MULTIPLE INTEGRAL PROBLEMS - The Calculus of Variations - Advanced Calculus of Several Variables

Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (1973)

Part VI. The Calculus of Variations


Thus far, we have confined our attention to extremum problems associated with the simple integral Image, where Image is a function of one variable. In this section we briefly discuss the analogous problems associated with a multiple integral whose integrand involves an “unknown” function of several variables.

Let D be a cellulated n-dimensional region in Imagen. Given f : Image2n+1Image, we seek to maximize or minimize the function F defined by


amongst those Image functions Image : DImage which agree with a given fixed function Image0 : DImage on the boundary ∂D of the region D. In terms of the gradient vector


we may rewrite (1) as


Throughout this section we will denote the first n coordinates in Image2n+1 by x1, . . . , xn, the (n + 1)th coordinate by y, and the last n coordinates in Image2n+1 by z1, . . . , zn. Thus we are thinking of the Cartesian factorization Image2n+1 = Imagen × Image × Imagen, and therefore write (x, y, z) for the typical point of Image2n+1. In terms of this notation, we are interested in the function


where y = ψ(x) and z = ∇Image(x).

The function F is defined by (2) on the vector space Image that consists of all real-valued Image functions on D (with the usual pointwise addition and scalar multiplication). We make Image into a normed vector space by defining


It can then be verified that the normed vector space Image is complete. The proof of this fact is similar to that of Corollary 1.5 (that Image is complete), but is somewhat more tedious, and will be omitted (being unnecessary for what follows in this section).

Let M denote the subset of Image consisting of those functions Image that satisfy the “boundary condition”


Then, given any Image, the difference ψ − ψ0 is an element of the subspace


of Image, consisting of all those Image functions on D that vanish on ∂D. Conversely, if Image, then clearly Image. Thus M is a hyperplane in Image, namely, the translate by the fixed element Image of the subspace Image. Consequently


for all Image.

If Image is differentiable at Image, and FImageM has a local extremum at φ, Theorem 2.3 implies that


Just as in the single-variable case, we will call the function Image an extremal for F on M if it satisfies the necessary condition (4).

The following theorem is analogous to Theorem 3.1, and gives the computation of the differential dFφ when F is defined by (1).

Theorem 5.1 Suppose that D is a compact cellulated n-dimensional region in Imagen, and that f : Image2n+1Image is a Image function. Then the function Image defined by (1) is differentiable with


for all Image. The partial derivatives


in (5) are evaluated at the point Image.

The method of proof of Theorem 5.1 is the same as that of Theorem 3.1, making use of the second degree Taylor expansion of f. The details will be left to the reader.

In view of condition (4), we are interested in the value of dFφ(h) when Image. The following theorem is analogous to Corollary 3.2.

Theorem 5.2 Assume, in addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 5.1, that φ is a Image function and that Image. Then


Here also the partial derivatives of f are evaluated at Image.

PROOF Consider the differential (n − 1)-form defined on D by


A routine computation gives


where dx = dx1 Image · · · Image dxn. Hence


Substituting this into Eq. (5), we obtain


But ∫D = ∫∂D ω = 0 by Stokes' theorem and the fact that ω = 0 on ∂D because Image. Thus Eq. (7) reduces to the desired Eq. (6).


Theorem 5.2 shows that the Image function Image is an extremal for F on M if and only if


for every Image. From this result and the obvious multivariable analog of Lemma 3.3 we immediately obtain the multivariable Euler–Lagrange equation.

Theorem 5.3 Let Image be defined by Eq. (1), with f : Image2n+1Image being a Image function. Then the Image function Image is an extremal for F on M if and only if


for all Image.

The equation


with the partial derivatives of f evaluated at (x, φ(x), ∇φ(x)), is the Euler–Lagrange equation for the extremal φ. We give some examples to illustrate its applications.

Example 1 (minimal surfaces) If D is a disk in the plane, and φ0 : DImage a function, then the graph of φ0 is a disk in Image3. We consider the following question. Under what conditions does the graph (Fig. 6.8) of the function φ : DImage have minimal surface area, among the graphs of all those functions Image : DImage that agree with φ0 on the boundary curve ∂D of the disk D?


Figure 6.8

We can just as easily discuss the n-dimensional generalization of this question. So we start with a smooth compact n-manifold-with-boundary Image, and a Image function φ0 : DImage, whose graph y = φ0(x) is an n-manifold-with-boundary in Imagen + 1.

The area F(φ) of the graph of the function φ : DImage is given by formula (10) of Section V.4,


We therefore want to minimize the function Image defined by (1) with




the Euler–Lagrange equation (8) for this problem is


Upon calculating the indicated partial derivatives and simplifying, we obtain




as usual. Equation (9) therefore gives a necessary condition that the area of the graph of y = φ(x) be minimal, among all n-manifolds-with-boundary in Imagen+1 that have the same boundary.

In the original problem of 2-dimensional minimal surfaces, it is customary to use the notation


With this notation, Eq. (9) takes the form


This is of course a second order partial differential equation for the unknown function z = φ(x, y).

Example 2 (vibrating membrane) In this example we apply Hamilton's principle to derive the wave equation for the motion of a vibrating n-dimensional “membrane.” The cases n = 1 and n = 2 correspond to a vibrating string and an “actual” membrane, respectively.

We assume that the equilibrium position of the membrane is the compact n-manifold-with-boundary


and that it vibrates with its boundary fixed. Let its motion be described by the function


in the sense that the graph y = φ(x, t) is the position in Imagen+1 of the membrane at time t (Fig. 6.9).


Figure 6.9

If the membrane has constant density σ, then its kinetic energy at time t is


We assume initially that the potential energy V of the membrane is proportional to the increase in its surface area, that is,


where a(t) is the area of the membrane at time t. The constant τ is called the “surface tension.” By formula (10) of Section V.4 we then have


We now suppose that the deformation of the membrane is so slight that the higher order terms (indicated by the dots) may be neglected. The potential energy of the membrane at time t is then given by


According to Hamilton's principle of physics, the motion of the membrane is such that the value of the integral


is minimal for every time interval [a, b]. That is, if D = W × [a, b], then the actual motion φ is an extremal for the function Image defined by


on the hyperplane Image consisting of those functions Image that agree with φ on ∂D.

If we temporarily write t = xn+1 and define f on Image2n+3 = Image2n+1 × Image × Image2n+1 by


then we may rewrite (12) as


where y = ψ(x) and z = ∇Image(x). Since


it follows that the Euler–Lagrange equation (8) for this problem is




Equation (13) is the n-dimensional wave equation.