Expressing result, effect and consequence - Putting in context - Functions - A Practical Guide - Modern Italian Grammar

Modern Italian Grammar: A Practical Guide, Third Edition (2013)

Part B. Functions

IV. Putting in context

35. Expressing result, effect and consequence

35.1 Introduction

In narrative, and in everyday conversation, events can be seen as a sequence of purpose—action—result. In Chapters 33 and 34 we looked at purpose and reason respectively. Here we look at how to express results, effects and consequences in Italian.

35.2 Coordinating conjunctions

Conclusions and results can be expressed by two equal clauses of consequence or result introduced by simple coordinating conjunctions such as e, ma (see 30.2) and/or by other adverbs or phrases which link an action or event to its end result, for example:







in questo modo

in this way



per cui

and so





Marco non fa mai niente in casa, e allora perché devo sempre lavare i piatti io?

Marco never does anything in the house, (and) so why do I always have to wash the dishes?

L'agricoltura ormai è in declino allora bisogna sfruttare le nostre risorse naturali per il turismo.

Agriculture is in decline now so we must exploit our natural resources for tourism.

Mi hanno rubato la borsetta con tutte le carte di credito e i soldi e così mi sono trovata senza soldi.

They stole my handbag with all my credit cards and cash, and so I found myself without any money.

Penso, dunque esisto.

I think, therefore I am.

Nell'ambiente di lavoro siamo tutti sotto pressione e dunque si creano delle tensioni.

In the work environment we are all under pressure and so tensions are created.

Ti sei comportato malissimo alla festa. In questo modo non avrai più amici.

You behaved really badly at the party. If you carry on like this, you won't have any more friends.

La ditta versava in condizioni economiche disastrose e perciò ha licenziato più di duecento impiegati.

The company was in a disastrous economic condition and therefore they sacked more than two hundred employees.

Eravamo tutti stanchi per cui abbiamo preferito non uscire.

We were all tired so we preferred not to go out.

Il settore automobilistico è in crisi. Pertanto si potranno verifìcare dei ribassi nelle assunzioni in questo settore.

The automobile sector is in crisis. Therefore there may be some reductions in employment in this sector.

Non ho potuto fare una vacanza quest'anno e quindi mi sento veramente stanca.

I wasn't able to have a holiday this year, so I feel really tired.

Used almost exclusively in spoken Italian is the phrase ecco che ‘and there you are’, as in the example below:

La gente corre, le strade sono bagnate. Ed ecco che succedono degli incidenti stradali.

People drive too fast, the roads are wet. And there you are with road accidents happening.

35.3 Conclusive (result) conjunctions

Consequence or result can also be expressed by a sequence of main clause (the original action) and dependent clause (the consequence) linked by conjunctions (see 5.3) such as cosicché, di modo che, in modo che, perché, sicchéand informally che. The verb expressing the result or consequence can be in the indicative, especially if it refers to a past event:

La strada era bagnata cosicché quando mio marito ha frenato, la macchina ha sbandato.

The road was wet, so that when my husband braked, the car skidded.

Andava troppo veloce di modo che arrivata alla curva la macchina è andata fuori strada.

She was going too fast, so that when it got to the bend the car went off the road.

The verb expressing the result may be in the subjunctive, however, if the result is seen as unlikely or improbable, or, as in this example, where deliberate purpose is implied:

Ha versato da bere in modo che non vedessimo quello che faceva.

He poured the drinks in such a way that we didn't see what he was doing.

► See also 35.4 for an example using perché and the subjunctive.

35.4 Così, tale, tanto, troppo

Result and consequence are often linked to a main clause containing an adjective or adverb expressing excess or extent. Adjectives include tale ‘of such a kind (that, as to)’, tanto ‘so much, so great (that)’, troppo ‘too much (for)’. Adverbs include così ‘so, so much, so (that)’, talmente ‘so, so much (that)’, tanto ‘so, so much (that)’, troppo ‘too, too much (for)’ (see also 6.3.5).

The consequence can be expressed by an infinitive introduced by da or per. In this case, the subject of the infinitive must be the same as that of the main clause:

La sua intelligenza è tale da far paura.

His intelligence is so great as to be frightening.

I miei amici americani hanno tanti soldi da non dovere mai lavorare.

My American friends have so much money that they don't have to work.

