an uncountable noun but you can talk about a large range of cheeses.
…plentiful cheap beer.
…profits from low-alcohol beers.
We were not allowed to buy wine or spirits at lunch time.
We sell a wide variety of wines and liqueurs.
Mass nouns referring to different types of a substance are mainly used in technical contexts. For example steel is nearly always an uncountable noun, but in contexts where it is important to distinguish between different kinds of steel it can be a mass noun.
…imports of European steel.
…the use of small amounts of nitrogen in making certain steels.
list of mass nouns
1.31 The following is a list of frequently used mass nouns:
nouns that are uncountable and countable
1.32 There are also some other nouns that can be uncountable nouns when they refer to a thing in general, and countable nouns when they refer to a particular instance of it.
Some nouns are commonly both uncountable nouns and countable nouns. For example, victory refers to the idea of winning in general but a victory refers to a particular occasion when someone wins.
He worked long and hard and finally led his team to victory.
…his victory in the Australian Grand Prix.
Many parents were alarmed to find themselves in open conflict with the church.
Hundreds of people have died in ethnic conflicts.
Some uncountable nouns are rarely or never countable nouns; that is, they do not occur in a plural form, or with a number.
…a collection of fine furniture.
We found Alan weeping with relief and joy.
He saved money by refusing to have a telephone.
uncountable nouns ending in -s
1.33 Some nouns that end in -s and look as if they are plural are in fact uncountable nouns. This means that when they are the subject of a verb, the verb is in the singular.
These nouns refer mainly to subjects of study, activities, games, and diseases.
Physics is fun.
Politics plays a large part in village life.
Economics is the oldest of the social sciences.
Darts is a very competitive sport.
Measles is in most cases a relatively harmless disease.
Here are three lists of uncountable nouns ending in -s.
These nouns refer to subjects of study and activities:
Note that some of these nouns are occasionally used as plural nouns, especially when you are talking about a particular person’s work or activities.
His politics are clearly right-wing.
These nouns refer to games:
These nouns refer to diseases:
When there is only one of something: singular nouns
1.34 There are certain things in the world that are unique. There are other things that you almost always want to talk about one at a time. This means that there are some nouns, or more often some meanings of nouns, for which only a singular form is used.
When a noun is used with such a meaning, it is called a singular noun. Singular nouns are always used with a determiner, because they behave like the singular form of a countable noun.
noun–verb agreement
1.35 When you use a singular noun as the subject of a verb, you use a singular form of the verb.
The sun was shining.
The atmosphere is very relaxed.
things that are unique
1.36 Some singular nouns refer to one specific thing and therefore are used with the. Some of these nouns, in fact, refer to something of which there is only one in the world.
There were huge cracks in the ground.
The moon had not yet reached my window.
Burning tanks threw great spirals of smoke into the air.
He’s always thinking about the past and worrying about the future.
using the context
1.37 Other singular nouns can be used to refer to one thing only when it is obvious from the context what you are referring to. For example, if you are in Leeds and say I work at the university, you will almost certainly mean Leeds University.
However, in the following examples it is not clear exactly who or what the singular noun refers to, because there is not enough context.
In many countries the market is small numerically.
Their company looks good only because the competition looks bad.
You’ve all missed the point.
Unless it is made clear which goods or products are being talked about, it is not possible for the reader or listener to be sure which group of potential buyers the market refers to. Similarly it is not possible to know exactly which company or group of companies the competition refers to. In the last example, the speaker is presumably going to state what he or she thinks the point is.
used in verb + object idioms
1.38 There are some activities that you do not usually do more than once at a time. The nouns that refer to them are usually the object of a verb, and are used with the determiner a.
In this structure the verb has very little meaning and the noun carries most of the meaning of the whole structure. For more information about these verb + object idioms, see paragraphs 3.32 to 3.45.
I went and had a wash.
Bruno gave it a try.
Some singular nouns are used so regularly with a particular verb that they have become fixed phrases and are idiomatic.
I’d like very much for you to have a voice in the decision.
Isn’t it time we made a move?
singular noun structures
1.39 There are two special kinds of structure in which a singular noun is used.
A singular noun is sometimes used with the determiner a after a linking verb. See paragraphs 3.126 to 3.181 for more information about linking verbs.
Decision-making is an art.
The quickest way was by using the car. It was a risk but he decided it had to be taken.
They were beginning to find Griffiths’ visits rather a strain.
A singular noun is sometimes used with the determiner the, followed by a prepositional phrase beginning with of.
Comedy is the art of making people laugh.
Old machines will be replaced by newer ones to reduce the risk of breakdown.
He collapsed under the strain of a heavy workload.
This group includes nouns used metaphorically; see paragraph 1.64 for more details.
Some singular nouns are always used to refer to one particular quality or thing, but are rarely used alone; that is, they need to be specified in some way by the use of supporting material. They can be used with a number of different determiners.
There was a note of satisfaction in his voice.
Bessie covered the last fifty yards at a tremendous pace.
Simon allowed his pace to slacken.
She was simply incapable of behaving in a rational and considered manner.
…their manner of rearing their young.
Nouns that are rarely used alone without supporting material are discussed in detail in paragraphs 1.59 to 1.65.
1.40 Some nouns are used in the singular with a particular meaning only in an idiomatic phrase. They have the appearance of singular nouns, but they are not used as freely as singular nouns.
What happens down there is none of my business.
It’s a pity I can’t get to him.
Referring to more than one thing: plural nouns
1.41 There are some things that are considered to be plural rather than singular, so some nouns have only a plural form. For example, you buy goods, but not a good. These nouns are called plural nouns.
Other nouns have only a plural form when they are used with a particular meaning. For example, an official meeting between American and Russian leaders is usually referred to as talks rather than as a talk. In these meanings, these nouns are also called plural nouns.
Union leaders met the company for wage talks on October 9.
It is inadvisable to sell goods on a sale or return basis.
Take care of your clothes.
The weather conditions were the same.
All proceeds are going to charity.
Employees can have meals on the premises.
Note that some plural nouns do not end in -s: for example clergy, police, poultry, and vermin.
noun–verb agreement
1.42 When you use a plural noun as the subject of a verb, you use a plural form of the verb.
Expenses for attending meetings are sometimes claimed.
The foundations were shaking.
Refreshments were on sale in the café.
Attempts were made where resources were available.
use with modifiers
1.43 You do not usually use numbers in front of plural nouns. You can, however, use some indefinite determiners such as some or many. For more information about the indefinite determiners that can be used with plural nouns, see the section beginning at paragraph 1.223.
Some plural nouns usually have a definite determiner in front of them, because they are specific; some never have a determiner at all, because they are very general; and some are rarely used alone without extra information in the form of a phrase or a clause, for example, because they need supporting material.
The lists in the following two paragraphs contain some common plural nouns that are frequently used in one of these ways. Many of them have other meanings in which they are countable nouns.
with or without determiners
1.44 Some plural nouns are most commonly used with the.
Things are much worse when the rains come.
The authorities are concerned that the cocaine may be part of an international drug racket.
The coach tour of Gran Canaria was a wonderfully relaxing way to see the sights.
Here is a list of plural nouns that are most commonly used with the:
Some plural nouns are most commonly used with a possessive determiner such as my or his.
It offended her feelings.
My travels up the Dalmation coast began in Dubrovnik.
This only added to his troubles.
Here is a list of plural nouns that are most commonly used with a possessive determiner:
Some plural nouns are most commonly used without a determiner.
There were one or two cases where people returned goods.
There is only one applicant, which simplifies matters.
They treated us like vermin.
Here is a list of plural nouns that are most commonly used without a determiner:
Some plural nouns can be used both with or without determiners.
The house was raided by police.
We called the police.
A luxury hotel was to be used as headquarters.
The city has been his headquarters for five years.
We didn’t want it to dampen spirits which were required to remain positive.
The last few miles really lifted our spirits.
Here is a list of plural nouns that can be used with or without a determiner:
modifiers and other forms of extra information
1.45 Some plural nouns are rarely used alone without a modifier, or some other form of extra information, because they need supporting material.
He doesn’t tolerate bad manners.
Our country’s coastal defences need improving.
…the hidden pressures of direct government funding.
Here is a list of plural nouns that are rarely used alone without a modifier or some other extra information:
typical meanings: clothes and tools
1.46 Two special groups of nouns are usually plural: nouns referring to clothes and some other things that people wear, and nouns referring to tools and some other things that people use.
This is because some clothes and tools, such as trousers and scissors, are made up of two similar parts.
She wore brown trousers and a green sweater.
He took off his glasses.
…using the pliers from the toolbox.
When you want to refer to these items in general, or to an unspecified number of them, you use the plural form with no determiner.
Never poke scissors into a light bulb socket.
The man was watching the train through binoculars.
Here is a list of some plural nouns that refer to clothes and other things that people wear:
Here is a list of plural nouns that refer to tools and other things that people use:
When you want to refer to a single piece of clothing or a single tool, you use some or a pair of in front of the noun. You refer to more than one item by using a number or a quantity expression with pairs of.
I got some scissors out of the kitchen drawer.
I went out to buy a pair of scissors.
He was wearing a pair of old grey trousers.
Liza has three pairs of jeans.
You can also use a pair of when you are talking about things such as gloves, shoes, and socks that typically occur in twos.
…a pair of new gloves.
A possessive determiner such as my can be used instead of a.
…his favourite pair of shoes.
When you use a pair of with a noun in the plural form, the verb is singular if it is in the same clause. If the verb is in a following relative clause, it is usually plural.
It is likely that a new pair of shoes brings more happiness to a child than a new car brings to a grown-up.
I always wear a pair of long pants underneath, or a pair of pyjamas is just as good.
He put on a pair of brown shoes, which were waiting there for him.
He wore a pair of earphones, which were plugged into a radio.
You use a plural pronoun after a pair of.
She went to the wardrobe, chose a pair of shoes, put them on and leaned back in the chair.
He brought out a pair of dark glasses and handed them to Walker.
Referring to groups: collective nouns
1.47 Some nouns in English refer to a group of people or things. These nouns are called collective nouns. They have only one form, but many collective nouns have other meanings in which they are countable nouns with two forms.
singular or plural verb
1.48 When you use a collective noun, you can use either a singular verb or a plural verb after it.
You choose a singular verb if you think of the group as a single unit, and a plural verb if you think of the group as a number of individuals.
Our little group is complete again.
A second group are those parents who feel that we were too harsh.
Our family isn’t poor any more.
My family are all perfectly normal. The enemy was moving slowly to the east. The enemy were visibly cracking.
His arguments were confined to books which the public was unlikely to read. The public were deceived by the newspapers.
In American English, it is more usual to use a singular verb unless the sentence contains an element that clearly refers to more than one person or thing.
The names of many organizations are collective nouns, and can be used with a singular or a plural verb.
The BBC is sending him to Tuscany for the summer.
The BBC are planning to use the new satellite next month.
England was leading 18-0 at half-time.
England are seeking alternatives for their B team.
American English uses a singular verb for these.
GE reports its second-quarter financial results on July 16.
New England is going to sign him to a long-term contract.
If you want to refer back to a collective noun, you choose a singular pronoun or determiner if the previous verb is singular, and a plural pronoun or determiner if the previous verb is plural.
The government has said it would wish to do this only if there was no alternative.
The government have made up their minds that they’re going to win.
1.49 Note that the words bacteria, data, and media are now often used as collective nouns, that is with either a singular or a plural verb and no change in form. Some careful speakers think they should only be used with a plural verb because they have the rare singular forms bacterium, datum, and medium and are therefore countable nouns.
Medieval Arabic data show that the length of the day has been increasing more slowly than expected.
Our latest data shows more firms are hoping to expand in the near future.
1.50 Although you can use a plural verb after a collective noun, these nouns do not behave like the plural forms of countable nouns. For example, you cannot use numbers in front of them. You cannot say Three enemy were killed. You have to say Three of the enemy were killed.
list of collective nouns
1.51 Here is a list of common collective nouns:
Some collective nouns are also partitives (nouns that are used to talk about a quantity of something). For example, you talk about a flock of sheep and a herd of cattle. See paragraph 2.198 for more information about these.
Referring to people and things by name: proper nouns
1.52 When you talk about a particular person, you can use their name. Names are usually called proper nouns.
People’s names are spelled with a capital letter, and do not have a determiner in front of them.
