DIRECTIONAL DERIVATIVES AND THE DIFFERENTIAL - Multivariable Differential Calculus - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part II. Multivariable Differential Calculus


We have seen that the definition of the derivative of a function of a single variable is motivated by the problem of defining tangent lines to curves. In a similar way the concept of differentiability for functions of several variables is motivated by the problem of defining tangent planes to surfaces.

It is customary to describe the graph in Image3 of a function f : Image2Image as a “surface” lying “over” the xy-plane Image2. This graph may be regarded as the image of the mapping F : Image2Image3 defined by F(x, y) = (x, y, f(x, y)). Generalizing this geometric interpretation, we will (at least in the case m > n) think of the image of a mapping F : ImagenImagem as an n-dimensional surface in Imagem. So here we are using the word “surface” only in an intuitive way; we defer its precise definition to Section 5.


Figure 2.5

One would naturally expect an n-dimensional surface in Imagem (m > n) to have at each point an n-dimensional tangent plane. By an n-dimensional plane in Imagem will be meant a parallel translate of an n-dimensional subspace (through the origin) of Imagem. If V is a subspace of Imagem, by the parallel translate of V through the point Image (or the parallel translate of V to a) is meant the set of all points Image such that Image (Fig. 2.5). If V is the solution set of the linear equation


where A is a matrix and x a column vector, then this parallel translate of V is the solution set of the equation


Given a mapping F : ImagenImagem and a point Image, let us try to define the plane (if any) in Imagem that is tangent to the image surface S of F at F(a). The basic idea is that this tangent plane should consist of all straight lines through F(a) which are tangent to curves in the surface S (see Fig. 2.6).


Figure 2.6

Given Image, we consider, as a fairly typical such curve, the image under F of the straight line in Imagen which passes through the point a and is parallel to the vector v. So we define γv : ImageImagem by


for each Image.

We then define the directional derivative with respect to v of F at a to be the velocity vector γv′(0), that is,


provided that the limit exists. The vector Dv F(a), translated to F(a), is then a tangent vector to S at F(a) (see Fig. 2.7).


Figure 2.7

For an intuitive interpretation of the directional derivative, consider the following physical example. Suppose f(p) denotes the temperature at the point Image. If a particle travels along a straight line through p with constant velocity vector v, then Dvf(p) is the rate of change of temperature which the particle is experiencing as it passes through the point p (why?).

For another interpretation, consider the special case f : Image2Image, and let Image be a unit vector. Then Dvf(p) is the slope at Image of the curve in which the surface z = f(x, y) intersects the vertical plane which contains the point Image and is parallel to the vector v (why?).

Of special interest are the directional derivatives of F with respect to the standard unit basis vectors e1, . . . , en. These are called the partial derivatives of F. The ith partial derivative of F at a, denoted by


is defined by


If a = (a1, . . . , an), we see that


so DiF(a) is simply the result of differentiating F as a function of the single variable xi, holding the remaining variables fixed.

Example 1 If f(x, y) = xy, then D1 f(x, y) = y and D2 f(x, y) = x. If g(x, y) = ex sin y, then D1 g(x, y) = ex sin y and D2 g(x, y) = ex cos y.

To return to the matter of the tangent plane to S at F(a), note that


so Dv F(a) and Dw F(a) are collinear vectors in Imagem if v and w are collinear in Imagen. Thus every straight line through the origin in Rn determines a straight line through the origin in Imagem. Obviously we would like the union


of all straight lines in Imagem obtained in this manner, to be a subspace of Rm. If this were the case, then the parallel translate of Imagea to F(a) would be a likely candidate for the tangent plane to S at F(a).

The set Image is simply the image of Imagen under the mapping L : ImagenImagem defined by


for all Image. Since the image of a linear mapping is always a subspace, we can therefore ensure that Imagea is a subspace of Imagem by requiring that L be a linear mapping.

We would also like our tangent plane to “closely fit” the surface S near F(a). This means that we want L(v) to be a good approximation to F(a + v) − F(a) when ImagevImage is small. But we have seen this sort of condition before, namely in Theorem 1.2. The necessary and sufficient condition for differentiability in the case n = 1 now becomes our definition for the general case.

