APPENDIX - 5 Steps to a 5: AP Calculus AB 2017 (2016)

5 Steps to a 5: AP Calculus AB 2017 (2016)


1. Quadratic Formula:


2. Distance Formula:


3. Equation of a Circle:

x 2 + y 2 = r 2 center at (0, 0) and radius = r .

4. Equation of an Ellipse:

Images center at (0, 0).

Images center at (h , k ).

5. Area and Volume Formulas:



6. Special Angles:


7. Double Angles:

• sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ

• cos 2θ = cos2 θ – sin2 θ or 1 – 2 sin2 θ or 2 cos2 θ – 1.



8. Pythagorean Identities:

• sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1

• 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ

• 1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ

9. Limits:


10. L’Hôpital’s Rule for Indeterminate Forms Let lim represent one of the limits Images . Suppose f (x ) and g (x ) are differentiable and g ′(x ) ≠ 0 near c , except possibly at c , and suppose lim f (x ) = 0 and lim g (x ) = 0. Then the lim Images is an indeterminate form of the type Images . Also, if lim f (x ) = ±∞ and lim g (x ) = +∞, then the lim Images is an indeterminate form of the type Images . In both cases, Images and Images , L’Hôpital’s Rule states that Images .

11. Rules of Differentiation:

a. Definition of the Derivative of a Function:


b. Power Rule: Images

c. Sum & Difference Rules:


d. Product Rule:


e. Quotient Rule:


Summary of Sum, Difference, Product, and Quotient Rules:


f. Chain Rule:


12. Inverse Function and Derivatives:


13. Differentiation and Integration Formulas: Integration Rules

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

Differentiation Formulas:

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

e. Images

f. Images

g. Images

h. Images

i. Images

j. Images

k. Images

l. Images

m. Images

n. Images

o. Images

Integration Formulas:

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

e. Images

f. Images

g. Images

h. Images

i. Images

j. Images

k. Images

l. Images

m. Images

n. Images

o. Images

More Integration Formulas:

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

e. Images

f. Images

g. Images

h. Images

i. Images


Note: After evaluating an integral, always check the result by taking the derivative of the answer (i.e., taking the derivative of the antiderivative).

14. Intergration by parts Images (and follow LIPET Rule).

15. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Images ,

where F ′(x ) = f (x ).

Images .

16. Trapezoidal Approximation:


17. Average Value of a Function:


18. Mean Value Theorem:

Images for some c in (a , b ).

Mean Value Theorem for Integrals:

Images for some c in (a , b ).

19. Area Bounded by 2 Curves:


where f (x ) ≥ g (x ).

20. Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Section:

Images ,

where A (x ) is the cross section.

21. Disc Method:

Images .

22. Using the Washer Method:

Images ,

where f (x ) = outer radius and g (x ) = inner radius.

23. Distance Traveled Formulas:

• Position Function: Images

• Velocity: Images

• Acceleration: Images

• Speed: |v (t )|

• Displacement from Images = s (t 2 ) – s (t 1 ).

• Total Distance Traveled from t 1 to Images .

24. Business Formulas:

Images .

P ′(x ), R ′(x ), C ′(x ) are the instantaneous rates of change of profit, revenue, and cost respectively.

25. Exponential Growth/Decay Formulas:

Images .


1. Quadratic Formula:


2. Distance Formula:


3. Equation of a Circle:

x 2 + y 2 = r 2 center at (0, 0) and radius = r .

4. Equation of an Ellipse:

Images center at (0, 0).

Images center at (h , k ).

5. Area and Volume Formulas:



6. Special Angles:


7. Double Angles:

• sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ

• cos 2θ = cos2 θ – sin2 θ or 1 – 2 sin2 θ or 2 cos2 θ – 1.



8. Pythagorean Identities:

• sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1

• 1 + tan2 θ = sec2 θ

• 1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ

9. Limits:


10. L’Hôpital’s Rule for Indeterminate Forms Let lim represent one of the limits Images . Suppose f (x ) and g (x ) are differentiable and g ′(x ) ≠ 0 near c , except possibly at c , and suppose lim f (x ) = 0 and lim g (x ) = 0. Then the lim Images is an indeterminate form of the type Images . Also, if lim f (x ) = ±∞ and lim g (x ) = +∞, then the lim Images is an indeterminate form of the type Images . In both cases, Images and Images , L’Hôpital’s Rule states that Images .

11. Rules of Differentiation:

a. Definition of the Derivative of a Function:


b. Power Rule: Images

c. Sum & Difference Rules:


d. Product Rule:


e. Quotient Rule:


Summary of Sum, Difference, Product, and Quotient Rules:


f. Chain Rule:


12. Inverse Function and Derivatives:


13. Differentiation and Integration Formulas: Integration Rules

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

Differentiation Formulas:

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

e. Images

f. Images

g. Images

h. Images

i. Images

j. Images

k. Images

l. Images

m. Images

n. Images

o. Images

Integration Formulas:

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

e. Images

f. Images

g. Images

h. Images

i. Images

j. Images

k. Images

l. Images

m. Images

n. Images

o. Images

More Integration Formulas:

a. Images

b. Images

c. Images

d. Images

e. Images

f. Images

g. Images

h. Images

i. Images


Note: After evaluating an integral, always check the result by taking the derivative of the answer (i.e., taking the derivative of the antiderivative).

14. Intergration by parts Images (and follow LIPET Rule).

15. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Images ,

where F ′(x ) = f (x ).

Images .

16. Trapezoidal Approximation:


17. Average Value of a Function:


18. Mean Value Theorem:

Images for some c in (a , b ).

Mean Value Theorem for Integrals:

Images for some c in (a , b ).

19. Area Bounded by 2 Curves:


where f (x ) ≥ g (x ).

20. Volume of a Solid with Known Cross Section:

Images ,

where A (x ) is the cross section.

21. Disc Method:

Images .

22. Using the Washer Method:

Images ,

where f (x ) = outer radius and g (x ) = inner radius.

23. Distance Traveled Formulas:

• Position Function: Images

• Velocity: Images

• Acceleration: Images

• Speed: |v (t )|

• Displacement from Images = s (t 2 ) – s (t 1 ).

• Total Distance Traveled from t 1 to Images .

24. Business Formulas:

Images .

P ′(x ), R ′(x ), C ′(x ) are the instantaneous rates of change of profit, revenue, and cost respectively.

25. Exponential Growth/Decay Formulas:

Images .