…Michael Hall.
Ways of using people’s names when you are speaking to them directly are explained in paragraphs 9.95 to 9.99.
1.53 Sometimes a person’s name is used to refer to something they create. You can refer to a painting, sculpture, or book by a particular person by using the person’s name like a countable noun. You still spell it with a capital letter.
In those days you could buy a Picasso for £300.
I was looking at their Monets and Matisses.
I’m reading an Agatha Christie at the moment.
You can refer to music composed or performed by a particular person by using the person’s name like an uncountable noun.
I remembered it while we were listening to the Mozart.
…instead of playing Chopin and Stravinsky all the time.
relationship nouns
1.54 Nouns that refer to relationships between the people in a family, such as mother, dad, aunt, and grandpa, can also be used like names to address people or refer to them. They are then spelled with a capital letter.
I’m sure Mum will be pleased.
1.55 Words that show someone’s social status or job are called titles. They are spelled with a capital letter.
You use a title in front of a person’s name, usually their surname or their full name, when you are talking about them in a fairly formal way or are showing respect to them.
…Doctor Barker.
…Lord Curzon.
…Captain Jack Langtry.
…Mrs Ford.
Here is a list of the most common titles that are used before names:
Police Constable
A few titles, such as King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Sir, and Lady, can be followed just by the person’s first name.
…Queen Elizabeth.
…Prince Charles’ eldest son.
Sir Michael has made it very clear indeed.
Ways of using titles when you are speaking to people directly are explained in paragraphs 9.97 and 9.98.
titles used without names
1.56 Determiners, other modifiers, and phrases with of are sometimes used with titles, and the person’s name is omitted.
…Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.
…the Archbishop of Canterbury.
…the President of the United States.
…the Bishop of Birmingham.
titles used as countable nouns
1.57 Most words that are titles can also be countable nouns, usually without a capital letter.
…lawyers, scholars, poets, presidents and so on.
…a foreign prince.
Maybe he’ll be a Prime Minister one day.
other proper nouns
1.58 The names of organizations, institutions, ships, magazines, books, plays, paintings, and other unique things are also proper nouns and are spelled with capital letters.
…British Broadcasting Corporation
…Birmingham University.
They are sometimes used with the or another determiner.
…the United Nations …the Labour Party …the University of Birmingham …the Queen Mary …the Guardian …the Wall Street Journal …the British Broadcasting Corporation.
The determiner is not spelled with a capital letter, except in the names of books, plays, and paintings.
…The Grapes of Wrath
…A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Some time expressions are proper nouns, and are dealt with in Chapter 4.
Nouns that are rarely used alone
1.59 There are some nouns that are rarely used alone. They need extra material such as an adjective or a following phrase, because the meaning of the noun would not be clear without it. Some of these nouns have many meanings; others have very little meaning on their own.
For example, you cannot usually refer to someone as the head without saying which organization they are head of. Similarly, you cannot say that there was a note in someone’s voice without describing it as, for example, a triumphant note or a note of triumph.
These nouns are used on their own only if it is obvious from the context what is meant. For example, if you have just mentioned a mountain and you say the top, it is clear that you mean the top of that mountain.
used with modifiers
1.60 A modifier is an adjective or a noun that is added to a noun in order to give more information about it.
…her wide experience of political affairs.
I detected an apologetic note in the agent’s voice.
He did not have British citizenship.
Check the water level.
For more information on modifiers, see Chapter 2.
extra information after the noun
1.61 Extra information after the noun is usually in the form of a phrase beginning with of.
…at the top of the hill.
There he saw for himself the extent of the danger.
Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has concentrated on producing workers. …a high level of interest.
For more information, see paragraphs 2.272 to 2.302.
always used with modifiers
1.62 Some nouns are always used with a modifier. For example, you would not say that someone is an eater because all people eat, but you may want to say that he or she is a meat eater or a messy eater.
Similarly, if you use range, you have to refer to a particular price range or age range. If you use wear to mean clothing, you have to say what sort of clothing, for example sports wear or evening wear.
Tim was a slow eater.
…the other end of the age range.
The company has plans to expand its casual wear.
always used with possessives
1.63 Some nouns are almost always used with a possessive, that is a possessive determiner, ’s, or a prepositional phrase beginning with of, because you have to show who or what the thing you are talking about relates to or belongs to.
The company has grown rapidly since its formation ten years ago.
Advance warning of the approach of enemies was of the greatest importance.
…the portrait of a man in his prime.
metaphorical uses
1.64 Nouns that are being used metaphorically (= when one thing is used to describe another thing) often have a modifier or some other form of extra information, often in the form of a phrase beginning with of, to show what is really being referred to.
…the maze of politics.
He has been prepared to sacrifice this company on the altar of his own political ambitions.
He has worked out a scheme for an economic lifeline by purchasing land.
Lloyd’s of London is the heart of the world’s insurance industry.
…those on the lower rungs of the professional ladder.
list of nouns that are rarely used alone
1.65 Many nouns have some meanings that need a modifier or some other form of extra information, and other meanings that do not.
Here is a list of these nouns:
Adjectives used as nouns: the poor, the impossible
1.66 When you want to talk about groups of people who share the same characteristic or quality, you can use the + adjective. For example, instead of saying poor people, you can say the poor.
…the help that’s given to the blind.
No effort is made to cater for the needs of the elderly.
…the task of rescuing the injured.
…men and women who would join the sad ranks of the unemployed.
Working with the young is stimulating and full of surprises.
…providing care for the sick, the aged, the workless and the poor.
Note that you never add -s to the adjective, even though it always refers to more than one person.
1.67 Although some adjectives are commonly used in this way, in fact it is possible to use almost any adjective in this way.
noun–verb agreement
1.68 When the adjective being used as a noun is the subject of a verb, you use a plural form of the verb.
The rich have benefited much more than the poor.
being more specific
1.69 If you want to talk about a more specific group of people, you put a submodifying adverb (= an adverb that you put in front of an adjective to give more information about it) or another adjective in front of the headword. For more information about submodifying adverbs, see paragraphs 2.140 to 2.168.
In this anecdote, Ray shows his affection for the very old and the very young.
…the highly educated.
…the urban poor.
If you mention two groups, you sometimes omit the.
…a study that compared the diets of rich and poor in several nations.
…to help break down the barriers between young and old.
With a few words such as unemployed and dead, you can say how many people you are referring to by putting a number in front of them.
We estimate there are about three hundred dead.
1.70 When you want to refer to the quality of something rather than to the thing itself, you can use the appropriate adjective with the.
Don’t you think that you’re wanting the impossible?
He is still exploring the limits of the possible.
…a mix of the traditional and the modern.
1.71 All colour adjectives can also be used as nouns.
…patches of blue.
…brilliant paintings in reds and greens and blues.
Clothing of a particular colour can be referred to simply by using the colour adjective.
The men wore grey.
…the fat lady in black.
1.72 Nationality adjectives that end in -ch, -sh, -se, or -ss can be used in a similar way, unless there is a separate noun for the people. For example, French people are referred to as the French but Polish people are referred to as Poles or the Poles.
For many years the Japanese have dominated the market for Chinese porcelain.
Britons are the biggest consumers of chocolate after the Swiss and the Irish.
Nouns referring to males or females
1.73 English nouns are not masculine, feminine, or neuter in the way that nouns in some other languages are. For example, most names of jobs, such as teacher, doctor, and writer, are used for both men and women.
But some nouns refer only to males and others only to females.
For example, some nouns indicating people’s family relationships, such as father, brother, and son, and some nouns indicating people’s jobs, such as waiter and policeman, are used only to refer to males.
In the same way mother, sister, daughter, waitress, actress, and sportswoman are used only to refer to females.
-ess and -woman
1.74 Words that refer to women often end in -ess, for example actress, waitress, and hostess. Another ending is -woman, as in policewoman and sportswoman.
…his wife Susannah, a former air stewardess.
A policewoman dragged me out of the crowd.
Steph Burton was named sportswoman of the year.
-man and -person
1.75 Words ending in -man are either used to refer only to men or to both men and women. For example, a postman is a man, but a spokesman can be a man or a woman.
Some people now use words ending in -person, such as chairperson and spokesperson, instead of words ending in -man, in order to avoid appearing to refer specifically to a man.
1.76 Most names of animals are used to refer to both male and female animals, for example cat, elephant, horse, monkey, and sheep.
In some cases there are different words that refer specifically to male animals or female animals, for example a male horse is a stallion and a female horse is a mare.
In other cases the general name for the animal is also the specific word for males or females: dog also refers more specifically to male dogs, duck also refers more specifically to female ducks.
Many of these specific words are rarely used, or used mainly by people who have a special interest in animals, such as farmers or vets.
Here is a list of some common specific words for male and female animals:
Referring to activities and processes: -ing nouns
1.77 When you want to talk about an action, activity, or process in a general way, you can use a noun that has the same form as the -ing participle of a verb.
These nouns are called different things in different grammars: gerunds, verbal nouns, or -ing forms. In this grammar they are referred to as -ing nouns.
It is sometimes difficult to distinguish an -ing noun from an -ing participle, and it is usually not necessary to do so. However, there are times when it is clearly a noun, for example when it is the subject of a verb, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.
Swimming is a great sport.
The emphasis was on teaching rather than learning.
The closing of so many mills left thousands unemployed.
Some people have never done any public speaking.
The spelling of -ing nouns is explained in the Reference Section. The use of -ing adjectives is explained in paragraphs 2.63 to 2.76.
uncountable nouns
1.78 Because -ing nouns refer to activities in a general way, they are usually uncountable nouns; that is, they have only one form, cannot be used with numbers, and do not usually have a determiner in front of them.
For more information on uncountable nouns, see paragraphs 1.23 to 1.33.
1.79 You often use an -ing noun because it is the only noun form available for certain verbs, such as eat, hear, go, come, and bless. Other verbs have related nouns that are not -ing nouns: for example see and sight, arrive and arrival, depart and departure.
Eating is an important part of a cruise holiday.
…loss of hearing in one ear.
Only 6 per cent of children receive any further training when they leave school.
used with adjectives
1.80 If you want to describe the action expressed by the noun, you use one or more adjectives or nouns in front of it.
He served a jail sentence for reckless driving.
The police need better training in dealing with the mentally ill.
He called for a national campaign against under-age drinking.
1.81 A few -ing nouns, mostly words for sporting or leisure activities, are much more common than their related verbs. In some cases there is no verb, although it is always possible to invent one. For example, you are more likely to say We went caravanning round France than We caravanned round France.
Here is a list of the commonest of these nouns:
Although these words are not always associated with a verb, most of them can be used as -ing participles.
I spent the afternoon window-shopping with Grandma.
countable nouns
1.82 Some -ing nouns that are related to verbs are countable nouns. They generally refer to the result of an action or process, or to an individual instance of it. Sometimes their meaning is not closely related to that of the verb.
Here is a list of the commonest of these nouns:
For more information on countable nouns, see paragraphs 1.15 to 1.22.
Compound nouns: car park, mother-in-law, breakdown
1.83 A single noun is often not enough to refer clearly to a person or thing. When this is the case, a compound noun can be used. A compound noun is a fixed expression that is made from more than one word, and that behaves as a noun.
Some people write out a new address book every January.
How would one actually choose a small personal computer?
Where did you hide the can opener?
…a private swimming pool.
Once it is clear what you are referring to, it is sometimes possible to use just the second word of a two-word compound noun. For example, after mentioning a swimming pool, you can just refer to the pool.
Most compound nouns consist of two words, but some consist of three or more words.
…a vase of lily of the valley.
two words, one word or a hyphen?
1.84 Some compound nouns are written with hyphens instead of spaces between the words.
I’m looking forward to a lie-in tomorrow.
He’s very good at problem-solving.
Judy’s brother-in-law lived with his family.
Some compound nouns, especially very frequent ones, are written as one word.
…patterned wallpaper.
They copied questions from the blackboard.
In some cases, you can choose whether to write a compound noun with or without a hyphen, or with or without a space. For example, both air-conditioner and air conditioner are possible, and both postbox and post box are possible.
A few compound nouns that consist of more than two words are written partly with hyphens and partly with spaces, for example back-seat driver and bring-and-buy sale.
…children from one-parent families.