The mapping F, from an open subset D of Imagen to Imagem, is differentiable at the point Image if and only if there exists a linear mapping L : ImagenImagem such that


The linear mapping L is then denoted by dFa, and is called the differential of F at a. Its matrix F′(a) is called the derivative of F at a. Thus F′(a) is the (unique) m × n matrix, provided by Theorem 4.1 of Chapter I, such that


for all Image. In Theorem 2.4 below we shall prove that the differential of F at a is well defined by proving that


in terms of the partial derivatives of the coordinate functions F1, . . . , Fm of F. For then if L1 and L2 were two linear mappings both satisfying (4) above, then each would have the same matrix given by (6), so they would in fact be the same linear mapping.

To reiterate, the relationship between the differential dFa and the derivative F′(a) is the same as in Section 1—the differential dFa : ImagenImagem is a linear mapping represented by the m × n matrix F′(a).

Note that, if we write ΔFa(h) = F(a + h) − F(a), then (4) takes the form


which says (just as in the case n = 1 of (Section 1) that the difference, between the actual change in the value of F from a to a + h and the approximate change dFa(h), goes to zero faster than h as h → 0. We indicate this by writing ΔFa(h) ≈ dFa(h), or F(a + h) ≈ F(a) + dFa(h). We will see presently that dFa(h) is quite easy to compute (if we know the partial derivatives of F at a), so this gives an approximation to the actual value F(a + h) if ImagehImage is small. However we will not be able to say how small ImagehImage need be, or to estimate the “error” ΔFa(h) − dFa(h) made in replacing the actual value F(a + h) by the approximation F(a) + dFa(h), until the multivariable Taylor's formula is available Section 7). The picture of the graph of F when n = 2 and m = 1 is instructive (Fig. 2.8).


Figure 2.8

Example 2 If F : ImagenImagem is constant, that is, there exists Image such that F(x) = b for all Image, then F is differentiable everywhere, with dFa = 0 (so the derivative of a constant is zero as expected), because


Example 3 If F : ImagenImagem is linear, then F is differentiable everywhere, and


In short, a linear mapping is its own differential, because


by linearity of F.

For instance, if s : Image2Image is defined by s(x, y) = x + y, then dsa = s for all Image

The following theorem relates the differential to the directional derivatives which motivated its definition.

Theorem 2.1 If F : ImagenImagem is differentiable at a, then the directional derivative Dv F(a) exists for all Image, and


PROOF We substitute h = tv into (4) and let t → 0. Then


so it is clear that


exists and equals dFa(v).


However the converse of Theorem 2.1 is false. That is, a function may possess directional derivatives in all directions, yet still fail to be differentiable.

Example 4 Let f : Image2Image be defined by


unless x = y = 0, and f(0, 0) = 0. In Exercise 7.4 of Chapter 1 it was shown that f is not continuous at (0, 0). By Exercise 2.1 below it follows that f is not differentiable at (0, 0). However, if v = (a, b) with b ≠ 0, then


exists, while clearly Dvf(0, 0) = 0 if b = 0. Other examples of nondifferentiable functions that nevertheless possess directional derivatives are given in Exercises 2.3 and 2.4.

The next theorem proceeds a step further, expressing directional derivatives in terms of partial derivatives (which presumably are relatively easy to compute).

Theorem 2.2 If F : ImagenImagem is differentiable at a, and v = (v1, . . . , vn), then



Image(by Theorem 2.1)


so Image, applying Theorem 2.1 again.


In the case m = 1 of a differentiable real-valued function f : ImagenImage, the vector


whose components are the partial derivatives of f, is called the gradient vector of f at a. In terms of Imagef(a), Eq. (8) becomes


which is a strikingly simple expression for the directional derivative in terms of partial derivatives.

Example 5 We use Eq. (10) and the approximation Δfa(h) ≈ dfa(h) to estimate [(13.1)2 – (4.9)2]1/2. Let f(x, y) = (x2y2)1/2, a = (13, 5), Image. Then Image, so


To investigate the significance of the gradient vector, let us consider a differentiable function f : ImagenImage and a point Image, where Imagef(a) ≠ 0. Suppose that we want to determine the direction in which f increases most rapidly at a. By a “direction” here we mean a unit vector u. Let θu denote the angle between u and Imagef(a). Then (10) gives


But cos θu attains its maximum value of + 1 when θu = 0, that is, when u and Imagef(a) are collinear and point in the same direction. We conclude that ImageImagef(a)Image is the maximum value of Duf(a) for u a unit vector, and that this maximum value is attained with u = Imagef(a)/ImageImagef(a)Image.

For example, suppose that f(a) denotes the temperature at the point a. It is a common physical assumption that heat flows in a direction opposite to that of greatest increase of temperature (heat seeks cold). This principle and the above remarks imply that the direction of heat flow at a is given by the vector − Imagef(a).