Ha bevuto troppa birra per poter guidare la macchina.

He has drunk too much beer to be able to drive the car.

Sono così demoralizzata da non riuscire a prendere una decisione.

I'm so demoralised that I can't even make a decision.

Sono talmente stanca da volere solo dormire.

I'm so tired that I just want to sleep.

È cambiato tanto da non essere più riconoscibile.

He's changed so much that he isn't recognisable any more.

Il direttore è troppo impegnato per riceverla oggi.

The manager is too busy to see you today.

Ha studiato troppo poco per potere superare l'esame.

He's studied too little to be able to pass the exam.

Alternatively, consequence can be expressed by che and a dependent clause. The verb expressing the consequence or result is normally in the indicative or conditional:

Eravamo così stanchi che non riuscivamo a tenere gli occhi aperti.

We were so tired that we couldn't keep our eyes open.

Provo una tale antipatia per Carlo che vorrei ucciderlo.

I dislike Carlo so much that I could kill him.

La soluzione mi sembra talmente facile che potrei anche cominciare domani.

The solution seems to me so easy that I could even start tomorrow.

Mi sento tanto male che non riesco a stare in piedi.

I feel so ill I can't stand up.

The verb in the result clause may be in the subjunctive, however, if the result is seen as unlikely or improbable, as in this example, introduced by perché:

Gli studenti sono troppo giovani perché possano capire i nostri problemi.

The students are too young to be able to understand our problems.

Cause and effect, including the notion of extent, can also be expressed by using basta ‘it is enough to, one need only’ and solo ‘only’ in the main clause:

Basta un minimo di intelligenza per imparare una lingua straniera.

One only needs a minimum of intelligence to learn a foreign language.

Devi solo leggere i giornali per capire i problemi del mondo.

You only have to read the newspapers to understand the problems of the world.

In the example below, perché is followed by the subjunctive, to express the result or effect of an action:

Ci sono 1a radio, la televisione, basta aprirle per un secondo perché il male ci raggiunga, ci entri dentro.

(Susanna Tamaro, Va dove ti porta il cuore)

There is radio and television. You only have to switch them on for one second, for the evil to reach us, to get inside us.

35.5 Words expressing result, effect

35.5.1 Nouns expressing result, effect, consequence

la conclusione


la conseguenza


l'effetto/gli effetti




il risultato


L'iniziativa ha avuto risultati inattesi.

The initiative had unexpected results.

La mancanza di azione da parte dell'ONU ha avuto conseguenze disastrose per la popolazione.

The lack of action on the part of the UN had disastrous consequences for the population.

Questa medicina può avere effetti collaterali. Leggere attentamente le istruzioni.

This medicine can have side effects. Read the instructions carefully.

L'effetto dello sciopero è stato minimo.

The effect of the strike was minimal.

► See also 34.5.

35.5.2 Expressing the extent of the effects or consequences

The extent of an effect or consequence is expressed by adjectives such as rilevante, importante, notevole or by phrases such as di lunga portata, di rilievo, if you want to stress its significance:

Il terremoto ha provocato poche morti, ma ha avuto conseguenze economiche di lunga portata.

The earthquake caused few deaths, but had far-reaching economic consequences.

In Italia, la recessione ha avuto un impatto notevole.

In Italy, the recession has had a considerable impact.

If stressing the insignificance of the consequences, however, you can use adjectives such as irrilevante, minimo, insignificante or phrases such as di nessun rilievo, (di) nessuna importanza:

Secondo il governo francese, gli effetti degli esperimenti nucleari a Mururoa sarebbero di nessuna importanza.

According to the French government, the effects of the nuclear experiments at Mururoa are of no importance.

35.5.3 Surveys and opinion polls

The results of surveys, opinion polls, etc. are often expressed by the verbs risultare, emergere:

Stretto di Messina. Da un sondaggio sui traghetti, Metromare risulta la più soddisfacente.

(, retrieved 14 March 2012)

Straits of Messina. From a survey on ferry companies, Metromare emerges as the most satisfactory.

Risulta da un sondaggio che 16 milioni di italiani tiferanno Liverpool.

( It emerges from a survey that 16 million Italians will be cheering for Liverpool.

Emerge un quadro generale della situazione che non è molto positivo.

A general picture emerges of the situation which is not very positive.

► See also 42.6 for more information on writing reports.