…a Parent-Teacher Association.
lists of compound nouns
1.85 Compound nouns may be countable, uncountable, singular, or plural.
Here is a list of some common countable compound nouns:
address book
air conditioner
air raid
alarm clock
assembly line
back-seat driver
bank account
bird of prey
book token
blood donor
bring-and-buy sale
burglar alarm
bus stop
can opener
car park
compact disc
contact lens
credit card
dining room
drawing pin
driving licence
estate agent
film star
fire engine
fork-lift truck
frying pan
guided missile
health centre
heart attack
high school
human being
letter box
lily of the valley
musical instrument
nervous breakdown
news bulletin
old hand
one-parent family
package holiday
Parent-Teacher Association
parking meter
personal computer
polar bear
police station
post office
rolling pin
sleeping bag
swimming pool
tea bag
telephone number
traveller’s cheque
washing machine
youth hostel
zebra crossing
1.86 Here is a list of some common uncountable compound nouns:
air conditioning
air-traffic control
barbed wire
birth control
blood pressure
bubble bath
capital punishment
central heating
chewing gum
common sense
cotton wool
data processing
family planning
fancy dress
fast food
first aid
food poisoning
further education
general knowledge
hay fever
heart failure
higher education
hire purchase
income tax
junk food
law and order
lost property
mail order
mineral water
nail varnish
natural history
old age
pocket money
remote control
science fiction
show business
show jumping
sign language
social security
social work
soda water
stainless steel
table tennis
talcum powder
toilet paper
tracing paper
unemployment benefit
value added tax
washing powder
washing-up liquid
writing paper
1.87 Here is a list of some common singular compound nouns:
age of consent
arms race
brain drain
continental divide
cost of living
death penalty
diplomatic corps
dress circle
fire brigade
general public
generation gap
greenhouse effect
hard core
human race
labour force
labour market
long jump
mother tongue
open air
private sector
public sector
rank and file
solar system
sound barrier
space age
welfare state
women’s movement
1.88 Here is a list of some common plural compound nouns:
armed forces
baked beans
civil rights
current affairs
French fries
grass roots
high heels
human rights
industrial relations
inverted commas
licensing laws
luxury goods
modern languages
natural resources
race relations
road works
social services
social studies
swimming trunks
vocal cords
winter sports
yellow pages
composition of compound nouns
1.89 Most compound nouns consist of two nouns, or an adjective and a noun.
I listened with anticipation to the radio news bulletin.
…a big dining room.
Old age is a time for reflection and slowing down.
However, some compound nouns are related to phrasal verbs. These are sometimes written with a hyphen, and sometimes as one word. They are rarely written as separate words.
The President was directly involved in the Watergate cover-up.
I think there’s been a mix-up.
…a breakdown of diplomatic relations.
The singer is making a comeback.
Here is a list of frequent nouns based on phrasal verbs. They are shown in this list in the form in which they are most frequently written, either with a hyphen or as one word.
For more information about phrasal verbs, see paragraphs 3.83 to 3.116.
1.90 In some cases, the meaning of a compound noun is not obvious from the words it consists of.
For example, someone’s mother tongue is not the tongue of their mother but the language they learn as a child, and an old hand is not a hand that is old but a person who is experienced at doing a particular job.
In other cases, the compound noun consists of words that do not occur on their own, for example hanky-panky, hodge-podge, and argy-bargy. These nouns are usually used in informal conversation rather than formal writing.
Most of what he said was a load of hocus-pocus.
She is usually involved in some sort of jiggery-pokery.
plural forms
1.91 The plural forms of compound nouns vary according to the type of words that they consist of. If the final word of a compound noun is a countable noun, the plural form of the countable noun is used when the compound noun is plural.
Air raids were taking place every night.
…health centres, banks, post offices, and police stations.
Loud voices could be heard through letter boxes.
…the refusal of dockers to use fork-lift trucks.
For full information about the plural forms of countable nouns, see the Reference Section.
Compound nouns that are directly related to phrasal verbs usually have a plural form ending in -s.
Nobody seems disturbed about cover-ups when they are essential to the conduct of a war.
Naturally, I think people who drive smarter, faster cars than mine are show-offs.
A few compound nouns are less directly related to phrasal verbs, and consist of a countable noun and an adverb. In these cases, the plural form of the countable noun is used before the adverb when the compound noun is plural.
For example, the plural of runner-up is runners-up, and the plural of summing-up is summings-up.
Passers-by helped the victim, who was unconscious.
Compound nouns that consist of two nouns linked by the prepositions of or in, or a noun followed by to-be, have a plural form in which the first noun in the compound is plural.
I like birds of prey and hawks particularly.
She was treated with contempt by her sisters-in-law.
Most mothers-to-be in their forties opt for this test.
Some compound nouns have been borrowed from other languages, mainly French and Latin, and therefore do not have normal English plural forms.
Agents provocateurs were sent to cause trouble.
The nouveaux riches of younger states are building palatial mansions for themselves.
1.92 Compound nouns are fixed expressions. However, nouns can always be used in front of other nouns in order to refer to something in a more specific way. For the use of nouns as modifiers, see paragraphs 2.169 to 2.174.
Talking about people and things without naming them: pronouns
1.93 When you use language, both in speech and writing, you constantly refer to things you have already mentioned or are about to mention.
You can do this by repeating the noun phrase, but unless there is a special reason to do so, you are more likely to use a pronoun instead.
Pronouns make statements less repetitive.
John took the book and opened it.
Deborah recognized the knife as hers.
Shilton was pleased with himself. This is a very busy place.
However, if you have mentioned two or more different things, you usually have to repeat the noun phrase to make it clear which thing you are now talking about.
Leaflets and scraps of papers were scattered all over the floor. I started to pick up the leaflets.
I could see a lorry and a car. The lorry stopped.
For other ways of talking about things that have already been mentioned, see paragraphs 10.2 to 10.39.
types of pronoun
1.94 There are several different types of pronoun:
personal pronouns. See paragraphs 1.95 to 1.106.
possessive pronouns. See paragraphs 1.107 to 1.110.
reflexive pronouns. See paragraphs 1.111 to 1.118.
generic pronouns. See paragraphs 1.119 to 1.123.
demonstrative pronouns. See paragraphs 1.124 to 1.127.
indefinite pronouns. See paragraphs 1.128 to 1.141.
reciprocal pronouns. See paragraphs 1.142 to 1.145.
relative pronouns. See paragraphs 1.146 to 1.150.
interrogative pronouns. See paragraphs 1.151 to 1.153.
There are a few other words that can be used as pronouns. For more information about these, see paragraphs 1.154 to 1.161.
Talking about people and things: personal pronouns
1.95 You use personal pronouns to refer to yourself, the people you are talking to, or the people or things you are talking about.
There are two sets of personal pronouns: subject pronouns and object pronouns.
subject pronouns
1.96 Subject pronouns refer to the subject of a clause.
Here is a table of subject pronouns:
singular |
plural |
1st person |
I |
we |
2nd person |
you |
3rd person |
he |
they |
1.97 You refer to yourself by using the pronoun I. I is always written with a capital letter.
I don’t know what to do. I think I made the wrong decision.
May I ask why Stephen’s here?
1.98 You refer to the person or people you are talking to as you. Note that the same word is used for the singular and the plural.
You may have to wait a bit.
Would you come and have a drink?
How did you get on?
You is also used to refer to people in general, rather than to the person you are talking or writing to. For more information on this, see paragraph 1.120.
If you want to make it clear that you are addressing more than one person, you can create a plural form by using you followed by a determiner, a number or a noun. Forms like this can also be used in object position.
My granddad wants you both to come round next Saturday.
As you all know, this is a challenge.
Here is a list of the most common plural forms of you.
you all
you guys
you lot
you two
you three
you both
You guys and you lot are more frequent in informal English. You lot is not commonly used in American English.
I love working with you guys.
You guys are great!
So you lot will have to look after yourselves.
Note that people often use you lot when they are being very direct with a group of people, as in the last example above.
Some varieties and dialects of English have developed particular forms of plural you. In American English, particularly Southern American English, y’all is sometimes used, especially in speech.
What did y’all eat for breakfast?
I want to thank y’all.
In some dialects of British and American English, yous and youse are used as plural forms: I know what some of yous might be thinking.
Another plural form is you people. However, this can sound rude, and should only be used if you want to show that you are angry or annoyed with the people you are talking to.
‘Why can’t you people leave me alone?’ he says.
‘I can’t work with you people,’ Zoe said.
Some plural forms of you – you guys, you lot, you two, you three and y’all – can also be used as vocatives. For more information on vocatives, see paragraphs 9.95 to 9.99. You all and you both cannot be used as vocatives.
‘Listen, you guys,’ she said. ‘I’ll tell you everything you want.’
Come on, you two. Let’s go home.
Bye, y’all!
For more information on you as an object pronoun, see paragraphs 1.104 to 1.106.
he and she
1.99 You refer to a man or a boy as he, and to a woman or a girl as she.
My father is 78, and he’s very healthy and independent.
Billy Knight was a boxer, wasn’t he?
Mary came in. She was a good-looking woman.
‘Is Sue there?’ – ‘I’m sorry, she doesn’t work here now.’
1.100 You use it to refer to anything that is not male or female; for example, an object, a place, an organization, or something abstract.
Have you seen Toy Story? It’s a good film for kids.
‘Have you been to London?’ – ‘Yes, it was very crowded.’
How much would the company be worth if it were sold?
It is not an idea that has much public support.
It is often used to refer to an animal when its gender is not known or not considered to be important. Some people also refer to babies in this way.
They punched the crocodile until it let go of her.
If the shark is still around it will not escape.
How Winifred loved the baby! And how Stephanie hated it!
You also use it in general statements, for example to refer to a situation, the time, the date, or the weather.
It is very quiet here.
It is half past three.
It is January 19th.
It is rainy and cold.
For more information on the use of it in general statements, see paragraphs 9.31 to 9.45.
Note that it is also an object pronoun. For more information on this, see paragraphs 1.104 to 1.106.
1.101 Although it is used as a pronoun to refer to something that is not male or female, she is sometimes used to refer to ships, cars, and countries. Some people do not like this usage.
When the repairs had been done she was a fine and beautiful ship.
1.102 You use we to refer to a group of people that includes yourself. The group can be:
you and the person or people you are talking to
Where shall we meet, Sally?
you and the person or people you are talking to and one or more others not there at the time
We aren’t exactly gossips, you and I and Watson.
you and one or more other people, but not including the person or people you are talking to
I do the washing; he does the cooking; we share the washing-up.
any group that you feel yourself to be part of, such as a school, your local community, or even mankind as a whole. For more information on this, see paragraph 1.122.
1.103 You use they to refer to a group of things, or to a group of people not including yourself or the person or people you are talking to.
All the girls think he’s great, don’t they?
Newspapers reach me on the day after they are published.
Winters here vary as they do elsewhere.
They is also often used to refer to people in general. For more information on this, see paragraph 1.123.
object pronouns
1.104 Object pronouns refer to the same sets of people or things as the corresponding subject pronouns.
Here is a table of object pronouns:
singular |
plural |
1st person |
me |
us |
2nd person |
you |
3rd person |
him |
them |
position in clause
1.105 Object pronouns are used as the object of a clause.
The nurse washed me with cold water.
He likes you; he said so.
The man went up to the cat and started stroking it.
They can be the indirect object of a clause.
Send us a card so we’ll know where you are.
A man gave him a car.
You have to offer them some kind of incentive.
They can also be the object of a preposition.
She must have felt intimidated by me.
Madeleine, I want to talk to you immediately.
We were all sitting in a café with him.
1.106 Object pronouns can also be used after linking verbs. For example, you can say It was me, It’s her. However, in formal or written English, people sometimes use a subject pronoun after a linking verb. For example, It was I, It is she.
For more information on linking verbs, see paragraphs 3.126 to 3.181.
Talking about possession: possessive pronouns
1.107 When you are talking about people or things, you often want to say how they are connected with each other. There are several different ways in which you can do this, but you usually do it by using a possessive pronoun to show that something belongs to someone or is associated with them.
Here is a table showing possessive pronouns:
singular |
plural |
1st person |
mine |
ours |
2nd person |
yours |
3rd person |
his |
theirs |
Note that its cannot be used as a possessive pronoun.
typical use
1.108 You use possessive pronouns when you are talking about the same type of thing that has just been mentioned but want to show that it belongs to someone else.