If Imagef(a) = 0, then a is called a critical point of f. If f is a differentiable real-valued function defined on an open set D in Imagen, and f attains a local maximum (or local minimum) at the point Image, then it follows that a must be a critical point of f. For the function gi(x) = f(a1, . . . , ai−1, x, ai+1, . . . , an) is defined on an open interval of Image containing ai, and has a local maximum (or local minimum) at ai, so Dif(a) = gi′(ai) = 0 by the familiar result from elementary calculus. Later in this chapter we will discuss multivariable maximum-minimum problems in considerable detail.

Equation (10) can be rewritten as a multivariable version of the equation df = (df/dx) dx of Section 1. Let x1, . . . , xn be the coordinate functions of the identity mapping of Imagen, that is, xi: ImagenImage is defined by xi(p1, . . . , pn) = pi, i = 1, . . . , n. Then xi is a linear function, so


for all Image, by Example 3. If f: ImagenImage is differentiable at a, then Theorem 2.1 and Eq. (10) therefore give


so the linear functions dfa and Image are equal. If we delete the subscript a, and write ∂f/∂xi for Di f(a), we obtain the classical formula


The mapping adfa, which associates with each point Image the linear function dfa : ImagenImage, is called a differential form, and Eq. (11) is the historical reason for this terminology. In Chapter V we shall discuss differential forms in detail.

We now apply Theorem 2.2 to finish the computation of the derivative matrix F′(a). First we need the following lemma on “componentwise differentiation.”

Lemma 2.3 The mapping F: ImagenImagem is differentiable at a if and only if each of its component functions F1, . . . , Fm is, and


(Here we have labeled the component functions with superscripts, rather than subscripts as usual, merely to avoid double subscripts.)

This lemma follows immediately from a componentwise reading of the vector equation (4).

Theorem 2.4 If F: ImagenImagem is differentiable at a, then the matrix F′(a) of dFa is


[That is, Dj Fi(a) is the element in the ith row and jth column of F′(a).]



Image(by Lemma 2.3)

Image(by Theorem 2.2);

by the definition of matrix multiplication.


Finally we formulate a sufficient condition for differentiability. The mapping F: ImagenImagem is said to be continuously differentiable at a if the partial derivatives D1 F, . . . , Dn F all exist at each point of some open set containing a, and are continuous at a.

Theorem 2.5 If F is continuously differentiable at a, then F is differentiable at a.

PROOF By (see Lemma 2.3), it suffices to consider a continuously differentiable real-valued function f: ImagenImage. Given h = (h1, . . . , hn), let h0 = 0, hi = (h1, . . . , hi, 0, . . . , 0), i = 1, . . . , n (Fig. 2.9). Then



Figure 2.9

The single-variable mean value theorem gives


for some Image, since Dif is the derivative of the function


Thus f(a + hi) − f(a + hi−1) = hi Dif(bi) for some point bi which approaches a as h → 0. Consequently


as desired, since each bia as h → 0, and each Dif is continuous at a.


Let us now summarize what has thus far been said about differentiability for functions of several variables, and in particular point out that the rather complicated concept of differentiability, as defined by Eq. (4), has now been justified.

For the importance of directional derivatives (rates of change) is obvious enough and, if a mapping is differentiable, then Theorem 2.2 gives a pleasant expression for its directional derivatives in terms of its partial derivatives, which are comparatively easy to compute; Theorem 2.4 similarly describes the derivative matrix. Finally Theorem 2.5 provides an effective test for the differentiability of a function in terms of its partial derivatives, thereby eliminating (in most cases) the necessity of verifying that it satisfies the definition of differentiability. In short, every continuously differentiable function is differentiable, and every differentiable function has directional derivatives; in general, neither of these implications may be reversed (see Example 4 and Exercise 2.5).

We began this section with a general discussion of tangent planes, which served to motivate the definition of differentiability. It is appropriate to conclude with an example in which our results are applied to actually compute a tangent plane.

