Learn Italian: A Guide To Learning The Basics of A New Language (2015)
Chapter 9. Numbers
Cardinal Numbers
Cardinal numbers are some of the most useful words in any language. You need these numbers to count, do mathematics, express date and time, record dates and milestones, and prepare and interpret recipe quantity among other things.
In Italy, numbers are separated in three digits by a period instead of a comma while decimals are written after a comma instead of a period. Numbers are written as a single word.
Italian |
Pronunciation |
English |
1 |
Uno |
OO-noh |
One |
2 |
Due |
DOO-eh |
Two |
3 |
Tre |
Three |
4 |
Quattro |
KWAHT-troh |
Four |
5 |
Cinque |
CHEEN-kweh |
Five |
6 |
Sei |
SEH-ee |
Six |
7 |
Sette |
SET-the |
Seven |
8 |
Otto |
OHT-toh |
Eight |
9 |
Nove |
NOH-veh |
Nine |
10 |
Dieci |
dee-EH-chee |
Ten |
11 |
Undici |
OON-dee-chee |
Eleven |
12 |
Dodici |
DOH-dee-chee |
Twelve |
13 |
Tredici |
TREH-dee-chee |
thirteen |
14 |
Quattordici |
kwaht-TOR-dee-chee |
fourteen |
15 |
Quindici |
KWEEN-dee-chee |
fifteen |
16 |
Sedici |
SEH-dee-chee |
sixteen |
17 |
Diciassette |
dee-chahs-SET-teh |
seventeen |
18 |
diciotto |
dee-CHOHT-toh |
eighteen |
19 |
diciannove |
dee-chahn-NOH-veh |
nineteen |
20 |
venti |
VEN-tee |
twenty |
21 |
ventuno |
ven-TOO-noh |
twenty-one |
22 |
ventidue |
ven-tee-DOO-eh |
twenty-two |
23 |
ventitré |
ven-tee-TREH |
twenty-three |
24 |
ventiquattro |
ven-tee-KWAHT-troh |
twenty-four |
25 |
venticinque |
ven-tee-CHEEN-kweh |
twenty-five |
26 |
ventisei |
ven-tee-SEH-ee |
twenty-six |
27 |
ventisette |
ven-tee-SET-the |
twenty-seven |
28 |
ventotto |
ven-TOHT-toh |
twenty-eight |
29 |
ventinove |
ven-tee-NOH-veh |
twenty-nine |
30 |
trenta |
TREN-tah |
thirty |
40 |
quaranta |
kwah-RAHN-tah |
forty |
50 |
cinquanta |
cheen-KWAHN-tah |
fifty |
60 |
sessanta |
ses-SAHN-tah |
sixty |
70 |
settanta |
set-TAHN-ta |
seventy |
80 |
ottanta |
oht-TAHN-ta |
eighty |
90 |
Novanta |
noh-VAHN-tah |
ninety |
100 |
cento |
CHEN-toh |
one hundred |
101 |
centouno/centuno |
cheh-toh-OO-noh/chehn-TOO-noh |
one hundred one |
150 |
centocinquanta |
cheh-toh-cheen-KWAHN-tah |
one hundred fifty |
200 |
duecento |
doo-eh-CHEN-toh |
two hundred |
300 |
trecento |
treh-CHEN-toh |
three hundred |
400 |
quattrocento |
kwaht-troh-CHEN-toh |
four hundred |
500 |
cinquecento |
cheen-kweh-CHEN-toh |
five hundred |
600 |
Seicento |
seh-ee-CHEN-toh |
six hundred |
700 |
Settecento |
set-the-CHEN-toh |
seven hundred |
800 |
Ottocento |
oht-toh-CHEN-toh |
eight hundred |
900 |
Novecento |
noh-veh-CHEN-toh |
nine hundred |
1 |
Mille |
MEEL-leh |
one thousand |
1.001 |
Milleuno |
meel-leh-OO-noh |
one thousand one |
1.2 |
Milleduecento |
meel-leh-doo-eh-CHEN-toh |
one thousand two hundred |
2 |
Duemila |
doo-eh-MEE-lah |
two thousand |
10 |
Diecimila |
dee-eh-chee-MEE-lah |
ten thousand |
15 |
Quindicimila |
kween-dee-chee-MEE-lah |
fifteen thousand |
100 |
Centomila |
chen-toh-mee-leh |
one hundred thousand |
1.000.000 |
un milione |
OON mee-lee-OH-neh |
one million |
2.000.000 |
due milioni |
DOO-eh mee-lee-OH-neh |
two million | |
un miliardo |
OON mee-lee-ARE-doh |
one billion |