For example, in the sentence Jane showed them her passport, then Richard showed them his, his refers to a passport and shows that it belongs to Richard.
Possessive pronouns are often used to contrast two things of the same type that belong to or are associated with different people. For example, Sarah’s house is much bigger than ours.
Her parents were in Malaya, and so were mine.
He smiled at her and laid his hand on hers.
Is that coffee yours or mine?
My marks were higher than his.
Fred put his profits in the bank, while Julia spent hers on a car.
That’s the difference between his ideas and ours.
It was his fault, not theirs.
used with of
1.109 Possessive pronouns are used with of to add information to a noun phrase. This structure suggests that you are talking about one of a group of things.
For example, if you say a friend of mine you are talking about one of a number of friends whereas if you say my friend you are talking about one friend in particular.
He was an old friend of mine.
A student of yours has just been to see me.
David Lodge? I’ve just read a novel of his.
It was hinted to him by some friends of hers.
The room was not a favourite of theirs.
1.110 For other ways of showing that something belongs to someone or is connected with them, see paragraphs 1.211 to 1.221.
Referring back to the subject: reflexive pronouns
1.111 When you want to show that the object or the indirect object of a verb is the same person or thing as the subject of the verb, you use a reflexive pronoun.
Some verbs are very frequently used with reflexive pronouns. For information about these, see paragraphs 3.26 to 3.31.
Here is a table of reflexive pronouns:
singular |
plural |
1st person |
myself |
ourselves |
2nd person |
yourself |
yourselves |
3rd person |
himself |
themselves |
1.112 Unlike personal pronouns and possessive pronouns, there are two forms of the reflexive pronoun used for the second person. You use yourself when you are talking to one person. You use yourselves when you are talking to more than one person, or referring to a group that includes the person you are talking to.
used as object
1.113 You use a reflexive pronoun to make it clear that the object of a verb is the same person or thing as the subject of the verb, or to emphasize this.
For example, John killed himself means that John did the killing, and he was also the person who was killed.
He forced himself to remain absolutely still.
She stretched herself out on the sofa.
I’m sure history repeats itself.
We all shook hands and introduced ourselves.
The boys formed themselves into a line.
Here is the question you have to ask yourselves.
You also use reflexive pronouns to show or emphasize that the indirect object of a verb is the same person or thing as the subject of the verb. For example, in the sentence Ann poured herself a drink, Ann did the pouring and she was also the person who the drink was for.
Here’s the money, you can go and buy yourself a watch.
1.114 Reflexive pronouns are not usually used with actions that people normally do to themselves, such as washing, dressing, or shaving. So you do not usually say He shaves himself every morning.
You can, however, sometimes use reflexive pronouns with these actions for emphasis, or to talk about a surprising event, such as a child doing something that they were not previously able to do.
used as objects of prepositions
1.115 If the subject of a clause and the object of a preposition refer to the same person, and the clause does not have a direct object, you use a reflexive pronoun after the preposition.
I was thoroughly ashamed of myself.
Barbara stared at herself in the mirror.
We think of ourselves as members of the local community.
They can’t cook for themselves.
However, if the clause does have a direct object, you usually use a personal pronoun after the preposition.
I will take it home with me.
They put the book between them on the kitchen table.
I shivered and drew the rug around me.
Mrs Bixby went out, slamming the door behind her.
Note that if the clause has a direct object and it is not obvious that the subject of the clause and the object of the preposition refer to the same person, you use a reflexive pronoun. For example, The Managing Director gave the biggest pay rise to himself.
used for emphasis or contrast
1.116 Especially in speech, people sometimes use reflexive pronouns rather than personal pronouns as the object of a preposition, in order to emphasize them.
…people like myself who are politically active.
…the following conversation between myself and a fifteen-year-old girl.
The circle spread to include himself and Ferdinand.
People like yourself still find new things to say about Shakespeare.
There is always someone worse off than yourself.
With the exception of a few Algerians and ourselves, everyone spoke Spanish.
1.117 You can use reflexive pronouns in addition to nouns or personal pronouns. You usually do this in order to make it clear or to emphasize who or what you are referring to.
I myself sometimes say things I don’t mean.
Sally herself came back.
You also use a reflexive pronoun to compare or contrast one person or thing with another.
His friend looked as miserable as he felt himself.
It is not Des Moines I miss, but Iowa itself.
The reflexive pronoun follows the noun or pronoun that it relates to.
It is hot in London; but I myself can work better when it’s hot.
The town itself was so small that it didn’t have a priest.
The lane ran right up to the wood itself.
It can also be placed at the end of the clause.
I am not a particularly punctual person myself.
You’ll probably understand better when you are a grandparent yourself.
It is rare for Governments to take the initiative themselves.
1.118 You use a reflexive pronoun to emphasize that someone did something without any help or interference from anyone else. In this use, the reflexive pronoun is normally placed at the end of the clause.
She had printed the card herself.
I’ll take it down to the police station myself.
Did you make these yourself?
People in general: generic pronouns
1.119 When you want to talk about people in general, you can use a generic pronoun.
Here is a list of pronouns that can be used as generic pronouns:
Subject: |
you |
one |
we |
they |
Object |
you |
one |
us |
them |
Possessive |
yours |
- |
ours |
theirs |
Reflexive |
yourself |
oneself |
ourselves |
themselves |
you, yours and yourself
1.120 You is sometimes used to make statements about people in general, or about a person in a situation that you are imagining. You is used in this way in both subject and object position. The possessive form yours and the reflexive form yourself can also be used as generic pronouns.
To be a good doctor you need to have good communication skills. Champagne can give you a headache.
Once you’ve bought a physical book, you own it: you can lend it to people, donate it, and, well, it’s yours.
When you live alone you have to force yourself to go out more.
In informal English, you can use you get or you have to make a general statement about something that exists in the world.
You get some old people who are very difficult.
Anytime you have over eight inches of snow, driving becomes problematic.
one and oneself
1.121 In formal writing, one is sometimes used instead of you. One can be used in subject or object position. The reflexive form oneself is also used, but there is no possessive pronoun form of one.
Going round Italy, one is struck by the number of opera houses there are.
This scene makes one realize how deeply this community has been afflicted.
If one puts oneself up for public office, then it is inappropriate that one should behave badly.
we, us, ours and ourselves
1.122 You can refer to a general group that includes yourself as we or, in object position, us. This group can be all of mankind, or it can be a smaller group such as a nation or a community. The possessive form ours and the reflexive form ourselves can also be used in this way.
We all need money.
This survey gives us insight into our attitudes and behaviour as a nation.
No other language has ever advanced as far, as fast, as ours.
We need a change of government; just ridding ourselves of the prime minister isn’t enough.
they, them, theirs and themselves
1.123 You can use they to refer to people in general.
Isn’t that what they call love?
They can also refer to a group of people whose identity does not need to be stated. For example, in the sentence They’ve given John another pay rise it is clear that they refers to John’s employers.
‘Don’t worry’, I said to Mother, ‘they are moving you from this ward soon.’
You can also use they in subject position, or them in object position, to refer to an individual when you do not know, or do not want to specify, whether the individual is male or female. The possessive form theirs and the reflexive form themselves can also be used in this way. This use is very common after:
the indefinite pronouns anyone, anybody, someone and somebody. These are explained in paragraphs 1.128 to 1.141.
singular nouns such as person, parent and teacher, which do not specify whether the person is male or female
If anyone wants to be a childminder, they must attend a course.
If I think someone is having problems, I will spend hours talking to them.
A person’s body fat determines how long they can withstand cold water.
Note that the plural form of the verb is always used after they, even when it refers to only one person.
You can also use they, them, theirs and themselves to refer to:
the indefinite pronouns everyone, everybody, no one and nobody. These are explained in paragraphs 1.128 to 1.141.
noun phrases with the determiners each, every and any
In these cases, although the pronouns or noun phrases are grammatically singular, they refer to groups of people.
I never avoid my obligations and I expect everyone else to meet theirs.
Each parent was sent an individual letter informing them of the situation.
We want every player to push themselves to get into the team.
Another way is to use he or she instead of they, him or her instead of them, himself or herself instead of themselves and his or hers instead of theirs. This is often used in formal or written English.
Would a young person be able to get a job in Europe? That would depend on which country he or she wanted to go to.
The student should feel that the essay belongs to him or her.
Some people use he and him in general statements or after indefinite pronouns, but many people object to this use because it suggests that the person being referred to is male.
Referring to a particular person or thing: this, that, these and those
1.124 When this, that, these, and those are used as pronouns, they are called demonstrative pronouns. They are used as the subject or the object of a clause, or the object of a preposition.
Demonstrative pronouns are rarely used as the indirect object of a clause, because the indirect object is usually a person, and demonstrative pronouns normally refer to things.
this and that
1.125 This and that are usually used as pronouns only when they refer to things. You use them instead of a singular countable noun or an uncountable noun. This refers to something that is close to you in place or time, and thatrefers to something that is more distant in place or time.
This is a list of the rules.
This is the most important part of the job.
The biggest problem was the accent. That was difficult for me.
That looks interesting.
1.126 This and that are used as pronouns to refer to a person when you are identifying someone or asking who they are.
Who’s this?
He stopped and looked at a photograph that stood on the dressing table. Is this your wife?
Was that Patrick on the phone?
When you are introducing people, you can say This is Mary or This is Mr and Mrs Baker. Note that you use this even when you are introducing more than one person.
these and those
1.127 These and those can be used as pronouns instead of a plural countable noun. They are most often used to refer to things, although they can be used to refer to people. These refers to a number of people and things that are close to you in place or time, and those refers to a number of people and things that are more distant in place or time.
‘I brought you these.’ Adam held out a bag of grapes.
Vitamin tablets usually contain vitamins A, C, and D. These are available from any child health clinic.
These are no ordinary students.
It may be impossible for them to pay essential bills, such as those for heating.
Those are easy questions to answer.
There are a lot of people who are seeking employment, and a great number of those are married women.
This, that, these, and those can also be definite determiners. For more information, see paragraphs 1.184 to 1.193. See also Referring back and Referring forward in Chapter 10.
Referring to people and things in a non-specific way: someone, anyone, everyone, etc.
1.128 When you want to refer to people or things but you do not know exactly who or what they are, or their identity is not important, you can use an indefinite pronoun such as someone, anyone, or everyone. An indefinite pronoun shows only whether you are talking about people or about things, rather than referring to a specific person or thing.
I was there for over an hour before anybody came.
Jack was waiting for something.
Here is a list of indefinite pronouns:
no one
Note that all indefinite pronouns are written as one word except no one. It is always two words in American English, but in British English it can also be spelled with a hyphen: no-one.
used only with singular verbs
1.129 You always use singular verbs with indefinite pronouns.
Is anyone here?
Everybody recognizes the importance of education.
Everything was ready.
Nothing is certain in this world.
referring to things
1.130 You use the indefinite pronouns ending in -thing to talk about objects, ideas, situations, or activities.
Can I do anything?
Jane said nothing for a moment.
referring to people
1.131 You use the indefinite pronouns ending in -one and -body to refer to people.
It had to be someone like Dan.
Why does everybody believe in the law of gravity?
Note that indefinite pronouns ending in -body are more frequent in informal English.
used with personal pronouns and possessive determiners
1.132 Although you use singular verbs with indefinite pronouns, if you want to refer back to an indefinite pronoun, you use the plural pronouns they, them, or themselves, or the possessive determiner their.
Ask anyone. They’ll tell you.
There’s no way of telling somebody why they’ve failed.
No one liked being young then as they do now.
Everybody’s enjoying themselves.
Everyone put their pens down.
See paragraph 1.123 for more information about they used to refer to one person.
1.133 In more formal English, some people prefer to use he, him, his, or himself to refer back to an indefinite pronoun, but many people dislike this use because it suggests that the person being referred to is male.
If someone consistently eats a lot of fatty foods, it is not surprising if he ends up with clogged arteries.
Everybody has his dream.
For other ways of using pronouns when you do not want to specify whether the person you are talking about is male or female, see paragraph 1.123.
1.134 You add ’s (apostrophe s) to an indefinite pronoun to refer to things that belong to or are associated with people.
She was given a room in someone’s studio.
That was nobody’s business.
I would defend anyone’s rights.