Example 6 Let F: Image2Image4 be defined by


Then F is obviously continuously differentiable, and therefore differentiable (Theorem 2.5). Let a = (1, 2), and suppose we want to determine the tangent plane to the image S of F at the point F(a) = (2, 1, 2, 3). By Theorem 2.4, the matrix of the linear mapping dFa : Image2Image4 is the 4 × 2 matrix


The image Imagea of dFa is that subspace of Image4 which is generated by the column vectors b1 = (0, 1, 2, −2) and b2 = (1, 0, 1, 4) of F′(a) (see Theorem I.5.2). Since b1 and b2 are linearly independent, Imagea is 2-dimensional, and so is its orthogonal complement (Theorem I.3.4). In order to write Imagea in the form Ax = 0, we therefore need to find two linearly independent vectors a1 and a2 which are orthogonal to both b1 and b2; they will then be the row vectors of the matrix A. Two such vectors a1 and a2 are easily found by solving the equations


for example, a1 = (5, 0, −1, −1) and a2 = (0, 10, −4, 1).

The desired tangent plane T to S at the point F(a) = (2, 1, 2, 3) is now the parallel translate of Imagea to F(a). That is, T is the set of all points Image such that A(xF(a)) = 0,


Upon simplification, we obtain the two equations


The solution set of each of these equations is a 3-dimensional hyperplane in Image4; the intersection of these two hyperplanes is the desired (2-dimensional) tangent plane T.


2.1If F: ImagenImagem is differentiable at a, show that F is continuous at a. Hint: Let




2.2If p : Image2Image is defined by p(x, y) = xy, show that p is differentiable everywhere with dp(a, b) (x, y) = bx + ay. Hint: Let L(x, y) = bx + ay, a = (a, b), h = (h, k). Then show that p(a + h) −p(a) − L(h) = hk. But Image because Image.

2.3If f: Image2Image is defined by f(x, y) = xy2/(x2 + y2) unless x = y = 0, and f(0, 0) = 0, show that Dvf(0, 0) exists for all v, but f is not differentiable at (0, 0). Hint: Note first that f(tv) = tf(v) for all Image and Image. Then show that Dvf(0, 0) = f(v) for all v. Hence D1f(0, 0) = D2f(0, 0) = 0 but Image.

2.4Do the same as in the previous problem with the function f: Image2Image defined by f(x, y) = (x1/3 + y1/3)3.

2.5Let f : Image2Image be defined by f(x, y) = x3 sin (1/x) + y2 for x ≠ 0, and f(0, y) = y2.

(a)Show that f is continuous at (0, 0).

(b) Find the partial derivatives of f at (0, 0).

(c) Show that f is differentiable at (0, 0).

(d) Show that D1 f is not continuous at (0, 0).

2.6Use the approximation Imagefadfa to estimate the value of

(a)[(3.02)2 + (1.97)2 + (5.98)2],


2.7As in Exercise 1.3, a potential function for the vector field F : ImagenImagen is a differentiable function V : ImagenImage such that F = −ImageV. Find a potential function for the vector field F defined for all x ≠ 0 by the formula

(a)F(x) = rnx, where r = ImagexImage. Treat separately the cases n = 2 and n ≠ 2.

(b)F(x) = [g′(r)/r]x, where g is a differentiable function of one variable.

2.8Let f : ImagenImage be differentiable. If f(0) = 0 and f(tx) = tf(x) for all Image and Image, prove that f(x) = Imagef(0x for all Image. In particular f is linear. Consequently any homogeneous function g : ImagenImage [meaning that g(tx) = tg(x)], which is not linear, must fail to be differentiable at the origin, although it has directional derivatives there (why?).

2.9If f : ImagenImagem and g : ImagenImagek are both differentiable at Image, prove directly from the definition that the mapping h : ImagenImagem+k, defined by h(x) = (f(x), g(x)), is differentiable at a.

2.10Let the mapping F : Image2Image2 be defined by F(x1, x2) = (sin(x1x2), cos(x1 + x2)). Find the linear equations of the tangent plane in Image4 to the graph of F at the point (π/4, π/4, 0, 0).

2.11Let f : Image2uvImage3xyz be the differentiable mapping defined by


Let Image and Image. Given a unit vector u = (u, v), let Imageu : ImageImage2 be the straight line through p, and ψu : ImageImage3 the curve through q, defined by Imageu(t) = p + tu, ψu(t) = f(Imageu(t)), respectively. Then


by the definition of the directional derivative.

(a)For what unit vector(s) u is the speed Imageψu′(0)Image maximal?

(b)Suppose that g:Image3Image is a differentiable function such that Imageg(q) = (1, 1, −1), and define


Assuming the chain rule result that


find the unit vector u that maximizes hu′(0).

(c)Write the equation of the tangent plane to the image surface of f at the point f(1, 1) = (1, 0, 2).