Everything has been arranged to everybody’s satisfaction.
1.135 You do not usually add ’s to indefinite pronouns referring to things. So, for example, you would be more likely to say the value of something than something’s value.
adding information
1.136 When you want to give more information about the person or thing referred to by an indefinite pronoun, you can use a phrase or a clause after it.
Anyone over the age of 18 can apply.
He would prefer to have somebody who had a background in the humanities.
1.137 You can also use adjectives to add information. Note that adjectives are placed after the indefinite pronoun rather than in front of it, and that you do not use a determiner. You do not say an important someone, you say someone important.
What was needed was someone practical.
They are doing everything possible to take care of you.
There is nothing wrong with being popular.
used with else
1.138 If you have already mentioned a person or thing, and you want to refer to a different person or thing, or an additional one, you use else after an indefinite pronoun.
Somebody else will have to go out there.
She couldn’t think of anything else.
Everyone knows what everyone else is doing.
He got that job because nobody else wanted it.
Note that if you want to show association or possession with an indefinite pronoun and else, you add the ’s to else.
Problems always became someone else’s fault.
No one has control over anyone else’s career.
structures used with some- and every-
1.139 Just like nouns, indefinite pronouns are used as the subject, object, or indirect object of clauses. They can also be used as the objects of prepositions. The indefinite pronouns beginning with some- and every- are most often used in affirmative clauses.
Everything went according to plan.
I remember somebody putting a pillow under my head.
‘Now you’ll see something,’ he said.
I gave everyone a generous helping.
I want to introduce you to someone who is helping me.
Is everything all right?
They are sometimes used as the subject of a negative clause.
He could tell that something wasn’t right.
Note that the indefinite pronouns beginning with some- cannot be used as the object of a negative clause, unless they are followed by a phrase or a clause.
He wasn’t someone I admired as a writer.
structures used with any-
1.140 Indefinite pronouns beginning with any- can be used as the object or indirect object of a question or a negative clause.
Don’t worry – I won’t tell anyone.
You still haven’t told me anything.
Take a good look and tell me if you see anything different.
I haven’t given anyone their presents yet.
They are often used as the subject of both negative and affirmative questions. Note that they are not used as the subject of a negative statement. You do not say, for example, Anybody can’t come in.
Does anybody agree with me?
Won’t anyone help me?
If anything unusual happens, could you call me on this number?
Note that when you are making an affirmative statement, anyone and anybody are used to refer to people in general and not to only one person.
Anybody who wants to can come in and buy a car from me.
structures used with no-
1.141 Indefinite pronouns beginning with no- are always used with the affirmative form of a verb, and they make the clause negative. For more information on negative statements, see paragraphs 5.47 to 5.91.
Nobody said a word.
There was nothing you could do, nothing at all.
She was to see no one, to speak to nobody, not even her own children.
Note that they are sometimes used in questions. When this is the case, the answer to the question is usually expected to be no.
‘Is there nothing I can do?’–‘Not a thing’.
‘Is there nobody else?’–‘Not that I know of’.
Showing that people do the same thing: each other and one another
1.142 Each other and one another are called reciprocal pronouns. They are used to say that people do the same thing, feel the same way, or have the same relationship.
For example, if your brother hates your sister and your sister hates your brother, you can say My brother and sister hate each other or They hate one another.
Reciprocal pronouns are not used as the subject of a clause. You use them as the object or indirect object of a verb.
We help each other a lot.
You and I understand each other.
We support one another through good times and bad.
They sent each other gifts from time to time.
You also use them as the object of a preposition.
Terry and Mark were jealous of each other.
The two lights were moving towards one another.
They didn’t dare to look at one another.
Some verbs are very commonly used with reciprocal pronouns. For more information about these, see paragraphs 3.68 to 3.72.
1.143 Note that there is very little difference between each other and one another. They are both used to talk about two or more people or things, although some people prefer the use of each other when there are only two people or things, and one another when there are more than two.
each as subject
1.144 In formal written English, you can also use each as the subject of a clause and the other as the object of a clause or preposition. So, a more formal way of saying They looked at each other is Each looked at the other. Note that each is always followed by a singular verb.
Each accuses the other of lying.
Each is unwilling to learn from the experience of the others.
Each is also a determiner. For more information about this, see paragraph 1.243.
1.145 You add ’s (apostrophe s) to each other, one another, and the other to form possessives.
I hope that you all enjoy each other’s company.
Apes spend a great deal of time grooming one another’s fur.
The males fight fiercely, each trying to seize the other’s long neck in its beak.
Joining clauses together: relative pronouns
1.146 When a sentence consists of a main clause followed by a relative clause introduced by who, whom, which, or that, these words are called relative pronouns.
Relative pronouns do two things at the same time. Like other pronouns, they refer to someone or something that has already been mentioned. At the same time they join clauses together.
For more information about relative clauses, see paragraphs 8.83 to 8.116.
who and whom
1.147 Who and whom always refer to people.
Who can be the subject of a relative clause.
…mathematicians who are concerned with very difficult problems.
In the past, whom was normally used as the object of a relative clause. Nowadays, who is more often used, although some careful speakers of English think that it is more correct to use whom.
…a man who I met recently.
He’s the man who I saw last night.
…two girls whom I met in Edinburgh.
Who is sometimes used as the object of a preposition when the object is separated from the preposition. Some careful speakers think that it is more correct to use whom.
That’s the man who I gave it to.
…those whom we cannot talk to.
Whom is almost always used when the object comes immediately after the preposition.
…Lord Scarman, a man for whom I have immense respect.
1.148 Which always refers to things. It can be used as the subject or object of a relative clause, or as the object of a preposition. Which is often used in British English to introduce relative clauses that refer to things.
…a region which was threatened by growing poverty.
…two horses which he owned.
…the house in which I was born.
Note that which cannot be used as the indirect object of a clause.
1.149 That refers to either people or things. It is used as the subject or the object of a relative clause or the object of a preposition. That is generally preferred in American English to introduce relative clauses that refer to things or to combinations of people and things.
…the games that politicians play.
He’s the boy that sang the solo last night.
It was the first bed that she had ever slept in.
That cannot be used as the indirect object of a clause.
1.150 Whose shows who or what something belongs to or is connected with. Note that it cannot be used by itself, but must come in front of a noun.
…the thousands whose lives have been damaged.
There was a chap there whose name I’ve forgotten.
…predictions whose accuracy will have to be confirmed.
…sharks, whose brains are minute.
Note that whose is not restricted to people.
Asking questions: interrogative pronouns
1.151 One way of asking questions is by using an interrogative pronoun.
The interrogative pronouns are who, whose, whom, what, and which. They are used as the subject or object of a clause, or as the object of a preposition. Whose and which are also determiners. Other words, such as where, when, why, and how, are also used to ask questions.
Interrogative pronouns are not used as the indirect object of a clause.
Who was at the door?
‘There’s a car outside.’
‘Whose is it?’
Whom do you support?
What are you doing?
Which is best, gas or electric?
For more information about structures in which interrogative pronouns are used, see paragraphs 5.10 to 5.34.
1.152 Interrogative pronouns refer to the information you are asking for.
Who, whose, and whom are used when you think that the answer to the question will be a person.
‘He lost his wife.’ – ‘Who? Terry?’
He looked at the cat. Whose is it? Have you ever seen it before?
‘To whom, if I may ask, are you engaged to be married?’ – ‘To Daniel Orton.’
Which and what are used when you think that the answer to the question will be something other than a person.
Is there really a difference? Which do you prefer?
‘What did he want?’ – ‘Maurice’s address.’
reported questions
1.153 Interrogative pronouns are also used to introduce reported questions.
I asked her who she had been talking to.
He wondered what Daintry would do now.
For more information about reported questions, see paragraphs 7.32 to 7.38.
Other pronouns
1.154 Many other words can be pronouns, provided that it is clear what is being talked about, because it is then unnecessary to repeat the noun.
For example, most indefinite determiners can also be pronouns. For more information about indefinite determiners, see paragraphs 1.223 to 1.250.
Here is a list of indefinite determiners that are also pronouns:
Like all noun phrases, they can be used as the subject, direct object, or indirect object of a clause, or the object of a preposition.
Both were offered jobs immediately.
Children? I don’t think she has any.
I saw one girl whispering to another.
1.155 Although a, an, every, and no are indefinite determiners, they cannot stand alone as pronouns.
To refer back to a noun phrase that includes the determiner a or an, you can use the pronoun one. Similarly, you use each to refer back to a noun phrase that includes every, and none to refer back to a noun phrase that includes no.
Note that another and others are pronouns, but other cannot be a pronoun.
all, both, and each for emphasis
1.156 All, both, and each can be used in addition to nouns or personal pronouns for emphasis, in a similar way to the use of reflexive pronouns described in paragraphs 1.116 to 1.118.
The brothers all agreed that something more was needed.
He loved them both.
Ford and Duncan each had their chances.
They come after an auxiliary verb, a modal, or be.
They were both still working at their universities.
The letters have all been signed.
The older children can all do the same things together.
Each can also come at the end of the clause.
Three others were fined £200 each.
1.157 Numbers can also be pronouns. For example, the answer to the question How many children do you have? is usually Three rather than Three children.
‘How many people are there?’ – ‘Forty-five.’
Of the other women, two are dancers.
They bought eight companies and sold off five.
For more information on numbers, see paragraphs 2.213 to 2.231.
other pronouns
1.158 The number one is a special case. Like other numbers, it is sometimes used to refer to one of a group of things.
One is also used to refer back to a noun phrase with the determiner a.
Could I have a bigger one, please?
It can also be used for emphasis after another determiner.
There are systems of communication right through the animal world; each one is distinctive.
One can be used as a personal pronoun. This use is explained in paragraph 1.121.
1.159 Note that the one and the ones can be used to refer to a noun alone, rather than to the whole of the noun phrase. They are nearly always used with a modifier such as an adjective, or some form of information after the noun, such as a prepositional phrase.
‘Which poem? – ‘The one they were talking about yesterday.’
There are three bedrooms. Mine is the one at the back.
He gave the best seats to the ones who arrived first.
1.160 You use the other, the others, others, or another to refer to different members of a group of things or people.
Some writers are greater than others.
One runner was way ahead of all the others.
1.161 If you want to say something about a member of a group of people or things you can use one. You can then refer to the rest of the group as the others.
The bells are carefully installed so that disconnecting one will have no effect on the others.
They had three little daughters, one a baby, the others twins of twelve.
You use the one and the other to refer to each of a pair of things.
The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one reinforcing the other.
If you do not wish to specify exactly which of a group you are talking about, you refer to one or other of them.
It may be that one or other of them had fears for their health.
Definite and indefinite determiners
1.162 In English, there are two main ways in which you can use a noun phrase. You can use it to refer to someone or something, knowing that the person you are speaking to understands which person or thing you are talking about.
The man began to run towards the boy.
Young people don’t like these operas.
Thank you very much for your comments.
…a visit to the Houses of Parliament.
Alternatively, you can use a noun phrase to refer to someone or something of a particular type, without saying which person or thing you mean.
There was a man in the lift.
I wish I’d bought an umbrella.
Any doctor would say she didn’t know what she was doing.
In order to distinguish between these two ways of using a noun phrase, you use a special class of words called determiners. There are two types of determiner, definite determiners and indefinite determiners. You put them at the beginning of a noun phrase.
Using the definite determiner the
1.163 The is the most common definite determiner; it is sometimes called the definite article.
This, that, these, and those are often called demonstratives or demonstrative adjectives. For more information on these, see paragraphs 1.184 to 1.193.
My, your, his, her, its, our and their are possessive determiners. They are also sometimes called possessive adjectives or just possessives. For more information about these, see paragraphs 1.194 to 1.210.
Here is the list of definite determiners:
Note that in English you cannot use more than one definite determiner before a noun.
1.164 Because the is the most common definite determiner, you can put the in front of any common noun.
She dropped the can into the grass.
The girls were not in the house.
In these examples, the use of the can means that a can has already been mentioned; the grass is definite because it has already been stated that she is outside, and the presence of grass may also have been stated or is presumed; the girls, like the can, must have been mentioned before; and the house means the one where the girls were staying at the time.
pronouncing the
1.165 The always has the same spelling, but it has three different pronunciations:
/ðǝ/ when the following word begins with a consonant sound
…the dictionary…the first act…the big box.
/ði/ when the following word begins with a vowel sound
…the exhibition… the effect… the impression.
/ when it is emphasized
You don’t mean the Ernest Hemingway?
See paragraph 1.181 for more information about emphatic uses of the.
the with a noun
1.166 You can use a noun phrase consisting just of the and a noun when you know that the person you are talking or writing to will understand which person, thing, or group you are referring to.
The expedition sailed out into the Pacific.
…the most obnoxious boy in the school.
He stopped the car in front of the bakery.
nouns referring to one thing only
1.167 Some nouns are used with the because they refer to only one person, thing, or group. Some of these are specific names or proper nouns, for example titles such as the Pope, unique things such as the Eiffel Tower, and place names such as the Atlantic.
…a concert attended by the Queen.
We went on camel rides to the Pyramids.
See paragraphs 1.52 to 1.58 for more information about proper nouns.
Some are singular nouns, that is they refer to something of which there is only one in the world, such as the ground, or the moon.
The sun began to turn red.
In April and May the wind blows steadily.
See paragraphs 1.34 to 1.40 for more information about singular nouns.
specific places and organizations
1.168 Other nouns are used to talk about just one person, thing, or group in a particular place or organization, so that if you are talking about that place or organization or talking to someone in it, you can use just the and the noun.
For example, if there is only one station in a town, the people who live in the town will talk about the station. Similarly, people living in Britain talk to each other about the economy, meaning the British economy, and people working for the same organization might talk about the boss, the union, or the canteen without needing to specify the organization.
The church has been broken into.
There’s a wind coming off the river.
We had to get rid of the director.
The mayor is a forty-eight-year-old former labourer.
What is the President doing about all this?
generalizing about people and things
1.169 Normally, if you want to talk generally about all people or things of a particular type, you use the plural form of a noun without a determiner.
However, there are some countable nouns that are used in the singular with the to refer to something more general.
For example, you can use the theatre or the stage to talk about all entertainment performed in theatres. Similarly, the screen refers to films in general, and the law refers to the system of laws in a country.
For him, the stage was just a way of earning a living.
He was as handsome in real life as he was on the screen.
They do not hesitate to break the law.
Some nouns that normally refer to an individual thing or person can be used in the singular with the to refer generally to a system or service in a particular place. For example, you can use the bus to talk about a bus service and the phone to talk about a telephone system.
How long does it take on the train?
We rang for the ambulance.
Nouns referring to musical instruments can be used in the singular with the when you are talking about someone playing, or being able to play, a particular kind of instrument.
You play the oboe, I see, said Simon.
I was playing the piano when he phoned.
using adjectives as nouns
1.170 When you want to talk generally about groups of people who share the same characteristic or quality, you often choose an adjective preceded by the.
This project is all about giving employment to the unemployed.
See paragraphs 1.66 to 1.72 for more information about using adjectives as nouns.
formal generalizations
1.171 Nouns referring to plants and animals can be used in the singular with the when you are making a statement about every member of a species. For example, if you say The swift has long, narrow wings, you mean that all swifts have long, narrow wings.
The primrose can grow abundantly on chalk banks.
Australia is the home of the kangaroo.
Similarly, a noun referring to a part of the human body can be used with the to refer to that part of anyone’s body.
These arteries supply the heart with blood.
…the arteries supplying the kidneys.
The is sometimes used with other nouns in the singular to make a statement about all the members of a group.
The article focuses on how to protect the therapist rather than on how to cure the patient.
These uses are fairly formal. They are not common in ordinary speech. Usually, if you want to make a statement about all the things of a particular kind, you use the plural form of a noun without a determiner. See paragraph 1.227 for more information about this.
1.172 Many common time expressions consist of just the and a noun.
We wasted a lot of money in the past.
The train leaves Cardiff at four in the afternoon.
…the changes which are taking place at the moment.
See Chapter 4 for more information about time expressions.
referring back
1.173 In each of the paragraphs above showing uses of the and a noun, it is possible to understand who or what is being referred to because the noun phrase is commonly accepted as referring to one particular person, thing, or group.
However, you can use the with any noun, if it is obvious who or what you are referring to from what has already been said or written.
The usual way of referring back to a noun is to use a pronoun, but if the second reference does not come immediately after the first one, or if it is not immediately obvious which noun is being referred to, you should use the, and the noun again. For example, if you have already mentioned that you were in a train, and then continued to tell a story, you can say afterwards The train suddenly stopped.
1.174 You can also use the and a noun when you are referring to someone or something closely connected with something you have just mentioned.
For example, you do not usually say We tried to get into the room, but the door of the room was locked. You say We tried to get into the room, but the door was locked, because it is obvious which door you are referring to.
She stopped and lit a match. The wind almost blew out the flame.
the with longer noun phrases
1.175 Although there are many situations where you use just the and a noun, there are other occasions when you need to add something else to the noun in order to make it clear which person, thing, or group you are referring to.
adding adjectives
1.176 Sometimes you can show who or what you are referring to by putting an adjective between the and the noun.
This is the main bedroom.
Somebody ought to have done it long ago, remarked the fat man.
Sometimes you need to use more than one adjective.
After the crossroads look out for the large white building.
For more information about adjectives, see paragraphs 2.2 to 2.168.
adjectives: expanding
1.177 When you use an adjective between the and a noun, you do not always do it in order to make clear who or what is being referred to.
For example, you might want to add further information about someone or something that you have already mentioned. So, if you first refer to someone as a woman in a sentence such as A woman came into the room, you might later want to refer to her as the unfortunate woman or the smiling woman.
This is a very common use in written English, especially in stories, but it is not often used in conversation.
The astonished waiter was now watching from the other end of the room.
The poor woman had witnessed terrible violence.
The loss of pressure caused the speeding car to go into a skid.
adding clauses or phrases
1.178 Another way of showing who or what you are referring to is by adding extra information after the and a noun, for example a prepositional phrase, a relative clause, a to-infinitive, an adverb of place or time, or a phrase introduced by a participle.
So you might refer to particular people at a party by using noun phrases such as the girl in the yellow dress, the woman who spilled her drink, or the man smoking a cigar.
The cars in the driveways were all Ferraris and Porsches.
The book that I recommend now costs over twenty pounds.
The thing to aim for is an office of your own.
Who made the bed in the room upstairs?
It depends on the person being interviewed.
For more information about this type of extra information that is added to a noun, see paragraphs 2.272 to 2.302.
the with uncountable nouns
1.179 You do not normally use the with uncountable nouns because they refer to something in a general way. However, the is necessary if the uncountable noun is followed by extra information such as a clause or a phrase that relates it to a particular person, thing, or group.
For example, you cannot say I am interested in education of young children. You have to say I am interested in the education of young children.
Babies need the comfort of their mother’s arms.
Even the honesty of Inspector Butler was in doubt.
I’ve no idea about the geography of Scotland.
For more information about uncountable nouns, see paragraphs 1.23 to 1.33.
1.180 The is also used with superlative adjectives.
I’m not the best cook in the world.
They went to the most expensive restaurant in town.
See paragraphs 2.112 to 2.122 for more information about superlative adjectives.
emphasizing the
1.181 The is often used in front of a noun to indicate that someone or something is the best of its kind.
New Zealand is now the place to visit.
You can also use the in front of a person’s name to show that you are referring to the most famous person with that name.
You actually met the George Harrison?
When you use the in either of these ways, you emphasize it and pronounce it /ðI/.
the with indefinite determiners
1.182 The can be used in front of some indefinite determiners, usually to give an indication of amount or quantity.
These indefinite determiners are:
…pleasures known only to the few.
…a coup under the leadership of the select few.
He was one of the few who knew where to find me.
We have done the little that is in our power.
You use the with other to refer to the second of two things, when you have just mentioned one of them.
The men sat at one end of the table and the women at the other.
For more information about indefinite determiners, see paragraphs 1.223 to 1.250.
the with numbers
1.183 The is used with one and ones.
I’m going to have the green one.
The shop was different from the ones I remembered.
…a pair of those old glasses, the ones with those funny square lenses.
The is also used with other numbers.
It is a mistake to confuse the two.
Why is she so different from the other two?
See paragraphs 2.208 to 2.239 for more information about numbers.
Definite determiners: using this, that, these, and those
1.184 You use the definite determiners this, that, these, and those to talk about people or things in a definite way.
You use this and these to talk about people and things that are close to you in place or time. When you talk about people or things that are more distant in place or time, you use that and those.
You put this and that in front of singular nouns, uncountable nouns, and the singular pronoun one. You put these and those in front of plural nouns and the plural pronoun ones.
This, that, these, and those are often called demonstratives or demonstrative adjectives.
this and these
1.185 This and these are used to talk about people or things that are very obvious in the situation that you are in. For example, if you are inside a house, you can refer to it as this house. If you are holding some keys in your hand, you can refer to them as these keys. If you are at a party, you can refer to it as this party.
I have lived in this house my entire life.
I am going to walk up these steps towards you.
I’ll come as soon as these men have finished their work.
I like this university.
Good evening. In this programme we are going to look at the way in which British music has developed in recent years.
When it is clear who or what you are referring to, you can use this and these as pronouns. This use is explained in paragraphs 1.124 to 1.127.
1.186 This and these are also used in many expressions that refer to current periods of time, for example this month, this week, and these days. This use is explained in Chapter 4.
that and those
1.187 You use that and those when you are talking about things or people that you can see but that are not close to you.
How much is it for that big box?
Can I have one of those brochures?
Can you move those books off there?
1.188 When it is clear who or what you are talking about, you can use that and those as pronouns. This use is explained in paragraphs 1.124 to 1.127.
Could you just hold that?
Please don’t take those.
1.189 You can show that you are referring to the same person or thing you have just mentioned by using this, that, these, or those in front of a noun. For example, if you have just mentioned a girl, you can refer to her as this girl or that girl the second time you mention her. Normally, you use a pronoun to refer to someone or something you have just mentioned, but sometimes you cannot do this because it might not be clear who or what the pronoun refers to.
Students and staff suggest books for the library, and normally we’re quite happy to get those books.
Their house is in a valley. The people in that valley speak about the people in the next valley as foreigners.
They had a lot of diamonds, and they asked her if she could possibly get these diamonds to Britain.
The use of this, that, those, etc. to refer again to something that has already been mentioned is fully explained in paragraphs 10.7 to 10.10.
1.190 In informal English, you can also use that and those in front of a noun to talk about people or things that are already known to the person you are speaking or writing to.
That idiot Antonio has gone and locked our cabin door.
Have they found those missing children yet?
Do you remember that funny little apartment?
1.191 You can use that in front of a noun when you are talking about something that has just happened.
I knew that meeting would be difficult.
That is used as a pronoun to talk about something that has just happened. This use is explained in paragraphs 1.124 to 1.127.
using those instead of the
1.192 In more formal English, those can be used instead of the in front of a plural noun when the plural noun is followed by a relative clause. In this use, the relative clause specifies exactly which group of people or things are being referred to.
…those workers who are employed in large enterprises.
The parents are not afraid to be firm about those matters that seem important to them.
informal use of this and these
1.193 In informal spoken English, people sometimes use this and these in front of nouns even when they are mentioning someone or something for the first time.
And then this woman came up to me and she said, I believe you have a goddaughter called Celia Ravenscroft.
At school we had to wear these awful white cotton hats.
Possessive determiners: my, your, their, etc.
1.194 You often want to show that a thing belongs to someone or that it is connected in some way with someone.
One way of doing this is to use a word like my, your, and their, which tells you who something belongs to. These words are called possessive determiners.
Are your children bilingual?
I remember his name now.
They would be welcome to use our library.
I’d been waiting a long time to park my car.
table of possessive determiners
1.195 There are seven possessive determiners in English, and each one is associated with a particular personal pronoun:
singular |
plural |
1st person |
my |
our |
2nd person |
your |
3rd person |
his |
their |
Personal pronouns are explained in paragraphs 1.95 to 1.106.
1.196 You do not spell the possessive its with an apostrophe. It’s is short for it is.
1.197 Possessive determiners, like other determiners, come after any words like all or some of (called predeterminers), and before any numbers or adjectives.
…all his letters. …their next message. …my little finger. …our two lifeboats.
See paragraph 1.251 for more information about predeterminers.
1.198 In English, you do not use more than one definite determiner before a noun. Therefore, possessive determiners must be used on their own. You cannot say I took off the my shoes. You have to choose whether to say I took off my shoes, or I took off the shoes.
agreement with noun
1.199 You choose which possessive determiner to use according to the identity of the person or thing that owns something. For example, if you want to identify something as belonging to or relating to a particular woman, you always use her. The following noun does not affect the choice.
I took off my shoes.
Her husband remained standing. He had his hands in his pockets.
She had to give up her job.
The group held its first meeting last week.
The creature lifted its head.
…the two dark men, glasses in their hands, waiting silently.
…the car companies and their workers.
use of own
1.200 When you want to draw attention to the fact that something belongs or relates to a particular person or thing, you can use the word own after the possessive determiner.
I helped him to some more water but left my own glass untouched.
Residents are allowed to bring their own furniture with them if they wish to do so.
Make your own decisions.
I heard it with my own ears.
She felt in charge of her own affairs.
If you use a number or adjective in this structure, you put the number or adjective after own.
…their own three children.
The players provided their own white shorts.
uses of possessives
1.201 Possessive determiners do not always show that what follows them is actually possessed (or owned) by someone. Sometimes they just show that what follows is connected or associated with someone in some way.
They then turned their attention to other things.
…the vitality of our music and our culture.
In summer, hay fever interfered with all her activities.
It’s his brother who has the workshop.
1.202 You can use a possessive determiner in front of a noun that refers to an action, in order to show who or what is doing the action.
…not long after our arrival.
…his criticism of the Government.
…their fight for survival.
I’m waiting for your explanation.
Most of their claims were worthy.
In the last example, their claims refers to the claims that they have made.
1.203 You can also use a possessive determiner to say who or what is affected by an action.
My appointment as the first woman chairman symbolizes change.
…the redistribution of wealth, rather than its creation.
They expressed their horror at her dismissal.
In the last example, her dismissal refers to the fact that she was dismissed by someone or by a company.
In the first of the following examples, his supporters means the people who support him.
…Birch and his supporters.
She returned the ring to its owner.
1.204 Sometimes in English the determiner the is used where there is an obvious possessive meaning. In these cases the possession is already made clear by a preceding noun or pronoun. The following paragraphs explain the situations in which you use the rather than a possessive determiner.
1.205 When you refer to a specific part of someone’s body, you normally use a possessive determiner.
She has something on her feet and a bag in her hand.
Nancy suddenly took my arm.
The children wore nothing on their feet.
She thanked him shyly and patted his arm.
I opened the cupboard and they fell on my head.
He shook his head.
However, when you are describing an action that someone does to a part of someone else’s body, you often use the definite article (the), especially when the body part is the object of a preposition and when the object of the verb is a pronoun. For example, if you say She hit me on the head, head is the object of the preposition on and me is the object of the verb hit.
I patted him on the head.
He took her by the arm and began drawing her away.
You use the definite article because the owner of the body part has already been identified, and you do not need to repeat this information.
Similarly, if the object of the verb is a reflexive pronoun such as myself, yourself, and so on, you use the definite article. This is because the reflexive pronoun already refers to you or to the person who is doing the action, so you do not need to repeat this information by using a possessive determiner.
I accidentally hit myself on the head with the brush handle.
We can pat ourselves on the back for bringing up our children.
Uses of reflexive pronouns are explained in paragraphs 1.111 to 1.118.
1.206 If you want to describe something that you do to yourself or that someone else does to themselves, you normally use a possessive determiner.
She was brushing her hair.
‘I’m going to brush my teeth,’ he said.
She gritted her teeth and carried on.
He walked into the kitchen and shook his head.
1.207 You usually use possessive determiners when you refer to people or animals. You do not usually use them to refer to things that are not alive. It is, for example, more usual to say the door or the door of the room than its door.
generic use
1.208 Possessive determiners are sometimes used to talk about things that belong to or are associated with people in general, in a similar way to generic pronouns. For more information on generic pronouns, see paragraphs 1.119to 1.123.
Your can be used when you are talking about something that belongs to or is associated with people in general, or with a person in a situation that you are imagining.
Can eating a low-fat diet weaken your hair?
Going to the gym is good for your general health.
Part of the process involves discussing your decision with a career counsellor.
In more formal English, one’s is sometimes used instead of your.
A satisfying job can bring structure and meaning to one’s life.
Our can be used to talk about all of mankind or society.
Being a child is not easy in our society.
Their can be used to refer to a person when you do not know, or do not want to specify, whether that person is male or female.
The most important asset a person has is their ability to work.
Each winner received a plaque with their award title.
other possessives
1.209 There are other ways of showing that something is owned by or connected with someone or something else. For example, you can use ’s (apostrophe s) or a prepositional phrase beginning with of.
Mary’s daughter is called Elizabeth.
Very often the person appointed has no knowledge of that company’s end product.
…the house of a rich banker in Paris.
In the opinion of the team, what would they consider to be absolutely necessary?
possessive determiners used in titles
1.210 Possessive determiners are also sometimes used in titles such as Your Majesty and His Excellency. This use is explained in paragraph 1.56.
The possessive form: apostrophe s (’s)
1.211 You usually show that something belongs to or is associated with a specific, named person by adding ’s to the name of the person, and by placing this possessive form in front of the thing that belongs to them, or is associated with them. For example, if John owns a motorbike, you can refer to it as ‘John’s motorbike’.
Sylvia put her hand on John’s arm.
…the main features of Mr Brown’s economic policy.
When you use a noun rather than a name to refer to the person, the noun phrase containing the possessive form also contains a determiner in the usual way.
…his grandmother’s house.
Your mother’s best handbag.
Note that the determiner applies to the possessive form and not to the noun that is being modified by the possessive.
spelling and pronunciation
1.212 The spelling and pronunciation patterns used to form possessives change according to the spelling and pronunciation of the name or noun. These are explained in the Reference Section.
other uses of ’s
1.213 Note that in addition to being the possessive form, the pattern ’s can also be added to words as a contraction of is or has. This is explained in the Reference Section.
showing close connection
1.214 Apostrophe s (’s) is most often added to a noun referring to a person or an animal.
I wore a pair of my sister’s boots.
Philip watched his friend’s reaction.
Billy patted the dog’s head.
It can also be used to show that something belongs to or is associated with a group of people or an institution.
She runs the foreign exchange desk for the bank’s corporate clients.
They also prepare the university’s budget.
…the paper’s political editor, Mr Fred Emery.
There was a raid on the Democratic Party’s headquarters.
What is your government’s policy?
1.215 Apostrophe s (’s) is sometimes added to a noun referring to an object when specifying a part of it or a quality or feature that it has.
I like the car’s design.
You can predict a computer’s behaviour because it follows rules.
Apostrophe s (’s) is used after nouns and names referring to places to specify something in that place.
He is the administrative head of the country’s biggest city.
The city’s population is in decline.
…Britain’s most famous company.
1.216 If you want to emphasize that something belongs or relates to a particular person and nobody else, you use own. Own can be used after the possessive form of a name or noun, as well as after a possessive determiner.
Professor Wilson’s own answer may be unacceptable.
We must depend on David’s own assessment.
If you are specifying a number of things, you put the number after own.
…the Doctor’s own two rooms.
other structures
1.217 When you are talking about two things of the same type that belong to different people you can use the possessive form of a name or noun like a possessive pronoun so that you can avoid repeating the thing itself. In the first example below, her brother’s is used instead of her brother’s appearance.
Her appearance is very different to her brother’s.
My room is next to Karen’s.
It is your responsibility rather than your parents’.
The possessive form can also be used on its own to refer to someone’s home or place of work.
He’s round at David’s.
She stopped off at the butcher’s for a piece of steak.
She hasn’t been back to the doctor’s since.
Possessive pronouns are explained in paragraphs 1.107 to 1.110.
used in prepositional phrases with of
1.218 The possessive form can be used in a prepositional phrase beginning with of after a noun phrase. You use this structure when you are talking about one of a number of things that belong to someone or are associated with them, rather than about something unique.
Julia, a friend of Jenny’s, was there too.
That word was a favourite of your father’s.
1.219 Possessive forms can also be used to refer to things of a particular type that are usually associated with someone.
…a woman dressed in a man’s raincoat.
…a policeman’s uniform.
…women’s magazines.
…the men’s lavatory.
1.220 The possessive form can sometimes be used with nouns that refer to an action in order to show who or what is performing the action.
…the banking service’s rapid growth.
…Madeleine’s arrival at Fairwater House School.
Note that phrases beginning with of are used more commonly to do this, and that they are more formal than this use of possessive forms. The use of prepositional phrases beginning with of to show who or what is performing an action is explained in paragraph 2.282.
1.221 Sometimes you can add apostrophe s (’s) to a noun referring to the thing affected by the performer of an action and put it in front of the noun referring to that performer. For example, you can talk about the scheme’s supporters.
…Christ’s followers.
…the car’s owner.
Sometimes an apostrophe s (’s) structure can be used to refer to the thing affected by an action.
…Capello’s appointment as England manager.
Note again that of structures are more commonly used to do this.
other ways of showing possession
1.222 It is also possible to show possession by using either a prepositional phrase beginning with of, or a structure with a noun modifier in it.
Prepositional phrases beginning with of are explained in paragraphs 2.277 to 2.283. Noun modifiers are explained in paragraphs 2.169 to 2.174.
Indefinite determiners: all, some, many, etc.
1.223 Indefinite determiners are used in noun phrases when you are talking about people or things in a general way, without identifying them.
Here is a list of indefinite determiners:
A, and an are the most common indefinite determiners; they are sometimes called the indefinite article. For more information about a and an, see paragraphs 1.228 to 1.235.
For more information about the other indefinite determiners, see paragraphs 1.236 to 1.250.
with countable nouns
1.224 A and an are used with singular countable nouns, and show that you are talking about just one person or thing.
Another is used with singular countable nouns and other with plural countable nouns, but only after one or more of the same type of person or thing has been mentioned.
Any can be used with singular and plural countable nouns to talk about one or more people or things. You use enough, few, many, more, most, several, and some with plural countable nouns to show that you are talking about a number of people or things. Each of these determiners indicates a different set or group within the total number. For more information about their meanings, see the section beginning at paragraph 1.236.
All, both, each, either, and every show that you are talking about the total number of people or things involved. Both and either specify that only two people or things are involved. Both is used with a plural noun, and eitherwith a singular noun. All, each, and every usually show that there are more than two. All is used with a plural noun, and each and every with a singular noun.
No and neither refer to the total number of things involved in negative statements. No is used with singular or plural nouns, and neither only with singular nouns. No and neither are covered in the section on negative wordsin Chapter 5.
For more information about countable nouns, see paragraphs 1.15 to 1.22.
with uncountable nouns
1.225 For uncountable nouns, any, enough, little, more, most, much, and some are used to talk about a quantity of something. No and all indicate the total quantity of it.
For more information about uncountable nouns, see paragraphs 1.23 to 1.33.
1.226 A, an, another, both, each, either, every, few, many, neither, and several are not usually used with uncountable nouns.
using nouns without determiners
1.227 When you are referring to things or people in an indefinite way, you can sometimes use a noun without a determiner.
…raising money from industry, government, and trusts.
Permission should be asked before visitors are invited.
Uncountable nouns are usually used without a determiner.
Health and education are matters that most voters feel strongly about.
Wealth, like power, tends to corrupt.
Plural nouns are used without a determiner when you are referring to all the people or things of a particular kind.
Dogs need a regular balanced diet, not just meat.
Are there any jobs that men can do that women can’t?
Plural nouns can also be used without a determiner to talk about an unspecified number of things.
Teachers should read stories to children.
Cats and dogs get fleas.
For more information about plural nouns, see paragraphs 1.41 to 1.46.
A and an
1.228 A and an are the most common indefinite determiners. They are used for talking about a person or thing when it is not clear or not important which one is intended. You put a or an in front of the singular form of a countable noun.
He’s bought the children a puppy.
He was eating an apple.
An old lady was calling to him.
choosing a or an
1.229 You use a when the following word begins with a consonant sound.
…a piece…a good teacher…a language class.
This includes some words that begin with a vowel in their written form, because the first sound is a y sound, /j/.
…a university…a European language.
You use an when the following word begins with a vowel sound.
…an example…an art exhibition…an early train.
This includes some words that begin with the letter h in their written form, because the h is not pronounced.
…an honest politician…quarter of an hour.
A is usually pronounced /ǝ/. An is usually pronounced /ǝո/.
not being specific about which person or thing you are referring to
1.230 People often say that you use a or an when you are mentioning something for the first time, but this is not a very helpful rule because there are so many situations where you use the for the first mention of something. See, for example, paragraphs 1.166, 1.167, and 1.168.
You usually use a or an when it is not clear or not important which specific person or thing is being referred to.
She picked up a book.
After weeks of looking, we eventually bought a house.
A colleague and I got some money to do research on rats.
adding extra information
1.231 Sometimes, a or an is simply followed by a noun.
I got a postcard from Susan.
The FBI is conducting an investigation.
But if you want to add extra information, you can add an adjective, or a following clause or phrase.
I met a Swedish girl on the train from Copenhagen.
I’ve been reading an interesting article in The Economist.
We had to write a story about our parents’ childhood.
I chose a picture that reminded me of my own country.
a or an after linking verbs
1.232 You can also use a or an after a linking verb.
She is a model and an artist.
His father was an alcoholic.
Noise was considered a nuisance.
His brother was a sensitive child.
For more information about linking verbs, see Chapter 3.
a and an with uncountable nouns
1.233 Sometimes, a or an are used with an uncountable noun, especially one that relates to human emotions or mental activity. This only happens when the uncountable noun is limited by an adjective, or a phrase or clause giving more information.
A general education is perhaps more important than an exact knowledge of some particular theory.
She had an eagerness for life.
using individuals to generalize
1.234 You can use a or an with a noun when you are using one individual person or thing to make a general statement about all people or things of that type. For example, if you say A gun must be kept in a safe place, you are talking about an individual gun in order to make a general statement about all guns.
A computer can only do what you program it to do.
A dog likes to eat far more meat than a human being.
An unmarried mother was looked down on.
This is not the usual way of referring to groups. Normally, if you want to make a statement about all the people or things of a particular kind, you use the plural form of a noun without a determiner. See paragraph 1.227 for more information about this.
nouns referring to one thing only
1.235 A and an are sometimes used with singular nouns such as sun, moon, and sky that refer to just one thing. You normally use the with these nouns, but you use a or an when you are drawing attention to some special feature by adding a modifier or a following phrase or clause to the noun. This use is particularly common in literature.
We drove under a gloomy sky.
A weak sun shines on the promenade.
For more information on singular nouns, see paragraphs 1.34 to 1.40.
Other indefinite determiners
1.236 Some is usually used to show that there is a quantity of something or a number of things or people, without being precise. It is used with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.
Some is usually used in affirmative statements.
There is some evidence that the system works.
There’s some chocolate cake over there.
I had some good ideas.
Some can be used in questions, when you expect the answer to be yes.
Could you give me some examples?
Would you like some coffee?
Some is also used to mean quite a large amount or number. For example, in I did not meet her again for some years, some means almost the same as several or many.
You will be unable to restart the car for some time.
It took some years for Dan to realize the truth.
1.237 You can also use some in front of numbers, in slightly more literary English, to show that you are not being totally accurate.
I was some fifteen miles by sea from the nearest village.
…an animal weighing some five tons.
1.238 When you want to emphasize that you do not know the identity of a person or thing, or you think their identity is not important, you can use some with a singular countable noun, instead of a or an.
Most staff members will spend a few weeks in some developing country.
Supposing you had some eccentric who came and offered you a thousand pounds.
1.239 Any is used before plural nouns and uncountable nouns when you are referring to a quantity of something that may or may not exist.
The patients know their rights like any other consumers.
Check online if you’re in any doubt.
You can stop at any time you like.
Any is also used in questions asking whether something exists or not. It is also used in negative statements to say that something does not exist.
Do you have any advice on that?
Do you have any vacancies for bar staff?
It hasn’t made any difference.
Nobody in her house knows any English.
I rang up to see if there were any tickets left.
Questions and negative statements are explained further in Chapter 5.
Note that you can use any with singular countable nouns to talk about someone or something of a particular type, when you do not want to mention a specific person or thing.
Any big tin container will do.
Cars can be rented at almost any US airport.
Any can also be used as a pronoun. See paragraphs 1.93 to 1.161 for more information about pronouns. It is also used in if-clauses. For more information about these, see Chapter 8.
another and other
1.240 Another is used with singular countable nouns to talk about an additional person or thing of the same type as you have already mentioned.
Could I have another cup of coffee?
He opened another shop last month.
It can also be used before numbers to talk about more than one additional thing.
Margaret staying with us for another ten days.
Five officials were sacked and another four arrested.
Other is used with plural nouns, or occasionally with uncountable nouns.
Other people must have thought like this.
They are either asleep or entirely absorbed in play or other activity.
selecting from a group
1.241 Enough is used to say that there is as much of something as is needed, or as many things as are needed. You can therefore use enough in front of uncountable nouns or plural nouns.
There’s enough space for the children to run around.
They weren’t getting enough customers.
Many indicates that there is a large number of things, without being very precise. You use many with a plural countable noun.
He spoke many different languages.
When you want to emphasize that there is only a small number of things of a particular kind, you use few with a plural countable noun.
There are few drugs that act quickly enough to be effective.
There were few doctors available.
Few is quite formal. In less formal English, you can use not many with the same meaning.
There aren’st many gardeners like him.
Most indicates nearly all of a group or amount. You use most with an uncountable noun or a plural countable noun.
Most people recover but the disease can be fatal.
Most farmers are still using the old methods.
Several usually indicates an imprecise number that is not very large, but is more than two. You use several with a plural countable noun.
Several projects had to be postponed.
I had seen her several times before.
There were several reasons for this.
all, both, and either
1.242 All includes every person or thing of a particular kind. You use all with an uncountable noun or a plural countable noun.
They believe that all prisoners should be treated the same.
Both is used to say something about two people or things of the same kind. You use both with a plural countable noun. The two people or things have usually been mentioned or are obvious from the context. Both is sometimes used to emphasize that two people or things are involved, rather than just one.
There were excellent performances from both actresses.
Denis held his cocoa in both hands.
Either is also used to talk about two things, but usually indicates that only one of the two is involved. You use either with a singular countable noun. When it is part of the subject of a clause, the verb is in the singular.
No argument could move either old gentleman from this decision.
If either parent has the disease, there is a much higher chance that the child will develop it.
Note that either can mean both of two things, especially when it is used with end and side.
They stood on either side of the bed.
each and every
1.243 You use each and every when you are talking about all the members of a group of people or things. You use each when you are thinking about the members as individuals, and every when you are making a general statement about all of them. Each and every are followed by a singular countable noun.
Each seat was covered with a white lace cover.
They would rush out to meet each visitor.
This new wealth can be seen in every village.
Every child would have milk every day.
Each applicant has five choices.
I agree with every word Peter says.
You can modify every but not each. You can say things such as Almost every chair is broken or Not every chair is broken but you cannot say Almost each chair is broken or Not each chair is broken. This is because each is slightly more precise and definite than every.
Note that each can be used when talking about two people or things, but every is only used for numbers larger than two.
little and much
1.244 If you want to emphasize that there is only a small amount of something, you use little. You use much to emphasize a large amount. Little and much are used with uncountable nouns.
Little is used only in affirmative statements. It is not used in questions or negatives.
There was little applause.
We’ve made little progress.
We have very little information.
Little is quite formal. In less formal texts, not much is more common. For example, instead of saying We’ve made little progress, you can say We haven’t made much progress.
Much is usually used in questions and negatives.
Do you watch much television?
He did not speak much English.
Very much is used only in negative statements. For example, I don’t have very much sugar means I have only a small quantity of sugar.
I haven’t given very much attention to this problem.
Much is used in affirmative statements when it is modified by an adverb such as too, so or as.
It would take too much time.
Provide as much information as you can about the property.
In more formal English, much can be used in affirmative statements without an adverb. This usage is most common with abstract nouns, particularly those relating to discussion, debate and research.
The subject of company annual accounts is generating much debate among accountants and analysts.
The team’s findings have caused much excitement among medical experts.
After much speculation, intelligence agencies now believe that he survived.
Usually, though, much is not used in affirmative statements. Instead, people generally use a lot of and, in less formal texts, lots of. For example, people would not usually say I have much work to do; instead, they would say I have a lot of work to do. For more information on a lot of, see 2.176.
certain, numerous, and various
1.245 Some other words can be indefinite determiners, such as certain, numerous, and various. You use certain, numerous and various with a plural countable noun.
Certain is used to refer to some members of a group, without specifying which ones.
We have certain ideas about what topics are suitable.
Numerous, like many, indicates a large number in an imprecise way.
I have received numerous requests for information.
Various is used to emphasize that you are referring to several different things or people.
We looked at schools in various European countries.
more, few, and less
1.246 There are three comparatives that are determiners. More is used in front of plural and uncountable nouns, usually with than, to refer to a quantity or amount of something that is greater than another quantity or amount.
He does more hours than I do.
His visit might do more harm than good.
But more is also often used to refer to an additional quantity of something rather than in comparisons.
More teachers need to be recruited.
We need more information.
Less is used to refer to an amount of something that is smaller than another amount. Fewer is used to refer to a group of things that is smaller than another group. Less is usually used before uncountable nouns and fewerbefore plural nouns, but in informal English less is also used before plural nouns.
The poor have less access to education.
…machinery which uses less energy.
As a result, he found less time than he would have hoped for his hobbies.
There are fewer trees here.
For more information about comparison, see paragraphs 2.103 to 2.139.
other expressions
1.247 Some other expressions also behave like indefinite determiners: a few, a little, a good many, a great many. These have a slightly different meaning from the single word determiners few, little, and many.
If you are mentioning a small number of things, but without any emphasis, you can use a few with plural countable nouns.
They went to San Diego for a few days.
A few years ago we set up a factory.
I usually do a few jobs for him in the house.
Similarly, if you are just mentioning a small amount of something without any emphasis, you can use a little with uncountable nouns.
He spread a little honey on a slice of bread.
I have to spend a little time in Oxford.
Charles is having a little trouble.
However, a good many and a great many are more emphatic forms of many.
I haven’t seen her for a good many years.
He wrote a great many novels.
modifying determiners: four more rooms, too much time
1.248 Some indefinite determiners can be modified by very, too, and far, or sometimes by another indefinite determiner.
You can modify more with numbers or with other indefinite determiners.
Downstairs there are four more rooms.
There had been no more accidents.
You will never have to do any more work.
You can use too many or too much to say that a quantity is more than is wanted or needed, and too few or too little if it is not enough.
There were too many competitors.
They gave too much power to the Treasury.
There’s too little literature involved.
You can use very before few, little, many, and much. You can also say a very little or a very great many.
Very many women have made their mark on industry.
Very few cars had reversing lights.
I had very little money left.
using one
1.249 You use one as a determiner when you have been talking or writing about a group of people or things and you want to say something about a particular member of the group. One is used instead of a or an and is slightly more emphatic.
We had one case that dragged on for a couple of years.
They criticise me all the time, wrote one woman.
I know one household where that happened, actually.
The use of one as a number is explained in paragraphs 2.214 to 2.215.
1.250 Many determiners are also pronouns; that is, they can be used without a following noun. For more information about these, see paragraphs 1.154 to 1.161.
predeterminers: all the people, quite a long time
1.251 Normally, a determiner is the first word in a noun phrase. However, there is a class of words called predeterminers which can come in front of a determiner.
Here is a list of predeterminers:
The first group are used to talk about amounts or quantities. All can also be used to refer to every part of something. When used with this meaning it is used with an uncountable noun.
All the boys started to giggle.
He will give you all the information.
All these people knew each other.
I shall miss all my friends.
I invited both the boys.
Both these parties shared one basic belief.
She paid double the sum they asked for.
I’m getting twice the pay I used to get.
In the second group, quite and rather can be used either to emphasize or to reduce the effect of what is being said. In speech, the meaning is made clear by your tone of voice. In writing, it is sometimes difficult to know which meaning is intended without reading more of the text.
It takes quite a long time to get a divorce.
It was quite a shock.
Seaford is rather a pleasant town.
It was rather a disaster.
Such and what are used for emphasis.
He has such a beautiful voice.
What a mess!